THK IIKNI HI'M.KtlN. DAIIjY EDITION. HKND. OIIKQO.N. MONDAY, APHUj 21, 1010 PACK 8 V 1 TONIGHT U Last Time The Squaw Man" TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY "THE OLD HOMESTEAD" DiJ you mix it? S it now, It may bo your lait chance. Alo A Fluifil Comedy-- impropaganaa Latest News Weekly tTKIOVH MVIDKNTH, Tim vlcu pruHlilunt of u conmruc lldii compuny, drlvliiK un iiutoiniilillii, IohI control wliun nttniiiptliiK tu catch IiIh lint, which had blown off. Tho car (IhhIhhI to Iho itliln of tho roud, tho wIiimiIk hII ipl n ic n tho hunk of a abullow illlch, nnd Ihu 'uutomobllii ovorturnud. lnnurvd wur. thrown out und Nunluliid a frac tured Hkull. Donth 'wum ItiHlunlun ou. Moral: Inmiro In Tho -Traveler. J. C. IthoddH. Adv. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS TODAY'S TEMPKRATCRB (Taken at 3 p. nO Maximum, 60 deiereea. C. (I. Irvln, Madras attorney, U apvndlng the day in Bond, Goorjto W. Mcl.nunlilln of I.a Pino li upending the day In Bond. I. oo Doudlah rolurnod to llund to day after apendlng the taut three week In I'ortlund. Al Dnvla, formerly of thin city, In In Bnd today on a uliort bulniia vllt. Mr. and Mr. A. J. I.lnclnlil of Dufur, In Crook county, arrived In llund today to attend the atocknion'a convention. W. P. Vundevorl came In from bin runch up lh,n river nnd will n-in a In In the city during the atocknivn'a con vention. II. L. Tonny, Itnlph Wort man and W. C. Cnmpbull arrived In llund thin morning from McMlnnvllln to nttend Iho Klka' hniKiuet thin ovetilng. Kmunt K. Dyer, David C. Itogern nnd Howard F. Dyer of Mllllcnn are In the city today tranitactlnR liuxlium it tho land office. J. I.. 1'Ktitrnon, grnxlng exumlner of the dUtrlct forenter'ii office In Portland, arrived hero this morning. Hit In llHti'il an one of Jho apenkera ut the C'ntlln and Homo Knitter' con vention. V. V. Ilarpham, aupcrvlaur of Iho Onhoco national forent, wn in Iloml loday conferring with 8upervlHor N. G. JucohHon of tho Deschute forcBl. Mr. Ilarpham will remnln until Wcd neHdny evening. LoulH Ilennntt, formerly of Hond, now In huHlmm In Silver Lake, ar rived In tho cltv lost night and Is rumiilnlng oif'r for the Elk' banquet thla ovenlng.' He any that a large part of the population of Luke county will be hero for tho banquet und for the mockmcn'a convention. Mm. Wulluco Martin of Portlund, who linn buen the guent of Mliw Marlon Lawrence for the luHt two week, bun returned to her home. John Btnldl received word by wire thin morning that In noil, Btcvo, muHter clectrlcliin in tho U. 8. navy, ban arrived at Now York after ov oral month of service overseas. John Hteldl, Jr., also in tho navy, has boon stationed at New York for some time. AT THE MOVIES (iltAND. "Another 'Polly of the Circus! " That was the ejaculation of one of New York's most prominent show men following a private screening of Mae Marsh's newest Goldwyn pic ture, "The Itaclng Strain." And Uoldwyn Is firm In tho belief that tho millions who wore enthralled by Mar garet Mayo's "classic of tho big tops" will find tho new Qoldwln-Mae Marsh production no less appealing and entertaining. "The Iluclng Btruln," a romance of Kentucky und Saratoga, was written expressly to suit tho peculiar talents of tho vivacious star by Tex C'hor watu. author of Ueraldlne Karrar's first Uoldwyn production.