- PACE I THK flKNB llVLLKTIN, DAILY KDITION. BKND, ORKOON, NtlDAY, JUiY II, 1010 The Bend Bulletin DAILY EDITION rmWtfc4 Imy Afttmsaa Bxrpt Baaatay. B Ika Kmmd BalWItis flncaroaraladl. Ioum aa barond Class mutter. January I. MIT, t tha Pot Offlca at Band. Oration, undar rt or March BOBERT W. SAWYER Edltor-Mananr HKNRY M. FOWLER Associata Editor FRED A. WOELFLHN... Advertising Manager E. A. NIXON CinnriaXon Manager BALPH SPENCER Mechanical Sunt. Ad Independent Nawapapar. atandlnic for tha Nuara deal, clean business, clean polities and Ibe beat interests of Band and Central Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Hr Mall On Year 15.00 tx Month 1.7a threa Montha tl.10 Bf Carrier Ona Year M.50 Six Month. mo Ona Month t .(0 All subscriptions are due and PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Notlcea of expiration are mailed ubecribera and if renewal ia not made within .Reasonable time tha paper will be discontinued. Pleaaa notify us promptly of any change of jddraaa. or of failure to receive the paper rem), taxiy. Otherwise we will not be responsible tur topics missed. Maxe all ehecka and ordera payable to Tht Ben! Bulletin. FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1919. Y. M. C. A. CHARGES. Now and again there is a revival ot charges against the Y. M. C. A. and its work in France. Probably they win- be aired sporadically as often as the association conies into prominence by engaging in any especial activity at home. Such mis takes as may have been made will be seized by opponents and as much made ot them as possible. The Bulletin has said In the past that it had no brief for any religious organization, nor for any other, and It has none for the Y. M. C. A., but it thinks it worth while to point out that though the association may have fallen down in some places it also did a whole lot of standing up. The fair man will weigh the good and the bad before he condemns, and we venture to say that having done so he will find the good to out weigh the. bad. We think it probably fair to com pare the Y. M. C. A. with the army, In some places there was weakness and inefficiency, but on the whole it did a darned good job. UNITED STATES ARMY OARSMEN AT PRACTICE w 4.1. . i i nmi i w The second crew of the Cuitcd Slides army, composea or men of die Aii.crleuu vxiieilllloniirv forces In :nlnnt! prnctleing id Henley. IT TONIGHT Lust ShovviiiK Marion Davies in "Pink Roses" CONNECTS FRANCE AND SPAIN While we are boosting for home industry would it not be well to con sider the bread situation. If you .happen to be at the station when the train comes in you must 'be struck by the great number of boxes of bread put off, and at the same time there are - two bakeries in Bend. Some folks are finicky about their bread and having become accustomed to a certain kind are slow to change, but we urge that as much patronage as possible be given to our local merchants. Down at Klamath Falls there is a woman's club that takes an active interest -in civic affairs. How would it be to form such a club here? Italian Philosopher-Martyr. February 17 is the anniversary of the burning In Rome, in 1600, of the Italian philosopher, Giordano Bruno. He was subjected to continual and terrible persecution for seven years prior to his death, in the hope that he would recant In 1889 a monument was erected to him under papal pro test at the place where he perished at the stake. Happy Hunting Ground. Sign on farm in Kansas "Hunters Take Notice : Hunt all you dura please, and when you bear the born blow come to the house for dinner. If the qnail are scarce kill a chicken or two, and if yon can't get any squirrels kill a hog." Boston Transcript Pot it in "THE BULLETIN.' Tunnel Recently Completed Does Away With Necessity of Crossing Pyr. enees Mountain Peaks. "There are no more Pyrenees" was once an expression of high political significance in France. It is now a reality, because while all Europe was Involved In the struggle to crush mil itarism, the engineers kept blustlng away at the heart of the niotintnins dividing France nnd Spain and hnve constructed a 'tunnel that obviates the necessity of climbing 0.500 feet of mountain peaks before crosslm; the boundary. A railway has been Install ed in this tunnel which connects I'ulg cerda, Spain, with As. France. These two towns are 20 