TIIK BKND BULLETIN, DAILY EDITION, II KM), OREGON, HATl'ltDAY, JULY 10, 101 PAGE 11 TAKE CARE AND PREVENT FIRES MOTOKIST CAUSE . WORKY. OF I'llll'xt Oflll'llllH I'tK" 'llio t'lglll' ami ( ixiiml(i) Ml ill) Mny Hlnrt Cuiillugi'iiUon I'on'lliouKlit Will Prevent Unuinge, Tim hi'Iihiiii of iniiiiirhiK Ih ul Iih IikIkIiI. Kit lo, In Mm senium of for out lliim, l(iiiii'U nt llm hint two wm'kH mIiiiw lui'iily dial a miiiiliiir of lli'i'n urn ti'iiriiulilit to t In I'liro- ll'IIHIII'H lit lOIU'lltlH llllll I'll III pei'll, Tin' forest officials urn over vlg llellt In iletoi'l till! it 1 1 K li h( Indkii mouths. Every effort In beiiii: imiiln In ruiilliiii llm public iikiiIiihI -ui ll'HIII'H In llm iihii tit III u Wlllll lit I ho forest. TIiiiiihiiiiiIh of inolorlMs ull over ( ( 1 11 1 Oregon lll'O HtlllllllK lllll IHI cumplng Hip" miw, unil iiiiiny iiIIhun urn planning trips to iiiiiiIii before III" Hummer Ih hvit. A lili liia Iiiih sot uuUlu millions (if IHTeH llf HOIllit of tin) IIIOHt Wllllller fiil hi'i'iili: I'liiiulry In llm wiirl I fur Din enjoyment of nvi'iyoiHi who Cull'" III lllltui; till! leHel'VI'K, unil llm only 1 1 1 1 1 1 k Hi" iiiiiIiiii link h Ih lliul ouch unil I'Vury inmi, woiiian unil rhllil, who riimpM In the forest, let en i f ii I of llri'H, report IIii'h, If ul ruiiily Hiurli'il. unit take puliiH in pre vent t li-mi . In no oilier country In tlm world U micli arctiery available free of roHt. prurtlrully without restriction nnd ho 1 1 Ml 1 1 h provided. In Kiirnpu. with Iti icri'iil popiilutlmi crowded Inlo small Hpiu'iiH, every forest In reserved for mini" one or other. In KiiKlund I In' Kn'iit landed estates of tint nobles Ih ml) 11 u problem I hut rl'lllltl IIH IIIIHolVKlI. HtlllllllK nnd tinning uri forbid di'ii In moHt of III it forest ubrond. Illicit trurlH of land were Hut unltle for prlviitu ii n unil no outsider Ih even allowed lo enter tint pritHitrvit. I'ontriiHtliiK KyHlrniH. (!oulrnnl thiK ancient H)'Htitin with tint fri'i'dcim allowed every citizen of tlm I'lilii'd Suites In I hit en Joy m i' n I BEAUTIFUL AMPHITHEATER IS DENVER'S BOAST liny HI'' lit llllll v unit ili'lilinn In ih,! new ii iii pli 1 1 Ik-ii I i-r riTi'iitly tlulMicil ul Denver, O.lo. 'J lie iiiiiililllieuler Ih the civic con- 'i'iiih of ull IiIiiiIh urn singed thi-ri!. of thu mi In nil ben lilies of III In grelit country. Hum Ih a cumi where Ihu I'oinpiii'liiou Ih Huruly iiiIIoiih. Onu of llm grimiest mid mum pro vuli'lil I'UtlHl'H of lll'CH In lint IIIOIIII IiiIiih Ih Just I it I ii . unil mi ry cme- lllHHIIItHH. Men who HIIIOKQ IIIIIHl khI tlm Ii libll of extinguishing tlii'lr clgnr or rtKiirntK'H bitforu tlioy m to throw lliinn uwiiy. ClKari'l Ihh, oh piti'litlly. ciiiiHi) u Kiiiut many Hikh. Tlm molorlHt curoKiHHly Iohhi-h (hum out of thu cur mid limy burn for u loiiK II me mid muy Hut dry kiiihh on llro. Throw thu ri'lililliiH of I In' Hiuoku ull 111" floor of the cur unci hi ami; mil thu lira mid then throw It out. Tti Ih Ih tin) Hiifu wuy. Another ruiiHv of lire Ih careleHH j lien with camp flnm. .Many cuniperH build lurK llrv when they need only I m in u 1 1 oiiith. Tlm luriter tint fire the 'hurder It Ih to control it. Ilulld only enuiiKU flro to cook with mid then carefully put out every Hpurk anil cover tho hot uhIh-h with earth. In thin way there will bo no chalice of jliot couIh HtuouldurliiK and Kt'tt!nic I KriihH or bruHh on lire. When bulldiiiK ii i'a I" P lliu be Hiiro that you scrape tlm Kraut and truHli nwuy ho thut thu blaze will not jiipread out and catch inn or thu nearby brunli. It Ih eat.y to bit care ful. All It taken Ih ii Hhort time mid j Hiiiini Incllniit lou to leave tho fun-sin un you find limni, ho thut you cun ko buck next yeur and not find charred triiiikH whore Htutely Ireen Krew the year prevloiiH. GET ALL YOy CAN OUT OF OLD TIRES The uiolorlKtH ban from time to Hum been uprioiu:tSed throiiKh ho McUutlon or throuxli ail vertlKenienlH It' thn pri.'BH about tho uil vIhuIiII It y of uhii:i cerlliln tin: acceaitorltfH to Kt more niileiiKu out of their liren. Il Ih, of course, a mom ilenlrable t IiIiik to xi.'t the vtry lam foot of wear out of a tire, but the owner often mis taken a tire weuriiiK device for a tire HaviiiK device. In the llixl place, let it be aid thut the very maximum of tire mileuKe In had from the tire when the following two Dimple