TIIK REND HULLKTI.N, DAILY EDITION, IIKXD, OREGON, MONDAY. Jl'LY M. 1010 PAGE 7 i Last Time Tonight TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Huby Murie Osborne, the queen of juvenile film uetresses, in "The Sawdust Doll" A most pleiising picture for the jiiiin, woman, boy and uii l. Anil something very funny--Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew, in , "Harold, The Last of the Saxons" LIBERTY THEATRE - ; ; LOCAL NEWS ITEMS TOI WN TEMI'EIMTI M ii x I in il ill. 05 degree iti: Albert .MrClnuili of Kit" In spend 1 ii X lln, (lny In Hend. II. H. Itoyri, left lllHt IiIkIiI Oil II business trip to I'm (kind. W. V. M Jl lor mill noil of I'nlxlcy urn business visitors In Hend. NkiI J. Anglund li till Jiimcs O'Noll were In from Crescent, Uunduy. I.. It. Hi'liinorl wan n w-i-k "lid vlnllor In tlm rlly from bin home In Mllllc'iin. Joliii l.uckey, prominent Luke county nlii'1'pinuii U In IlenU today un bualm-xH. We don't ask you to do our work We are real grocers s e r v i c e grocers. We attend to every thing which is a part of the retail grocery business. We maintain a gtod delivery system. Our telephone is al ways open to you 401 We give all the con veniences ot a charge account. F. DEMENT & CO. Notice of Delivery Hours Deliveries from the undersigned Stores will be made beginning today, July 14th, as follows: Morning Delivery, at 9:30 Orders phoned in before that time will be delivered at :80 a. m. All orders phoned to us later than 2 p. m. the pre vious day will be delivered at 0:80 a. m. Afternoon Delivery, at 2:00 Orders phoned in or given over the counter after :80 a. m. and until 2:00 p. in, will be delivered at 2: 00 p. m. Smith's Grocery O'Donnell's Market nK! ewis;iii the Law" J J. I. Ki'yi'H returned UiIh inoniliiK from n Kuvurul week' bunliier.H trip to MIiiiu'IijioIIm. Mr. and Mm. 1'uul Hdhiiht return d to llfiitl yratorduy ufti'r a wuuk Kpi'llt III Kliht I.uko, II. ". IIiikIx'H of J, C. I'enny Co, lelt liiHt iiIkIh on IiIh unnuiil vucu llini, which he will npcml In Tort- lii ml. KnuicU I.iiinliiTiy, formerly of thin city, arrived In Holid toduy from Portland lo accent u position ut I ho llorton Drug compuny. Mm. Hazel Ma n Ion loft Haturday nlKlit for Alunkn, Intending to visit her father ut Juneau. Kim will be gone for tliu next two or three week. K. Ruredcr. who ha been In the mrvlcu for thu lunt two year, ar rived In Hend lat night from the I'renldlo to vlnlt with IiIm lter, MIkh .Maritaret Shreder. C. K. lllulock und family of Ilukeriivillu. North Carollnu, liuvo arrived In Hend and will locuto hare Mr. (Unlock expect lo micure em ployment In ana of tho locul barber MhlipK. John ImbiilH und fiimlly urn In the city today from Im I'lnc. Mr. Iu- buU Ih In charge of the engineering work In coimeclUm with the devel opment of the old M onion irrigation project. The l.lbrury club will meet to morrow afternoon ut tint library, ut which time thu number will take up thu mutter of thu proponed new Curninle library. Tho prence of the nieiiiherwhlp In urged. My business is plugging holes. Hend Vulcanizing Works, north of Carmody's. 31-3j. Dr. Turner will be out of town 15 to 20. Inclusive. Adv. 32-38c Daily Market Report. IFuraUh4 by arrnnernwnt with the Contra! Orwcin Hfcnk.) LIVESTOCK. NOltTII I'OHTLAND. July 14. Sixteen hundred cuttle received. Mar ket MtroiiKer. Good to choice Hteern, $9.n04C $10.75; medium to good $8.50 4i 9.50 fair to medium, $7.6d Tv 8.50; ; com mon to fair $0.60 (ft 7.60; choice cows uiid heifers 17 W 8; good to choice, 0?7; medium to good htfO; fulr to medium 4 0 C ; citniiura 3M; build IbipV, calve iUli. 1I(K Market. Sixteen hundred Iiokh received. Murknt strong. I'rlino mixed 21 22. 