PAGE a THE BEND BULLETIN, DAILY EDITION, BEND. OREGON. WKDNKHDAY, MARCH 10, 1010 The Bend Bulletin DAILY EDITION Bvry Afternoon Excwnt Rnnday. Br ih Bsng Bulletin (Inrorporolrd). Bniorou as twcnnd Class matl.r. January S, 117, at tho Post OfftfS at Bend. Oregon, under Act 0( March . 1879. ROBERT W. BAWVKR Editor-Manager HKNHY N. KOWI.F.R Aocisto rMilor KKKK A. WOrXKI.KN... Advertising Mauu'r H. W. Ht'NT .Cimilstiim MHtmw.'r KALi'II STKNCKK ..Mechanical SupL An Independent Newspaper, stamlintr for tho square deal, clean buAinr. clean politics and the best interests of Itcnd and Central Oregon. IRRIGATION'S NEEDS NOTED (Oonttnuod from Page 1.) nctmont of this portion of tho Irri gation district Inw. "Agricultural lamia lueliultnl with in tho limits ot a nnniloipallly may now ho included in an irrigation tilstriot. "This umcmlmct-.t was uV.ctmil to ho necessary on account of tin larro urea of agricultural luml which is Sl'IlSCRtPTION RATES HT Uall .... - v IK on fill Monihs".'.'.'. $2.76 i inclniU'il wllliiit tho limits of some mree Months j,y j "-60 j ot the municipalities within or tul- Ona Year ..f.M Jurent to tlio irrigation districts. Tho OMMMCntn"."."."";!!;;"o'ottuora ot ,lu!, agricultural lamia frequently tlosiro to liao tho sumo un obligation ot tho remnlmlor of tho irrigated and prior to tho amend- lands in tho district. This rendered ment it was uot possible to include such lands In on irrigation district I'nlt Rcclumutitm l'o.vsililc. All subocriptions are due and PAYAHI.E IN ADVANCE. Notices of expiration are mailed subscribers and if renewal is not made within -vasonable time the paper will bo discontinued. Please notify us promptly of any change of eJdt-ms, or of failure to receive the paper regu larly. Otherwise we will not bo responsible tor eoplea missed. Make all checks ana orders payable to The Bene Bulletin. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1919. BUDGETS. Those of our readers who have been sufficiently interested in city matters to read what has been said in these- columns concerning the financial condition ot the city will remember frequent remarks as to the importance of a. correct budget and a strict adherence in expenditures to the estimates made. The first ne cessity is care in preparing the budget in order that all needs may be provided for, and the second that the budget be presented to the people in such form that it may be easily understood and that the city's finan cial condition may be readily seen. A city budget that meets most of these requirements is that of The Dalles, which has just come to our attention and is reprinted below for the benefit of all interested. Aside from the comparison which may be made between it and the Bend city budgets, as hitherto published, it is interesting to notice that the total amount provided for general city ex pense is about 250 per cent, more than the amount provided in Bend's 4919 budget. We urge a careful study of. the figures below: It feasible it might reduce tho amount to bo paid to tho statu to tho extent ot tho umottiit expended by tho federal government, or any Irrigation district In reclamation of tho lauds. "Tho dralnngu district law was tilso nmcmlcd in some Important f en I vires so that it. corresponds nioro olosHy to the Initiation district law ami all question has been eliminated as to whether or not the obligation ot the district was an individual or a com munity obligation. Heretofore, ow ing to a peculiar wording of the statute, It has been contended by some that the amount assessed ugnlnst any particular tract was the obligation of that tract, and was not FOR RENT FOll KENT 'lioiiNokeepliiK apart munis, modern house, suitable tor man and wife. No children wanted Inquire north Standard Oil Co. or llullotln. 