IMUB TON Hi I IT SHIRLEY MASON and ERNEST TRUEX Lust Time in "GOOD-BYE BILL" spoken druinii the uclor has his linger IlKuratlvely on the pulse of Ills uud lunce and plays up to them' !i:iii!iiimii:ii,;i'nMi;iiii!i:iiiii;i!iiiiii TIIK IIHNU IHJU-KTIN. IIAII.V KIMTION, HHNI. OitfEOON, WKDNKHIIAV, HIKE II. 1010 ?UuiJjiijim;i j & VJKZr mm iMlillejIB 8B818llglBggl ill I THURSDAY SPECIAL! Marguerite Clark "W1LDFL0WER There are miiny tender pmu in the production, many humor ous touchea, end aome tinned with the little sadnesses that creep into liny true atury of life. Hut Wildflowcr alieda her fratfrance throughout the entire .uhject, a thintf of heauty of alwayi. and ulwaya u symbol of nature a purity. Also William Duncan in the 7th Episope of "THE MAN OF MIGHT" Friday & Salnrday-Sal. Mai. John Barrymore in "Here Cornea The Bride Mark BtlHllH CeBaOJ "THE VILLAGE SMITHY" LOCAL MOWS 1TKMS TOIIAVH TKMI'EHATIJItK Maximum, 84 Aetna. Mm. Bmlly Dun mini of Culver, In viiiitinjc with frtanda Id tba city Mr. ami Mr II. It liiKK" of I'rlne. vlllc ar vlaliliiK In Band today. Vernon Poind? " Wwlltl la In the cliy loduy iruiiHiicilnii DUa liioas. , Mr. UU) Mm. (i. W. WullliiK of Redmond art apondini Use day in BDd. Mm. N !. Davis linn one to Pa ml. mhi, axpootlni to return to Band within a month's tlmv. Dmuiia Oannody will leave to- nlKlil for Portland on u short busl- naaj trip. Con Union, promlnvnt ahvepmaii or the Alfalfa illnlrlct. 'n In Band yesterday . Mr. mid Mm C. W Hayes and Mr. 0 inn! Mm. B. L. Payno win laava by auto tbt latter pun of tba month to mr " jkv r nlvl Urn m tm.A The Cozy Hotel The place for medium priced Rooms and Meals Wet Wash Wanted ! ItoiiKli I'ry uml I i ni-ln-.l Work Electric Muchlno Usod Cnll 1101 illll St., or write Mrs. Pearl E. Lattimer llox 80, Brad, Oregon Work ('ailed For and Delivered Milk I in aWd- fit- 0ml Ms. in , for Baatllo where tbay will viHit with Mr. ami Mm. Hayaa' dauchtar. Mr. uml Mm II. K llrookH and tholr auaati Mum afayma Bunoa, MIhh J-'alrluinli mid Mru. Norman W lilt nil. Ie(l by QUtO today for Han Pranolaoo. it s. Hamilton returned tp Band today from Portland where be con ferred with til"1 tl." highway com mission In regard to Deschutes coun ty road matter. Mm K !. Kay of Cornelius, Ore- koii in bare rlaltlni a) the J. B, itork bone. Mm. Hay Iioh recently dls PohiiI of her property on Colorado avenue. Trunk It. Prince. John B. Ryan ami j i' Hanneeey returned to Bend today from Klamath Kails, accom panied by H O Johnson of the Weed Lumber company. Mr. Johnson held the rank of major In tin' lOtb engl Iieem durliiK the war, beliiK In com- luiimi in the Spinal dlotrtoti and aleo 0ODmandln llml army detachments In thv Anxonne In Bend's Movie Centers (ill tl. Beeaue Hayakawa, Hie brilliant uml vematiie Japanaee iter, in bin new Hayrortb production. "Bond! of Honor," playing the partH of twin brothora "f dlattnotly oppoalna lypee, win be at the Qrand theater Thura day ami Friday nlsjbta. Probably no actor on the screen today projects Imllvlduallty nets Inalde bin ebaraoter aa trail as does this Japanese star. The reason for this Is the mentality of the actor, allied with a vivid Imagination and facility of expression possessed only by the elect of tba drama. "Playing a role for tba silent drauiii Is mure taxing to mi' than if I were phiyhif; before an audience personally," said Iliiyakawn, seen while the production of "Bonds of Honor" was In progress. "The reason for llils Is Unit I must visualize my audience, try to feel Ometblng which Is not there. In the and Snow Flakes Am good us It sounds. Snow Flukes are Bailed Just right, baked to a turn, crisp and rich; served with'' milk It Is really difficult to conceive a hotter balanced menl for sick or well, children or grown ups. Don't nsk for cruckors, any Snow Flaked, Your grocer can supply yon. I.;... K'j Pacific Coast. Biscuit (bk ' " IV't. LIIIKKTV. The Bubjucl selected for Marguer ite (.'lurk's debut before the million PlOture public was "Wlldllower," u