PAGE a THE DEND UVIXKTIN, DAILY EDITION, DKND, OllKtJON, MONDAY, JUNK 23, 1010 The Bend Bulletin DAILY EDITION fsMtakW ery Arternaaft Rieeat 4a?' Enured aa Second Claaa matter, Januarr I, IP 17, at in rw umci m u, view-, .. act oi marcn o. ioi. ROBERT W. SAWYER Kdltor-Menaaw HENRY N. FOWI.KR Aeaoclate Editor RALPH SPKNCKR Mechanical SupU An Independent Newieaper, itandlnx for the guar deal, clean buiiine. clean politic and aba beat intereata ol llend and Central Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION BATES Ut Mall One Year M.JO fill Month. I2.1t Mire Montha tl.tO Bj Carrier One Year JMO Six Monthe S.0 One Month I .60 All utincrinttani are due and PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Notlrea of expiration are mailed aubacribera and if renewal la not made within -eanonable time the paper will M dlecontinucu. Please notify ua promptly of any change of jridrvae. or of failure to receive the paper regu larly. Olherwua wa will not be rvaponetai tor eopica missed. Make all checka and order! parable to The Bene Bulletin. MONDAY. JL'XE 23, 1919. BETTER STOCK. -Over In Carlton, OreRon, last week a Jersey cattlo breeder sold 32 cows for a total of $36,224. or an averaee of J1132 each. The highest price paid' for brie animal was $5100 and the lowest $300. One man paid $G200 for five cows. In various quarters the results of this sale are taken as evidence of the supremacy ot the state of Ore gon in the business ot breeding Jerseys, and, indeed, if any proof were necessary this should be suf- ficient. For this section, however, the lesson to be drawn is not that these cattle were. Jerseys, nor that they were raised In the state of Ore gon, but simply that it is possible! by care and skill to raise cattle that will bring high prices. Here in Deschutes county $100 Is a good price for a cow. Yet con ditions are as favorable here as in Carlton for the production of higher priced stock. It costs no more to raise the better kind and results are far bigger. Paraphrasing the famous artist's remark as to what he mixed his paints wlith, if the cattle men will only mix brains with their breeding the effort will show. Fortunately the local farmer does not have to travel alone along the road to better stock. Local banks , are giving their aid and the farm organizations are promoting the idea. Only the individual impulse' is needed and such prices as those re ported above should furnish that. We have an Idea that the sugges tion to remove the state capitol from 'Salem to Portland grew out of an Idea to advertise Prineville rather than to punish Salem or reward Port land. Do you remember what a stir the Salem Commercial club sec retary created when he wrote to all the other Salems asking them to change their name? - Germany wants to make member ship in the league of nations a con dition of signing the peace treaty. Meet them with a smile and say: "Surest Thing You Know." Bend Will The Celebration Committee needs $2000 to do it right. The Finance Committeee will he out beginning tomorrow, 'Tuesday, June 24th. By your financial support you will help to make Bend's FOURTH the best ever. Everybody ShouldHelp BAPTIZING Hits photOKi'iiph used through the courtesy of the centeuiit v cnmint.viliui nf thu Metlmillxt hiilNeopnl t'luirt'h, shows the linptlstii of n it entire community in Imllii. The missionary in order to effort this 11 1st Christianize I ho chief of the community. The chief, realizing how good It feels to become it Chrlxtlnn, orders hi entire tribe to become ChristUius, nud the missionary does the baptizing. while a bunch of Republican sen ators want to make non-membership a condition on the part of the United Stales. What's the answer? Looking back, we are sorry that that telephone strike was not called. There are some operators we should like to -see walk out and stay out. They Wouldn't Suit Her. Mary I'ickford was talking about the new French fashions. "The French," she raid, "are trying to bring the long skirt back again." She frowned slightly. Then, as she glanced down at her little shoe, her brow cleared. There's no doubt," she said, "that long skirts would suit some girls down to the ground." "Key Money." In many