PACK ft ' reallstlo section of film, and similar chances were taken by his support. Not ono whit behind Dunenn In roadl ncsH to accept chances are Miss John son and Joe Ryan. This Week and Next in Bend Movie Houses TIIH HKND nUM,RTI. DAILY EDITION. I1KM), ORKflO.V, HATIIWAY, APRIL 20. 1010 AT THE GKANI). - K 1 1 1 1 I i - mill .Miiii'liiy. (Inriilillnii Kurrur In "Tint Turn (if I tin Wrmil." HlllllltlS lilll l'lllrtullH III "I'OOI' - IiiiiiicimiI." , Kuril Wimkly. - Tuitmliiy mill Wriliii'xiliiy. Moiii'iin HiillHliury In "HuK'in Hut Mltthty." (,'hrlBly viiiiinily, "Iliilly'M Ail- viinturn." - Tlmntiliiy mill Krliliiy. CiiiihI unco TiiIiiiiiiIkh In "Tim J Imioy iikjoii." Huliinliiy mill Hiiturilny Miitliirit. Kniiny Wiililmi III. "HIh IIoiiiIuiI - Wlfu." Twuirih itpliioilit of "Tlio l.uru of lliu Circuit." A (lUlllllt niillvo vllliiK't of tint tropic will l) onu of thu original Ncitnoii to liu hIiowii In thu Rcrtmn CliiHHlrn, Inc., iirniliiclliin, "A Man of Honor," with llnrulil I.orkwnoil im tlie tttar, which will liu hIiowii ut III ct 0 rami tlivutiir IdiiIkIiI and Hun lay thallium. Tim nciuin wan tukitn In Himtii 'ruz ami hIiowii t hit KruHH-tliiitclKid 'oiiit-Hliiiii'il hulH of thu iiutlvo which nrn liulll umli-r tint lofty pulnm of thin IhIiiiiiI or the lilun I'acinc. It In a HC'oiut of nrrcHlliiK uouuty and i'ml tint omuxliiK upliiiidor of o tropic Mtorm. Whiln taking thtt hcihich In I... .....I.... V. .. , . I i...t ii. LIIU iUKIIIA II II I I IV.IIII1T. .111, 1 V- M " UJU nml thomi with til in narrowly encupird tliiulh, but Hi ftVctii obi ill ni'il re paid for tho danKi'rH unditrxonit. "A Man of Honor" U a ncrt'fii vcr Klon of llxnry Kllchvll Wrlmti-r'n popular nov.'l. "Wull, tlinru'll Im iiiioiluT milcldit." Ih thu I'xprc'HHlnii heard around tint KaniliiiK tul'loH ut. Montn Carlo wliun iiiiolhnr playor limi'M liia nil In an nl loiuiil to "linuik" thu world-known hunk, a HCitiiii vividly ruproducoil In "Tim Turn of tlm WnmiI," HlurrliiK (liiriililluii Kurrur In lnr flrat (iolil wyn plcliirn, til Im hiicii ut thu Grand Huudiiy mid 'Monday.' Ilnforn tint war ilullcil thu playurit' iivtlvltlitH In thu liny prlnclpullty on thu Mudllitrruiiuiin Hlion-K, ruportx of how hoiiiu Aiiiiirlciiu or Kuropmin Iravnli'r lind Ixii'ii lort to mdf-ditHtruc-llon dun to Iohhi'h In "htickliiK" thu hunk ut Monlo Curio were frmiuuht. Now mid Until, liowitvi'r, on" heard of hoiiiu pluiiKitr li'iivInK tho Cimlno much thu richer' for ti Ih voiiluro, hut ll wimn't Ioiik hoforn tho "hunk" iniido up liu Iouhch on tho roeklcHHiiCHH of othern who followed thu , lucky Kumlilor. An urtlHtlc reproduction of thu rouliittu und faro union ut tho Monte Carlo cimlno hIiowh MIhh Karrar mid Herbert ItiiwIltiRou, tho Blar'H lead liiK man, tttnndliiK around tho rou liilto whitiil whllo Im In NlaklnK hln hint handful of francx. ThouKh ti I but mi onlooker, her ctxprcHHlon Ih, Ilka IiIh, that of a dimperuto Kunihlur for whom tho turn of tint whuul inuuiiH lift) or death. Hit lomn, und It Ih then that liyHtundiTH hcu In him Jiiat unothnr of tho many jtulcldea following lonHen ut tho wheel. "Tho Honeymoon, ' HtarrliiK Con Htuuco Tulmuile, which will be hIiowii nt tho Orund theater Tliurn dny und Krliluy, Ih a dellnhtful com edy of the type which thin cuptlvut IiiK comedienne l mukliiK her own. It l a merry tale of marital mUhapi which polntH tho morul to the newly HAROLD L0CKW00D in"A MAN OF HONOR." Saturday and Sunday Evenings Sunday tatlnte al the Grand Coming to the GRAND THEATRE Sunday and Monday Geraldine Farrar n "The Turn of the Wheel" "Smiling" Billy Parsons in a two reel comedy "Poor Innocent" Pathc Comedy and Ford Weekly Tuesday and Wednesday Monroe Salisbury in . "Hugqn, the Mighty" The conflict of a mighty. man nnd a clever woman Christy Comedy . . . "Bettys Adventure" Thursday and Friday Constance Talmadge in u 5 reel comedy v "The Honeymoon" Saturday and Saturday Matinee Emmy Whelen in "His Bonded Wife" 12th Episode of "The Lure of The Circus" AT THE LIBERTY. Hiimliiy mill Mimilny mill Huniluy MuIIihi'. "Thu Hllvor KIiik." I'uramoiiiil-Ilray 1'lctoKruph. Cartoon Comedy. Niiwh Weekly. ' Tuittdiiy mnl Wiwlninility. "Lufnyeltn, Wo Como." Mr. und Mrn. Blilnny Drew In "Oncu a Minion," ' TcUtKrum Nuw Weekly. Tliurtulity Only. Prank Mclntyro In "Tho Travel- In K SaleHiiian." Klrnt oplHodu of "The Man of MlKht." N'owh Weekly. I'rlday mnl Hiitunlay mill Hut unlay MiiIIim. Dorothy OIhIi In "Tho Hope ChiiHt." Ma'ck Scnnntt comedy, "Never Too Old." OulliiK reel, "Out Wyoming Way." NewH Weekly. wed brldenroom: Never let anything brouk Into your honeymoon. Dick Oreer, honeymooning at Ni agara KuIIb with SuRun Ijine, hl wife of a day, aroue her HUHplcIona when Bhe dlHCOvnm him in the drenn ing room of Malslo Mlddleton of the Jlgflold Frolics. He haa gone there to buy off MulHie, who has entangled I'hlllp. Sunan'1 brother, who now wanti to announce hln. engagement to Marlon Starr. This escapade Is a secret from Susan, and so she thinks the wont of Dick, flies Into a tantrum and finally secures a di vorce docree. They are reconciled, of course, for each loves tho other devotedly; but tho unravelling of the entanglement furnlahes scores of luughs. The di vorced couple Ih remarried by a mln iHler whom Dick providentially finds. and, amid smiles, he and Susan start on a second edition of "Tho Honey moon." drunk, taken his rig and goes to the county seat, where he pays the taxes In field's name. W Tho vllllan tries to blacken Dob's character to Beth and offers her a small check In payment for her home, but she is prevented from ac cepting it by Bob, who, after a desporato buttle, throws the scoun drel out of the place, avows his love for Beth and Is accepted. The story Is extremely interentlng and the sup porting cast of high grade. Emmy Wehlen In "His Bonded Wife" will be at thu Grand theater on Saturday of next week. It tells tho story of a beautiful ami wealthy New York girl who wishes to be loved for herself and not for her wealth. For this reason she leaves homo and goea to. live In an unpretentious way by herself. Her many adventures both amusing and dramatic are cleverly shown by MIhb Wehlen and her brilliant support ing company. How she meets and falls In love with a young architect, and the many complications which arlso through her harmless decep tion nro incidents which will be ap preciated by everyone. I.IIIKKTY. William Fnveinhiim, tho celebrated actor who Ih starred In the- new i'uramount-Artcruft special picture, "Tho Silver King," which will be shown ut tho Liberty theater next Sunday and Monday, has bad a most notablo career as player and produc ing manager. Mr. Fnversham is an Englishman nnd ho gained his his trionic experience In that country prior to 1887. when he made his first professional appearance in this country In "Pen nnd Ink," nt 'the Union Square theater. New York. Mr. Kavcinham appeared as star In "A Iloya'l Itlval" nt tho Criterion theater, New York, In August, 1901, nnd sinco that time his record has been ono of repeated theatrical suc cesses. Mr. KnvorHham Is an nrllst and his popularity Is universal. In "The Silver King" he has a role that fits him admirably and ho plays It most effectively. Tho picturo is ono that will accentuate his popu larity with motion picture audiences. His leading woman Is Barbara Cnstloton, and the support thro'ugh out Is of tho highest quality. One of tho most enjoyable com edy dramas over produced by Para mount Is "Tho Traveling: Sulesmnn," starring Frank Mclntyro, It Is n Btory of tho ndvontures of n drum mer, bravo, resourceful and Jolly, and tho picturo will ho shown nt tho liberty theater next Thursday only. Opposlto Mr. Mclntyro Is Doris Kenyon ns Both Elliott, a young ticket ngont In the railroad station whero Boh is (lumped out ono cold and frosty Christmas morning. Her homo Is about to bo sold for unpaid tnxes nnd ,thls cnusos her great anxiety, As the drummer. Bob gets on tho good sldo of everybody und In it poker game ho learns of the schomo to doprlvo Beth of her old homo, which proporty la desired by the railroad oompnny for railroad pur poses, Bob provides "tea" out of a flnBk