rules are followed: Maintain proper pi-ensure always. Keep the tread always like new, thut Is, uncut or unbroken. Iloth are cany to do but unfortu nately they are not observed by the .average run of automobile owners. The tire lUelf Is composed of two purtH, the treud and the carcuns. The latter Ih the inner part of the tire composed of canvus or cords. The treud Is merely a ineaiiH of protection for tho fubrlc under i nen lb. hence if the tread Is cut or worn through it no longer protects. Nuturul wear of course, will cause thu curciin to hIiow through, and once It shows at any point the tire Is on the rnii il to quick and total deHtruction. When the treud of a tire is worn through at one point for a short dis tance, a retread job should immed iately be done. A retread Job con HlHts of applying a new treud over the carcass. The dumuge Is not al ways delected lit a gluuco at the in side of the tire or by feeling. A re tread suves many dollars in tire wear. Mileage is no indication of the condition of a carcass. DON'T DO IT for the man who wants to get maximum mileage from his tires, the hublt of using a spurs tire to afford regular changes, beginning at the right front und . progressing aniuu I the car, is a valuable one to form. It Is poor practice to try to Iron out dents in thu fenders by hminrer- lng them with 8 block of wood wi:;-.- out tuklng them from the chnsMn. un so many motorists do. Inevitably this treatment leaves the fenders buttered In appeurunce, und It may cuiiho more extensive dumuge. The only safe method Ih to remove the fender from the cur, place It "on thu bench and hummer out the dents with a block of wood. If your tires show undue wear don't blame It to the tires, but find out the caunc. Usually you will find that your- wheels are out of line with the result thut your tires are dragging. Don't leave your car In front of theater or hospital entrances. Don't start on a trip without at tention to' lubricating oil, water and gasoline. Don't depend upon your horn to clear the path. WAR MAKES MOTOR PROBLEMS GREATER Half Million Truck Were in Service Parmrnt Were Greatly Aided In Marketing. -an individual car. To tlie very smallest detnil, the Chevrolet reflects the ideals of the makers to pro duce a really high-grade car at n popular price. The new model Chevrolet "Four-Ninety" Touring Cur and Roadster, attain a stan dard of excellence uncommon of cars of this type. This is a claim we would be de lighted to prove we could ask no greater favor than to do so. Would you have a good looking car? The Chevrolet has it in full measure. Would you have strength? Vanadi um steel is used wherever un usual strength is required. Would you have comfort? 1 roper spring suspension to gether with comfortable up holsteringand roominess meet your comfort-wishes to the fullest degree. Would you have power and low upkeep? The wonderful valve-in-head motor with which each Chev rolet is equipped provides power lar in excess of ordi nary requirement or emer gency; and the direct-appli-cation-ot-power principle in sures ' maximum power on minimum fuel. Twenty-five miles per gallon is a common thing for this Chevrolet. And the car is fully equipped, Suppose you let us demon strate that we have not over stated Chevrolet quality. 55 BEND GARAGE SALE AGENTS 8 CSS Thone who ure familiar with the great achievments credited to mo tor vehicles during the war. both in the business over here and In the fighting over there. 'k says Walter I Coombs of the Head garuge, local I dealer in Chevrolet passenger cars land trucks, "can appreciate the aid 'which they are contributing to the 'problems of the business activities lof the day. But to those who are fur less familiar Willi these records It may be surprising to learn that at the present time there are more than ,rU0.000 motor trucks in operation in the l ulled States, in active serv ice. These, together with the six million passenger cars, represent a material addition to the transpor tation facilities of the country, that is now being culled upon to assume a major share of the work entailed in setting our busines in order. "In many of the states tho rural motor truck express lines are prov ing the salvation of the farmers, en abling them to reach tneir markets with dependable promptness, thus insuring a steady supply of food products and