PAGH BEND BULLETIN, DAILY EDITION, MEND, OREGON, HATUKDAY, FKUIIVARY 8, 1010 TRY THAT CHICKEN DINNER AT THE UNION CAFE SUNDAY-SOc Open Day and Night fords 1 Henry Makes 'em but We Make 'em Go I "GOOD LUCK" GARAGE II C. O. ANDERSON, Prop. I I Half Block East of Wright Hotel OKEGON TRUNK TRAIN Arrives... ..7:20 a. 8 p. Ijirvm 0.-W. R. N. TRAI. Arrives 7:45 p. m. leaves . 7:20 a. m. AUTO STAGE LIXE SOUTH. Leaves 8:45 a. m. Arrives 6 p. m. AUTO LINKS. Cars to Burns, Fort Klamath Fort Rock, Silver Luke and other points south and south east. POST OFFICE HOVT1S. General delivery open dally 8:30 a. m. to 6 p. m. No mall distributed on Sunday. Night train mail closes 7:16. Day train mail closes 6:30 a. m. TELEGRAPH HOURS. Western Union, 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sunday and holidays 9 a. m. to 10 a. m., 5 p. m. to 6 p. m. TELEPHONE HOUR'S. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. 2 4 hour service. OAKS PLANTED TO HONOR SOLDIERS (Br United Press to The Bend Bulletin.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 8. An oak grove in honor of soldiers killed in the war is to be planted by the Audubon Park commission in New Orleans, says a message to the American Forestry association today from Supt. H. J. Neale. $30.00 In prizes to dancers at the Grand Masquerade Ball at the Gym nasium on Feb. 14th. Jazz music. Ticket, including supper, $1.50 per couple. Adv.5 2tfc. Read ' The Bulletin Class Ads. Classified advertbtnir charge rr Issue 20 Mnti for 20 wonts or leu. One cent per word for all over 20. All classified advertising utrirflv cah in advance.. WANTED yyAXTKD G. W. Cooc In the mar ket for second-hand goods; high est cash price paid. Leave orders at the Log Cabin office of the Palmer ton Transfer Co. .... 08-51tfc -Four men boarders at "CAN I BE CURED?" SAYS THE SUFFERER Sow often have you heard that sad cry from the victims of disease. Per haps the disorder has gone too far for help, but oftencr it is just in its first stages and the pains and aches are only nature's first cries for help. Do not despair. 1'ted out the cause and give nature all tlio help yon can and sho will rpay you with health. Look after the kidneys. The kidneys are the most overworked organs of the human body, and whea they fail in their TJork c filtering and throwing off the poison that constantly accumulates in tie sys tem, everything goes wrong. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules will give almost Immediate relief from kid ney and bladder troubles and their kin dred ailments. They will free your body from pain in abort order. But be cure to get GOLD MEDAL. Look fur the name on every box. Ia three sizes, sealed packages. Honey, refunded if they do uot help you, once; hoard and hods reasonable. 24 Irving Ave. 00-62-Up yANTKI) Socond-liund Inoubiitor nnd brooder in good condition. P. O. Box 720. II FOR RENT pOR ItKXT Largo niodtri fur nished roomt gontlomnii preferred. Phono Black 5S2. 10-53tfc LOST L)ST Gold llumllton watch, at Pilot Butte Inn. Finder leave with hotel clerk and receive $10 re ward. 07-52-3p FOR SALE poll SALK Hod Mexican bean, di rect to you at wholesale price; 10 lbs., $1.00; 25 lbs.. $2.25, postpaid. V. A. Kuwson, lit. No. 1, The DuIIch, Ore. 05-52-3p pOK SALK 40 acres, woll Im proved, good water right; S-ruom house, big barn; 12 tons hay, farm ing Implements; close to school. Ap ply 134 Oregon St. 94-50-5 poll SALK 5 modem 5-room resi dences in Park addition. Price right. See me at once. C. V. Sllvts. 72-45tfc MISCELLANEOUS fAKKN UP 3 hoad ot horses. 1 yearling, sorrels. Owner may havo en mo by proving property and paying charges. Depot Feed Yard. 04-52-40 mmm ARE YOU ON THE ROAD TO SUCCESS? JAMES J. HILL HAS SAID: "If you wont to know whether you are destined to be a success or a failure in life, you can easily find out. The test Is simple and it Is infallible. Are you able to save money? If not drop out. You will lose. You may think not, but you will lose, as sure as you live. The seed of Success is not In you." Start that SAVINGS ACCOUNT Today The First National Bank OF BEND WE I1AXK OX YOU, YOU BANK WITH US FAMOUS AS GREAT ENGINEER Mark Isatnbard Brunei Won High Rank Among Men Noted for Their Service to the World. Sir Mnrk Isamhnrd Brunei, engineer of the Thames tunnel, died at London, December 12. 