I'AQB a BIG WEEK IN MOVIES AT THE GRAND THEATER. 9SSBBBBB9& Tuesday and Wednesday Thursday & Friday Saturday Night Saturday and Sunday Matinee George Walsh TUB IlKND lUIIXKTI.S, DAILY KIHTION, !KNI), ORKOON, HATl'MMY, APRIL 10, 1010 kid I Sunday and Monday Nights The Midnight Patrol" Harold Lloyd Comedy Bees in His Bonnet Ford Weekly Hi 1 Mi The Racing Strain 1 n ti i with Mae Marsh The famous Coldwyn Star And a Christy Comedy term II Tl I I ili ine-nouse mat jacn nuiu In Harold Lockwood In n and a screaming comedy Fatty Masher Grand Theater 2s Man of Honor Eleventh Episode of "The Lure of the Circus" With Eddie Polo This Week and Next in Bend Movie Houses AT THE GRAND. Huiuliiy ninl Momliiy MkIiIh. "The Midnight riilrol." Harold Loyd comedy, "Dee In ills llnnnet." Ford Weekly. Tuiwlnr nncl Werinrwlny. Man Marsh III "Tho Racing Strain." Christy comedy. "The Mourn. 4 Tluil Jack Built." Thurwlny ami Friday. Onorgn Walsh In "On the Jump." Comedy, "Fatty tho Masher." Hut unlay Nlitlit, Hnlunlny nml Hundny Mntluee. Harold Lock wood in "Tho Man of Honor." Kleventh t'plnodii of "Tho Luro of tho Circuit," with F.ddlo Tolo. Whenever Cecil II. DeMllle, mus ter of neroeneruft who him produred many famous Arternft picture suc cesses, taken up tho dftnlls of a new production, not the slightest of tln-se la overlooked. It Is liecutiHii of thin that "Tho Biunw Mnn," which will he shown nt tho Liberty theater next .tidiiy and Monday, In regarded n:i ono of tho flnom presentations of the SI'llHOIl. Tho nioiit notahlo feature of "The Squaw Man," liidrpnndont of It In tcreHt as n human document, In the auperlorlly of It chhI. every player appearing therein beliiK of mollar ' magnitude. It is seldom that any nMlon ploturo presents ho fine nn nrrny of prominent ncreen player, and among thoio In tho cast are Kl llott Dexter, Ann Llttlo, Katherlne MnoDonnld, Theodora Roberts, Jack Holt. ThurHton Hall, Tully Marshall. Edwlsi Slovens and muny other. In tho tlilry year or moro during .vhlch porlod "Tho Old Homestead" hold tho Htago, moro than twenty mlfcfins of men, women and chil dren wept nnd laughod at tho pathos and humor of Hint Immortal produc tion. Tho play him boon plcturlxod ly Paramount nnd It will bo pro Bontod at tho Liberty thonter next Tuesday nnd Wednesday with evory accessory necoHary to InBuro Its sue coRHful prosotitntlon. It Ih Interesting to know that Don man Thompson, author of "Tho Old Homosload," drow hi characters from real llfo, nnd that tho nnmo Joshua Whltcomh Ih a compoBlte of tlufnnmes of two Now .Hampshire neighbors whom tho author know and admired. Tho sceno of tho rural portion of tho drama wiih laid In nnd VTiout tho Thompson homo and overy chnrnotor In tho play had lis counter port In real llfo. In that fact lies tho explanation of tho universal appenl which this slmplo play has had from tho day of Us nnit presentation. It was way back In 1875 that Thompson first soncolved the Idea which ho worked out ft a short skotoh under the namo of "JobIi Whltoomb." The success of this short play encouraged him to expand It Into tho form In which It was prosentod for ovor 30 yoars. It 1b, of course, this version which I w if I IIIE MIDNIGHT PATROL" 3 fint try B ctrtvf t try ThOS. M. INCE At the CJranil Hundny mid Monday XIkIiIx. ha been converted Into a motlou picture. In tho role mudo famous by Den mnn Thompson there appeurs Trunk I.nneo. Mr. Loseo will be remem bered for li In notable work in "Tho Kternal City," "Tho Musiiueruders" und other productions. The support generally Ih of the highest grudo. In tho early part of "Under the Top," the now Artcraft picture star ring Kred Stone, w hich will be shown lit the Liberty theiilur next Thurs day, the famous comedian has. to do a dlvo down a ropo from a church steeple. Tho scene comes when he, as Jlmmla Jones, a young villngo painter, quilH for tho noon hour. Kred came down the rope head-first at break-nock speed, while three camoras "shot tho sceno," and num erous pooplo about the Lanky studio watched breathlessly, wandering If he would land safely. Ho did. nnd everyone ugrecd that when It came to doing startling stints, Fred Stone was In a class by himself. This Ih one of many similar halr rninlng feats which Mr. Slono per forms throughout tho action of the story of "Undir the Top." Thepo nro few men In public llfo who nro bottor known thnn Horbort Hoovor, food administrator, who is now In Europe In charge of