delightful obaraoterlwiUon by Mary (li iinalnn, which will be hown In Improved form at tba Liberty theater tomorrow night only . The story Is that of tba lovo of two brothers for the game woman. "Wlldllower" Is a refreshing zephyr from Die wooded hills that form the Nriy abode of the stellar character. It transforms the screen into u mirror in which is reflected Ilia purity of the (real outdoors and the shallow ness of human life. The production Is Dnely mounted mid the cast Is consistent mid capable, Including the well known players such us Harold Lock wood, James COOley und E. I. Davenport. AT THE HOTELS. Hotel Wright. 0. B. Johnson, Klamath Fulls. Mm. Bmlly Daltman, culver. Vernon I'olndexter. I'rlnevllle. Arleiia Kale. Klamath Falls. 1' 1'iilos, Hhevlln-Hlxon Camp 7. Chariot Campbell! Ifadrae, Hotel GOBJN Maude H. Porter, Portland. J C. Campbell, Log Angeles. .1. Ooldberg, Hums. C. W. Walling and wife, Redmond. it. U Wllllama, o. w. R. & N. B. O. Clark, O.-W, It. & N. K. K, Hclletiiun. Stauffer. F Benedict, jr.. Portland Pilot Untie Inn. II J. Caswell, Portland. D I.. ItoM'iifeld. Han Francisco. Charlea pitcher, silver Lake. Vera Pitcher, Silver Lake. Mr. and Mm. It. K. Pray, West wood, Cul. Mm. M. A Wright, I.os Angeles. Mr. and Mm. W T. McFle, Los Angeles. Mm. 0. Nlehnum. San Francisco. BUtanne Ilunlel. Snn Frnnclaco. Mm. Ellen Ilradley, San Francisco. II. II. I.angley, San Francisco. H. T. Clemens. Portland. T. M Wood. Portland. Daily Market Report. ( br arrant-merit with the Central Oreeon Bank.) LIVESTOCK. NORTH PORTLAND, June 11. Fifty cattle received. Market steady. Good to choice steers, S10.G0& 11. SO; medium to good, $ .:$ I 'i ;.n. fair to good. JS.GO it 9 50 ; eonnnon to fair. 7.80tjT8.SO; choice cows and helfem, $8.f0 it 9 .10 ; good to choice, 17.50 0 8.60; medium to gopd. $8:6007.60; fair to medium. $(, fi.50; cannem. $3.6006; hulls. $60 S; calves. $3 6)13. Hok .Market. One hundred mid fifty hogs re ceived. Market steady. Prime mixed. I18.G0O18.60; me dium mixed. $1 T.r.O IS. 50; rough heavy, $16.60017.60; pigs. $10.50 017.60; bulk of sales. $18,860 19.35. Sliecp Market. Four hundred ami fifty sheep re ceived Market freak. Prime lambs, $12.50 13; fair to niedlum. $9. 50 12.50; yearlings. 708; wethers, $707.50; ewes. $6 4i,7. BUTTER MARKET, (Pi law QUOtad liy tba Crntral Oreiron Farmer' Cruimrry. ) Prints, parchment wrapped, 54c. wholesale price. Butterfat, 56c. Put It III "TIIK HIIXETIX." The Man 1 Who Knows I 1 quality in pure food and rs . i i i tame aeuoacies aiways trades at Our Grocery I We make it a point to g always handle only high- S fJ. grade products that we i can recommend , I Give our groceries a trial. B SMITH'S GROCERY PHONE 51 TELEGRAPH STRIKE IS A FAILURE (Continued from Page 1.) their Jobs, but that in most cases the working forces are remaining. PICKETING stoppki). PITTSHCIIG. June 11. Police to day dispersed pickets on duty before the mnln offices of the Western I'nlon, arresting one man. The au thorities are said to huve been or dered to stop picketing. MR89ENGHRS join STIUKK. PORTLAND. June 11. Unionists clulm thai the manager and the chief operator are the only keymen work ing on the Postal telegraph wires here. The entire Postal messenger force has Joined the strikers. STIOKKHS NEED TIME. CHICAGO, June 11. President I Konenkump, of the telegraphers' union, issued a statement this after noon in which he asserted that it ; would take several days for the full : force of the strike to make itself j felt. He said that reports Indicate that the union poaltlon Is gaining i:i j strength und that Omaha. Denver. Sao FranciBco and Butte offices are 1 seriously crippled. ONE PORTLAND MAN yi its. PORTLAND, June 11. The West ern Union reports that only one op- erntor ut the local office has quit j work. Unionists cluim that many will be out by night. NOTICE. The rehearsals of the Bend Union band will be held at the Hippodrome Monday and Wednesday evenings at 8 o'clock. Beginners will receive in struction free. Adv. 151-7Gp. EAT ALL THE BREAD YOU WANT BUT IT ALWAYS SHOULD BE THE BEST. HOLSOM BREAD IS THE BEST K Your Grocer Sells It. 1 1 American I Bakery Home of tke Ilolnom Bread m I BEND'S BEST BREAD. 