-"The Turn of the Wheel," and of "Pock's Dud Girl" and 6f "A Perfect 80." Mabel Normand's rocenl comedy triumphs. A horse race exceeding in plctur esqueness and thrills tho stirring contest In "Polly of tho Circus" Is one of the glowing features In "The Ituclng Strain." The evont wus staged al Saratoga and evidences the fidelity to detail, tho elaborateness and tho wealth of realism that stamps "Tho Itncing Strain," which comes to tho Grand theater Tuosday and Wednesday, as one of tho greatest photoplay treats of tho year. . AT THE HOTELS. Hotel Oir.y. Pierre Korgeron, France. J. K. McWIllltims, Portland. Dave Newman. Hums. F. n. Cutton. Portland. K. Lingo, Vancouver. C. ,V. Drown, Powell Ilutto. II. Williams, 8oaltlu. A. J. Llndahl, Dufur. G. L. Osborno. Portland. E. L. Clurk. La Pino. PIONEER GARAGE ANNOUNCES THE TAKING OVER of MODERN GARAGE The business will contin ue under the same name Gas and Oils handled Storage by the Month or day. Competent men in charge day and night Absolute Service Guaranteed . TELEPHONE 571 MODERN Garage A number of uur citizens are paying more thin nscstisry for their Groceries. Are YOU Ons of them? It's the months total that tells the story, not the coit of one or two items. TRY US One month and check up with yourJa.t month coit. 1 to Z. GROCERY 134 Oregon St., wet ol Fiut Nsl. Dank C. I). Springer und family, Cres cent. Hotel Wrlf(!t. K. J. Wolfo, Astoria. Mrs. F. W. Murphy, Spokane. Jumes I). Norwood, Halnler. Jumes Kldredge, Portlund. C. T. Kelsko, Durns. It. B. Hampton, Portlund. - II. K. Hulnes, North Powder. Hurry II. Cunningham, Delta, Wash. N. Murueskns, Madras. Charles Wymnn, Prlnevlllo. D. C. llradford, Lorano. II. K. Smith, Portlund. II. M. Swlgert, Cliff, Ore. Pilot Ilutto Inn. T. A. Fltxputrlck, Portlund. II. C. Dealer, Portland. II. R. Miller, Seattle. James B. Kylo, Stanfleld. D. B. Stuart, Fire. C. C. Bradley. Portland. H. L. Toney, McMlnnvitle. Ralph Wortman, McMlnnvllle. W. C. Campbell. McMlnnvllle. II. A. Brattain, Paisley. Dan Hourlgan, Paisley. Tom Cronln, Paisley. Or. S. Ehle, Portland. C. J. Thlrklo, Portland. ' E. E. Hawkins, Portland. F. R. Catton, Portland. William C. James, Portland. J. S. Peterson, Portland. C. M. McAllster, Portland. Daily Market Report. I-IVKHTOTK. (Furniatwd tor srrsnsmwnt wlta the Cntrml Orason Bank.) NORTH PORTLAND. April 21. Two thousand five hundred cattle received. Market slow. Prime steers. $f3. 750 14.75; good to choice, 111. 60 12.50: medium to good, $10 II; fair to medium, $9 10; common to fair, $8 A; choice cows and heifers. $10.60 12.60; good to cholco, $90 10; medium to good. $7 A; fair to medium, $5 6; runners, S3.G05; bulls, 6: calves, $9.60 14; Blockers nnd feeders $9 10. Hog Market. One thousand seven hundred and fifty hogs received. Market Btrong and higher. Prime mixed. $19.75 20.25; me dium mixed. $19.50 19.75; rough heavv, $17.75 18.60: pigs. $17.50 18; bulk of sales, $19.76-20. Hliecp Market. Ono thoueund sheep received. Mar ket steady. Prime lambs, $17.50 18; fair to medium, $1$. 60 17.50; yearlings, $12 13; wethers, $10 12; ewes. $6.5010.50. lUTTKIl MAKKKT. (Trim quoted by Um Central Orrson Fsrmpra' Crmprjr.) Prints, parchment wrapped, 68c, wholesale price, llutlerfut, 69c. Put It In "THK lll'LLKTIN." How about that Sack of White River Flour at our risk? The Flour with the real guaran tee. "The Cash If You 1 Are Not Satisfied" i . Free Dollvery No Clinrge for Credit GILBERT'S R.OCERY Add to the Children's Enjoyment with a Camera The small pictures will be a source of education and great pleasure, as well as preserving a priceless record of their play-days and playmates for after-years We can furnish small Cameras that will do big things for the little folks Horton Drug Co. Store BEND OREGON EIGHTH GRADE TESTS WILL BE HELD SOON Kximinntioti Papers Received by County Superintendent, Together