PAGE 8 TMIIfIJT loci T.m SESSUE HAY AKAWA In "The Bravest Way" I VPf lOM 1 LaSl I iffle-Mack Sennett Paramount Comedy-"SLEUTHS" VALUE FIRST ? I " jTuJo (ears in hell and back wh a smile TIIH IIKNU IICM.KTIN, DAILY EDITION, IIKVI), OIIKGON. HATrilDAY, FEBRCAKY , 1010 PRIVATE HAROLD PEAT in PRIVATE FEAT Beied on hit awn twolt--ine of the moil populw ttoriei ol loldia life. lu lllli kind ol wtr piclurs wilh ttory thai you like.; Fords Fords Fords Just Received Shipment of FORDS! V la. I Prlvutn Harold Peal (himself) In thn Arlcruft Hpoclul bused on tho story from IiIh own faniouH book. This l tho typu of war pletura you Ilka Good Hfory and roullsllc scones. A lllllo Into mid heaps of thrills nd patriotism. Sunday Travel Fcaturt "SAILING THE SOUTH SEAS" LOCAL NEWS ITEMS TODAV'H TKMPICKATLIIK (Tukon at 3 p. m ) Maximum, 50 degrees. .V. V. MrC'oyn of Prlnevllln In In ihu cliy loduy on business. Con llri'cn, Alfuira sheepman, la In I tin city today on liunliieiiH. Harry Munlon has miwpH'il u l'l (Ion at Hut Miiniih'dmer More. Mr. Itosnon Howard and children nro In ll'iid today from Iii-achulis. M. If. Morton returned to fiend I an I riU-lit from a short tiimliw-u trip to Portland. Mm. Ida .McWIllianm and daugh ter of Madras spent lust nUlit In Ilend. Krunk lltifner nnd A. K. Terry of Alfalfa uri apundlnx tit" day In Bond on business. H. H. Stearns mid C. !). Htearn of Prlnovillu were visitors In lli'tld last nlt tit. A. (). Powell ha contracted to tiulld a live room modern brick liunxulow In Ulver Terrace for It. P. VIlltlT. -Mrn. Blolln Hunklns arrived from Seattle till mornlnit to visit her mother, Mr. Youckum, and her sis ter, Mr. W. C. MaCuiHton. Mr. Ird Wco and her aon Fred erick nnd Air. and Mr. Jurod Mourn of Kedmond worn In Bond Unit night to attend tho llbrury club bonullt. II. Cuto, formorly In the tailoring business in Ilend, r-l u rued to tbn city till mornliiK, having received hi discharge from tho army. T. II. Foley returned thl morn ing from Portland and Ralom, where he ban buen working In tho Interest of good roads In Out nil Oregon. I .IU OP TIIWKS. We wind to thank our mmiy friend for their kindness and syni- fputliy during tho illness and death of our blovd dunghter and lnter Clara, also for tho many beautiful flower, and to all who In any way uitet u wo emend our sincere heartfelt thank. Mil. AM) MRS. L. I.. ORfl ANf FAMILY. Adv. 53p AT THE HOTELS. D. 130.00 in prize to dancer at the Grand Muniuirudo Hull at llio Uym nnnlum on K'eb. Mth. Jan munlc. Ticket. Including supper, $1.50. Adv r2tfc. Closing Out Sale! POLLOCK'S Dry Goods &aothing I Having leased the place formerly occupied by I Sather's, we have stocked up with goods which we Hiup)eu irom our siore in ivansas. vve mienu 10 dispose of these goods at the lowest possible price, allowing only for the freight charges to Bend. We have nearlv full lines of Clothing and Dress Goods, and included among -them are latest styles i l i OUR. PRICES WILL ASTONISH YOU! Men's Suits $5.00 to $15.00 Boys' Suits $5.00 to $12.00 Ladies' Coats $1.00 to $7.50 Ladies' Shoes $1.00 and Down Underwear $1.00 Men's Shoes : $1.00 and Down Men's and Boys' Caps 75c and Down Men's and Boys' Hats.. $3.00 and Down ploy's Shoes $5.00 and Down Ladies' and Children's Hose ...-. 