33-Kli-llp pill KKXT Wuinlshed room In private home, reasonable. Call 021 l'iorltla Sundays or evenings. Ml-77tfc MISCELLANEOUS .M lti:in:.ltS.l,S at the Liberty Temple 'Sunday, 2 1'. M., Thurs day, 8 P. M. Web. 4-78-!IG; FOR SALE "Provision has also been made for the reclamation ot lands in an irri gation district in units. Heretofore It was necesnry that every, acre of Irrigable land in a district should be assessed the same as every other irrigable acre. This brought about a tendency to exclude land . from the district which would Increase the cost against the main body of land notwithstanding the fact that it might be entirely feasible to irrigate these lands at a higher cost. It will now be possible to iuclude such of these lands In an irrigation district as a separate unit, and then assess, them, according to the cost ot reclamation. "Under the irrigation law as en acted in 1917 the district could not require construction bonds in excess of 25 per cent, of the amount of the contract. This was remedied by an amendment which now permits the district to require any bond that it sees fit, not less however, than 25 per cent, of the amount of the contract. Tunialo Aitl Ordered. "The desert land board was auth orized to enter into a contrapt for the reclamation of the Tumalo pro ject and was authorized to increase the lien on the unsold land in the project to a sufficient extent to com plete its reclamation, or, it it deems DALLES CITY BUDGET FOR 1919. Notice of estimated expenses and proposed tax levy for Dalles City, Wasco county, ' Oregon, for the calandar year 1919. Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, December 17, 1918, at 7:30 o' clock p. m., the common council of Dalles City will be in session at. the council chamber, city hall, and that any taxpayer ot Dalles City will be heard in favor ot or against the estimates and the proposed tax levy as hereinafter itemized: Item No. 1 Fund for miscellaneous expenditures J5.000.00 Library fund :. 3,187.00 Item No. 2 Item No. 3 Item Ho. 4 Item No. 5 Item No. Item No. Item No. Annual int. payments on general bonded indebted ness 10,950.00 Sinking fund, 10 per cent, ot $45,000.00 general obligation bonds becoming due in Hay, 1920 4,500.00 Salaries of paid city officers: Marshal $1,200.00 Police .. - 1,200.00 Recorder : 1,200.00 Street commissioner 1,200.00 Fire Warden 1,020.00 Treasurer 600.00 Attorney 600.00 Janitor 420.00 Total . '. 7,440.00 Fuel ! 450.00 Fire department a '. 550.00 Special police fund 200.00 Item No. 9 Lighting ot streets, city hall and barn 3,900.00 Item No. 10 Health department 250.00 Item No. 11 Street cleaning department .'. 1,680.00 Item No. 12 General street fund, horse feed, etc 7,000.00 Item No. 13 Annual assessment on portion of property owned by city and bonded by street improvements.... 637.00 Item No. 14 . For payment of principal of bond No. 1: Brewery grade improvement $ 600.00 Bond No. 1, 9th street bridge 600.00 Total becoming due in 1919 1,000.00 Total amount required for city expenditures $40,044.00 Receipts estimated from all other sources, being fines and mis cellaneous licenses from city recorder's office 1,644.00 Balance, total amount to be raised by direct taxa tion $4.5,000.00 Valuation of Dalles City property, 1918 roll as at present re ported by county assessor. $3,407,530.00 When public service corporation values are added later it is estimated that total valuation for 1918 roll on which taxes will be collected in the year 1919 will be 3,750,000.00 proceeds or lz-mni tax on aDove valuation wiinout any ue- ductlon for delinquency 45,000.00 EXPLANATORY NOTE. The rate ot city tax for the present year (1917 tax rollB) is 11.6 mills and was estimated to raise $43,500.00. Bonds Nob. 1 and t; city hall refunding bonds, issued April, 1918, will become due in 1919, principal $1,000.00, and there is now money on hand in such fund to make payment of these bonds. The money being proportionate part of the sinking fund of last year from the portion col lected in October, after the date of issuance of refunding bonds. Dated this 6th day of December, 1918, by order of the common council passing the same as preliminary estimate at regular session on December 3, 1918, D. L. CATES, Recorder of Dalles City. STOCK MEETING AT TUMALO DRAWS ANY O. E. Anderson was doing some surveying for W. H. Gray Tuesday. Miss Hilma Nelson entertained the following ladies . Wednesday after noon: Mrs. H. T. MikkelBen, Mrs. W. H. Gray, Mrs. O. E. Anderson, Mrs. Catharine JohnnsBii, Mrs, J. A. Chnse, Miss Etta Chase, Mrs. John Edwards, Mrs. Carrie Johnson, Mrs. J W. Peterson and Mrs. Olo Hanson. Mrs. F. 8. Hutchins of Oregon City vlsltod at the Andereon home Friday. Fred C. Seeling came down from Bend Saturday night and remained over Sunday. ' e