II TUB BKND BDIJJmN. DAILT RDITION, DMrD, OiUCQON. FRIDAY, MAY 0, 101ft The Bend Bulletin DAILY EDITION PaMtthat rry Aftn.e Rml Baada. Br Um Ben Bulletin (Inrarpuated). Entered a 8econtl Claa matter. January 8, 1(17, at th. Pet Office at Bond. Oregon, under Act or March b, Hiv. ROBERT W. SAWYER EriUor-Uanarer HKNKY M. KOWLER Aaaociate Editor r'ltKl) A. AVOfcLr'UiN... Advi-rlieU. Manaavr H. W. HUNT Circulation Manem'r RALPH SPENCER Mechanical 3ttl. An Independent Neenpaper. atandlnir for the qua re deal, clean buMtneia, clean nontice ami U beat InlereaU ol nnu anu vantnu uroxon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Br Mall On Tear eo.OQ Rli Month. ihree Month fl.M Bt Carrier On Tear , M.60 Sir Month W.SO On Month .60 All luhaerlntloni are due and PATABLE IN ADVANCE. Notice of expiration are mailed ubffcribera and if renewal la not made witnin aottabl time th paper will be discontinued. Plea notify u Dromntlr of any change ol jddrvae, or of failure to receive the paper retru tanj. Otherwia w will not be reapouibl (or eopirl mlaeed. Mas 'all checks and order payable to Th Bend Bulletin. FRIDAY, MAY 9. 1919. WHY A BOND ELECTION? In spite ol the fact that the Cen tral Labor council and the Commer cial club, with practical unanimity, have placed themselves on record in favor of caring for the city's unfortu nate financial condition by a suffi cient tax levy rather than by a bond issue, the city council is proceed ing blithely on its way to order a bond election. Why does it do so? If the Labor council and the Com mercial club have any influence; it their opinion means anything, the proposed bond issue will be defeated, as it should be. If the bond issue is defeated we shall have wasted two months, more time will be necessary in which to prepare for a tax elec tion, and the city's creditors will be going still longer without their funds.' We do not argue that the Com mercial club and the Labor council are the whole city. They are far from being that. So is the city council far from being the whole city. But the first two bodies are somewhat larger than the latter and may fairly be said to be more repre sentative. In proceeding with plans for a bond issue the council is op posing the ideas of a considerable number of citizens and making it less likely that our financial situa tion will be cleared up as promptly as it should be. If the council is in better touch with the feeling of the voters on this matter than we think it is it may know that its proposed bond issue will carry. If it has no inside in formation it is simply acting con- Mrs. V. A. Smith AGENT FOR THE Nubone Corsets Will call by appointment on Lidice Desiring a Fitting. Address P. O. Box 538 trary to the wishes of the peoplo so far as they have been expressed, putting the city to unnecessary ex pense and delaying unreasonably the proper settlement ot our financial difficulties. We have received from the treas ury department a table showing the various amounts ot different liberty loan issues an individual may hold without being subject to taxation. The total Is $160,000. The table may be referred to by any reader of The Bulletin who is interested, but we doubt it it will be ot sufficient local value to publish. Congratulations to the high school debaters in tgoing as far as they did in the state contest. CROSSED BREEDS OF DUCKS 'Burbanked" Type, In Louisiana, Will Not Migrate, as Is Customary With the Species. - Stanley Cllsby Arthur, ornithologist of the conservation commission of Louisiana, Is authority for the state