1 i iSaiajsjsiajsjsisis -. i irgmrwr uiiiiininii,!iii'.iMitii)iiiiiuuiiiiiuiiit ran 11 j v m zwwi m ggggCVTTLI 1 I' .UTtfTA gfa-MVW-JL.gH Tho all -yoar: round soft drink. Leadership, once established, is strengthened and confirmed by its followers and imitators Bevo's leadership is proclaimed by the largest rear guard that ever followed a leader. Sold everywhere - f amilict supplied by grocer, drurfojiat and dealer. Visitor, are cordially Invited to Impoci our plant. ANHEUSER-BUSCH ST.LOUIS. Blumouer & Hoch, Wboleaala Dbtrlbatan fdKTLAND, United Warehouse Co., Wartbonaa mmuim BKM). ORE. orb NOTJCE, Charb.s W. Mapes, agency super visor for the jr. L. Kmery Oregon agency of the Bankers' Life company of lie Moines, Iowa, is in town and will be here until probably Sunday morning. Policyholders in the com pany who wish to see Mr. Mapes will find him at the Pilot Butte Inn. Adv.ap POUND NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the City of Bend has taken up Che fol lowing described livestock, to-wit: One bay gelding with star in fore head, branded K on left front shoul der and with three white feet; and one white mare, branded A C on right hind quarter. The cost of re deeming said livestock will be $1 per day and cost of advertising. In case of failure to redeem on the part of the owner, said livestock will be sold as provided by the charter of the City of Bend on the 19th day of June at 3 p. m. at the city pound. 5&llc L. B. KENNEDY. Poundmaster. MILLICAN TO HAVE SCHOOL ELECTION MILICAN. June 9. Mary Holland was in Bend Ibis week to have some dental work done. She accompanied Mrs. Mary Koaln and daughter Gladys. W. Kd Moore and It. R. Keller made a business trip to Bend last Wednesday. William Ream called at the R. R. Keller and C. GraiTt nhergor homes on school business Wednesday. School election will be held at the west end school house June 16, to vote for two directors. R. R. Keller's term expires and Vernon Clevengcr has sent in his resignation. Miss Mary Holland and Mr. A. F. The farmer and the business man of this com munity are partners in the progress or the failuie of their community. if they pull together, the progress and prosperity is eerttiin to come. IF they listen to preachers of class hatred there can only be failuie as a result. THE SHEVLIN-HIXON COMPANY Progressiveness and Growth in this community, mean dollar? and ccnta in your pocket. Build Now with Deschutes (White) Pine. Build of home products and patronize lit me irduetiy. Hie cheapest and best kuildiri! matenal is Dricliutcs (While) Pine and 19 manufactured right here into all aizes and (fradea of lumber. Acquire a heme of your own insterd of a bureh of tent receipts. PUTJYOUR MONEY TO WORK, BUILD NOW The Biooks-Scanlon Lumber Co. LOCAL SALES AGENTS MILLER LUMBER COMPANY IL Lanfear were guests at the R. R. Keller home Thursday. Dr. Rosin Is eipecttd back next month. Joe Holland made a business call at the R. R .Keller home today. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reames. of California, together with her children, has arrvied and ex pects to spend the summer at the home of her parents. GrafTenbergers are busy putting up a three-wire fence around their field. William A. Rahn looked after the store while W. Ed. Moore was In Bend last Wednesday. R. R. Keller made a business trip to Bend Saturday. A large crowd enjoyed the dance at the former Conaway place. Bill Spencer was an over-Sunday gueat of his parent", Mr. and Mrs. Ell Spencer. Awirtfd GRAND PRIZE at tha P. P. I. E. OVERALLS tU0dflRl5UBaJ 1 die suit- EviSfiftfflff anewsuitfRffiftHeyrip tf&M OF !M!TATJ0?i5 If tout dealer cannot aupapr yo-j, we will tend them, charge prepaid, oo receipl of price, $ 1 .SO each' Levi Str&uss & Co., San Francuco VI II aaaaf MKSaSBagrA 'curmi cm