minimizing the fluctua tions In prices due to irregular sup ply; while all of the public utilities telephone companies, who are among the first to benr the burden involved in this work of reconstruction, would find it utterly impossible to maintain any where near their ade quate service without their fleets of fust moving motor trucks. "New York leads the nation in the number of motor vehicles with 462.289 trucks and cars. Ohio Is second on the list with 415.000, California third with 407.761. Penn sylvania fourth with 394.076, Illin ois fifth with 389,721. Tho aggregate registration of these five states, is about one-third of tho numbered registered in the entire nation. "And so when wo consider the Inestimable value of motor vehicles und the great aid they have con tributed, it Is easy to understand why they are steadily Increasing." It is generally hard to find just where a leak in the gasoline tank Hps because the fluid, after escap ing, spreads all around on the sur face of the tank. When you encoun ter this difficulty, wipe off all the surplus gasoline and cover the sur face with black gudgeon grease. The gasoline, eating out of the hole, will wash away the grease and make de tection very simple. Don't depend upon other drivers to prevent accidents. They may be just as reckless as you are and just as Ignorant of the traffic rules. Wet rubber cuts much easier than dry rubber. For this reason fast travel over rough roads and sur faces, particularly broken stones. Is very destructive to the tires when they are wet.. This is especially so as regards solids on a heavy truck How a Crab Crow. The cruh'a equivalent to the Inters mil bones of unliniils la lis tough outer shell, which does, not grow. The baby ithIi In forced to got rid of this tough confining person. So It breaks Itself loose Internally and then splits Its old protecting home across the ex treme back ridge, creeping out la that way. Sepoy Preparednea. In the Madras presidency In the first half of the lust century recruit boys sons of old soldiers were kept with each Hcpoy regiment, clothed, drlliea and fed nnd enllstd af soldiers when they attained the nge of sixteen. Thn system had oniet!iing to recommend? it, as the state got n trained youth as a soldier Instead of a country bump kin who hud all hl'i training- to learn. A Comparison. One of tho largest squares in Lon don, the open puce culled Lincoln's Inn field.'), Is said to be tho same size ns the bhse of the Great ryrarald at Gizeh. More Important Than Air or Gas Fire Personal Injury Theft Properly Damage Trnsportatlon Collision . f Automobile Insurance BEND PARK f. J. C. Rhodes HERE 'TIS! All tet to patch up that old tire, fix op your magneto or electric system. The guy that fisdt trouble loolswect. camzm i Kaim V..I Works Just North of Caraody'f Storage batteries should be ex amined every fifteen days and dis tilled water added. This applies to cars laid up for the winter as well as those in use, and the. batteries should be recharged every month. If this is not done the plates are apt to buckle and an, overhauling will be made necessary. Don't race the engine. You can not hurt the engine more than by- allowing it to race at high speed j without a load. Motor Car Repairing work that is Guaranteed to satisfy.... 1 ' A. W. BONTRAGER 135 Greenwood Ave. Phone Red 381 DONOVAN'S ON TRIP. Mr. und Mrs. J. 13. Donovan Ford ed all up and down the Oregon coast (luring the past wek and report a good trip with no mishaps, save slight difficulties in closing the Mc Kenele Pas, which Mr. Donovan says Is In bad condition. Tho west :sldo of the mountain is particularly cut up on account of the water in the roads caused by the melting snows. ' GETS BIG. GUARANTOR. G. P. Smith of Smith's Tire shop this week received n new guarantee for mileage on tho Pennsylvania Vacuum Cup tires. The cord tires are now gunrnnteed for 9,000 miles, Mr. Smith reports that the sale of thesa tires in this field Is stead ily lncrcuHlng, Cut Your Motor Troubles To the Minimum M0N0M0BILE OIL is a straight run oil for lubricating purposes. It is not a blended oil but of straight parafine base. One gallon of Monomobile equals two of any other lu bricating oils. NO SUT NO HEATING MOTOR NO GUMMING BEARINGS Inquire about tbis oil at Bend Hardware Co. Tut It In "THE BULLETIN.' rat it la "TUB Bl'lLETIN."