PAGE 4 Tint BEND BtlXKTIN. DAILY EDITION, BEND, OREGON. THURSDAY, Jl'NK Bfl, 1010 B.P.O. ELKS A TTENTION! Dispensation has been granted for Elks9 Lodge at Bend which will be instituted at the EMBLEM CLUB FRIDAY EVENING JUNE 27, at 7:30 P. M. Any Elk who has not already applied for transfer demit from his home lodge will do so at once. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT EVER' ELK ATTEND THIS MEETING. W. C. COOPER. Secretary, Bend. Oregon. VOTERS OF NORTH DAKOTA PASS ON STATE OWNERSHIP (By Vuiui Presa to Th Bend Bulletin.) BISMARCK. N. D.. June 26. National Interest centers today on the voters of North Dakota, who will decide the fate of the Non-Partisan league program of state-owned in dustries in a special election called by Governor Lym J. , Frazier upon the filing -of petitions asking for a referendum on seven laws, passed by the "farmer" legislature in January, this year.' Two of the bills upon which a vote is betas taken are the "parent measures" of the state owned indus tries. They are the industrial com mission bill, creating a commission to manage the state-owned' indus tries and the home building act, and the North Dakota bank bill, necessary to finance the undertak ings. If these fail, the state-owned flour taills and elevators cannot be built. Other measures upon which a ref erendum is being taken are: State printing commission bill, establish ing one official paper in each county to be chosen y the' voters at gen eral elections; the board of admin istration bill, creating a board which will govern the educational and penal institutions of the state; the one-man tax commission bill; com missioner of immigration bill; judi cial redistrictfng bill. When these laws were passed by Are You in a Rut? gTT A Savings Account furnishes Tl! the equipment with which to get out, when the right op portunity shows up. We Pay Four Per Cent Interest. The First National Bank OP BEND ; V . ";I - Th BW OF fiuIHIOl B-vic ' V the legislature, much' dissatisfaction was voiced through the opposition press of the state, and Governor Frazier, a Non-Partisan, announced that if petitions bearing 15,000 sign ers were filed the law requires 30,000 he would call a special elec tion. The petitions were undertaken by the Independent Voters' assocla tion, an organization opposed to the Non-Partisan league, and 35,000 tig natures were secured. EX-CROWN PRINCE - FLEES TO GERMANY VERSAILLES, June 26.- The former crown prince of Germany has escaped from Holland to Ger many, the allies were advised today. The report stated that a German staff officer accompanied him. Did Their Own Raising. T sm much Interested In my gnrilon and therefore was considerably an noyed when I saw n coop of chickens being carried Into my next door neigh bor's hack yard. But as the days passed and no chickens showed up, I Interviewed the neighbor' little boy In this way: "Buddy, I hear you folks have started to raise chickens on your 'place." "They raised themselves," he an svered. "They flew over the fence an' got away." Chicago Tribune. Claialftal nitvrtlntna cham car taaua 10 Hitu fur to wonta or tma. On cent par wont fur nil over 10. All elaaalllwi aitvartlalin itrictlr ouh In advanca,. LOST LOST Dotwoeu P. O. and 12th on ' Newport, purso containing fishing license, registration, receipts and $10 currency. Leave at A to Z Grocery. Reward. Dowoy Sponcer. 68-16-lSu LOST Gold wrist watch, nour Cash man's store. Reward. Kinder lonvo ut Bulletin office or call Red 1712. 79-lSp WANTED WANTED Used furniture, ranges, phonographs, household goods of all kinds. Let us muka you an offer. Standard Furntturo Co. 18c WANTED Second woman cook and dishwasher. Hartlott Hotel. Tele phone Black 1251. 