THK IIBND HVM.HTI.V, IAII,Y EDITION, 11KXI), ORKOON, I'KIDtV, Jl'.VK 20, 1010 PAGE 8 I Alias TONIGHT AND SATURDAY SATURDAY MAT1NKK . WALLACE REID IN Mike Moran Tli buy (tailed yellow, bill lid ended . Well, come and (ee jut ilia linil ol heia yoiii (weclieail i. Wallace rll nevn tlul aiiyiliinj linn limn lliii pit line.' Cartoon Comedy--"HIS DARK PAST" One-Reel Animal FJucationula. Outinil Clieitcr "A Pon tine Pilirimatfe. ' LIBERTY THEATRE LOCAL NEWS ITEMS TODAY'H TUMI'EIIATIIHK Maximum, 84 degrees. (iuy I ri k ru in of CroMcenl wiih In Hi ml toduy n IiiihIiiohh. J, J. Will Of HlHll'm H U llUllllH'HK visitor In III" cliy luiliiy. Uuh K. HlnillK l I" H''1"1 today rroiii iIh homo lit Lower llrlilKi'. Mr. Vlru Cyrus of Prluovlllo Ih spending liu duy I" Hend. W. '. IIiiIIIiihIii'UiI I;ft this niorn liiK with u truck load of freight for I .a I'imi unil CrfHcuiil. C. Hunkl", T. II. Clonil uml Hurry II. Cannon of l.nki'Vlw nru Hend visitors today. Mr. mid Mm. II. A. Myers arrived In limn! limt ii Ik lit from Silver l.uke unci am remaining ov,'r toduy. Arthur Norcolt unci Eugene Kill ton left lust iiIkIH for Mllwuukec, Wis"., whero limy will miter a school of elect rlcul engineering. Ja iihh C. (iray, un employe of the forest service, ilurlnx the liixt Hum mer arrived In llmul iIiIh morning to report for duty. Prlvnlit CitiN Nyxtrom of Hend Ih registered ui h. Army Y. M. C. A. nt thn Presidio, lie in In I In' t! mobilization rump awiililiiK dlHchiirge lifter it yi'iir'H service, Hunger liny Mitchell linn been I riuiKfi'rri'd to the Crescent illstrlet, relieving C. H, Springer, wlui Ih li'iivliiK Ih" forest service to go Into I hn cuttle business. Mih, John 10. K vim mid duiiKhtcr Putrleln huvn ml iirni'd to llrml from n fuur-dny trip to Kluruuth Kit I In by null). They report Hit routln In ex cellent roiulltlon after the ruin. AT THE HOTELS. Pilot Hullo Inn. Con O'Connoll, Kliimiith Fulls. Dun )' lv i-r. Kliiiimth FiiIIh. (I. A. 1'rlion uml wife, Portland. Ileiijiimln FlHher, Porllund. Hugo Kerble, Porllund. (Iuy Ingram, Crescent. AVI J I In in Klollar, Kim Fraiic-lnco. Mm. H. Jl. Upton, Porllund. J. 11, Courtwrlght, Porllund. TIioiiiuh M. Spencer, Porllund. . H. P. iJlcks, Ijikovlow. Charles Fohh, Porllund. F. K. lllckey, Kult Lake, (iolcllii VuukIi, Wlnnomuccu. Ted Povcy, WIvor I,uko. P. M. Murphy. Dublin. Mr, (iuy Swuln, Bpokune. Motel 'ry. II. l.offuii, Bremerton. V. llo'nklo, I.akevlow. T. II. ('loud, l.ukeview. Hurry 11. Cannon, l.ukeview. Mr. and Mm. A. J. Koppcl, Ouk luud. W. C. Shaw. Aitlorln. Hotel WHKlil. Mm. Jennie Solborg, Portlnnd. Mr. uml Mm. It. K. Johnson, Portlnnd. ' M. II. ItobortH, Shell City. Mo. J. II. I'lilliin, Spokane, II. (', I.nuili, Iiouulil, Oregon. . Mr. uml Mm. ). A. Myers. Silver l.nko. II. C. Hroil, I.n PI'. P. ('. Ilormiiii, Portland. Dr. (!. J. Turner will lie Hi" city from Jiinn 2'i to cIiihIviv - Adv. 1 3-2 Ic. out of HO, In- Fed Up. Till Dili ft Uliii ln.i'.tr itm. a nin.ll.lK. " " HIIJ i IIMIH w donsn'l like ran-ly likos unyihlna You Tod WHEN so many women of taste find the answer to iheir corset problem among the new RrG Models, isn't it reasonable to suppose you, too, will be success ful? Let us show you the new This splendid low bust model for the average fig ure will set ofF your new gowns to best advantage. UNION SUITS 58c Women' Cumfy-Cut Un ion Suit! of fine light weight ribbed cotton-lace or tltfht knee-exceptional value. 58c. HOSIERY THAT WEARS Women'i Hose of the well known Armor Plate Brand, fine mercerized lule-hemmed or ribbed topi black, white, brawn, tfray, per pair-- 68c Armor Plate Hou for Boy or Girln-medium and fine ribbed Cotton Stockinet that wear well and wash well. Blue, black, brown -all iize 5 to 9 1-2-23o38c-48c-53c "Put Your Duds In Our Suds" Finished . Rough Dry Wet Wash Dry Cleaning The BEND LAUNDRY Phone Black 3 1 1 HlKiied - when f'uptiilu Karl IlurklnH, now on recrultltiK m.