1840. The great enter prise by which he became populnrly distinguished was the tunnel connect ing the shores of Essex and Kent. One day Brunei conceived the const motion of a cast-Iron shield, which should hore like an auger by means of strong hydraulic screws, while as fust ns the enrth was cut nwny. bricklayer should be at hand to replace It with nn arch. He patented the plan and re vived the project of a road under the Thames, in 184 the Thames Tunnel company was funned, mid the next year the work started and was pur sued throiinh many difficulties frmn ex plosions of cs and eruptions of wa ter until lS'J.S. At the beginning of (lint year nhmit 0"" feet had been completed when the river broke through and six men were drowned. Work was suspended until ISM. when the government advanced the company over a million dollars. At last the 1,200 feet wos completed and the tun nel opened on the 2"th of March, 181.1. Brunei was knighted by the queer, and his fame wus borne to the ends of the earth. Exide Batteries Call and have your Bat tery inspected. Does it needjrecharging or repairing? Does it leak? You are'losing moneyif you let even a small leak go. Welding We handle all kinds of kinds of Welding-Thermit, Electric, Oxy-Aeety-lene. Why send your welding elsewhere, when you can patronize home industry? H. R. RILEY Neat Pilot Butte Ina FROM BEGINNING OF TIME Origin of Atmosphere Ooti Back to Events Occurring Tens of Mil lions of Yean Ago. If wo recall tho teaching of geology and astronomy, telling us hmv the earth was once too hot to sustain life, wo shall seo that the mixture of gases that covers the solid siiif'neo of the earth, and that wo faiulllnrly call air, must have had a very Interesting his tory. According to one widely accept ed theory of tho earth's origin, nil that we know now as tho solid earth, and nil the liquid matter that now tills tho ocean beds was oneo gas eous. Tho gases of the atmosphere are simply composed of these particu lar elements which nro gaseous nt the present teuipemtiiro of the earth's surface, which hove not en tered Into complete combination with tho solid matter of tho earth's crust, and which have not been whisked away Into apace by centrifugal force, this' being the fate that Is supposed to have befallen the former atmosphere of tho nintin, and some of the Itchier constituents of our own atmosphere. In the past when tho earth's temper ature was much higher, and when many other conditions were different. It Is more than probable, for Instance, that, long before nnin appeared, the proportion of curium dioxide In the air was much higher than nt present. This would account for the extreme lux uriance of vegetation, to which every lump of coal bears witness, the carbonic acid of the air being one of the most Important constituents of tin food of plants. Again, It I "quite cer-' tain. that, lit a very much more remote period, which must certainly date hack tens of millions of years, tho tempcratnro of .the earth's surface wna so hot that water could not oc cur In Its liquid form. At that time one of tho most Important and abun dant constituents of the earth's at mosphere was gaseous water, or water vapor. LAUGHED AT OWN CARICATURE Charles Dickens Has Been Called Vain, but This Story Seems to Prove Otherwise. The reproduction of a very rare car icature portrait of Dickens appeared In a recent number of . Dlckenslan. William Miller was the author of the portrait, which was advertised for In vain by V. 15. Klttnti, moro than twenty yenrs ngo, for Insertion In his book, "Charles lUekeus by Pen and Pencil." says Chrlstlnn Science Moni tor. Dickens first saw the portrait In question when -walking nliing Picca dilly with IMsrnell one day. lie was vastly moused, nnd, entering