ment that the state "Burbanked" the wild duck, the cross of which "set," and they produced a duck that will remain In the state the year round. Louisiana la visited by the green bead mallard, which leaves In the spring for the North. Also by another species known as the summer mallard, or Florida duck, which spends Its summer In Louisiana and winters In Mexico and Central America. It leaves Louisiana on the approach of cold weather. The experiment of crossing the greenhead mallard, the winter visitor, with the summer mallard, or Florida duck, the summmer visitor, was con ducted by M. L. Alexander, conserva tion commissioner, and Edward A. Mc Ilhenny at Avery island, a state pre serve. Species of the two ducks were trapped, mated and the eggs proved fertile. The experiment proved a suc cess. The "Burbanked" ducks have been termed the "Loulsiann mal lard." The "Louisiana milliard" fins produced Its own young, and Mr. Ar thur says the cross has "set." Hundreds of these "Louisiana mal lards" were released on Marsh island, a wild life sanctuary, so that they might perpetuate . themselves. Perfect Efficiency. Solicitor (to business ninn absorbed in detail) I hnve here a most tmir velous system of efllelencv condenfw"' into one small volume. It will save vou fully 50 per ceut of your time, inn! Man (interrupting Irrltn bly) I already hnve a system hj which I can save 100 per cent of my time and yours. I'll demonstrate It now cood-dny. Life. TO BE GIVEN FREE COLUMBIA HAM With every Ham purchased, the purchaser will be given a guess on the weight of the large Columbia Ham in our window, - fl The purchaser guessing closest to the weight will be feven the Ham. Buy a COLUMBIA HAM and Guess SMITH'S GROCERY "COMMUNITY spirit Is u ureal huildt'i', Tho support whluli Oregon's ItttltiMt iln gut lit homo strengthen tlitim in their Unlit tor bUHlntms uuroud. And tho homo people benefit, In turn, by tho growth of llumo Industries bringing money from dlHlunt market to bti distrib uted In our own state in aitEATEK PAYROLLS, AS80CIATKD INIHIHTRIICi) ( OIIKliON The quotation worthy of the high title of "familiar" must have stood the test of time and passed unhurt through the shifting tastes and fash Ions of centuries. In Its lofty or In Its humble way It must show that, like Shakespeare, It "was not for an age. but for all time." I use the word "hum ble" because the rhymes of childhood, of the nursery, fulfill the requirement of age In a quotation worthy to be called familiar. Their, intrinsic, their abstract merits may appear slight, they may even seem to bo sheer non sense, but they arc passed on by moth ers and nurses and by the children themselves from generation to genera tlon. We may be assured that they would not thus hnve lived and pros pered If tltey had not possessed some quality, however slender, of genuine worth, of real humor or Imagination, which gave them permanence. Henry Cabot Lodge In Scrlbner". Neutral Nations in War Time. James Mill, the Eugllvh .economist, as early as 1821, almost a century be fore ruthless sulmmrine wnrfnre was Introduced by Germany, advocated a commercial world trnlllc under free tariff rules, so far as concerns the property of Indlvjdunls In time of wnr. In this way, he tlmucht, nn end would be put to the illfllcultlcs and dispute about the maritime trnlllc of neutrals. In advocating this principle he was of the conviction Hint nil nations gain by the free operations of commerce. Mill wns ulso of the opinion Hint what Justifies a nation to enter a war also determines when n wnr ought to ceuse. He maintained that If the legit imate object of a war Is compensa tion for an Injury received and secur ity ngninst future Injury, then a suc cessful war ought to termlnnte Itnme .dintely on the attainment of the oh- HUN U-1.0AT COMINtf TO U.' S. WANTED WKT WAHII Hough. Dry nntl Finished Work Electric Machine Used Call 1602 Hill St., or write Mrs. Pearl E. Lattimer ' ' Box 80, Bund, Oregon Work Called For and Delivered . tJeilT,v 1- J View of one of the five raptured Ger man suluniirlnis that are nn their way across the Atlantic and that will be used In tho campaign for the Victory lonn. One will he In the Hudson river, one In the I'otomnc, one will go up the St. Lawrence and through the (ireut Lakes to Chicago; a fourth will visit gulf ports, and the fifth will go up the MlKsliulppI and UMo rivers. Its Class. "Do you hnppen to have an X about youT' "My dear fellow, that Is an unknown ounoiilv with me." Carm.nl Cut Art Needle Work Heady to Make for llabe Maternity Cor.ru MRS. A. M. LAIIA With Beb Rot-loir US Merrleea l P.rlLea. Ore. Between Weal I'.ra aiul Tenth Phone Marshall Bun-mid Aula. liven I9lt SATURDAY and SUNDAY MATINEE BERTLYTEL IN 'Unexpected Places' A play that tfiv.i you many unexpected thrills. A py tory with punch. EDDIE POLO In "The Lure of The Circus" GRAND THEATER Put It In "THE ni'LLKTIN." Dr. Turner, eye specialist, will be out ot town from May 4 to May 11, Inclusive. Adv 1 S6-3 lc. Put it in "THE nULLirn.NY THE BACKBONE OF BEND IS LUMBER MANUFACTURING OUR PAYROLLS MAKE YOUR PROFITS BY BUYING LOCAL PRODUCTS YOU ARE HELPING BEND. The Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co. Local Bales A if on t MILLKlt LUMLU'.rt CO. Complete Stock ot t.mnlter Lntli, Sash and Door Try a Bullotln Want Ad' for quick results. lie sura lo are Mr. Itob at thi ll. A. A. l. May IS Adv. Bomatniog to sell? AdrartU la Th Bulletin's classified column. Mr. Ikibl Mr. Mobt Mr. Hub. Mr. Hob! nt tho II. A. A. 4'., May 1,1 at 8:1ft. Adv. SYNOPIISOf THEANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE National Fire Insurance Co. of Hartford Of Hartford. In the fitate of Connecticut, on the ,31st day of Deremb-r. I91B. nude to lite Inauraws CoinmluttMier of tlw Stale of Oregon, piuaanl tu law: CAPITAL. Amount of ee-plu) Mock paid up $ tOOQ.000.00 INCOME. Net pmniumi received during the rear.$13.1II.948.f.4 llnf-rest, dividend! and rtfit rev-rited during the yi-ar , 7-H.8y8.2l 'Im-uiuti from itutrr uunt-a rivei.t-d during Uie year H.OCO.S1 Total Income .13,XtUi.;i.7.33 DISBURSEMENT). "Hrf lna natd darln Uie rear. In eluding adjustment eil.nse t ,.54,85.3' 1lTilM.rla Mid nn eaultal atock during . th year W,00O.W rotnmUiloiii and aalaiiea paid during tha year U22.433.M Tim lifpasM and feea l-ald during the year 713,974.40 Auuunt of all other eiiXudiLuna t.H.P.li.M Total expenditure! 11), y. 7, 771. 4: ASSETS. Vain nf real eatata owned (market ' taluel I 25.200.00 V.v.i nf Btnrki and bonda owned ; imarket taluel 14,032.23.1IO VoajiM on mortgage! and collateral, etc. 1.3N.,8.'0.00 t aah In banka and on band 1, KM, 781. 02 F rem) urn In cnurae of collection writ ten sloco 8eptemler 80, IDIR S,177,MI.?.l Interest and reuta du and accrued... 190,172.72 Total aaxet . . . .2l,3If.009.27 IeM aprtal deposlta n any at ale (If any Uier be) 1S1.?I.4R Total UKta admitted In Oregon, ., ,2l,23,i;2.H4 LIABILITIES, Ornii el alma for lonaea unpaid f 1,442,045.44 Amount of uiieamd pteiniuma on an 12,fM. 411. B0 R0. 