TOR HENO HHM-KTIN, DAILY EDITION, I1KND, OBKGON. WKD.N'KHDAY, MARCH 10, 1011) PAGE a Crescent Is the safe, economical baking powder. It Is made of the purest Ingredi ents In correct scientific proportions. Cres cent raises first when moisture Is added In the mixing bowl, und then ugiu when heut Is applied. Thus you can depend absolutely upon Crescent to produce the most wholesome, light and easily digested biscuits, cukes and breads, H'rlto for Crescent Cook Book. Crescent Mfg. Co., Seattle, Wash. ONLY 13 DAYS until you can go after the FINNY BEAUTIES Look over nil your KISIIING TACKLE then come to us for any additions. We will sell you the BEST. TON1CHT and THURSDAY Vaudeville m& Pictures FIVE (JKNUINK NATIVE Hawaiian Troubadours Inuliiilinit Mm Luuna Kulolio. tlx; Little Hawaiian Dancing1 Girl. I TONIGHT Last Time ENID BENNETT in" "Fuss and Feathers" sit-"-' ELKO COMEDY "FRECKLED FISH" COMING THURSDAY ONLY -FANNY WARD in "THE CHEAT" and ELKO COMEDY. Do you want .to know? Look for f? Tliuntilny, You'll know wliut happened to Jiinun. Adv. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS TODAY'H TKMI'KHATUIIB (Taken at 3 p. n() , Mm. J. P. Dion Im visiting her lu ll' r. Mm. Jack Hill, In this city. Walter McWIIIIatnii In In from Madras today. William A. Pickett of Cllno Full In spumllng thn iluy In Bend. Illiilna Ilcviim of Tumtilo spent IuhI ii I K 1 t In Bond. Mm. II. M. Ilorton returned to Ilnnd this morning from a visit to Portland. 1 Denton (I. Durdlrk of Redmond I In tha city today ut tending to court mattoni. 7,, J. F. Welborn, president- of tho Whltnn Hardware Co. of Seattle, U , visiting In Bend at tha lioinv of Mr. and Mm. Floyd Dement. Tho Indoor baseball gnma sched uled for tonight between tho profit Mlonul and business mmi of Ilnnd will J begin at 8:30 o'clock. W. C. Van Horn of Portland ar rived In Ilnnd this morning, urul In spending tho day hero taking tintl mony In lund muttuni. John McFudden and his sons. I.oo nard and Harold, aro In Ilnnd today from Terrebonne. transacting busi ness at tho land office. t O. I). Drown und X. 0. Jncobson, supervisor of tha Fremont and De tenu tirn national forests, loft Innt Closed Dodge Touring Car FOR HIRE DAY or NIGHT Located at Pioneer Garage Phone 22 1 J. W. LITTLKFIKLD, Owner night for Portland on legul business. Ben Madofsky und Hymen Itoton hurg of Portland aro spending u few (lays In Hand. They will locate here If they cun find a suitable Munitions opening. Mrs. M. II. Ilorlon expects to leuve In the nuur future on trip to Cus cadu Locks, I,nwlston and I'ortland. Hhn will be gone for about three nion tin. Mrs. O. E. Ilurk and Miss Grand fluid .of Ban Fruncliico, who have bwn visiting Mm. Burks mother. Mm. J. W. Aaho. In this city, left for tbelr home lust night. Mr. Ashe entertained In their honor yes terday afternoon. Mrs. Mabel Hettleinolr. worthy grand malron of the Order of Eastern Blur, arrived In Ilend yesterday to visit the local chapter. She was present at tho chapter meeting lust night, spent today In llend and leaves thin evening for Redmond. SPECIAL TAX MOVE OPPOSED (Continued from Page 1.) company, promised that the material for the fire houso would be available In May. A unanimous voto was taken for tho appointment of a poundmuster, to bu given police authority. On the request of Chief of Police Nixon, an allowance of $40 a month was made him for the upkeep of a cur. The amount Is only $8 more than has been paid for tho use of a saddle horse, and Mr. Nixon assured the council that tho Increase In the number of law violators who could ' be apprehended would make up near j ly the entire amount of the allow. nnce. , Health Onllniuiro Piikhcn. Mayor Kuste officially announced hla veto of the pool room ordinance. but due to the absence of Council man McPhorson, a second vote was postponod. A bill for an 'ordinance to give tha health committee power to declare open toilets ajid buildings In which horse or cattle are kept to be a nuisance, and fixing a pen ally for failure to abate such iiuls ance, was passed under an emer gency clause. ' Fire Chief Tom Corlon explained the need for a law to prevent park- ffilllpl' Luncheon Suggestions ffi i rFct - Vys! Serve Snow Flakes the ' iBO dainty salted -cracker Dwi Vi ul wtn boullion, sardines if XHJw:' ' creamed fish, salads, Au I y':Mm Welsh rarebit, etc. V SwNP .'VfWl Don't ask for Crackers, sny Bnow V I wmmo'.l " vNSM rut, f. . lug at blind crosHlngs, and the neces sity for keeping curbs near fire hydrant clear, and City Attorney Ilenson wus Instructed to draw up an ordinance covering 'these points. To economize on rent, the council ordered that on the first of April police headijuurters be moved to the city rest rooms. . A resolution for estimates and specifications for street Improve ments, already announced, was passed without question.-. To Change length of Terms. As a suggestion for a method to allow half of the present council members to remain In office to in itiate new members Into the duties of city work, and as a remonstrance agulnst alleged dictation of policies by organizations, outside the council, tho following report was submitted by It. P. Mlnter, E. L. Payne and G. Denson, members of the Committee on rules, order of business and elections: "The present Incumbents, namely, 1 the city council and mayor, will bold their office two years from Die date of their election and, under the stute luw, you are required to elect a council and may each succeeding two years. "Your committee begs to suggest that the three councllmen receiving the lowest votes be retired at the end of two years and that the three councllmen receiving the highest votes retain their office for four years, thus you will have three experienced councllmen as hold-evers at each election. "Dut we find that this change will have to be made by the vote of the people, therein entailing, In our judgment, a special election nttlng this caso and complying with the state laws. "Rolnllve to' the rules of business, your committee would suggest that an established rule be Inaugurated that the business of the council be transacted In the chamber rooms of the council and not at the Pilot Butte Inn. . "Under the head of order, your committee believes' It- entirely out or order that the council be subjected to the domination of any organlxa- A REAL Bargain We Sell Fiining Licemes F. DEMENT &CO. Groceries Hardware tlon and our belief is founded on the fact that they are the legally elected representatives of the people of Bend and that if any organization wants certuln things from the council it Is incumbent on; them to send their committees to the chamber room and there discuss their problems, and If they are fair ones we are convinced that the present council will be gov erned by any wise suggestion sub mitted by them. But we, as your committee, take the stand that it Is very humiliating that on every prob lem coming before this council some members of the present city govern ment are forced to ask the advice cf other organizations before taking action. The dignity of this council. In our Judgment, la rebellious against such actions as named above." Do you want to know? Look for It Thursday. You'll know what happened to Jones. Adv. Today's Amusements. I.1BKKTV THKATKR. .. Vaudeville, Hawaiian Trouba- dours. Enid Bennett in "Fuss and Feathers." " GRAND THKATER. 'Mary MacLaren In "Vanity Pool." Comedy, "Regular Patsy." r-W ALICE BRADY "THE DEATH DANCt EISJSlSJSJSISEISJSlSJc Would You be Interested in the BEST 6 -Cylinder Car . on the Market? If So, See Pioneer Garage Phone 221 GRAND. Mury MacLaren will be seen to night for the lost time in "Vanity Pool," an unusually interesting story of a tenement girl who sacrificed much to save the career of a poli tician. Tomorrow and Thursday nights. Alice Brady will be seen in the startling drama, "The Death Dance," the story of a c&fo dancing girl. This photoplay Is rich In complications. NEW TEACHER FOR SCHOOL AT CRESCENT LA PINE, March 19. W. E. Beesley who hat been at Silver Lake tor the past two weeks returned to La Pine Sunday." R. E. Eaton is still hauling hay from yet Weather springs. E. B. Tomes and wife went to Bend last Wednesday, returning on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs.- Carl F. Clow left for Portland last Wednesday. Miss Annie Bollle of Klamath Falls UGH The Franco Cham Drive Tractor Your Ford Furnishes the" Motor Power. Ideal for Use on Central Oregon Farms. Demonstrator Will Arrive In Herd in Few Days Farmers are invited to make inquiries of Phone 221 at the Pioneer GarageCo. E. M. BONNER, General Agent for Oregon, Idaho j and Washington. General Red Tubes Last as Long as the. Average Car Some Times There is Such a KJ$JJ Thing as the Best E2f Service of an inner tube is so locfer wttivtti in Uiw$ ol asllcsf but ia terns of yean. GENERAL Process k produced Tnbe which resist not merely friction and strain, lot deterioration of time . This is of Special Interest to Ford Owners Pioneer Garage Phone 221 Free Air. Agency General Jumbo Tires, with a 7,500 mile guarantee. Open Evenings. Willys-Overland Agency. F . . Eledric Cleaner Gets AO the Dirt, All the Time. There is no periodical house-cleaning time, no dusting, or wip- . ing up. The dirt simply dis appears all of it. All the housewife does is push the button and guide the cleaner. And it's done in one-fifth the time. TUOR Naccum Clean ers sold on easy terms. Bend Water Light & Power Co. VALUE FIRST s HELP BUILD UP YOUR COMMUNITY Community life in Amer ica is the very life blood of our democracy. Every citizen owes allegience to his' home town. The factories, mills and shops of your town provide the payrolls and comforts needed for health and prosperity. Patronize and support loyally every business man in your community, By doing so you will networking most effectively for yourself and building up your home town. THE SHEVUN-HIXON COMPANY arrived In La Pine last Saturday and wont to Crescent 'on Monday's stage. She . has been employed to fill the vacancy la the Crescent school. The demand for hay has become so great that the Holllnshed brother! have put their truck back on the road again.