miles apart, but the railway is not that long. By not impossible grades. It leads from the lower levels of the pass from Prades, France, to the upper valley of the Arlege, near where I'ulgcerda Is situated. It also goes' down to tha valley of the great River Ebro, along which runs a system of railways and canals, making excellent connections with Sarngossa and many smaller places In the heart of Spnln. and with the Mediterranean port of Barcelona, Spain. Heretofore tourists from the Medi terranean region ut France hnve had to use a carriageway through the pass from Prades, where the railway from Perplgnan ends, to I'ulgcerda, but the Journey from the valley of the Arlege river was not so easy. ur luiir In the future. Now , you look n lilt decent. You hnve a book on 'F.tlnnelte and Deportment." Very well. I don't want It. I am only the servant girl. Oo np the steps to the front door and talk with the Imly of the house. She culled me a down right, no-doiilit-ahont-lt Idiot this morn. Ing. nnd I think the hook you're sell ing is Just what she requires." UTTLE LESSON FOR AGENT Speaking of Etiquette Reminded Serv. ant Girl of a Few Ideas She Had in Mind. "Mnrlam," she began, ns the door opened, "I nm selling a new book on Etiquette and Deportment.'" 'Oh, you are?" she responded. "Go down there and clean the mud from your feet." "Yes'in. As' I was saying, minium, am sell " "Take off jour hnt ! Never address a strange Iniiy nt her door without re moving your hat." 'Yes'm. Now, then, as I was say ing " "Take your hand out of your pock et No gentleman ever carries his hand there." 'Yes'm. Now. mndiim. this work oa Etl-'" "Throw nwny your plp. If a gen tleman uses tobacco he Is careful not to disgust others by the hiihlt. 'Walt. Put that dirty handkerchief out of sight and use less grease on One by One They Go. Another of New York's famous res taurants will put up Its shutters nnd go out of business the end of this month. It is Mouquln's restaurant, for two decades oue of the best known eating places In the old Tenderloin district. "Mon dleu." sadly remnrked the proprietor yesterday; "life Is Jnst one d d funeral announcement after another." The picturesque old wooden structure on Sixth avenue, near Twenty-eighth street, which Is one of New York's oldest landmarks, will be razed for a skyscraper. It was built more than one hundred years ago by Isaac Varian and stood in the cen ter of Varian fnrm. whose rambling fields and. pastures stretched west to thc,rlver and to the enst as fur as Lex ington avenue. Through this pastoral landscape wound a couple of cow paths. These paths are there yet. One Is known as Ilroadwny and the other as Sixth avenue. When Isaac Varlnr died the farm was sold. A public nmd was cut through the place and It passed directly in front of the old house. A line of stage ranches operat ed over this road, nnd what Is uow Mouquln's restaurant used to be the first stop after leaving Bowling Green. Mute Mislaid Teeth. An elderly luan, who Inter was found to bo n mute, rshcd Into n Kiuisna City police station una night recently, and Indlcnted ha had swallowed lil.i false teeth. The man apparently wax in grent pain, and an nmlnilniu'e was called and bo was sent to Iletliuny hospital. At the hospital surgeons quickly examined the man. Other surgeons were called Into consultation. Most of the night the surgeon worked with tho patient, probing far down hi throut In an effort to give relief. X-roy pictures were made in an effort to locale the lost articles, hut they did not disclose their whereabouts. The next day while surgeons still were working over the num. he culled for paper and pencil and wrote: "I was drunk last night, and may hnve lost them." Automatically Speaking. Tho minister had asked all the necessary questions In the first part of the ceremony, nnd now came to the final one. Turning to tho audience ho asked: "Does anyone offer any reason why this couple should not wed?" To his surprise anJ that of all ll tellers the reply came from the bride groom : "I do." For that answer had been rehenrsed so often In bis mind that It was automatic. Statement of Condition of The Central Oregon Bank OF BEND, OREGON At the Close of Business June 30, 1919 Tunastcn Ores. The production of tungsten ores In I In his garden the t'nited States In 1018. according to