26; mod- illiiin mixed, $2021; rouKh heavy, $! 20; pigs, IK. 50 20.50; bulk of kuIuh $22. Hliecp Market, Twenty-eight hundred lunilm re ceived. Murkat steady. I'rlmo lumos, $1213; fulr to me- ilium 110412; yearlings $7 48; Wethers I07; ewes $0.504c7.50. HUTTEIt MAItKET. (Prion quctMl ly tilt Central Oron Karnwra' Cr.mry. I'rlntH, purchmcnt wrapped, 64c, wholimulo price. bullerfat, 50c. Dr. K. It. Norrl wlhhe to an- nouiicn to IiIh putimitH unit otnei that hn will bo away from IiIh office for a period of two waekH. dl-Jfic Hotter llivemlltatu AlleyH. 31p Wetting tho Block. In ninny village In Ilerkxlilrc and lliiuipHhlre. KiikIiiimI. the ancient run tmii of "WetlliiK the Work" I" "HH kept up. The CrlKpln of thiwe two iinilitleit lined lo meet toKether on the evening of the llmt Monday In March, mid celebrate the fart Ihut they bud rcHM'd wnrklnx by riiiidle-llKbt. There wim noiiiellmeii a (nipper, pro vided by the ployer, on thre occii- pIoiik ; there wan lilwii.vii a little to drink. Afler the meul venn ended, the block ciiiidlextlck placed In the middle of the room, the Klmp rundle wiih llithled, and when ull uliiKHe were filled, Hie (illicit bund poured the run tcntu of IiIh kIiikh over the eundle to extlnKtilhh Handy Emloyce. The lady nmniiKci of the butdneM roncern put n lid In the paper for an experienced fireman to work Id the office. "Why do you need an experienced fireman for the office workT" asked the efflrlency expert, who on tie Job. "Well, yon nee," he responded weetly, "I Juxt haven't the heart to illai'liuriie anybody, aud I thought we could employ an experienced mun to do II." ' . .. . t Thoughtleu Dealera. "Ynn didn't park wlihlnjour Ineliei of Hie curb," thundered the police of ficial. "It'll a new car," explained Mr. t'biii.-lilni. humbly; "and the dealer didn't put a tape measure lu the out fit." Put It In "THE BULLETIN." I & S. E. TO BUILD RAILROAD TO BEND (Continued from race 1.) Ihut there wore no ncrloim problems in thin connection facing tho con puny, an more than 50 miles of right of way have been obtained from Ml f Jf IT St in Tires FIRESTONE was first to produce most of the important truck -tire improve ments. Our service also is first in speed, thoroughness and economy. We have a truck-tire press of tremendous capacity. We have all the other machines needed. Our men understand truck tires. They, therefore, combine great care with The fact is omer half the truck Tonnage of America Is carried on Tfreototte TIRES CENT-ORE MOTOR CO. BEND, OREGON i our Dinner calls for everything the S ffi - t...l. J ll..t I il u niurKCi. uuuru.t, umi imp m pens to be to your liking. 5 "Everything you like" certainly must include 1 m fresh vegetable, and to day we are specializing in Tomatoes Cucumbers 1 Yellow and Green Wax Beans. I?) II,., l.f ,i crtlonrlirl ) Cantclope for your Sun day breakfast. We have them Smith's Grocery Phone 51 Angel, and from that point the line Ik to be projected through lii? Si;n- tlum forest and from the earneri. extremity of the Bantlam It will enter the Denchuteii notional fore.nt. following in government property . M.i nf lha ftln'unre to I n jiiwi r"- . iiFud. lj,Klwtrlfy Lino. That the P. & 8. E. IntnniU to electrify at leaat a part of tho line from Mount Angel to Bend In Indi cated In a atatement by Mr. Fouu-r that leases for power lte purposes have beert obtained on Marion lake In tho Santlam forest in Curry coun ty. Marion lake, according to State Engineer Cupper, who is in Bend today. Is one of the greatest power possibilities in Oregon. It Is cap able through the