000.00 3fl.tW3.8I 720.WlO.flO A00.000.00 mitalandirtf rfaka ue fr coinmlwtlt.n and brokerage... All other liihllltiea R-afire for uiea and other rapetiaea., Coutlngent rwtre fund Total llabllitlM. exrlualre of capital atork of I2.OO0.OOU 114,688,050.9s BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR, aroea premiums rrrelred during the year ...Iiaa.fl.m flfl Premium! returned during the year 2.".,2S4.7 lMt-a paid during Uie year...., 17, Alii. 00 Ieoaact Incurred during the year 22,791.28 NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD. O. H. THYON, VW l'rldit. F. D. LAYTON. ScrUrr. SYNOPSISOF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OFTHF. Union Assurance Society, Lim ited of Ixandnn. England, on the 31st day of December, 1PM, msde to tbe Insurance CimMluloner of the Mute of Oregon, pursuant to law: CAPITAL. Amount of capital (fork paid up INCOME. Net premium, lecetfed during tha year. $1,109,4)15.82 lr:lrrt-t. dli-ldrafla and rents recelred during the year 70,433.25 liiromc from other aiurcea rei'Hred dr In I the ear ir7.4.J.e Total lfinmie.... .11,337.446.73 ,' - DISBURSEMENTS. Net ItNrtet, i-ald during the rear. In cluding adhiKtmenl expenses I 434,018.02 Dividends paid on capital stock duritic th year. None Comniifiiona and ul tries paid during the yfar 332.007.83 Tax, licenses and fees paid during the year M,l.fil Amount of all other eipendlturea 17,7.18.I9 Total eipendlturea.. .,...$1,010,086,14 ASSETS. Value of real estate owned (market Talus) , None Value nf storksand bonds owned (mar ket value). ' $l,5.n8lt'40.QO Retnmranc due on paid loMee.. ...... IA,6l2.4!f ('ash In banka and on hand 444.421.80 Premiums In course of enllf-ctlon written alnce Nentember 30, )(fl8 MQM&.M Interest and ranta due and accrued.,.. 14.028.00 Total ansetl $2.217,747.84 ;ea ipeclal dcponlli In gny atate (ir any Uiere tw) 10.414,12 Total aaaets admitted In Oregon $2,21,7, 138,62 LIABILITIES. Oroaa claims for losses on Mid $ 131,838.00 Amount of unesrned premiums on all ouimanding riaks 8T2,17f,7S Due for commtaalon and brokerage,.,. None All other lU Wilt Ira 4l,ino.0f) Total llamlltlea, esctuslve of eapltal lock tl,)4R,2G8.7S BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR, OroMi prcmluma recelfed during tb ar,$ flS.lffl.M I'rdmluma returned during the year... 13,51 ..12 lefMsea bald during the rear 17,9.10.23 PLotaea Incurred during the year 10,470,28 UNION ASSURANCE SOCIETY, LIMITED. A. H. WHAT V. n. Manager. Statutory resident attorney for Berries, ft. ft. MKNETEX, I'orUaod, Or. 3YN0PSIS0F THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE Commonwealth Insurance Co. Of New York. In the State of New York, on the 11st day of Decenitvr. 1018. made to the Inaurajtc Commiastoner of the Huts of Orecoo, purauant to law: CAPITAL. Amount of capital stork paid up $ 600,000.00 INCOME, .Vet premium! received during the year.$2,000,fl)7.20 Int-re, dlTld'-nds and rente rrrelfed during the year 142.800,02 Income from other sources reed red dur ing tbe jear 1,397.15 Total Incline , (.. ,.$2.I4I,054.8 DISBURSEMENTS. Net lots paid during the year, (nrlud- lug adjuvtnieiit eiuetiaes $l,O92,470,H Dividends paid on capital stock riurlne the year .1 (0,000.00 uimmiinnni hiiu Nianea paid pitfing " . ; the year 53,210.51 Tasea. licensee and fees paid during the ear 87,300.14 Amount of all other eipendlturea K2,04-V2I. Total expenditures $1,045,032.47 ASSETS. Re-Insurance recorerahle on paid loaaea authortxed companies Value of real estate owned (market . 