T(IK IIHNII lltliKTIK, DAILY KMTIC, UKND, OIlKfJON. I'ltlDAV, APRIL 25, 1010 PAGE a I 1 H I M. I FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS SATURDAY MATINEE--2 P. Marguerite Clark i "LITTLE MISS HOOVER." "Eggs will win the war", she thought but they were not to he thrown ut the Kuiser's troops. CHARLIE CHAPLIN COUNT" Outing Magazine Picture A Trip Through Yel lowstone National Park. ffiSiv - - - - "THE SILVER KING" CIIUOIH ACCIDKNTH. A commercial .trnvolur whh rlilliiK In un automobile which went ovur u hunk whllu going around a curvet. iki cur skidded nir u roud lulu n cul vert, turned over, plnnlnK the In sured uiiiluriiiiulh. limliintly killed. Morul: Insure In Tho Travelers. J. C. Rhodes. Adv. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS W. C. IlolllnHliiittd of La I'lno li spending (lie duy In liend. W. I. Myers In Mudran yester day on business. . Mr. and Mr. A. J. Moors luft yes terduy for Portland, by aula. Th'y will return early In May. Mr. and Mr. A. M. Prlngto started this morning on a motor trip to I'ort lund. ' Mm. M. H. Horton ratnrncd yes terduy from visit of luvarul weeks' duration In Mcdford. N. 0. Jacobson, supervisor of (ho Ilincliutim national forest, la In Port land on official business. Mr. mid Mm. Mark Powr-y and Mr. and Mm. Oliver I'ow'll of Prineville aro In Bend attending thu liupllat convention. Frank I'erclval of Mllllcan loft for hU homo lunt night aftur attending n meeting of tho deputy aasimsor of Deschutes) county In llund. Rev. W. II. Iliniion, onu of the speakers at the lluptliit convention, cunio In on tho iiKirulntf (ruin from Portland. Tut It In "TIIK 1IILLKTI.V." CHURCH CONVENTION TO CLOSE TONIGHT Vol of Thank Kxtiniliil to llcnd Baptist by DeltfC'le An amnliliHl In City. Aftur a throo days' session tho an nual convention of the Deschutes Bupllst association will come to a clone here tonight with an address on "Amorlcunlzatlon" by Mm, A. M. Petty of Portland. Or. Put(y wa Hated tor an addreaa (hi evening, und Dr. W. D. Hlnaon, of the Eaat Hlda llnptlat church of Portland, who spoko morning and afternoon, waa to appear again tonight. .' The aaaoclutlon reefeclud W. S. Ay re of Prlnevlllo (o represent the organization at the onnuul state con; vuntlon, und punned a vote of thanki to thu llond Uuptlsl church, which liun acted ua boat during the convention. NOVEL SOUVENIR IS . RECEIVED IN BEND Tlirif-liirh Hlii'll, British Coins and I'NIiil anil IUfl Cartridge Csod lo Milks AnIi Tray. One of the most novel war4 sou venirs alien In Ilend la in the posses sion of John Bteldl of thla city, and rnpriwenta (ho work of his son Stove, for two yaura In the 17. 8. nuvy. It Your Corsets IN making a (election you inould tok advantage of tk aarvi'c rendered the American woman by by the originator of trie Thia.coraet ia an evolution and combine! faabion and charm, the fineat material, faultleaa fitting and trie moit clever, deiitfnintf. With it the demanda of your figure ara met. Whether you are tall and '(lender or ahort and pliimp. there ia a model that will exact ly auit you and mold your figure to the new linei. At the earn time undue reatraint and annoyance ara dona away with and wonderful support i given In ahort, there ie comfort for you in tlii wonder ful produot. "'.! Mme. Binner hat designed a Corset for YOU. Copies St ore Ih an uali truy mudu from tho butt of a three-Inch shell, with an un exploded, rifle cartridge In the cen ter aupportlng a mutch box holder made from another piece of the brass ahall caio. Ilent British pennies aoldered on tho edgo of the cylinder form con venient reeling plucea for clgara, while the outalde of the ash tray la covered with British colna and un exploded platol cartrldgea, alternating. A number of uur citizens are paying mora than neccttary fur their uroceriea. Are YOU One of them? It'e the montht total that telle the (tory, not the coit of one or two itemi. TRY US One month and check up with your laat month') coitt. A. to Z. GROCERY 134 Oregon St., wot of Fiitf Nat. Bank NATIONAL GINGHAM WEEK ha won the first full by the uld of a flying mure, in aix mlnutea. In a letter received fiy The Bulle tin, the Portlund wreatler offers to meet Gustavo for a aide bet of any part of $1000 at any time. He la reudy to pout hla money to wrestle at any' time, or If the bet does not look gbod to Gustavo, Is willing to meet him without any wager being put up. DEATH IS RESULT OF "FLU" ATTACK Father Whose Hevrn-Y car-Old Child Is Taken Now Kporte(l to Be In Critical Condition. Aa the result pf a sporadic out break of Influenza In the Brothers section, Eli Wilson, rancher of "the nigh desert, Is at the point of death, following the Joss of hla seven-year-old aon from the same disease, It vus reported toduy. Funeral services for the child were conducted at the Xlswonger chapel yesterday