PAGE 2 THE BEND nULLKTIN, DAILT EDITION, HEM), OREGON, HATI'llDAV, Jl'LY l. 1010 M. A. PALMER Cabinet Maker and Builder, Jobbing , Franklin St., rear of Irrigation Co.'i old building. Carlson & Lyons PLUMBING & HEATING Plumbing and Heating Supplies, , Bath Koom Accessories, etc. Pipe, Valves and Fittings , PHONE RED 1591 Bend Park Co. Real Estate and Insurance Bend Company Building Own Your Own Home I have some bargains . in BUNGALOWS EASY TERMS J. A. EASTES Central Oregon Leading INSURANCE AGENCY Madam ULaMarche Holding first claw qualifi- cations from Paris, Lon don. Dublin and Toronto, will give private Lessons in French and Music "Will Call on Appointment Address, 134 Delaware Tinning and Sheet Metal WM. MONTGOMERY. Furnaces, Spouting, ' Guttering, Cornice and Skylight Repalvlng promptly attended to Prlcen right, work guaranteed BEND INSURANCE AGENCY Writer of all kinds of insnrane. Old. rt lnraranc Agency in Central Oro eon. H. a Ellia. Firrt National Bank Boudina, Bend, Oregon. Scotch Woolen Mills All Wool Suits Made to Order $18.50 to $24.50 NELSON'S 838 Bond St, FOR SALE! Tracts under irrigation, adjacent to water mains, electric lights and telephone service. Ranging in size from U to 6 Acres WIKSTORIA ADDITION See L. D. WIEST 1304 Third Street Dodge Brothers Motor Cars WALTHER-WILLIAMS CO. R. S. McClure, Salesman COLUMBIA SERVICE STATION Jay Saltzman, Prop. STORAGE BATTERY WORK Gun Repairing Odd Jobs Irr Mechanical Lines REPAIRING THAT IS REPAIRING ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP LOCAL BRICK IS IN DEMAND A. H. HORN EXPECTS ORDERS THIS YEAR WILL COMPEL HIM TO 1URX MORE THAN THREE MILLION MUCK. The Bond Ilriek & Lumber com pany will have Us record run this year, ncconling to A. II. Horn, who now hua more than 15 men busily engaged In pushing the brick pro duction tor the lunuy new orders which have come in for now build ings in Bond, Redmond und l'rlno- villo. Mr. Horn says that before the sea son is over he wijl have produced more than 3,000.000 brick, which is an output far in excess of any of the former years. The building ac tivity locally Is largely responsible tor the heavy production . The following orders have been placed with the Bend Brick & Lumber Co.: Kenwood school, 200.000; Sather- Huilson building, 90.000; O'llonnell building, 140.000; City of Bend, for fire station. 75,000; Deschutes gar age, 160.000; .First National Bank of Redmond, SO, 000. It is expected that the order for the new Catho lic church will reuch 200.000. Two buildings in Prineville, for which Mr. Horn has orders, are to be erected of brick. The present program will keep the brickyard force busy until in November. National Anthems. The Star-Spangled Banner" Is now regarded as onr national anthem; that of England. "God Save the King;" France. "The" The other allies apparently have no distinguish ing title for their national airs. The national air of Italy Is known to ns simply as the "Italian National Hymn" and that of Portugal us the "National Air of Portugal," etc. Corked! A nervous old lady, on getting Into a train, discovered that a horrid man with a gun was In the corner seat. "I hope that thing is not loaded," she said. "Yes, ma'am, it is," sold the man. "However, I will insert this cork in the muzzle. There! quite safe now." Dally Thought Silence la more eloquent than words. Carlyle. WITH THE BUYERS AND BUILDERS Miss Toroso Benson la building u neat llvo-room bungalow ' on lot 2, block 7, Park addition. It will cost aproxlmately $3,000. C. J. Monohan la building n mod ern live room bungalow, to cost ap proximately $3500 In Park addition. K. V. Anderson Is building a small house on his proporty at 72 Gilchrist. The Bond Brick & Lumber com pany is delivering brick today to the sites of the OTionnoll building and the Hudson und Sather build ing. Practically all of the excava tion work has boon completed on the former building and laying the foundation will begin early next week. J. C. Rhodes has purchased the residence formerly owned by J. W. Skusu. formerly of the Skuso Hard ware company of this city, now of Spokane. Alcohol From Molaseea. Several large concerns are making alcohol from cheap molasses brought from tie West Indies. This niolusses, which Is uneatable, is known ns "black strap." The Internul revenue chemists huva been able, however, to ferment It and to obtain not only al cohol but to so use the residue thut they get glycerin. Kour lots of "black strap" of 1,000 gallons each subjected to the new proc ess turned out a very excellent qual ity of glycerin. There are 100 gallons of this clear dynamite glycerin, ns It Is called, , now on exhibition in the treasury ' department. Sumples of It treated with nitric arid by a well known firm of explosive makers, ut the request of the government, pro duced as good a ullro-glyceriu as the market affords. Nltro-glyeerln when lncorirnted with pulp or other Inert substance becomes dynamite. Thus out of the simple sweets of the sugar bowl comes forth the atreiigth which will reud the rock. GARAGE WILL LET CONTRACT NEW HRICK HTKl'CTtHE TO HE ERECTED ON BOND STREET AND KHAXKIJN AVEM'E -TO HE MODERN HTRCCTl'RE. The Deschutes Uarago company expects to begin construction on its now garage ut the corner of Ernnk llu avenue and Bond street Mon day, This new garage will he ouu of the most modern In Central Ore gon and will bo equipped with rest rooms, , accessory room ami largo ropnlr shop. The work will be rush ed so that the company may occu py the pren.lses us soon us possible. RYAN & CO. BUYS . WEST SIDE LAND 120 Acres Are Purchased From A. )'. Morrill Will Sub-Dlvido Tract In City Lots. Large Market for Rabbit Skins. There Is a market for rabbit skins. Before the recent war an enormous trade was carried on abroad. It Is said thut Great Britain and Ireland alone piodured about thirty million skins an nually. Most rabbit skins are sold In bales, by weight, the fur from them being used for felting purposes, and the skins for making glue. The war Interrupted the Importations from Eu upe (.ltd Australia to surh an extent that the price has greutly Increased. The better skins are sold by the dozen. When dressed they become the "cony" of the fur trade, often sold under fan ciful names. Amerhnir brewb rs are raising all kinds of rabbits that pro-.-iucs t!:e best "cony" v : ft- "" J. Ryan and Company this week purchased 120 acres of laud lying south and contiguous to Kenwood gardens on the west side of the river. This strip of land wus for merly owned by A. I). Morrill of (iastoti, Oregon. The deal wus rotisumated early this week when Mr. Morrill was In the sily. The price paid for the land. It Is under stood, wus $3500. It Is the intention of Mr. Ryan to soon subdivide this property In to lots which will later be placed upon the market. Mr. Ryan bus con fidence in the future development of the land on the west side of the river. " No Mystery A'jout Them. Poets are fond of ulludlug to the picturesque tradition that pearls are made from the dew of lieaveu. hut the fact of the mntter is that those milky bnlls Just merely represent the efforts of the oyster to cover tip an annoying grain of sand and render It less Irritating. Chromatic Scales, , There nn- two forms of chromatic scale. The harmonic chromntlc and the melodic form as well. The differ ence Is purely theoretical. They are both played In the same way. It is a question of notation.' One culls n note D flat and the other C sharp. W1M110 IF ST) 5 .. its 1 yi v.--. A) wv C 4 Mil f V I I aJU aJu.n 9.60 7.W ...35 ?Z.Z7 Z ry-rJL, 8.04 A yuuu 768.04 Z4.60 7TI- 0 i . APEX 0u 11 The fariHci' nm! the business iiiim of this com munity are part iters in the progress or the fuiluie of their community. If they pull together, the progress anil prosperity is certain to eonte. IF they listen to preachers of class hatred there can only be failure as a result: THE SHEVLIN-HIXON COMPANY THE UNITED WAREHOUSE COMPANY WHOLESALE DISTKIM.TOKS FOR CENTRAL OREGON OF OIL, GASOLINE, FLOUR, SALT, MEATS HAM, BACON, LARD, ETC. FERTILIZERS FOR LAWNS AND FARM LANDS General Commission Merchants WE RUY HIDES THE UNITED WAREHOUSE COMPANY Phone 241 A. M. l'R INGLE, Manager For the man and woman looking for a house You may be one among many looking for a per manent location. You know how hard it is to obtain a desirable place. I have several very de sirable houses upon which I feel certain fa vorable terms can be arranged. Come in and talk over the situation with us and it is likely we can be of some service to you. J. RYAN & CO. FIRST NATIONAL DANK BLDG. 4 CARLSON b LYONS KSBg SOLE LOCAL AGENTS