districts of England, and particularly in Yorkshire, where the dearth of houses is acute, the practice of paying "key money" Is growing. So keen are prospective tenants to get. Into a house directly It Is vacant Hint as much as $50 to $100 Is offered to the occupier for the key, this transac tion generally carrying with It the un derstanding that the landlord will ac cept the succeeding tenant. SEES PICKWICK AS JOHNSON Canadian Writer Believes Dickens' Famous Character Was Sketch of the Great Lexicographer. a A discussion has arisen between E. It. Thompson in the Nineteenth Cen tury and a writer In the Toronto Mall and Empire as to vh'her Plekens' Celebrate! AN ENTIRE COMMUNITY IN INDIA famous "character of ""MrCl'lik'wlck" is an adaptation of the personality nf Dr. Samuel Johnson. The iniignzinc writer holds that this Is the case; that the novelist was Inspired by James Itoswell's "Life of Johnson" and that the alleged plagiarism Is proVd by a certain characterization of I'tckwlek which coincides almost to a word with one of KoBwell's descriptions of John ton. The Toronto writer believe If Dickens did copy his character from the noted lexicographer he did It un consciously and without any attempt to steal the fruits of Boswell's writing. It Is atlntltted that there are many points of resemblance between I'U wk-k and Johnson. Both were rather portly, burly men. They had a com mon weakness for the use of resound ing and d I unl tied speech; both hud little dlfilculty In summoning Immense reserves of dignity to suppress the Im pudent or the flippant, and both had great hearts. "lint," says the Mall and Empire writer, "we have not the ltnai;lnntlon to picture Doctor Johnson disporting himself on skates after the fashion of Mr. Pickwick, and there Is a sort of kindly credulity about the hitter Hint we find distinctly lacking In Johnson. Moreover, we never suspect Mr. Pick wick of being a bully, although It is to be admitted that when he orders the skates of Mi. Winkle to be re moved he shows a Johnsonian stern ness and Impn.lienee with pretense." LITTLE KNOWN OF ST. MARK Facts as to History of Evangelist Have Been Lost in the Passage of Years. St. Mark, the evangelist. Is believed to have, been Ixirn nf Jewish parents, deriving Ihelr origin from the tribe of Levi. He Is also thought to liiive been "sister's son" to the npostle St. I'etcr, though some have confounded him ullh John, stirnumed Murk, "sister's ou" to St. P.iirniilms. He wn. prob ak(' converted by St. Peter, and was kU (ons iint attendant In Ills travels. aV i- traditionally said to have found ry the church In Aqiiileln, and there tu have written the gospel which bears i ls name. St. Mark suffered on April ':". though the certain year of his mar tyrdom s not precisely determined by the iiucleiils, St. Mark's symbol Is t lie lion, because he has set lorlji the royal illgnhy of Christ; or, necm-dlier to other writers, on account of Ills begin ning with the mission of St. John Hie ISnpllst, which is figured by Hie lion; or to 'a legend that was popularly be lieved in the middle r.ges, that I lie young of the lion was limn dead, and lifter three days was nwnkcnnl by the voice of Ils sire, symbolical of the res urrection. No Novelty. "How did you find the feller Hint runs the Iltisy lice store?" Inquired un uctiialiitiince. "I .lust rummaged around till I tin earthed him," replied n citizen of Sandy Mush, Ark., who hud been shop ping In Tuiiillnvllle. "Yes, but I heerd that he was In mighty bud health?" "Mebby so. He may hnve been puny, but I didn't notice It. I found him asleep In the back ronn setting on a keg, and when I asked him If he had any nxlc grease he 'lowed he had, but wanted to know If I couldn't Just as well come around Inter, when he'd pi'oh'ly be standing up. Nope, I didn't see anything peculiar about hint. Kansas City Slur. Muscular Music. "Thnnlc goodness, now the Hun Inn shown himself In his true colors, our ears are no longer shattered with the noisy music of Itlchard Strauss." The speaker was Handel llooth, sec retary of the Denver Philharmonic so ciety. "I know a chap," he went on, "who mild to his music teacher; '"Professor, I'd like to take tip the study of Strauss