with Naturalization Iloolu. Eighth grade examination ques tions have been received by County School Superintendent J. Alton Thompson, and will be sent out to the various districts in time for the annual tests, which will be held on May 15 and 16. Mr. Thompson baa also received state library lists, from which the county schools may make their selection of books. In line with the school work re cently taken up In co-operation with the naturalization bureau, a number of students' text books on naturali zation have been sent to the super intendent's office, and any prospect ive citizens who have made applica tion for these are requested to call for them. Together with the text books are a number of teachers' manuals having to do with the aame subject. XOTICK OK HA I.E. Notice is hereby given that pur suant to an order made and entered by the justice of the peace for Bend district. Deschutes county, Oregon, on the 19th dny of April 1919,-the following described estray towit: One roan gelding about nine years old, branded apparently X on the left shoulder, weight about 1000 pounds, will be sold at public sale to the highest bidder for cash on my ranch about six and one-half miles east of Bend, Oregon, on the Bear Creek road, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., on the 8th day of May, 1919, to pay the damages and expenses of the undersigned in keeping said es tray, and publication of notice and die expenses of this proceeding, in cluding the advertising costs and the expense of sale. Dated this 19th day of April, 1919. 114-20-27C - M. W. CHASE. NOTICE OP SALE. Notice Is hereby given that pur suant to an order made and entered by the justice of the peace of Bend district, Deschutes county, Oregon, on the 16th day of April. 1919, the fol lowing described estray. towlf: One Jersey steer about two years old, branded on the right hip with an undistingulshable brand appear ing like an inverted T, with a bar through the stem, will be sold at public sale to the highest bidder for cash, on my father's ranch, about 3 miles east of Bend, Oregon, at the hour of 2 o'clock In the afternoon, of the 8th day of May, 1919, to pay the damages and the expense of the undersigned in keeping said estray, and publication of notice and the ex penses of this proceeding, including the advertising costs and expenses of sale. Dated this 16th day of April. 1919. 114-20-27C STANLEY PIERCE. Bend - Klamath Falls STAGE FIRST TRIP ON TUESDAY, APRIL 22 Thereafter Stage will leave Bend for Klamath Falls every Tuesday Thursday Saturday Hudson Super Six Used I. C. RICKARD, Proprietor Office at Frenchy's Store. For information and reser- vations call Red 1341. THE BACKBONE OF BEND IS LUMBER MANUFACTURING OUR PAYROLLS MAKE YOUR PROFITS BY BUYING LOCAL PRODUCTS YOU ARE HELPING BEND. The Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co. Local Rules A front MILLER LUMBER CO. Complete Stock of Lumber Lath, Sash and Doors Good Investments! Victory Bonds and Our All-Wool Clothes "Trade with the Boys" . Mannheimer Brothers Try a Bulletin Want Ad for quick results. , CUSTOM TAILORED CLOTHES of highest standard are made of guaranteed Detmer Woolens All Wool of Superior Quality Prices to Suit Your Pocketbook DICK, THE TAILOR Cleaning Pressing 'Alterations Mrs. V. A. Smith . AGENT FOR THE Nubone Corsets Will call by appointment on Ladies Desiring a Fitting. . Address P. O. Box 538 Look! Special Sale on Rubber Bathing , Caps. Some Beauties at 25c each. STOCKMOISrS 5-10-15-25c Store Complete Line of Spaulding Sporting Goods at F. DEMENT &CO. Groceries Hcrdwar