harnessing of Marion creek, of developing between 30.000 and 40,000 horsepower. Ac cording to Mr. Foster. It is the in tention to harness Marlon creek for the development of power. At the present all data Is in the Portland ofllce of tho P. & S. E. The waters from Marlon lake, it Is understood, have been gauged over a wier daily for a period of three years. The height of effective power Is 1 100 feet. The distance of this power site from Portland is 100 miles. Regard ing Immediate steps for the develop ment of power from this source, Mr. and Service Put Your Duds In Our Suds" Finished Rough Dry Wet Wash Dry Cleaning The BEND LAUNDRY Phone Black 3 1 1 Foster was not prepared to state. Humors Come True. For several weeks vague rumors have been current In Eend regard ing the activities of Mr. Foster and his associates In the Myler Construc tion Co. Local men who have been to the summit say that there Is a large crew surveying there. Mr. Foster is planning for extensive operations within the next few months. With the commencement of rail road activity in Central Oregon, there is now some speculation as to wheth er or not the Hill Interests are back of the project. The route of the pro posed line runs through, or near by. ! the extensive tlmbe.- held by Hill interests. It is estimated that there are 2,000,000,000 feet of merchan table timber tributary to the pro posed line, of which the Hill Interests control approximately 300,000,000 feet. Other interests holding tim ber In the tributary country to the proposed line are. The Shevlln-HIxon Company, Fremont Land Company, Alwortb-Washburn Company, Dant Russel company, David Burton. The P. &. S. E. experts have carefully re viewed the revenue factors entering In to the construction of this line. Recording to Mr. Foster, and find that from the Investment standpoint the construction of this railroad has wonderful possibilities. Mr. Foster leaves tomorrow night for Portland where he will confer with the Myler Construction company officials of the Portland & South eastern railroad after which he may be in a position to give out more facts regarding the developments In the way of construction. Put It In "THE BULLETIN." M. A. PALMER Cabinet Maker and Builder, Jobbing Franklin St., rear of Irrigation Co.'l old building. Carlson &t Lyons plumbing & HEATING Plumbing nod Heatlpg Suppllei, Bath Boom Accessories, etc. Pipe, Valves and Fittings PHONE RED 1591 Bend Park Co. Real Estate ani Insurance Bend Company Building Own Your Own Heme I have some bargains in BUNGALOWS EASY TERMS J. A. EASTES Central OregoaY Leading' INSURANCE AGENCY Madam H.laMarche Holding first clara qualifi cations from Paris. Lon don. Dublin and Toronto, will give private Lessons in French and Music . Will Call on Appointment Address, 134 Delaware Tinning and Sheet Metal WM. MONTGOMERY. Furnaces, Cpoutlng, - Guttering, Cornice und Skylight Repairing promptly attended to Prices right, work guaranteed BEND INSURANCE AGENCY Writvn of mil kinds of Inioiwfo. OM t lnaormnc Arcncr la Otrtrml Ov eon. B. a EUu. FiiM National Bank Building. Bond. Orcstm. Scotch Woolen Mills All Wool Suits Made to Order 918.50 to 924.50 NELSON'S 838 Bond St- FOR SALE! Tracts under irrigation, adjactctio water mains, electric hghio and telephone service. Ranging in size from 1; l 6 Acres WIKSTORIA ADDITION See L. D. W1EST 130 Third Street Dodge Brothers Motor Cars WALTHER-WILL1AMS CO. R. S. MuClure, Salesman COLUMBIA SERVICE STATION Jay Saltzman, Prop. STORAGE BATTERY WORK Gun Repairing 1 Odd Jobs In Mechanical Line REPAIRING THAT IS REPAIRING ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP