THK BEND I1UIAKTIN. DAILY EDITION, 11KNP, OBKOON, HATUIWAY. Jl'I.Y 10. 1010 PAGB 4 Pickfo IN Tonight Last Time FATTY ARBUCKLE in "LOVE" ENID BENNETT in "PARTNERS 3" Tuesday-Wednesday "THENAULAHKA" FEATURING ANTONIO MORENO "The Naulahka" was written by Rudyard Kipling. A striking romance and adven ture story of India. Captain Kidd, Junior And Mary is said to be the most winsome, close-fisted, loveable and at the same time, irritating little person you would find' from one coast to the other. Thursday Only VIVIAN MARTIN IN "Little Comrade" Episode No. 13 "TEi MAN OF MIGHT" Pictograph Cartoon Comedy Travelogue News Weekly Literary Digest Topics SATI'HDA V IATINKK. Friday-Saturday-- DOROTHY DALTON IS "Extravagance" FLAGC COMEDY "THE LAST BOTTLE" International News SUNDAY - MONDAY MACK SENNETT COMEDY "LITTLE WIDOW NEWS . ' ......(--of real temples and palaces that are AT THE LIBERTY. Tonight. Enid Bennett in "Partners Three." Fatty irbtickle in "Love." Suuilay and Monday. Mary Pickford In "Captain Kidi Junior." Pictograph, cartoon comedy, Travogue, Hearst News, topicl from Literary Digest. AT THE GRAND Tonight and Sunday Matinee. Nazimora in "The Red Lantern." Sunday and Monday. Maxine Elliott and Margaret Marsh in "The Eternal Mag- dalene." Bill Parsons in "Bill's Oppor- tunity." Tuesday and Wednesday. Antonio Moreno iff "Naulahka." Flagg i comedy, "The Last Bottle. 'V Thursday. Vivian ;Martin in "Little Com- rade." ' "Man ot iMignt." No. 13. Tuesday and Wednesday. Mary MacLaren in "Amazing Wife." "Chubs and Chops," Vit com- edy. ot real temples and palaces that are famous the world ovor tor tholr beauty were built especially tor this picture. This careful ottontion to detail is very apparent to the ob server as the Far Eastern utmos- phcre is perfect. Particularly apropros is the Flagg comedy, "The Last Bottle," also to be shown. ni-treiu. entitled "Extravagance." This picture will be screened with FrWay. SaUirday. and Saturday .. i Matinee. Dorothy Dalton in "Extrava- gance." Mack gennelt comody, "Little Widow." News, i' In "Caitain Kidd. Jr.,". Mary Plckford i.'j plays another almost j grown ujiijoung lady role and the 11 at ura enmprfv OrOVideS WCII MllpM ow( -j Tier with ione of the most delightful characteSaations she has ever cnos en for presentation on the screen. The screwr version of Rida John son Young's play was made by Frances jlarion, a clever scenarist who has; written the scenarios for all of Mtti Pickford's recent suc cesses. The direction was by Wil liam D. Taylor and it was his sec ond photoplay with Miss Plckford as star. I'taptain Kidd, Jr." will be shown lit the Liberty Sunday and Monday. : "jj With lie feature will be Bhown Pictograph'.. cartoon comedy. Travel ogue, Heafft News and Topic from Literary Jjigest. ''': Rudyard-' Kipling's famous story of romance and adventure, "The Naulahkaij". which has been put out by Pathe ;as a six-part feature ex traordinary on the Pathe play pro gram, wili be at the Liberty the , ater Tuesjay and Wednesday. This announcement will be of great in- Thursday Only. Mitchell Lewis in "Children of Banishment." Lyons & Moran comedy. News. Friday and Saturday. Bert Lytell in "Spenders." Eddie Polo in 2-reel -western. Dainty Vivian Martin, one ot the most popular of the Paramount galaxy ot stars, is attracting large audiences to the 'Liberty by her splendid work in her latest photo play, "Little Comrade." The story deals with the adventures of a little farmerette who does her bit for her country in a most attractive