82-lStfc WANTED Pasture for two bolters. with responsible parties. Inquire Bend Bulletin. 63-16-27c WANTED Laborers. Apply nt Bond Water, Light & Power Co. 67-16-18C WANTED Housekoeper on small ranch; bachelor; good home. In quire Miss Market, City Rest Room. 48-lltfc WANTED 'Housekeeper on ranch; small family. Inquire Miss Mur kol. City Rest Room. 47-1 ltfc FOR RENT FOR RENT Two small houses, one near mills, one near depot, partly furnished, $6.60 per month. S. It. Hogiu, 3 Lafayette Ave. 77-18-19p FOR RENT 3-room home with basement, chicken yard.? garage, large garden, growing fine. See Nicholson, 323 Lafayette St. 9-17-20p FOR RENT 7-room house, modern. Injuire J. Ryan & Co. 61-16-20C FOR SALE FOR SALE 100 feet 5-foot side walk. See R. M. 8mith nt Smith's Grocery. 80-18-20c FOR SALE At a barguin, five-room modern house, well built and fin ished, plastered and painted; good basement. Cascade Place, corner Hill and Colorado. 74-18-19p FOR SALE OR RENT Melville Clark Apollo player piano, with cabinet and music. Will trade. Call Bulletin office or Telephone Red 141. 71-18p FOR SALE One two-room and one four-room house. Fine location, close to mills. John Rock, 144 Dela ware Ave. 76-18-0p FOR SALE OR TRADE 8mnll mod ern house In Portland. Will trade for good touring car. Call Black 2161. 75-18-20p FOR SALE Several good phono graphs with records, at a discount. We make you liberal terms. Stand ard Furniture Co. 18c FOR SALE A big line of now and used furniture and ranges: We sell on easy terms, tuke Liberty bonds at full value. Standard Fur niture Co'. - ' 18c FOR SALE Nice gooseberries, de livered, 45 cents per gallon. Phone 12F21. 73-17tfc FOR SALE All household goods In the A. M. Lara residence will be placed on sale Tuesday, July 1. Mrs. Lara will be In Bend on Monday, June 30. Appointments may be Cooling Soothing Softening Almond Cucumber Cream Softens the chapped hanJi and face. A delightful preparation for the akin, Almond Cucumber Lotion Soothing liquid for the akin. You will like theae preparations in, your household. OWL PHARMACY BEND BOOK STORE mndo to meet her by telephoning Dr. Manning's rosldunco, 70-17-lOc FOR SALE $800 buys nice llttlo homo, well located nour big milts. Terms, $250 cash, bulnncu , $25.00 per month. Also have largo lot In Park addition, worth- $400, can soil for $300. Sua C. J. Levered. 72-17-20C FOR SALE Two Rood Fords, cheap. A 1 mechanical condition; good tires. Pioneer Garage. 64-10ttc FOR 8ALE 1916 Studuhukor 4. Uood condition. Deschutes Garage. . SO'lMfc FOR SALE Six-hole steal runxo, In good condition. Inquire 1622 Hill St.. 63-14-lSp FOR SALE 7-room modern house, 2 blocks from First National Bank bldx., $2700. Will tuko used cur up to $1000. J. Ryan & Co. 60-12tfc PROFESSIONAL D1RKCTORY. Dr. Charles A. Fowler PHYSICIAN AND S.UROEON O(fioa in the O'Kano Building NAPIER & YOUNG I.AWYKRS Press Bldg., Bond, Ore. GENERAL LAW PRACTICE Specialties Corporation. Contract Land Tltlea and Eatatee, Phone Rod 141 R. S. HAMILTON ATTORNE Y-AT-LA W Rooms 13-16 First National Bank Bldg. Tel. 611 (Dr. Coo's Former Offic.) H. H. Do Armond chaa. W. Enalne De Armond & Erskine .LAWYERS O'Kane Building, Bond, Oregon W. G. Manning, D. M. D. DENTIST Suite 13-14 O'Kane Building Tel. Black 1781 Bend, Ore. DR. TURNER, EYE SPECIALIST Permanently Located In Bond with New Equipment Private Office In Thorson's Jewelry Storo Dr. II. N. MOORE DENTISTRY Hours: 9:00-6:30; 7:30-8:30 Sundays 10-1 Tel Black 1671 O'Kane Bldg. Telephone Kelt 971 O'Kane BUIg Dr. E. E. GRAY - DENTIST Houn 9:00 to 12:001:00 to 5:30 Eoeningi and Sundoyi ly eppclnlmtnt DR. ANNA RIES-FINLEY Office and Residence 29 Oregon Stieet oppontft Public Library , Phono) Z28I Women and Children a Specially HAIR DRKHSINO PARLOR Up-to-date tleetrieal acalp trpalmcnta for 'falling