Reginald Bayley of Tumalo was a visitor at the Anderson home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Anderson at tended tho movies In Bend Saturday night. Lea Houghtaling went to Bend Saturday night to remain over Sun day. Mnrnh Aubrey of Bend visited at tho Gray home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. August Halberg and children of Bend called on Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Gray Sunday. Rasmus Peterson, accompanied by Mrs. Catharine Johnnsen, Mrs. H. T. Mikkelsen and Alfred Mlkkelsen, wero Bend visitors Thursday. ' Mrs. Monahan of Redmond called on Mrs. O. E. Anderson Thursday afternoon, ' tho drainage district bonds somewhat onjeciioniiDia and tlie statute was amended to cover this point. District Imw Aids. "Summing up, heroforo,' much favorable legislation was secured af fecting reclamation. In fact, tho last legislature Bee mod to take, a more favorable view toward reclama tion than its predecessors. This Is probably due to the success that has beeu obtained under the new Irriga tion district law, which was enacted In 1917. "If the people approve the program which has been submitted by the leg islature, undoubtedly Oregon will seo greut activity In reclamation ot land in the next few years. When irriga tion was reduced to a, sound business basis by the enactment ot our present excellent irrigation district law. It did much to change the then adverse sentiment' against the reclamation and irrigation In particular. It would seem that Oregon has now the best opportunity In its history for substantial development and insofar as her statutes are concerned, as well as her possibilities tor reclamation Oregon is unsurpassed." poll HALK Geo. Taylor, Bond, Ore., has all kinds, of young Tilla mook calvoa. Call Rod 13-11, or wrlto Box 113, for Information. 2S-85-91p poll HAI.K Four-room house, 32 Gilchrist Ave. G. V. Wlttti. 19-84-890 poll HALK 8 head ot cattle, one filly. Can be seen at Ilevors' place at Tumalo dam. Might consider Ford in trade. ' G. Huottl, Bond, Ore. 26-8G-7p poll HAI.K 5-room modern house. with bath. Inquire 366 East Greonwood St. 22-85-9p poll HALK Good upright plnno, $100.00 cash. Cull utter 4. 46 Irving Ave. 20-85-7c poll HALK 160 acres of land In Tumalo district; $4 an acre. C. V. Sllvts. "14-84HP Daily Market Report (Furnished by arrangement with the Central Oregon Bank.) NORTH PORTLAND. Murch 19. Fifty cattle received. Market steady. Prime steers. $1314; good to choice, 111.60 12.60; medium to good, llOfrll: fair to medium, $9 10; common to fair. I84J9; choice cows and heifers, $10.60012; good to cnolce, $9 010; medium to good talr to medium, 56; can- ners, $3.504.60; bulls, $608.60; calves, $9.60013.50; stockers and feeders, $74fl0. Hog Market. Three hundred hogs received. Market strong. Prime mixed. $18.25018.60; me dium mixed. $17.90018.15; rough heavy, $16017; pigs. $15016; bulk of sales, $18.25 18.35. Sheep Market. No sheep received. Market strong. Prime lambs, $16017; fair to me dium, $14016; yearlings, $11012; wethers, $9010; ewes, $6.50010.60. a Classified advertising chares per Issue 10 rents for 20 words or Ices. One cent per word for all over 20. All classified advertislne strict? cash in advance poll HAI.K 7-pusscnger Dorrls touring car, practically new. Will be sold at an exceptional bargain price if taken Immediately. Inquire Bulletin. 05-83-8p poll HAI.K Ford delivery, good running order, $250; flat top oak desk and chair cheap, A to Z Gro cery, 134 Oregon 81. 08-8 3-Rp poR HAI.K A business, well estah - Untied, making for Its owner $500 net per month. Experience not necessary. $5000 cash , will handle this deal. Write Box 659. Bend, Ore. . 06-82-7C poll HALE Modern 6-room bunga ,lpw. Price $1860.' Inquire C. V. Sllvls. 03-82tfc poK HA I. K Lots 3 and 4. block 1, Plnelyn Park. Two very attract ive lots. Inquire Bulletin. 94-81tfc poll HALK 1000-pound team, well broke,' For Information see Pio neer Carage, Bond St. 80-SOtfc poll HAI.K Two wheel Ford trailer In good shape. Price right. In quire Roberts, Bend Garage. 62-75tfc poll HALF) 2 cars, cash or terms. II. R. Rlloy. 