with you. What will It costr , . .ft,,,, .yy ,yy,r, J . "'Dot. meln frlendl,' said the old professor, "vlll depend on how many times der piano will have to be re built.'" Business Women Federating. The first nntlhnal convention of busi ness women of America will lie held In St. Louis, Mo.. July H. One of the Im portant subjects to he' discussed I housing for business woiyen. This con vention Is a step toward the federation of business women. Itehlntl the move ment Is a national committee of keen business and professional women, rep resenting every section of the cuuntry, with headquarters nt (10(1 Lexington avenue, New York city. Lemi Minlesln Phillips Is the executive secretary of the federation. No Escape. "Good morning, Mrs. Jagshy, Wf are ience delegates." "Pence delegutes?" "YeKsuiu. We were sent-by Mr. Jngsby, who was unable to get horn Inst night. He wauls us to arrange the nruilstlce terms and settle on the size of the Indemnity he owes you." "I'mpli! You tell Mr. Jagshy If 'ha dosn't show up here In the next hour I'll come and get hlui. He's not la Holland." Itlrmlngliam Age-Herald. v.. The Cozy Hotel The place for medium priced Rooms and Meals R. L. ANDERSON ' Real Estate Insurance Loans Minnesota Street Phone; Office. Black 1591 Rciiclence, 205 1 J. B. Anderton, Agent. CIIAS. STANTON Shop Next to Montgomery's Plumbing' Shop ALL WORK GIMRANTKKD . Painting unit l'liperliiuiirlntf FRANK WRIGHT Cnrpenter Work Hmv 1'lllnK Shop In tho DiiHemont of the Bend Laundry Or Inquire at Pnstlme Wet Wash Wanted t Iluujtli lry nnd Hnlxlied Woik Klectrlc Machine. Used Call 1602 IIIII St., or write - Mrs. Pearl E. Lattimer Box 80, Bond, Oregon Work Called Kor and Delivered SEND A POSTATj TO , 0. E, MAST PIANO TUNER TUNINCCLEANING-REPAIRING BEND, OREGON i- TONIGHT Last Showing GERALDINE FARRAR "THE HELL CAT" Powerful piece of lllm Uflliijf by u famous Htltr, TONIGHT ALSO 7 Hilly Phi-soils in "Proposing Hill." Harold Lloyd in "Gasoline i Wcdding.' TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY MONROE SALISBURY IN - "The Light of Victory" Two-Heel Coin3ily"Sopheiids nnd Saplitnuls" QRAND fHEATRE Coming !--"The Unpardonable Sin" "Put it in The Bulletin " Industrial and M. A. PALMER Cabinet Maker Mid builder, Jobbing: Franklin St., rear of Irrigation Co.'s old building. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. "AlWAVI AT YOU siiivier Help of all kinds Furniihad Free to Employer toroaau injAKA nun. Tea m tun. i r. cBtaa, . tU-ntaaraaldaglnal rarHtaa, Oitra Carlson 6c Lyons PLUMBING &' HEATING rhinit'lotf and Heating Suppllei, I lath Koom Accoaaorlea, etc. Pipe, Valves ' t and Fittings PHONE HE I) 15?) 1 Bend Park Co.' Real Ettate and I murine lend Company J3ull(llnjf Own Your Own Home I have some bargains in BUNGALOWS HASV ri'.RM9 J. A. EASTES Central Oregon' Leading INSURANCE AGENCY J. H. MEYER Formerly with Pioneer Garage it now at the Good Luck Garage Succeuor to C. O. ANDERSON Residence Phone, Red' 2081 Madam H. LaMarche llolJintf firat dim qualifi cation" from Pnria, Lon don. Dunlin and Toronto, will tfive private Lessons in French and Music Will Call on Appointment Address, 134 Delaware IN Business Guide Tinning and Uhoet Metal WM. MONTfJOMKICV. Furnace. Spouting. Guttering, Comic and tfkyllght Repairing prompllr attended to Prlrea rla-hr. nrk guaranteed BEND INSURANCE AGENCY Writer of all klnda ot Ineuraaea. Ota. ael Imuran Aavtur In 'ntral Or. Eoa. IL C gllla. Klrat National Uaak aUdlrw. Send. Orearoo. UNION CAFE OPEN NIGHT AX1 DAY Hnvo You Triad Our Dougbnuti Scotch Woolen Mills All Wool Hull Mnrtn to Order SIH.5U to XKIJM).VH HUM lloml St. FOR SALE! Tracts under irrigation, adjneenito wnler limine, electric llk'tita nnd telephone aervloc. Ranging io size from 1 to 6 Acres WICSTOIUA ADDITION Keo L. D. WIEST KlOt Third. Street Dodge Brothers Motor Cars V A rvr II KK-WI UA A M M CO. It. H. MeC'ltirc, Sulcnninn REPAIRING THAT IS REPAIRING ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP COLUMBIA SERVICE STATION Jny Hnllzmnn, Prop. HTOHAQK IIATTKItY WORK Jun ItepniriiiK Odd Julia In Meeliiinicul MueK JITNEY .Service at All Times All, Places Stand at J. F. TngRart's rnonei. R, BUcK 229, A.C. DOBSON . . . Chevrolet car