hair and dandruff. Fnmoua Neo ptaatique Face treatments All kinda Hair Work done. MRS. MULLKR Old "Peoplea Store" on Oregon St. nend fridge No. 42,1 Loyal Or der nt Moose Meets In Mooae Hall ovory Thursday. Visiting brother are cordially Invited to attend, CEXTRAIj okkoox COIiLKCTINO AGKNCY Rooms 2-4 O'Kane Building Henri, Oregon Collections Mudo in All Parts of Control Oregon DR. G. SKINNER DKNTIST Room 17 O'Kano Building a Office Hours: 0 to 12 1 to 6 MRS. V. A. SMITH ' Agflnt for the , Will call by appointment on ' Indies desiring a fitting. AUDRK88 P, O. BOX D38 NUIIONK X'ORSKTS FOR 8ALH 4-room modern hnunn, close to llrookN-Hcunlon mill; $2000; terms. J. Ryun & Co. 64-121(0 FOR BALK Four burner oil stove; good condition. Inquire Coty Hotel, 37-Dtrc FOR 8 ALIO , 11 head of milch cows, dci'Heyn and HolstultiH, Will sell any number. C, J, Cook, MIIIIcmi, Ore. 84-nifn'ft Co. Progressiveness and Growth in tln'a community, meant dollart and cento in your pocket, Build Now with Deschutes (White) Pine. BuilJ of home product! inj patronize home irduitsy. Th. cheapcit and beat building material ia Dcachutee (White) Pin and ia manufactured right hart into sll tixea snd (fradea of lumber. Acquire a home of your own inatcsd of a bunch of rent receipts. PUT.YOUR MONEY TO WORK.'BUILD NOW The Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co. LOCAL SALES AGENTS; MILLER LUMBER COMPANY Industrial and -a a nuiirn Tinning and Shoal Metal k."LIA ...... WM.'Mt.VrOMKKY. Cabinet Maker and Builder, . iallj. 1 Furnace), Bpoutlnc. lui;-rla. JODDITu; i ! Comic und ttkyllgbt rranklln St.. rear ot Irrigation i j Rp,t,0, promptly attended to Co.'i Old building. : , Pr,rn rUnl, work i,rnntmd n.n.r.n rs.n. AVrUTn ! BEND INSURANCE ' PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. AGENCY "Always at Your Servici" . writ. or an kimu i i,,.u,. on. Help of all kinda Furnished Frwi ! TZ7tf,Ml2$ &Z to Employer. "",'"'"' ' ustmsau. louiti rsow. tiu n wim. " l t. (DtOS. law. ' tU-SM Ba-utde SUeet. fsrllana, Onmm I IZIIZZZZZZZI UNION CAFE , . i I QI'K.V XKiMT AM) I..IT V,arlSOn OC LyOnS ' Have You Trlod Our UotiRhnuU ! PLUM II INK " " ' & HEATING j gcotch Woo,cn MiI,8 j ' l'lmnlilntr and lkalln(f Kuplina, ' ' All AVonl Kuita Mndo In Order Hath Houin Accessories, etc. to Pipe, ValVCS ' H38 Ikmd Ht. and 1'ittiiiR.s ; phone kei) j j FOR SALE! ! ' ! Tracts under irritfiitron, i : adjaci r,l -o ntir iimina, cli-cti lo , j HkIiU und toll-phono wrvlcv, 1 Ranging in size from l; to 6 Acres ! Bend Pari. Co. ,. Real Eatats and Insurance L. D. WIEST j m 'J hlrd Struct Urnd Company llulldlnff " i Dodge Brothers II Motor Cars OWXl YOU- ' j WAWK-WILLIAMH CO. DWTl HOH16 1 " 8 MuC,urci Sulomnnn I have some bargains I in BUNGALOWS j . KAHY TI'.KMS fl Central Oregon". Leading REPAIRING INSURANCE AGENCY t ' THAT IS REPAIRING J.H. MEYER ELECTRIC Former,yi.ttTr Garatfe SHOE SHOP Good Luck Garage 1 . Succeaaor to j COLUMBIA SERVICE C.O.ANDERSON STATION . Jny Hullzninn, Prop, T3 J DL TJ j no. BTtytAOK IIAT'J'KIIY WORK Keaidenca Phone, Ked zUol dun ItcpnIrliiK ; , '. ' Odd Joiw In Mochanlen! Much Madam H. LaMarche JITNEY I Holding (irat claia qualifi- Service lit cotiona from Paria, Lon- i m- don. Dublin and Toronto. . .11,,,neS " wilUive private . Al1 1 ,acs Lessons in French and Stand at J. F. Tuggnrt's ' Mu8ic ' Phones- '"'' '81 Will Coll on Appointment , " "CS' R. BUcK 2291 Address, 134 Delaware A.C. DOBSON . . . Chevrolet car FOR SALIC My modem linmu lit Wolslnrlu nt u very nttraotlvo prlco. W. It. Speck. U2-8-18p FOR SALIC Ford louring cur, In fair shupu, for $300.00 cush, 0. It. (lartrell, 1617 Division Ht. 2-lS4-6Kp FOR BALK Now modern 4 -room house, close to llrniikn-Htmnlmi mill, A snap nt $1800.00. J. Ryan IHl-mifo Business Guide