the shop, bought several copies, one of which w as sent to the I Ion. Mrs. ltlrlinrd Watson ht Itncklngham. In a letter written from Gad's Hill place he says: "I hope you may have seen a Inrge hended photograph with little legs representing the undersigned. It has Just sprung up so abundantly In nil the shops .that I nm ushamed to go about town looking In at the picture windows, which Is my, delight. It seems to he extrnordlnnrlly ludicrous and a better likeness than the portrait done In earnest. It made me laugh when I first came upon It, until I shook again, In open, sunllghted Piccadilly." People Eat Too Much. Life would not be near tho struggle It Is If we did not cat so much, ob serves a writer In Ohio State Journal. It does not require very much toll to earn enough food to keep soul and body together. And then, what Is the better part of it. Is that the soul and body kept together on Just ns little food as necessary make for each other the very best company. 'Just once glvo tho body more food than. It needs and see how the soul protests. Just enough and no more Is the doctrine ot life and health. Wo read the other day of a great Kngllsh author describing his persistent diet, which was bread and butter and fruit. On that lie lived, thrived and did his great work nnd Is happy. The Idea that stuffing the stomnch conduces to health and strength Is not to bo trusted, and espe cially where anxious mothers cram tho little bodies of their children with nil kinds of treacherous food to make them grow fat. 8nowball Fight at Elmwood. There Is a charming picture of n snowball fight at Elmwood, with the three young nephews, In Lowell's es say, "A Oood Word for Winter," writ ten In 1870. "Already, as I write, It Is twenty odd years ago. The balls fly thick and fast. Tho uncle defends the walst-hlgh ramparts otraliist n storm of nephews, his breast plastered with decorations like another Ilndctsky's. How well I recall the 'Indomitable good humor tinder lire of him who fell In tho front nt Ball's Bluff; the silent pertinacity of the gentle scholar who got Ills last hurt nt Fair Oaks; the ardor in the charge of tho gallant gentleman who, with tho death wound In his. side, headed his brigade at Cednr Creek I How It nil comes back nnd they never camel" A Truthful Qrocer. "I presume theso eggs nro strictly fresh 7" suggested Die housewife as she poked around In her pocket hook for a dollar bill. "Well, thoy were strict In their youth," responded tho truthful grocer, "hut eggs Is like n groat ninny, peoplo, you know, Romu of 'em kinder relaxes nt they gets older, niu'ain," Ready for business R. F. Jones, Auto Repairer Formerly in t tie Universal Gaito ii NOW in Bellows Uluckimitli Shop on Oregon Street. HAY GRAIN DEPOT FEED YARDS Teams Boarded by the Month at Special Rates SEED GRAIN TEAMING DONE HORSES FOR HIRE THE BACKBONE OF BEND IS LUMBER MANUFACTURING OUR PAYROLLS MAKE YOUR PROFITS BY BUYING LOCAL PRODUCTS YOU ARE HELPING BEND. The Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co. Local Sales Agent MILLKlt LL'MIIKU CO. Complete Stork of Lumber Ijitli, Nuili and Doors Free! Free! Free! $5.00 IN GOLD Second Prize, $2.50 in Merchandise To the person who will give us the seven best reasons why thorn should he an Kleetrie Hungo In every lleud homo. For any further nnsweis thai wo can lino wo will puy Hoc each. All contestants to send their papers to tho office of thn llend Water Light A: l'oer I oinpuny on or liefuro Kihruury 15, l'.Hf.. All'pupera to le written on one side only nnd to lo handed In In a sealed envelope. Nnino und address to oe written plainly on paper submitted. The contest, is confined to citl.ens of I'.etid. Bend Water Light & Power Q. This Town Is Yqiir Home Help to make it a better liome by co-oper-. ating with it's merchants and business men Treat your industries fairly and they must be fair to you THE SHEVLIN-HIXON COMPANY Pioneer Garag (Successor to L. L. Fox) Will have an Expert Mechanic and be prepared for General Repair Work on Saturday, February 15th