50c and Down Dry Goods, Ribbons, Notions, Etc. ALL GOING ! Come early .and make your selection at prices that have never before been heard of in Bend. This is a chance in a life time to cut down the high cost of living. POLLOCK'S One Door South of Baird's Grocery DRY GOODS & CLOTHING Hotel WrlKlK. If. H. March, 8., P. & 8. C.'harleHtAllen, I.a Pino. 8. 8. BieuniH, Prinovlllo. C. II. StouniH, Prlnevlllo. Juck Ilarey, Prlnevlllo. T. C. Naylor. Yamhill. II. IlolliiK, Ma 1)1 on, WuhIi. Frank Ilufner, Alfalfa. A. K. Terry, Alfalfa. J. O. Huffman. ji Pine. IU I.. Walter, fi.. P. & 8. Hotel Cozy. K. J. Winkler. Spoknno. W. K. naker. Sioux Falls, 8. J. W. Ultlelleld. Portland. Fay L. Howard, Portland, (juntuve Kerry, Alfalfa. Mr. and Mrs. Oren C. Ward. Prlne. vlllo. Kit!) riackxtroni, Prlnevlllo. Pilot Itutte Inn. A. Curo, Portland. C". L. Morgan, Crencent. Mr. Ida McWIlliuma and dauRli ter, Madra. W. K. lllley. Ii Pino. J. II. Mann and son, Madra. N. A. HoHtettor, Portland. J. McUruifor, Denver. Con Brecn, Alfalfa. Daily Market Report (FarnUHed by arrangement with the Central Orecon Bank.) NOHTII POHTLAM). Feb. 8. Fifty cutle received. Market Hteady. Prima steer, $12. GO 13.50; Kood to choice, 1 1 1.60 fi 12. BO; medium to good, $9.7GH.D0; fair to medium, ta.Dvir?.i"i yj inn, 91. tu SfS.50; cholcu cow and heifer, $9.2510.26; Rood to choice. 18.76 WI9.75; medium to Rood, $7.60 8.60; fair to medium, $5,76 40.75; am n era, $3.60475; bull. $00 9; calve. $9013.60; Blockers and feed er, $7 Oil. lloaj Market. Two hundred hogs received. Mar ket steady. Prima mixed, $10.25 jT 16.40; me dium mixed, $1GM6.25: rough heavy, $14.254715; pig. $1214; bulk of sale. $16.40. HhiM-p Market. One hundred shoep recolvcd. Mar ket steady. Prime lambs, $13.76rl4.25; fair to medium lamas, $9 4911; yearling, $104211; wethers, $94310; ewes, $6.60tj8 76. Try a Bulletin Want Ad. got results. They A FEW i'S No Leaders No Baits No Charge for Credit No Charge for Delivery No Red Tape Just a"good, clean, common sense Grocery Store GILBERT'S R.OCERY CAItl) OK Til AX KM. We wlh to expreo our sincere appreciation to Mr. and Mr. Noble and member of tho cast of "The Clrl of Ragle Hunch" for their splendid production, memberu of the orches tra for their rnulcul numbers, the athletic club for uho of building, The Dend Ilullctln and Uend Press for their generous advertising, Mr. Ivan Talon for musical specialties, and to those who assisted in any way In making the library play such a splen did success. Also the public tor Its patronage. MRS. C. 8. HUDSON, Pres., MrtS. E. M. THOMPSON, E3p Sccy.-Treas. TO WHOM IT MAY ( OXCKR.V. Having purchased the Interest formerly owned by G. W. Cook in the firm of Stunluke & Cook, second hand dealer in liend, I wish to an nounce that hereafter no bills in curred by the aaid O. W. Cook may be collected from me. 51-5:ic F. T. STANT.AKE. ALSO USED CARS at prices that you can pay. Look over our stock. These cars must be seen to be appreciated. CENT-ORE MOTOR CO. Ford Garage - Sunday in Bend Churches IlliptiKt. Morning services 11a. m.; subject of sermon, "A Powerful and Success ful Society." Evening service 8:30 p. m.; subject, "The Virgin Birth of Christ: Is It True?" Methodist Kpi.scopal. W. C. Stewart, pastor. Sunday school 9:4 5 a. m. A class for every body. 11 a. m morning worship; topic, "What It Means to Be a Chris tian." Special solo by TeaJ Sexton. 6:30, Ep worth league; special study. 