PAGH REND IIUIXKTIN, DAILY EDITION, I1END, OIUXiON, WKDNKNUW. I K. 19, 1010 BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS. INSIST UPON HECICIVING 1I0LS0M BREAD In llliio Wrappers Sold at All Loading Grouurleg Made by the AMEKKMN 1IAKKUV Scotch Woolen Mills All Wind Hulls MimIk to Onlr WiH.nil In IplM.Atl ! NKI.NO.VH HUH Bond HI. Pioneer Garage That lw HAY MUjHr? v ll t'htl'irpn, when tncj " .... wwlrS11 t? other kui uine. ( WaP5Mg v' or crisp Snow Fluke in your pantry, . -1 ,U,",ly UCm Vf. Jxi'M 1W ask for crackers, My Snow lf$Ss f I yr:f Your Grocer can supply you. DEPOT FEED YARDS Teams Boarded by the Month at SpecialJRates SEED GRAIN TEAMING DONE GIVE SURPRISE PARTY AT HOME NEAR BEND BEND. R. F. D. NO.l. Miss Jessie Stookey wa3 pleasantly surprised at her home Friday evening by a large number of her friends. The occasion celebrated being in honor of Miss Jessie's 14th birthday. The crowd congrgated at the O. B. Caldwell home and went from there in a body to the Stookey residence. Games and music were the features of the even ing, after which all enjoyed the re-, freshments which were served. Those present were: The Misses Velnia Caldwell, Margarete Wornstaff, Fannie Moore, Dona Cook, Glenda Caldwell, Dorothy Cook, Geneva Caldwell, Mildred Stookey, Mrs. O. B. Caldwell, Mrs. G. L. Moore, Mrs. Seth Stookey and Jessie Stookey, Claude Kelley, Harold Hunnell, Hugh Kelley and Harold Kelley of Bend. Roy Wornstaff, Ray Neff, Cecil Young, Elmer Young, Lee Pruett, Milton Hakala, Roy Neff, John Warn staff, Floyd Stookey, and Seth Stookey. There were no church services or Sunday school at the Mountain View church Sunday on account of bad roads. Eunice NefT conducted the seventh grade examinations in geography and physiology at the school house last Thursday. Those taking the examinations in geography were: Margarete Warnstaff, Velnia Cald well, Ruth, Ray and Roy Neff. Those, taking in physiology were: Velma Caldwsll and Margarete Warnstaff. ARE YOU ON THE ROAD TO SUCCESS JAMES J. HILL HAS SAID: "If you want to know whether you are destined to be a success or a failure in life, you can easily llnd out. The teBt Is simple and it Is Infallible. Are you able to save money? If not drop out. You will lose. You may think not, but you will lose, as suro as you live. The seed of Success is not In you." Start that SAVINGS ACCOUNT Today The First National Bank OF BEND WE BANK ON YOU, YOU BANK WITH VS School Appetite GRAIN HORSES FOR HIRE Miss Miriam Grimes left last Sun day for her home at Salem after spending several moths visiting at the home of her brother R. E. Grimes. Elmer Warnstaff returned home on Portland where he had been on busi ness. Dona Cook was a visitor at the 1 G. L. Moore home Friday night. Several of the residents of this I vicinity are sufferes from colds and J the la grippe. Mrs. Lee Young, Cecil Young and Mrs. ". L. Coffey and daughter were visitors at A. Neff's home Thursday. Roy, Margarete and John Worn staff are stavine at the home nf Mr land Mrs.-Elgin Stookey while their father has gone to Portland. Mrs. Chase has recently returned from Grants Pass, where she has been visiting with relatives. The regular meeting of the Farm ers' Cooperative union whicn" was to have met Wednesday evening was postponed on account of the rough weather. Rtith Neff was a visitor at the W. L. Coffey home in Bend Saturday night. A large crowd from this neigh borhood met at Amis Moore's home in Bend Tuesday to chlvari Mr. and Mrs. Chester Russell. Mrs. Russell was formerly Miss Grace Cook. They were married at the Cook home on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs Lee Young were visitors at Seth Stookey's Monday afternoon. Mildred Triplett, from over In the alley, was a visitor at the Pruett home Monday. (Successor to L. L. Fox) Agents for the General Tire and Willys-Overland Cars. Will have an Expert Mechanic and be prepared for General Repair Work, on Saturday, February 15th. ALFALFA MAN IS BACK FROM CAMP ALFALFA. Feb. 12. GiiHtnvo Horry