TUB II U.N I) nUIXETIN. DAILY EDITION, IIE.N'D, OREUON, TIIURNDAT, Jl'NE 12, 1019 PAGE 8 TONIGHT Only MARGUERITE CLARK in "WILDFLOWER" A Do Line DJilion ol lin early mcceii. Announcement! 7lh Epiiodd "The Man of Might" "lolo lilt Tup" Tha Lateat Nowi in CURRENT EVENTS LOCAL NEWS ITEMS TODAY'S TEMt'EIlATUIlB Muxluium, 07 dfurt'on. M.lle Young if Redmond lit n visi tor in llm city. ' Mm. J. N. Maslen nnil mm of l.u I'lnn wire In !in(l Insl night. N. K. llllM!rt bus returned from " ' trip lo I'urilnnd. N, 0. Jacnlmon returned t It Im morn ing from un unto trip to I'ort lniiil. 3. It. M'J-'.lfrouli of Redmond ar rlvud In Bond Insl night and U re maining over today. Mr. J. II. Melstor, Miss M. Mc Currun. mid Mr. uud Mm. II. J. Ovorlnrf. are guests at tlio Portland hold In Portlund. James Erunkliind of tho United States forest service went to Port limd lam nlRlit In connection with llm geodetic survey work. Mm. M. P. CuHhnian will return tomorrow from a vlnll to ftpokune. Ilur sister. Mm. C. C. Carroll, will ac company hor Mr. and Mm. E. A. Nixon arrived lint nlKht from Portland, and ars vis iting al Ilia homo ot Mrs. N'lxon'e aunt, Mm. R. I. Mlntor. Minn Lenora Mock, formerly of Tumnln, hus arrived In Bond from Walla Walla and will mnko her hoW In Ihiii city. Alex. Mackintosh, former com missioner of Deschutes county, I In Bond nftnr a trip lo California. Ho expect to remain In thin auction for tlio next throa .week. Walter II. l.evo, who bus been ns m In 1 1 n k ot tho forest reconunlssuiicc camp on tho Tumuln wan recalled to tho dlhtrlcl nffleo at I'ort land last night. It In expected that liu will ho trnniiferred to special work on the Cruter niitlonnl form!. C. 8. Hudson left hint night for I'ort land to attend the annual ron vi'ntlon of tho OruKon State Hunk em' association. It. A. Ward will ul- Wet Wash Wanted ! ltolljr.li Dry anil I'lnlnlieil Work Kluctrla Machine lined Call 1602 Hill St., or wrlto Mrs. Pearl E. Laltimer Ilox 80, llend, Oregon Work Culled For and Delivered We promise you real service and real groceries- That means delivering your purchases to your own back door. It means that you can order things by tele phone if you want them in a hurry or if the weather is stormy and you don't feel like ven turing out. It means that you can have a charge account and pay your bills at the end ot the month by check. It means that you will have all the advan- tages of our expert knowledge of the grocery business without it costing you a cent. We know the good brands, we know the re liable manufacturers and we olTer you only those products which we know will please you and bring you back for more. More than ever you appreciate clean, fresh vegetables, Call us early to get them. PHONE 401 F. DEMENT & CO. GROCERIES AND HARDWARE FRIDAY-SATUHDAY SATURDAY MAT. John Barrymore IN "HERE COMES - "THE BRIDE" Mack Srnnetl 'i Latert Comedy 1F Village Smithy" Chetter Cunklia and llie Blliing Bcauliet LIBERTY THEATRE iio ha In attnnilanco ut tho conven tion. leavliiK tli'M ovonlng for Portland, AT THE HOTELS. llolol Cozy. Mm. J. N. Muslim and ion, I.a I'lnu. Mm. Frank Iloguo. I.a Pina. Minn l.llllo Iloguo. Iji I'lne. . Mr. and Mm. J. U. Euton, Bulem. ti. 1'erkliiH, Elfo. J. W. Perkins, Klf. A. Tucker, Suploo. W. C. llolllimheiid. I.a Pino. Kadla Cooper, I'ulaloy. (iuy II. Wilson. Portland. II, II. Stewart, Oregon City. J. M. Btowart, Portland. Mile Young, Itedmond. Thoo Swnnson, Portland. John Swnnson. Portland. Hotel Wright. J. V. Tuylor. Kort Hock. W. C. Ilornsy, Sulphur, Nor. J. I.. Wulrous, Fairbanks, Alaska. Mm. A. J. Jackson, Uremorton. II. P. Ilott, Rpokann. 