90-66tfr WANTED WANTED By private party for cash used furniture. Write to Box No. 427, Bend, Ore. 32-86-Sp WANTED To buy, second hand fur niture, f. U. BOX Ml. 3U-8H-7C yyAXTED First class starcher. tsena Laundry. Vu-Sltfc p!l HALK 1 Chevrolet, 1916 model; 1 Ford. 1918 model; 1 Maxwell, 1918 model; 1 Podge, 1918 model. Liberty bonds accopted. Phono Black 112, or see Oeo. F. Hoover. 65-78-tfc poll HALF: Spring rye for late seeding. P. A. Dovers & Bon, Tum alo, Ore. 43-74tfc pOR HALK Five-room house, Ken wood, $900.00. Mrs. V. A. Forbes. 84-60tfc Pile UpYoiriloiiey ForaBainv j ONE of the queerest things about some people is that they will not follow GOOD ADVICE .when, they KNOW they OUGHT T.0, Perhaps we are all more or lets that way. All the wise men of all ages have urged their fellow beings to PUT AWAY SOMETHING for a RAINY BAY. Good old Benjamin Franklin's sayings on eoonomy and saving alone ought to make a bank book holder of EVERY ONE. If yon have DELAYED, suppose you act HONESTLY with YOUR SELF RIGHT NOW. Central Oregon Bank n n THURSDAY AND FRIDAY ALICE BRADY IN THE DEATH DANCE also BING BANG COMEDY COMING Sunday sad Monday Mitckall Lewis in The Code of the Yukon GRAND THEATRE X r1 THURSDAY and FRIDAY IV CALL ON THE CASH MARKET fiS? FISH, CLAMS CRABS & OYSTERS HOME CURED BACON AND HAMS "Quality and Quantity" Our Motto Thomas ilelit, Manager Orojiun Slreol Ws farof a numcisllr owned slauskltt Houta sod Slsts aupaclmi KEEP A KODAK ALBUM Wouldn't tli older (oik like to Lav book of picture! of toes icnool dtyt ? And tb Baoiss aJ tkty jrow up? DO IT TODAY ! .KODAK ALBUMS, 25c to $4.50 CENTRAL PHOTO CO. WITH M. H. SY.MONS, O'KANK W,UG., IIKND. OHK. "In at One', at Five They're Done. " Every Farmer Should See the Parrot Tractor Ready for Immediate Delivery. Creat Bargain TERMS You will b inttrtstad in In if Nw Tractor, to come in and it at th PIONEER GARAGE . , , PHONE 221 WILLYS-OVERLAND AGENCY LOST jOHT Purtie containing month' wage, Saturday evening In the Liberty theater. ' Finder plouao re turn to Bulletin and receive reward. 18-84-60 NOT1CK TO POULTRY KKKPKR8. All persona keeping poultry with in the limiti of the city of Bond are hereby notified that under Ihe pro vlnloni of a city ordinance thoy are obliged to keep their poultry from running at large. Keep your poultry confined In yard and avoid the pen alties of the ordinance. L. A. W. NIXON, 84-870 Chief of Police. school niHTiuer monh hlko TIO.V NOTICK. STATU OF ORRQON, ' County of Dimchutna, hb. School District No. 1. Notice Ih hereby given that at tho bcIiooI dlHtrlct bond elnctlon hereby called to bo held at Knnwood School, In and for School DlHtrlct No, 1 of DcRchule County, Oroxon, on Biitur dity, the 2Hth (lay of March, A. I). 1910, botwann the hours ot two o'clock p. m. and sevon o'clock p. in., there will bo Htihmlttod to the legal voters theroof the question of con tracting a bonded Indebtednons In the sum ot twenty-eight thousand ($28,000) dollars for the purpose ot providing funds with which to erect and turnlBh a school building In and for said school district. Jh. y! o by ballot upon which shall be the words "Ilondt Yes" and .'Bonds No"; nnd fi voter shall placo a cross (X) botwffllii the word "Bonds" and the word res, or between the word "Bonds" and the word "No," which Indicates ! ill VI1UIUU, , The polls tor tne reception of th ballots cast for or against the con- iracuon or said Indebtedness will, on said day and date and at the place aforinld be opened at the hour of two o'clock p. m. and remain opon until the hour of seven o'clock p. m. on the snme day when the same shall be closod. By order of the 'dlstrlot schoohs noschutoB county, Oregon, mnilo this fifth day of March, A. U. 1919. t J. P. KKYRfl, ; Chairman of District School f Board. Attest: J. ALTON THOMrSON, DlHtrlct Clork. 7fl-0Go i. . . . notick. Mh 19 ? , "' 1lm"l,,' Auoncy. (Won. Mnrch i 12. 1010. 1 rmmsals will h r..v1 at 'his anto until t o'clnrk P. M April 14. lull., for furnishing apiiroslmatol, A2U0 hrail of raltl., to hn nurrhnaed tor th. Klamsth In .Hans, amirntfmaMy as Mlowsi llolfor.. 1 nafly 700, mltoh ,'. M' fij, 1. " ' "'. i" nrnu nnr.roNl or Durham, 1 to 8 yrnm nlil. 220. Th. rlirht Is rsasnrra 10 rajool any and all hlils. to asmiil "! ,", ' "MiJh; nthar,' ami to wnlvn -1 h l ' .' "mwi nintaa Mnvsrnmont In.f L-nfUL 'Ptarrst rllrMt or InillrMt, In ,h! i,?i!rtfl"d ?' ",'y,v" ". Walter (I. West, Supervisor In Chargs, M.g7e