arrived from Cnmp Lewis Fri day with an honorable discharge from tlio U. S. army. Paul MortscliliiK. ami Wm. llorsel wore looking after business mutters in the Powell Uutte Bectlon Sunday. Frank McHroom ami family, Al bert Sliults ami family, Tom Dealey, Carl Larson and (iustave Herry ul t ended tlio play, "Tlio Girl of KbkIo ltanch," In Head Friday evening. Lester Barber expects to leave for Salt Lake City Tuesday to visit his brother, Jesse Darber. Miss Jessie V. Hartley and George Hobbs were Calling ou l'owell Uutte friends Sunday. Berry Gano conducted the eighth grade examinations Friday. The ap plicants were Miss Goldle Ferry, Miss Venm Shnlts, Austin Barber and Donovan Smock. Carl Larson delivered a dressed beef to the Bend market Tuesday. Mrs. Ralph Smock and Mrs. Charles Smock were transacting business in Bend Friday. Mrs. Mary Benn is home again after a few weeks' sojourn lu Port- j land and Aberdeen, Wash. U. S. Bushnell and family of Rob erta passed through Alfalfa Sunday, en route to the Geo. Hobbs ranch at Powell Butte, where thoy will reside for the present. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Angland left for Portland to Beek medicul advice for Mr. Angland. STATE EXAMS ARE HELD AT SISTERS SISTERS. Feb. 11. A debate was held at the school house on Tuesday afternoon In Miss Kupphahn's room. The afflrmativo speakers wpro: Cecil and Earl Bobbins, John Wllslu and Idella McAdams. Negative speakers; Dorothy Taylor, John Allen, Vine Stidhnm, Alvin Brady and Hilda McAdams. The Judges were: Vcrn Kief, Arnold Brady and George Davis. The debate was decided In favor of the negative. Mrs. C. W. Allen conducted the examination at the school house in the upper room lust Thursday and Friday. George Davis and Arnold Brady wrote on all the subjects for an eighth grade diploma. Margaret Quiberg, Annie Cliett and Irael Har rington, wrote In spelling; Annie Cliett, Irael Harrington, John Allen and John Wilson wrote In agricul ture, John Allen, Hilda and Idella McAdam, Vine Stldham and Alvin Brady wrote on physiology. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Duckctt pave gone to Chehatls, Washington, for a visit with friends. Mr. Duckctt will return within a short time and resume his construction work at the Tum-A-Lum mill. Max Wurzweilcr returned from Portland Friday. Rev. D. E. Stewart was a passen ger on the stage Wednesday on his way to Bend where he will conduct preaching services. CHALLENGE I WILL MEET ANYONE WITH A LITTLE SCIENCE FOR A 6 OR 8 ROUND BOUT (BOXING) O.N THE 25TH OF FEBRUARY. MY WORK DOWN WEIGHT WILL BE ABOUT 145 POUNDS. WRITE KID ROBINSON (Formerly of Sacramento) Caro BULLETIN OFFICE. We Have Smell for Sale All the Time ! FISH AND OYSTERS ot all kinds. Everything that the Portland market has in the fish line we also have. "Quality and Quantity" Our Motto THE CASH MARKET Thomas Holtt, Manajfor Oregon Street II. C. Turner, u brother of Mrs. M. N. McKlnnoy Is visiting hero from Culcspol, Montana, coming In mi thu stage last Wednesday. The reunion bet won (ho brother and slater U the llrst in 27 years. Mrs. M. H. Groguu and sou Dowey were shopping at Sisters, Wednesday. Mrs. (irogan has received a lotter from her Hon Homer who Is stationed with the American army In Siberia. P. 1.. Meail Is driving tlio lituge from Redmond to Sisters. John Dokiin of Cloverdalo was shopping in Sisters Saturday. J. L. Davidson uiadu u trip to thu Molollus Saturday to gel some poles to repair his form machinery. Wm. Combs and J. II. Fryreur were shopping at Sisters last Sat urday. Forrestor Perry A. South, 11. L. Tone, Max Wurxweller and Mr. llurncs attended the meeting of stock growers at Bend lust Saturday. Mrs. J. II. Stldham Is reported to bo 111 with tho neuralgia. P. B. Davis was sick a few days with la grippe. Mrs. Bertha York en mo In from the Tone ranch Saturduy. Barney Marketl is overhauling Van Wilson's Ford car. Tho Van Tassel family attended Sabbath school exercises at Sisters last Sunday. II. Nortnagle has sold three of bis Jersey cows to George Cyrus of Cloverdule. o CIbjwIA) advert Uin ehanr per tuati ZO cfita for 20 won! vr Inu. One ernt tM-r wont fur all over 20. All claudled lvrtUinif trictly enh in advance WANTED YyANTKP O. W. Cook in the mar ket for second-hand goods; hlh est cash price paid. I.eavo orders at tho Log Cabin offico of tho Palmer ton Transfer Co. .... OS-Gltfc y.AXTKI) Second-hand Incubator and brooder In good condition. P. O. Box 726. II FOR RENT foil ItKXT 2-room plastered house, $6.00, furnished; for sale, $65 cash. West 10th and Newport. 