manner. The picture is in every way a charming one, and Nllcs Welch heads an unusually capable support ing cast. Dorothy Dalton will be seen Fri day, Saturday matinee and evening in a particularly strong play adapted to the temperament ot this famous a irood comedy. "The Little mow a Muck Sennett riot. "llniuiiv Is hb beauty dues. I an old proverb, and Ford Merlin and Ulllv Armstrong discover tins nen thov set out to cant urn a wealthy young widow In the new Paramount. Mack Sennett comedy, "The Lime Widow." GKAM TIIK.VTKK. To say that Nazimova in "The lied Lantern" Is an extrnvagnn', production Is not putting it ' l" strong. Tola wonderful actress of a thousand moods Is shown In .a wonderful play of the Far East. It Is full of charm and Interest fur everyone. Nailmova is most charm ing in this play. It will bo shown tonight and tomorrow at matinee at the Grand. Clou Hint Wiitllnilay, I lie unions evangelist, be asked to visit then' u n (I make a moral und religious cleun-up after the spectaeulur man tier Im bus been employing through out the country. Wuinsduys price Is $30,000. but -llrndHhaw and Ills fellows think this a small amount to pay for righteousness. That night (Continued on Page 6.) DOROTHY DALTOM ,E.Klrvtftieo' 0 At the Liberty Friday, Saturday and Saturday MnUncc. In a very modern and very fair sized town, Elijah Ilradshaw, the leading citizen, calls a meeting of othor prominent men of the plnco and puts before them the proposi ti ' "'-' .- , . 1 MITCHEIL HWIS CHIIDOTN BAniSHMUII At (irand Theater Thurwlny Onb' i:iimm!.it;iiimmtimii!!!n!::ii:nm:ii::::i:it:' TONIGHT and SUNDAY MATINEE N AZIMO VA at Her Best 'THt At the a VIDOV' ,ilei-ty Friday, Saturday and Saturday Matinee. 1 -11 terest not only to lovers of Kipling, who is probably the greatest writer of English now living, but to all motion picture theater patrons who will see in this remarkable picture screen art at Its highest and, host. Magnificent sets, faithful copies : in Hi I ' "The Red Lantern 9? to;--:-:-- C - -- - .-, i " I u:::":::::::-.::::::!::::::::::::k:::!:::::::::-.:::i:::::"!:!:""''""!': ::!:!!::i::in:i:::-.i:::i!::i!::Ml!::,;Mi:i::::i:::::::':!":""'"":"i"'"::';! :::::::::: t!:t::s:n; .............................j......... :t::::iii::iinn:iHuuui:u:Miiun iii:i:iti!i:i:ii!iiiii::i:iiiHK!iitii!Kniiiniiiii:ii:iiii:iimiaa:niiiitH!rtitiniii:HiiiiiV SUNDAY and MONDAY NIGHTS She h Everywhere! She hides hei face when the meeti you; the paicU her lip when the kiues you. There the ttandt in ragt, hef eyet i well ed with lean, her che kt pale and hollow. Behind you the lurchet, in aueenly nnery. claiping the bony, icy hand of late. bhe U a little Sitter of The Night. She it an adventurous Woman of The Day. You cannot escape her. , . She Is Everywhere! :;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::i:n:::::::::::::Ki::i::::i::"n "The Eternal Magdalene" Margaret Marsh Featuring: Chas. Dalton - ( Maxine Elliott Bill Parsons IN "Bill's 0p portunity" ::::i:n:i:!::::::inR:!:i:::i:::i:iiinimn ;i:::i!:::t.-:::::: iimiu:ii:t ii::i::iii:ii i mi :ii:m:uimmii.iim, ' MARV PIOkSFORD 'Ca-pb. iiicld.Jr. ' An AUTCQAFT Pleura r- AT THK UISF.HTY HIMMV AXI) MO.NOAV. I Tuesday and Wednesday i MARY MACLAREN IN i "An Amazing Wife" Vitagraph Comedy . "Chubs and Chops" j Bert Lytell "The Spenders" i .jursJay Only MITCHELL LEWIS IN "Children of Banishment " 1 ivnwQ !i mm r.fiMFnY . wfwq $ kiuiiu k muiinii uunikui - iikiiw 5 5 GRAND THEATRE Friday Sat. Mat. t Sat. Eve. aun. mat vvvwvtwvvvvvvi .IV' f &MV.VH"-'"