'No service at 8 p. m. on account of the boys' meeting at the B. A. A. C. Scandinavian Lutheran. Itev. Frederik A. T. ConieliUHsen. the . pastor of the Scandinavian Lutheran church, will preach Sun day morning at 11 o'clock and in tho evening at 8 o'clock. All heart ily welcome. Mr. Corneliussen will sing. The Sunday school begins at 10 o'clock. Please send your chil dren to our Sunday school. More Sunday school teachers are also wel come. Rv. Corneliussen's, resi dence Is 35 Hawthorn. FOR SALE! Tracts under irrigation, adjacent to water mains, electric lights and telephone service. Ranging in size from 1; to 6 Acres WILSTOKIA ADDITION See L. D. WIEST 1304 Third Street Prenbyterlun. II. C. Hartranft, pastor. The sec ond address In the series, "Great Experiences in the LKe of Jesus," will be given on Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. The subject will be "The Temptation." The most prac tical lessons will be drawn from this historical event, and the every-day application of Christ's life to every day living will be made. In our perspective of life we have gotten God out of his proper proportion, as will be pointed out in this address. Mrs. Bernice Forrest will render a vocal solo at the morning service. Tho cvenlns service will be held at 7:30 p. m. Tho pastor will de liver a Biblical lecture at this service. The Endeavor society meets every Sunday evening at 6:30, and it Is one of the livest organizations that Is doing Christian work In our city. These young people are on the Job; come and catch their Inspiration. Hotel Altamont None Cleaner or More Comfortable in Bend. The place to get a good Home Cooked Meal at a reasonable rate $3Q.OO-IN PRIZES-$3Q.OO Big Masquerade Ball FEBRUARY Mth At GYMNASIUM $10.00 to the Best Lady's Costume $10.00 to the Best Gentleman's Costume $5.00 to the Second Best Lady's Costume $5.00 to the Second Best Gentleman's Costume Free Ticket to supper and dance to the most Comical Couple. Music by the Jazzing Orchestra Grand March at 8:45 P. M led by the "Pug Ugly" Band Watch for Si Perkin's Band on the Street Ticket, Including Supper $1.50 Per Couple The Oyster Supper will be served by the Ladies of the Catholic Church upon the stage of the Gymnasium. Get these Four Ideas Firmly in Mind : FIRST They Cost Only y2 as Much SECOND They Are Puncture-Proof THIRD They are Over-Size, stronger and better than the Tires now on your car GATES HALF-SOLE TIRES are built like other Guaranteed Tires. Only the fin est and most expensive fabrics and rubber are used. . . Your worn casings hold the air pressure and Gates Half -Sole Tires take all the wear of the road. 300,000 Car-Owners are saving io and getting 5000 to 15,000 more miles from the tires they used to throw away. Before you discard another worn tire INVESTIGATE. GATES KiS TIRES FOURTH WHY THE STORAGE BATTERY IS THE BEST Our very large output enables us to make each man a specialist In his line of work. Such efficient organi zation and complete equipment as we have assure us of extreme care in selecting and testing all materials, special devices for manufacturing, nnd great thoroughness In Inspect ing all operations and finished parts. Higld adherence to these standards, with rejection of all materials which fall to puss Inspection, havo given the Wlllnrd battery Its wondtrful uni formity In service and made It gen- erally accepted as the standard starting and lighting battery of the , world. We Are the Authorized Agents for Gates Half-Sole Tires and Willard Storage Batteries. Best & Harris Best Kqulpped Votcanlzlns Hliop In Central Oregon