-rvlcn, urrlvvii In tlilH city. Cuptuln IlurklnH Ih a brother of Mih. M. A. Iluiiilltou of lleud. '1'h'i Itinerary to ho -followed by ('upliiln J fa r k I iib In tho iinny recruli I n K drive, uh already mapped nut, In cliidi'K, In iiilAlllon to ileud, Hood lllver, The Dallen, MadruH, Itedmond, Prlnevllle. Komill and Heppner, Tim llax, wlileli It Ih expeeled he will lirln here with him from Portland, Ih IiIh ;'irHonnl property. 6alnt-8cna a Prodigy. Piilnl-KaeiiH cuiiiiiietifed to nlnv tho pllino nltnoHt iih hooii im h learned to Wlllk. He could tell nit n edlM tl,o note mruek by all the clock chlmon It in- II0IIHC. Daily Market Keport. OLCOTT CASE NOT DECIDED (Continued from !'uk 1.) miiHt conlliitK! the Huturday train under tho ruliiiK of thu comnilHHloii. J. A. Churchill, Kuperintendent of public liiHtrucllon, Iiuh announced that thu coumo of Htudy for the public hcIiooIh will not ho reudy for dlHtrlbiillon until tho latter purt of AiiKUHt. Uer.uuHu thu Hlatij texthook comnilHHloii in u do numeroUH chungen In thn hcIiooI bookH at Hh nieetlnK vurly til Ih mouth, II will require ho in 0 wei-kB for thu Kuperlntendcnl to map out couraeg of Htudy to cor rfnpond with the new uxtbookn. ERSKINE HEAD OF BEND POST (Continued from Puo 1.) To Moot Wwkly. Allhouxli thoae who uttended limt nlxbt will ho charter menibem of the locul poHt, tho churtar will prob ubly be open until the flint until vumury of the hIkiiIiik of tho armiH tlce. Mr. Kivern Bald. He predicted that ll would not be long until every Horvlce mini In the county would have ti Ih application In. Monday evenltiK at 8 o'clock wuh Hettled on oh tfio ri-Ktilnr weekly meetliiK of thn pout, and until further not li e tli Ih will bo held in thu Kyni-niiHluin. GARBAGE COLLECTION l'LAN IS EXPLAINED HoiiHelioldem Xot Force! to Kniploy City Collerlor, but .Must Maln- tuln l'niHT Siinltntlon. The Peoples Store Correcting tho ImpreHsion gained by many In the city that all Iiouhc- liolilerB are compelled to patronize the municipal garbage collector, the health committee of tho city council, through one of Its mcmbero, de clared thin morning Unit there Ib nothing In the newly paused Hiuilta tlnn ordinance to limit choice In ne- lectlng Hervlcu of tills kind. "TUo only thing the council alms to ucrompllBh In this Ih to keep the city Hiinltary," lie Bald, "anil to avoid, tho repetition this Bummer of epi demics of piiHt yours, which huvc boon Kprcad chiefly by flies from filth accumulations. Gurbago kept outside must he In covered metal cans, mid it this Is not dono It must bo Immediately removed. If prop erty owners wish to do this them selves, or to have It done by a pri vate, collector, it Is certainly their privilege, but If thulr promises are not kept In the proper condition the city garbage collector must clean up for them. For this service a charge of $1 per month Is made for each homo. Incidentally, It Is probable that In ninny cases householders will find the city service us chenp and possibly more roliublo than that rendored by a private collector." Tho1 matter was brought to tho at tention' of tho health committee by complaints from a number of Ileiul residents who had been given to' understand that tboy lind no choice but to employ the city collector. I Ktirnlhl hi arrangement with tha Central Oreirnn Hbnk.) I.IVKKTOCK. . VOHTH POJtTI.ANI), June 20. I'lfiy entile received. Market dull und weak. Good to choice ntecrs, $10.50 11 jO; medium to good, 19.50 10.50; fair to medium, C8.50 9.50 ; common to fair, 1 (iiH.UO; choice cowh and helfem, $8.50 ft 9.50; good to choice, 7.50if 8.50; medium to