the dis tribution of food to starving neutral and suffering ibolllgorent nations. Mr. Hoover's office in Washington may be soon In Morguorlte Clark's now photoplay, "Little Miss Hoover," which will bo shown at the Liberty theator noxt Friday and Saturday. The set used In "Little, Miss Look! Special Sale on Rubber Bathing Caps. Some Beauties at 25c each. STOCKMON'S 5-10-15-25c Store AT THE LIBERTY. Tonight. Charles Ray In "String Boons." Mack Bennett comedy, "Cupid's Day Off." Hundny Matinee, Hundny Kven- Inic nnd .Monday Kvenlnit. Cecil 11. DeMllle's special, "The Squaw Man." I'lctogrnph. New. Travelogue. Turadny and Wwlnewlny. Denmnn Thompson's "The Old Homestead." Flagg's comedy, "Impropa- gnnda." News. Thumday Only. Fred Stone In "Under the Ton. Klko comedy, "Fathers, Sons and Chorus Girls." News. Friday and Huturdny mid Sntur- diiy Milliner. Marguerite Clark in "Little Miss Hoovor." Charles Chaplin in "Tho Count . Outing Chester." friendship for and his dealings with "Big Jim" De Luce, a New York horseman and wildcat stock pro moter. Once the owner of a big rac ing stable, a filly. Southern Pride, is all that is left him. There Is a heavy mortgage long overdue on the Cem- eron estate and tho Cameron wonder why no attempt is made at fore closure. At a Red Cross lawn fete Lucille gives she meets Lieut. Greg- cry Haines, just returned wounded from France. Their acquaintance soon ripens Into love, to the chagrin of Big Jim, who has annoyed Lucille with bis attentions. The resultant drama Is stirring and well worked out. Paul Revere, America's favorite patriot, would probably turn over in his grave with envy It he could see George Walsh, America's favorite screen athlete, duplicate his famous ride In "On the Jump," a great big patriotic timely William Fox produc tion which will come to the Grand theater for two days, commencing Thursday. The famous hero's ride is dupli cated on the screen to boost the Fourth Liberty loan and by his orlg (Contlnued on Page 8.) Hoover" Is a replica of Mr." Hoover's office where Miss Clark discussed the purposes of food conservation with the celebrated administrator. On the walls are the nntlonal colors, a map of tho United States' and a plc luro of President Woodrow Wilson. The Los Angeles police depart ment, one of the most efficient bodies of blue-coats In the country, figure prominently tn tho big special at traction, "The Midnight Patrol," which Select Pictures announces for tho Grand theater Sunday nnd Mon day nights. The action of the story, which was excellently directed by Irvln V. Willnt, takes plnce in the Chinese quarter of Los Angeles. Tho picture has a number of sensa tional and startling scenes and In some of thom a large number of po llcomen were required. Most not able among those scones Is one near the cIobo of the picture when the Flying Squadron of Los Angeles po lice raid the underground don of Wu Fang, a notorious opium denier, who Is holding a beautiful young girl prisoner. In this scene, and In ninny others, the Los Angolcs "finest" con tributed somo Important acting. This picture was produced by Thomas II. I nee. "The Racing Strain," n romance of Kentucky nnd Saratoga, is Mae Marsh's newest contribution to Gold wyn's sorloa of screen successes. A production of constant thrills, it is threaded with a story of love and sac rifice that Is dollghttully human. "Tho Racing Strain," which conies to the Grand theater beginning Tues day, has for one of Its- features a stirring horse race photographed nt the Saratoga track nt the height of the racing season. Lucille Cameron (Mae Marsh), a plucky girl of Kentucky, learns that her father, Colonel Cameron, is close to financial ruin because of his I tonight fin Dire dav : "CTDiwr duawc" Api.y.nwh1:h.R0be Last Time how them a few things SUNDAY SEI MONDAY Evening CECIL DeMILLE'S SPECIAL "The Squaw Man" Titled Englishman Indian Girl Embezzler Confesses Wrong is Righted Pictograph News Weekly Travelogue TUESDAY WEDNESDAY DENHAM THOMPSON'S "The Old Homestead" The Touching Old Play A FLAGG COMEDY 'Impropaganda" News Weekly THURSDAY ONLY THE GREAT PLAY "Under The Tod" A delightful story of Circus Life, with the King of Acrobats, FRED STONE ELKO COMEDY , "Fathers, Sons & Chorus Girls" News Weekly FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AND SATURDAY MATINEE APRIL 25-26 Marguerite Clark in "Little Miss Hoover" Also CHARLIE CHAPLIN in "The Count Oqting Chester MEEM