05,048.12 Value of atorks end bonds owned (mar- fct raltie) 2.811,740.00 Ixfshj un ttvrtgagea aid collateral, eU: 182.BriO.00 tTaali In banks end on hand 107,767.38 Prcmluma In course of collrvtfon written since Dr-ptemlirr 30, HUH 244,990,fl8 Interest and rente due and acciued..., 30,484,25 Total eaat-ta feps ritxlal dcialta In any atate (If anj inertt fm'j 6,650,M & 3,475,85.7l. Total aueta admitted In Oregoi.,, LIABILITIES. fjfota clalma for Ifriiee unpaid 28.1, 699. 31 Amount of unearned premiums on -all outstanding rlaka 1,538,239.00 Due for conimisaioti and brokerage,,,. O.oori.oo All oilier Jlalrillllee...., 88,847 99 Total lianllltle!, eiclustre of eapltal atock of $f.on,00, $1,101,786.80 BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR TH1 YEAR, OroM premtuma recelred during the year, ,$13, .101.31 I'rmnltwn returned during the year 8,004.18 8,ora Jti 8,8118.20 Lose! paid during the year, Loaaea incurred during the year.,.. THE COMMONWEALTH IN8URANCE CO. K. O. RICHARD. irvtl.lent. ft. P. BARBOUR, Secretary. Statutory resident attorney for service: U. ft. SMITH, PortleM. Or. STN0PSIS0FTHE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE Rhode Island Insurance Co. Of Providence, la the stale of Rhode Uland. on tho thirty -nm day of Itacrmhrr, ittli. made lo the Insurance coumlwlooer of the aisle of Oregon, pursuant lo law: CAPITAL. Amount of capital atock paid up $2,129,203.18 INCOME. Net premium, received during the yrar, $1,510, 001, 10 Interest, dlilip-nds and retita rrcelKd during the y-ar 81,779.88 Income from other aourccs received dur Ing the year M5.D4 Total Income ...$I,029,S7t,.93 DISBURSEMENTS. Net losses paid during the year, Incfiid- Ing adluainint eaprnaa $1,149,574.59 Dhld -iidi paid .on capital atock during Uie year , 60.000. 00 CommlMliini and sal a ties paid during the yeer 211.97 Taiee, licenses and fees paid during Ihe year 109.810.27 Amount of ill other eipendlturea M86.2I ..$1,311,231.97 Total eipendlturea .,.,., Assets. Value of real estate owned (market ul IW $ 18,101.42 Value of atocki and bonds owned imar ket value) 1,980,030.84 fMtie on mongagee end collateral, etc f'aah In banka and on band , 114,116,25 prtmtumR In course of collection nrlltcn -Ince Keptemlwr 30, 1UIN 8.13. 202.82 lottrvat end rente due end accnitd , l,(jof,(tj Total assxte . ...$2,479,750.84 ! an'rial depoalta In any Hate (If any there uu ....,..$ 1IT,J(V0,34 Total aiMti-ti a din I ted In Orcgrm . , ,$2..K!2,.l8.b0 LIABILITIES. f J rose clalma for loas tinimld $ 147. 841.30 Amount of tin-'imfd preinluina on all milatandlne rlaae , ,HI1,fln8.l9 Due for coin miaul on and brokersge .... 5:i,5r('l.88 All othir llahllllUe 9(H,133.08 Total llahllltlca, eiclualve of capital stock of i .,.$3,802,005.00 BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR. Grots premiums received during the year Pr-mlurrla rettirm-d during Ihe year .,, 4,37(1.81 Louoa Mid during lh yer 4,2l)0,Ril Loseca Incurred during the year 4,2f9,50 RHODE ISLAND INSURANCE CO., CUIIy O. PIRPKR, Vice Prealdent, TUNIH JOHNSON JR., Asst. Bwilary. Htatutory realdent ttornF for sen If: PHILLIP OltOKHUAYKIl, Portland, Or. SYN0PSISOFTHE ANNUAL STATEMENT OFTHE Safeguard Insurance Co. Of New York. In Ihe atais of Nrw York, on Ihe thlrty-Aret dey nf December. 1918. made to the Uasuranra commlulonrr of the atate of Oregon, purauant lo law: CAPITAL. Amount of capital stuck paid up 200.000 0 I Reeeie. Net prrmlunts receltrd during the year.$ IAS, ton. 11 Iniifftrl, dlvldfiida and rnila r.-oelti-d during Ihe yrar 80,181.37 Income from other enurora rvcrlied dur ing lbs tear ,. Total Income .'..-........,....,.... 