afternoon by Rev: E. B. Johnson, of the Buptlst church. EDDIE O'CONNELL SEEKS MATCH HERE Although loser In La Grande a few weeks ago In a match with Ad Gus tavo of this city, Eddlo O'Connell, wn'stllng Instructor at the Mult nomah Amateur Athletic club, Is anxious for another clfiinco at the .speedy middleweight. Ho attributes I hla ripfant n( I.R Crnmle to an in jured ankle sustained shortly after Mrs. V. A.Smith AGENT FOR THE Nubohe-Corsets Will call by appointment on Ladin Dewing a Fitting. Address P. O. Box 538 How about that Sack of White River Flour at our risk? The Flour with the real guaran tee, w "The Cash If Yoiit' Are Not Satisfied" , Vree Delivery ''"' t No Charge for Gripdjt ;n GILBERT'S R.OCERY FIRST HUNS COME TO FRANCE TODAY GINGHAM is the popular fabric of the day. We show the largest variety of patterns and colorings in Bend. We lead in the field . of Quality Merchandise. 27- and 32-inch Ginghams, fine zephyr and silk striped-- 25c to 75c Yd (By United Vtmt to Tha Btnd Bulletin.) VERSAILLES, April 25. The vanguard of the German peace dele gation has arrived. It -consist! of four Elinor representatives wjio will assist the French In arranging for the reception of the main body of German delegatea, who will arrive' May I. i TWILIGHT LEAGUE WILL START SOON Team Will lie Drawn from Member ship of (he llend Amateur Athletic Club Hrries Ifafrlnjl Next Week. Stop : and : Shdp : at Quality P i o n e ers Since 1911 Preliminary work was being done today for the organization of a twi light baseball league to be composed of teams drawn from the member ship of the Bend-. Amateur Athletic club. Playing Is expected to start some time next week. No new developments are an nounce in regard to the proposed formation of a tour-cornered league, including Bend, Prineville; The Dalles and Hood River, but the organization of a Bend team will nevertheless be pushed, Athletic Director Luckey of the club announces. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Rorick, Dalles. Helen Ayres, Prineville. A. L. Simonson, Burns. Hotel Cozy. L. A. Meiandy, Portland.. A. C. Atkinson, Portland. Mrs.'N. C. Reeves, Portland. The J. A. Harenton, Portland. Miss Coreen Fall, Portland. Hotel WrighC Mrs. R. C. Golden, La Pine. Joseph Fellman, Portland. Howard Mnllin, Boise. F. B. Jackson, O. W. R. N. F. Gonlck. Portland. Try a Bulletin Want Ad for quick results. " . " AT THE MOVIES LIBERTY. Throughout the war prominent society women of wealth and high social standing did not disdain (o do (heir bit (o render (he struggles of democracy egalns( autocratic mili tarism successful. Among these was Nancy Cruddock, a charming young woman of Washington, D. C. who adopted as her slogan the motto "Eggs will win the war," and who went on a farm and raised chickens in 'behalf of American troops In France. In her new pholoplny, "Little Miss Hoover," which will be shown at the Liberty theater tonight and Satur day, Marguerite Clark appears as Nancy, and it Is said to be one of her most artistic creations. As stated, tho story deals with a Vash Ington society girl who resdlves to do her bit toward winning the war by enlisting Jn the army of the food administration. ' Accordingly, she buys a pedigreed White Leghorn rooster and six beautiful Leghorn liens and goes farming. In the course of her efforts she reunites her grandfather with her grand uncle, who had fought on opposite sides In the Civil war, changes a fading Maryland estate into a mod ern wln-tho-war farm, gels rid of a suitor to whom she has promised herself, unnox.es a gentleman whom she has . grown to love and makes everybody happy. John's. Robertson directed MIrs Clark and they wenf to Washington for the first: scenes, which have the streets of the Capitol City and the White House for their background. Tho leading man Is Eugene O'Brien. irH DEBATE AT THE HOTELS. , I'llot But to Inn. . Thonins M. Spencer, Portland. ' 'J. A. Cooper, Portland. "'! 'Mr. and Mrs. James Pltchqr,-SII-vor Lake. ' J. L. Freeman', Silver Lake. J.' T. Bummervllle, Silver Lake. . O. T. MoFadden, Portland. . R. D. Jackson, Portland. , . -' L. A. Booth, The Dalles. F. 'L. Landers, Seattle. L. ' M. Walker; 8an Francisco. P. Wood, Portland. Eletiric Cleaner Gets All the Dirt, All the Time. There is no periodical house-clean- injf time, no dusting , or wip ing up. The dirt simply dis appearsall of it. All the housewife does is push the button and i;uide the cleaner. And it's done in one-tilth the time. THOR Naccum Clean- , ers sold on easy terms. Bend Water light & Power Co. Franklin High School piand ' vs. Bend High School Resolved, That the United States should advo cate , an international police for the League J 01 Nations. Affirmative: Franklin Negative ' Bend-. B. A. A. C. Friday, April 25th 8:30 p. m. i General Admission School Children ' - 35c 15c