preliminary statistics collected by Frank L. Hess of the geological sur vey, was equivalent to .LOCI net tons of concentrates, carrying (XI per cent tungsten trioxiile, of which 5.015 tons, valued nt $5.15i..'00, were marketed or consumed by the producers, nnd 50 tons were reported ns lefi on hand at the mines December 31. The output was less thnn tlmt of the two previous years l!lfl. with r.!rJ3 tons, valued nt $1L'.0T5.400. nnd 1!MT. with 0.144 tons, valued at S0.T83.K). The production In 1017 was the largest made by any country, although It was much smaller thnn the combined output of the Brit- Find Shells In English Gardens. Talking of raids, the task of the sub iiibnn gardener Is likely to provide little supplementary excitement during the next few seasons. While digging the other day a rest. dent of Manor Park unearthed n load ed shell. During 1117 and the first few inonlhs of Inst year an enormous quantity of ammunition was fired by the barrage guns In the London dis trict. An uncertain proportion of thlf consisted of "duds," which, when they did no material ilumnge, were hurle: a few feet In the enrlh. It Is a crop which will need careful harvesting. Loudon Chronicle. , Fellowship. It Is fr him thnt Is lonely or in prison to dream of fellowship, but for him that Is of a fellowHhlp to do and not to dream. William Morris. LYON AND MORAN COMEDY SATURDAY MATINEE mid NIGHT . SUNDAY MATINEE The Whys and Wherefores of 6Pivrce' l'Vuturiiitf the inimitable , ETHEL BARRYMORE Eddie Polo in "Cyclone Smith Came Back" QRAND THEATRE RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $299,358.61 Bonds , and Warrants... 46,753.90 Overdrafts..... 29.29 Furniture and Fixtures 4,250.00 Cash and Exchange.. 57,272.78 Other Resources : 2,268.43 Total ...$409,933.01 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock , $ 25,000.00 Surplus 5,000.00 Undivided Profits .'. 4,428.51 Deposits 375,504.50 Total $409,933.01 ME N I An excellent opportunity for buying choice goods at a saving Just received a wonderful line of CA j tjl or Silk hosiery-plain & fancy colors 0"C l0 pl.J " ' 1 MEN'S ATHLETIC UNDERWEAR-- 1.50 Qt- value. Special vC $1.50 Vdue DRESS SHIRTS-Assorted fancy stripes Just received a new line of High Grade Dress Shoes. Come in and let us convince you we have some exceptional values. $1.19 STETSON HATS MANHATTEN SHIRTS COOPER'S UNDERWEAR ATLANTIC SHOES I1HAG&RE1IE THE GOLDEN RULE PERSONAL SERVICE CHINAMAN GREAT SPRINTEK i1' -,-Iftt 'mi Iltfiirh Hill UmIi-Ii, ono of the licit! mi-n on the truck tcntn of tli L'nl verxlty of WIkooiihIii. linn liivn tin1 hlglifxt I n 11 v 1 1 1 1 1 n I point winner In two m-rnt lilK mi'rtH. llo went to ! lit? uni versity direct from I'eklmf In H' 1(1 nnd urniluutcir tills yenr. but la solng buck for a Hint'Ki'tidunta rourno. Road to Wealth. We've often thought wlint a pity It In tlmt a man rnn't dltipono of hi ex perleneo for ax inueh uH It coot him. ExkrldKo Independent. Do you Know Weatherly's Ice Cream Is Oregon's Best Ice Cream. Sold only at OWL PHARMACY at Fountain or by Pints and Ouarts. SBBEiaiiEEEEIJpaSJPjaS'a Tannin. ' Pnrnminy lias vnlunblo rogotJrCJs. Ilio niont Important of which la qoo lirncho, which Is particularly rich In tnnnln. Yours For Sunday-- Delifchtful Soda Water IJevernges for your Sunday at home or outing. TRY OUR GINGER ALE Delivered to you 24 bottles to case, $1.50 Try them. You'll like them, BEND SODA WORKS "SmFSS? Seven Reasons Why There Should Be An Electric Range in Every Bend Heme. HttHf 1st Saving of tlmo, labor and fuel. 2nd Menls, vngotahln nnd other foods rotaln natural flav ors whnn cooked on an ELKO TIIIC MANOR that aro other wise lost In vapors whon sub Jnated to unovnn hoats pro duced by wood, coul or gas ranKos, 8rd Oot out of bed, turn tho button nnd brenkfast Is Blurted while you are dressing. 4th No dirt, no ashes, Mother's work Is nnslor and her disposition Is happier and her days are longer. are hot; cook on an Electric ' Bth A bluHsing when days Range and you do not roallze there Is any heat In your kitchen. nin very low rates mnimninea ny the Bend Water, Light & Power Co. put all the comforts of tho ELECTRIC RANGE In reach of all. 7th Cleanliness, ease, comfort and tho fnct that Mother's hurdons are llghtanod should be the main masons for an Electric Range, Betid Water Light & Power Co. 1 4