good, ffS.SO (t 7.50; fair to medium, $5f.G0; cunnera, 4Q'5; bulls, !; calves, $10013. lliK Market. One hundred hogH received. Mar ket Ktrong. Prime mixed. $1919.60; me dium mixed, $18 if 19; rough heavy, $I7018; plgH. $16.G017.50; bulk Of HaleH, $19.50. Kliwp .Market. Four hundred and fifty sheep re ceived. Market steady. Prime lambs, $13 13.50; fair to medium, $12013; yearlings, $6 8.75; wethers, $68; ewen, $5 (S)7.50. IlLTTKIt MARKET. (Prlecs quoted by the Central Oreson Farmer" CrejnT7.) I Prints, parchment wrapped, C4c, wholesale price. Uutlorfut, 56c. gsisrsrsfEfa.'a An Automobile was sold the day after it was ADVERTISED in 1 r?j The Bulletin's Wont Ad Column Boy Scout Headquarters Everything to be found here for your boys. Boy Scout Suits of extra heavy khaki and extra well made... $5.05 Boy Scout Shoes, the kind that give satis faction j . $2.05-$2. 85 Kaynee Blouses and Shirts for boys. They s&kL are the better kind that wear longer and will jiot fade 85c-$l .1 5-$l .25-$l .50 Boys' Athletic Union Suits .75c-95c-$1.15 Boys' All Wool Knickers. Extraordinary values $ 1.50 to 3.50 We Want Every Boy to "Trade With The Boys" BROTHERS Quality Pioneers since 1911 He Was Supplied. Billy had Just ben going to school i short tlrne. but considered himself rise in the ways of schoolboys. One ay while playing with his younger rother he wild, "Jenn. when you start o school you want to pick yon out a lrl. I've got me one." Fat It la "THE HU1XETIX." 8ee Others' .Point of View. Half the troubles and miseries la this life would be smoothed away, tf we wonld put ourselves In other peo ple's places, and try to see things from their point of view. It to the great blank wall of self that binders Put It in "THE BUIA,ETN." Let The Bulletin's Wan Tads Do your Selling for you. They get action the quickest. Summer Term Music Begins June 23 at Piano Forte School of Music wSst. Those wishing to uke advantage of the old rales, may do so until August 1st, when an advance will be made in lessons. ; FAMOUS FLAG MAY BE BROUGHT HERE Ih Property of Cuplain Earl HiukliiH, brother of Mrs. M. A. Iliimll ton of This City. Bowl residents mny have thn op portunity of seeing one of thn most highly prized relics of the war the Amorlcan flag which wbb flown over the hoadqunrtors of the adjutant gonoral ot the first army In France on the day thnt the armistice was Hundreds read them every day. The BEND BULLETIN E The Best Blue Serge Suits. for the money are the kind you can buy from nie. Special Two piece blue serge suits formerly priced at $30.00, now $24.50 Made to measure in the finest manner. Dick The Tailor Cleaning & Pressing Reading advertisements has helped to make this a united country 'Jim Hawkins props his feet on the rose festooned porch railing in an Oregon suburb and reads the same motor car advertisement that Cousin Peter is studying as he rides home from work in the New York subway. In Arizona you can buy the ame tooth paste and tobacco that are used by the folks in Maine. California fruit growers advertise their oranges and lemons to the people of the east. New Hamp shire factories make ice cream freezers for Texas households. There can be no division in a country so bound to gether by taste, habit and custom. - . , You can meet up with anybody in the United States and quickly get on a conversational footing because you both read the same advertisements. Advertising is the daily guide to what's good to buy. Advertisements give you the latest news from the front line of business progress. Reading advertisements enables you to get more for your money because they tell you where, what and when to buy. And it is a welL-known fact that advertised goods are more reliable and better value than the un advertised kinds.