labeled whlakoy, nnd gots one of, the lending conspirators tew 1 ' XWwm ft Sunday and JXConday al the Liberty Tales of adventure,, bo they In stage or screen form or between book covers, remain the pet diver sion of red-blooded America, after all. Therefore, photoplay- fans will take a wideawake Interest in the booking of the latest serial, based on the adventurous search for a hidden treasure, by the Liberty theater, where the first episode Is to be shown next Thursday. - The new serial is called "The Man of Might," and Is In fifteen episodes. One Is to be shown on every suc ceeding Thursday. Reports from the scene of the first screening of the earlier installments, which took place In New York City recently, aver that it Is a regular Veplc of action," with daring exemplified in its ultimate form by William Duncan, the star. Like preceding serials made by the Vitagraph company, "The Man of Might" is from the prolific pens of Albert E. Smith and Cyrus T. Brady. Supporting Duncan In "The Man of Might" will be found an all-star cast. Including Edltb Johnson, the Vassar girl, who has made such a name In pictures, and Joe Ryan, accounted the bestest bad man that ever spoiled a hundred feet of film by a too lib eral emission of six-shooter smoke. Duncan himself is directing the serial. More than once he risked his life In the making of a particularly Casting a motion picturo Is the first move that calls for certain failure Is badly dono. And It Is a difficult thing to get good actors to take small parts. Dorothy Gish was Jubilant when tho casting director at her studio convinced George Fawcott, the man who played the original part of "The Great John Canton" on tho stage, both In England and America, that the part of Lew I'am in "Tho Hope Chest," which will bo shown at the Liberty theater next Friday and Saturday, was one which needed Just such an actor as Fawcett if It was to tie given the artistic treat ment It deserved. Mr. Fawcett was for many years a character actor on the stage, and of late In the pictures. His agree ment to play the part of ' the old vaudeville performer In "The Hopo Chest" came only after careful study of the part, which has many possi bilities, but Is short. Others In the cast are Kate V. Toncray, Bertram Grassby, Richard Barthelmesg and Sam de Grasse. Carol Dempster Is the Juvenile lady opposite Miss Glsb. Charllo Murray and Bert Roach are proprietors of a delicatessen, a business which might have been hugely successful had the partners paid more attention to It than to other people's business. Charlie's weakness for pretty women gets him into trouble and then more trouble, so that his life becomes one continu ous whirl of catastrophles. Bert Is a philanthropist and bis ideas keep him from pinning his mind down to pickles, other than those be sets himself Into. Marie Pretost Is pretty manicur ist who manages to complicate the ' (Continued on Last Page.) ST MARGUERITE CLARK in 'LITTLE MISS HOOVER SUNDAY MONDAY WILLIAM FAVERSHAM IN Silver King" A Paramount-Artcraft Special Burton Holmes' Travel Picture, "Cane Fields of . Calamba" Paramount Pictographs and Cartoon, "Further Adventures of Hardrock Dome" Weekly News TUESDAY . WEDNESDAY Deloris CasseneHi and E. K. Lincoln IN Lafayette, We Come it (PERSHING 1917) Not a War Time Picture, but a super patriotic motion picture apectasle, featuring trie baffling mystery of the "Veiled1 rVinc ess." A. romance of France anil America. EXTRA SPEC IAL COMEDY Mr. and Mrs. SIDNEYDREW IN "ONCE A MASON" Every lodge man and hit wife should ice this extremely funny stunt. THURSDAY ONLY FRANK McINTIRE "The Traveling Salesman 99 The famous comedy of the big drummer who woke up a sleepy town. COMMENCING MAY 1 to be shovn every week on Thursday only YITAGRAPH'S New Melodramatic SERIAL WILLIAM DUNCAN IX "THE MAN OF MIGHT" Every Episode full of Adventure Ro-mance--ThrilliS peed Stunts. DON'T MISS IT ! FRIDAY and SATURDAY and SATURDAY MATINEE-May 2-3 Dorothy Gish in "The Hope Chest" MACK SENNETT COMEDY "NEVER TOO OLD" OUTING REEL "OUT WYOMING WAY." NEWS WEEKLY