11. C. Juhl, Portlund. E. D. Dyer, Portland. J. II. McElfrosh, Itedmond. Henry McCnll, Pnlsley. E. A. I.each, Vollnier. Pilot Itulto Inn. Chester Docrlng, Porllnnd. E. II. Whitukur. Portland. C. A. Uobert, Portlund. II. II. I.omley, Porllnnd. J arm Eranklund, IT. S. E. S. . I.. Osborno. U. 8. E. 8. Mm. J. II. McOee, Ashland. Mm. William llanley, Burn. E. II. Conner, Ilurnn. It. Iloyd, Kan Francisco. C. Curnon, Sun Francisco. C. P. Finch, Seattle. E. ('. Garrison, Prliievlllc. E. V. TatKe, ChlrriKo. J. E. Clark, Portlund. Kriiuk S. Clover, Portlund. II. 1. Alherlnon, Seuttlo. C. A. Iti'tid, 1 1 on, I Itlver. P. I.. TompkliiB, Hood Itlver. P. W. Peek. Hood Itlver. W. B. Dlckersnn, Hood Itlver. I.. E. Ireland, Hood Itiver. FATHER AND MOTHERS, ATTENTION! I'lirentN of the llend lloy Smuts nro nsked to ntteiid the l.llierty the ater tonight without full. Your noun will bo there, nnil you. will he shown To the people of Bend and Central Oregon I wish to announce the opening of my new and modern Optical Office, where the best of Optical Service can be had at the most conservative prices. EYES EXAMINED CLASSES FITTED BR.OKEN LENSES DUPLICATED Dr. L. W. GATCHELL OPTOMETRIST Office with Larion &t Company, Jewelers 143 Oregon S trcet, Bend, Oregon. what llm lloy Heout movement means to llu-m anil what it la UoIiik fur them. Adv.Cc COULD READILY BELIEVE IT Stage Driver Quite Willing to Accept "Keeper's" Explanation aa Ha Understood It, The New Englunder uses the word "Datum!" to describe one who was unfurnished at birth wth the unual and Indispensable quantity of brains. Prof. Kurt O. Wilder, the distinguish ed xoohiRlnt, telle an amusing story that turns on a countrymnn'a mistak ing the unfamiliar word "naturalist" for the funUjlur word "natural." A few yeara after his arrival Id America, Agnmli was one of a small party of Harvard professors who traversed the White Mountain region la carrluge driven by the country man. Three of tbeia were vivacious, restless, and on the lookout for speci mens. They would call a halt, leap from the vehlcte before It stopped, danh over tho fields, und return with prlr.es In their boxes, in their hands and pockets, and even pinned upon their lints. The fourth. Prof. Eelton, tho hrother-lii-luw ot ArussIz, sat quietly lu his comer ot tho carriage reading a favorite Greek author. When the bewildered driver could stand It no longer ho elicited from Eelton Information Hint led him to view tho hehnvlor of thu others with coinpiiHNlouiito toleration. At the close of the duy ho thus conveyed his In terpretation to the Innkeeper: "I drove the queerest lot you ever saw. They chattered like monkeys. They wouldn't keep still. They Jiimie ed the fenees, tore about the fields and (nine buck with their huts cover ed with hues I asked their keeper what uiled them; he Kald they was naturals, and, Jmleln' from the way they acted, I should say they wus" Vouths' (.'nuipanlou. MUCH DIFFERENCE IN HUMOR Brand Highly Thought Of In One Coun try la Not Always Appreciated In .Others. AY I it'll Colerldco said, "No mind la thorniiKhly well organised that Is de ficient In the sense of humor," he ex pressed a conviction thut seems com mon to nil civilised men, nnd makes each nation take pride In Its humor and perhaps suspect that other nations enjoy a somewhat Inferior brand. Yet cnmpnrlsnns of humor shows, broadly speaking, that the peoples of the world are much alike. In the Tourist, pub lished In Tokyo, a Japanese author, for example, remarks Hint humor "is In deed the flower of life, and life with out It would be ns dreary as spring without Its blossoms. To Illustrate, he translates a number of Japanese anec dotes, "funny stories," as the United States might call them, but one does not smile over them. Neither, on sec ond thoiiRht, does one smllo over many of tho "funny stories" In 'American inngnxlnes nnd newspapers. Humor which really amuses Is everywhere rare and precious, a "flower of life," ns the Japanese, gentleman poetically puts It, but growing up In company with n grent many weeds. Christian Science Monitor. No IdJe Chatter. When a young girl I was timid nnd shy, and hnvlng attention