17-CCp poll RENT Largo modern fur nished room; gentleman preferred. Phono Black 682. . 10-G3tfc FOR SALE poll HALF: One set Weed Chains, practically new, size 32x3 . In quire at tho Cash Meat Murkot. 19-56-Clp poll HA l,K 1912 Uulck light truck, $175. Inquire 1498 Newport Ave. 15-S4-Cp poll HALE Houno and lot, 423 Newport Ave., 2 blocks from tho main bridge;. $500. Call 4F25, noons or after 7 p. in. 1 1-5 4 tfc poll HALK 5 modern 5-room resi dences In Park addition. Prlco right. Seo me at onco. C. V. Sllvls. 72-45tfc MISCELLANEOUS fAKKN l'P 2 hand horses, sorrel gelding, slur on rorelumd and white hind legs, 1 yearling liorso colt. Depot Feed Yards. 20-Bfip COLUMBIA SERVICE STATION Jay SiilUimtit, Prop. HTOH.UJK IIATTKUY WORK (J ii n Hi'piilrlnu Odd Jolis In Mih'IiiiiiIi'iiI Lines DR. C. II. DAY 08TK0PATIII0 PHYSICIAN AND HURllKON Rooms R and 6, Wright Hotel Tel. Black f82 (Only Deemed ORUitpnth III County) . Dr. II. N. MOORE DENTISTRY Hours: 9:00-5:30; 7:30-8:30 SiiinluyH 10-1 Tel lllack 1671 O'Kano llldg. E. 0. STADTER ATTORNEY AT LAW First Niitlumil Dunk Building Bend - :- : Oregon R. S. HAMILTON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Rooms 13-10 First National Bank Bldg. Tol. 811 (Dr. Coo'g Former Otticm.) n. II. De ARMOND LAWYER O'Kana Building, Bond, Oregow Ilrnd Ixlgo No. 4U.-I Loyal Or der of Mm we Meed In Moose Hall every Thursday. Visiting brothers are curdlully Invited to attend. Tinning and ,41'ec: WM. MONTGOMERY. FurniK-ns, Upontlng, Giit.rltii(. 1 Cornlco iiiid Skylight Repairing promptly ntt':!)d.tit to Pri-. rlirht. work K'inriinid MRS. MI I.I.KK'H H.WKimK.HSIVG PARLOR Pilot Butte Inn Phono 123 Scalp Troatments n Specialty Dandruff mid Fulling Hair Stopped. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. "AlWATI AT YOU JERVICI" Help of all kind Furnished Free to Employers usroitsiu. ifiuix rsoir, wtu ot nm, J. t. CDXM, hum. ta-Zit Uurn.ldc 8u-t. ' Portland. On-con Carlson & Lyons PLUMBING & IIKATING I'lumlilnif and Keating' Supplies, I iuth ltoutn Accessories, OU). Pipe, Valves and Fit tin us PIJONH Hill) 1591 DR. TURNER, EYE SPECIALIST Is now locnted In Hand perma nently with now uqulpiniiiit, 6fflco with Thorson, tho Jnwolor, as formerly. Glasses Fitted, $3.00 and Vp This Town Help to make it n better home by co-operating with it's merchants and business men Treat your industries fairly and they must be fair to you THE SHEVUN-HIXON Dr. R. W. Hendershott PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON O'Knno Building Hours 10-12, 1-6 W. G. ManWnff, D.M.D DENTIST Bulto 12-14 O'Kutio Dulldlui Tel. Muck 1781 Dend, Oro. Tclrllottc Hrll 171 O'Knlir III'tM Dr. K. E. GRAY DENTIST IUr.9.00 to 12.00 MX) to 5:30 Dlt. ANNA RIES-FINLEY Offico nJ Rcttidrmo 2') Orrun Slicrl oipotit I'uldic .iliraiy Phcn. 221 Womm and Cltiltlrrn a 3jctaltjr x; M. A. PALMER Cabinet Maker ami llulldor, Johbing Frnnklln St., mar of Irrigation Co.'t old building. BEND INSURANCE AGENCY WHUn of oil kliuU of InauranM. 014. at I.Miironro Aiviwy In C-oiilraJ Or, on. II. C. Kllu. Kml Nodosal Uouk UullJIns. Hand. Urana. Bend Park Co. Real Estate and Im I'lrit National Hank Hldif. LIGHT LUNCHES AND Cool Weather Drinks ChildcrrA rmstrong O Kane DuilJingt Own Your Own Home I have some Imrains in HUNG A LOWS HASV TI'.KMH J. A. EASTES Central Oreifon'i Leading INSURANCE AGENCY SUNDAY Chicken Dinner 50c GO THE CAFETERIA ET YOUH Breakfast, Luncheon and Dinner St Ilia HOTEL ALTAMONT Is Your Home COMPANY