2X4,477.49 DISBURSEMENTS. ' Nl Insse paid during the yrar, lb- ' eluding aduatm-ul eiprtis-s 79,077.71 Dlvldnida paid on capital slock dur ing the leer ...... CommlMlieia end aelarlra paid during ihe yrar 1 1.033.19 Taaes, llornaea end feel paid during Ihe $ year K lVl3l.$4 Amount of ell otruf eupendliun-e ... 12,179,18 Total eipitidllnrrs $ IMl.UII.2T ASSETS. Value nf real estate owned Imarket taluel $ Value of eiocke and bonds owned (mar ket value 602.919.tO trOatii on mortgages and coMattrs), etn t'eeh In banks end on hand lOfMKUMS I'nniluma In coutsi of ill-ctlnii writ ten Bllice Hptrmbir 80, 1918 78,352.37 Oth-r ledarr aaa-ts Id, 02,77 liturrai end rente due end accniid ,;(i.M Total a'U $ 8(iO,fl4fl.4l Un airdal ilcp-mlta In aw at ale (ir any Hn-re le) .... I Total eaaett gdmltttd In Or-atm ,...$ LIAdlLITIES. rirosa claima for Ineaea uiipald I 18.742.17 Amount of uuearnwi premium! on an (ttiiatandlng ilaka Due for cnmmlaalon end brokerage All other IteliUltlee.. 2 Jl, aro 41 9, MO. 00 "1,000,00 Total Hi Millies, icIurIv nf capital noK'k of $ 88M7l.no BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR. Oroaa prcmluma reooivid during the year, 27,849.84 rnmluma returned during uie year... ti.rtii.-i.7i Ltasa'a paid during the year . 8,(119,41 Lueeea Incurred during Ilia yiar ...... 4.502.3S SAFEQUARO INSURANCE COMPANY, A. 0. MelLWAINK J II.. Preeldenf. 11 UN It Y U, UltAY Jlt HeeriUrf. SYN0P1IS0F THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE New Hampshire Fire Insurance Company of Manchester, In the Hlale of New HamptMre, m l 3Ul day or rrrmlrr. Bg. matle t ihe U urine t'nitimluluuer wf tM Hisle ut tlivgun, pur suant lo law: CAPITAL. Amount of capital atock ald up., .l..irp.ro.0 INCOME. Net premium! rerrlird during Ihe rear, $1,910,768.2 Ilileteal, illridt-ntU and rerila reciel during th mar r. hiiiune ftoni irther aoiircea rreelted dur ing Ilia )ear 10T.AI Total Income , $4,X'i.1.4M,lir DISBURSE!.' ENTS. Ne Inaars paid during Hit rf, llMlti-t- Ilig aIMMinrtil irMi. ll.81l.eflH.il Dlvidrttda paid nn capital aiivk during Hie lesr IM.ihU.tO t iiniinlaaKnia and eelerlsa paid during hr 1,284.651.94 Tas, llpenaes and fees paid during the rear rttH i umiuni oi an oiuer eipefitmure a. . . 1 IIS.U().82 ..,i,(iun,MTa Dif Total eiteiidlturea A8BETS Value nf real eilale owned market taluel ilWUllO flt elue of aln ks and bomta own d (nur- fcrt fcalne , ,tt f,7i fft t Loin on mortgasea and eel lateral, (.. ' h'ihb fttt !ah In banka end on hand 2H4.6KN ( 4 I'reinlums in ctiura ttt ilr-rtloii mit. len slnco KKiemlMr 8, IHIH, 810 M ng Hetnauranc due on loiaea paid 87 011 nt I n tet eat and rents due mul awnied,.., St Total saseta..,..; w'ttMj Ireae marl;t valnn nf w; 4 tin 1 mall a , mcr corresfMiiiilhig lUlull y hi any atale (If any tlierg bn,,,,,,, 1( 21,I.U".80 Total aasela a dm I lint In Oiegon ,U,h'l).ht LIABILITIES, f I rose clalma for loaaea unpaid. ...... $ 4fl7 052 71 Amount of uneaniril premlillua mi all miistaodlng rlaha 8.017.011 Oft Due for conmtlMlnn ami bnkerege. , . , 1 niton nn All other llatilliilea l.Mi.ttuu.no Total liahHlilea, evrltulre of papllal attink of $I,SUO,(JOU, $I,374,107,M BUSINESS IN OR 1(1 ON FOR THE YEAR. Oroaa premium rrrelved during the year $ ftn,i7 Premium! letumed during the esr,,,, SO icJ3 4ti IrtiMca paid during the year,, ,,,, 4 7i ai Loaaea Incurred during the year (MJjiflt NEW HAMPSHIRE FIRE INSURANOI CO. I'll A Ml i!F U IlllUUdl ' Prealdent LKWIR VV. irROI'KRrr. Heoieti Homey for "crvlc: PHILLIP UHOHHUAYI.ft. """"' inirii niKimrj for flTI.' f;