directed lo mo always caused mo much embar rassment, tine eTMiIng I was Invited to n rnlher formal dinner party. All tho girls present were considerably older than I, so I salil nothing until nbniit the middle of the men), although tho others were chatting In a desul tory manner. Suddenly n young woman sitting nl my right turned to me with the ques tion: "Don't you ever sny anything?" It seemed to me that the attention of every nun nt tho table wits focused on me, nnd blushing furiously, I stam mered: "Oh, yes, sometimes, when there's something Interesting to talk bout." A stony silence greeted my remark. Chicago Tribune. CITY COUNCIL WILL SET ELECTION DATE Iludget, Homl Issue, Library Appro priation anil tlinrtrr Amend ment to Appear on llullot. To set the date for a special city election, at which the budget will be voted for tho coming year, members of the Bend city council will meet this evening at 8 o'clock. In the council rooms in the Sphler building. In addition to the budget, a charter amendment to make the city election law conform to the statute, a $3,000 tax for the Carnegie library fund, and a $5,000 bond Issue to provide a revolving fund tor street Improvements, will be placed on the ballot. WILL PREPARE FOR 1919 CHAUTAUQUA Guarantors of the 1919 Chau tuuqun In Dend will meet tonight in the circuit court rooms with a repre sentative of the Elllnon-Wbite com pany to consider details for the coming Chautauqua. Tut It lu "THE HUIXETIX." Daily Market Report. (Furnuhed by rrrnmnerit with th CcntrmI Orcffon Blank.) MVESTOTK. NOHTII PORTLAND, June 12 Eight hundred cattle received. Mar ket steady. Good to choice steers, $10.50I 11.50; medium to good. $9.50fi 10.60; fair to good. $S.So&9.50; common to fair. $6 Iff R. 50; choice cows and heifers, $9 i 9.50; good to choice, $Sfi'9; medium to good. Get Right, with the Dime. Make it a habit. Look over this list. . 15c to 25c items are often found here at a Dime; Paring Knives Table Spoons Cake Turners Can 'Openers Lamp Burners J J Curtain Rods Screw Drivers Meat Forks Talcum Powder Shinola looth lmishes PniAVila i croxiue Market Baskets J Shaving Brushes J $ Sherbert Glasses and Hundreds of Others. THE FAIR STORE ? SATHER BUILDING Motor Trucks For Sale Heavy Units for Road Work Also Light Trucks Greatly Reduced Prices ADDBESS Spruce Production Corporation VANCOUVER BARBACHS VANCOUVER WASH. (ANTED OVERLAND MODEL "90" The Model "90" Overland in the Oakland Los Angeles endurance and dependability test over mountains, in hub-deep mud, in blinding storm, never failed. It went right through. Remember Our Early Sunday Morning Gas Service. PIONEER GARAGE Phone 221 $7S; fair to medium, $6 7; can ners, $3.505; bulls, $58; calves, $10613. HoR Market. Five hundred hogs received. Mar ket steady. Prime mixed, SI 8.5041 19.50: me- FRANK WRIGHT Carpenter Work Saw Filing; Shop in the Basement of the Bend Laundry Or Inquire at Pastime Ins te sid of Linm INDIAN HEAD 'CLOTH nt; ui. Stays Fresh Ever had a clever suit or skirt made of Indian Head ? Ever made for the young sters little suits and rompers of Indian Head? Then you know its service, its beauty, and the economy of using it. Indian Head is the ideal white fabric for the whole family. Why? Because it wrinkles less than linen, washes better, and costs less. It gives lasting satisfaction. It is fully guaranteed by the makers. o : THE WARNER COMPANY Ol'AMTV MSSCHASDIsa AT fori'LAH PBICIS 3 or 4 Fjord Cars as First Payment on- dium mixed, S17.5018.50; rough heavy. $16.50017.60; pigs, $16.50 r 17.50; bulk of sales, $19.25 19.35. Sheep .Market. Five hundred and fifty sheep re ceived. Market steady. Prime lambs. $12 13; fair to medium, $10 12; yearlings, $68; wethers, $67.50; ewes, $67. BUTTER MARK ET. (Prices quoted br the Central Oregon Farmers' Creamery. I Prints, parchment wrapped, 64c, wholesale price. Butterfat. 56c. pal prr. A Mm