THE BEND BULLETIN I Wurmor, with Iliiln Tonight und Tomorrow, DAILY EDITION yl. in HHNI), DUHCIIUTES COUNTY OREGON, SATURDAY AFTERNOON, J'EllllUAHY H, 1010 No. 0.1 MY SHE NOW POSSIBILITY; TIE-UP IN SEATTLE CITY ELECTRICIANS ON JOI'.S AGAIN. BUSINESS IS RESUMED Mayor llaiiMiii Hit Htrlko llrokrn Ihcliiro liiU(nnUl nml I. W. V. W'Iiii Hum' Gained Control of 1'nlim Should IU' Ousted. Il4 llnllM I'rna ti Tli. limit llullrlln.l i ril'.A'ITI.K, I'rli. H. Information A J;lv Ill till llfUTIIIMIII Unit the utrlke would bo formally railed off within IH hours. Tho Htiitcmeiil imiiln by labor men In rlow tomb ullli llio strike rmiiiiilltw. SEATTLE. Feb. 8. The lottlo mcnt of tho general iitrlko horo by nxrrument now sem poulblo. No official nii!wr from tho strike lend ort to 'Mayor Hanson'! ultimatum tluit onHntlul InilUNtrliHi would bo resumed tinlcMH tho sympathetic tlo-up U rullovod linn boon mode, but rumors that some member! of tho Btrlko committee would fuvor bucIi nctlon nro given credit ut tho mayor'! oflU-o. Tho termination of tho general Btrlko would not affect tho strlko if no. 000 shipyard workers. In wIiobo in mm i.i)i urir n n I utirk. IH'MUIl 1.U"' ... .... . ....!.. i ors III ill" my inn iiioir j. "It In believed Hint the Blrlko Is sXrokcn," Mayor Hanson declared to day, "In tho meantime, however, wo lire KoliiK I" Inaugurate u sys tent of municipal Jltnuys. Everybody having an iiutoniohllu U Invited to i operant ii JHiioy car. nd busliieHS In itolng to he resumed as iibuiiI." Every union man li) tho city lighting do liartiuent had returned to III! Job today. IjilMir Firm, Hny lender. "Thoro In not tho hIIkIiIohI Indi cation of a break In tho luuor rnnkM," X. II. Aull, !pokC!iniin for llio slrlk urn, wild today. "Tho strlko will continue until llio demand! of tho hhlpyurdu worker! nro grunted. Wo liro prepared to feed tho cntlro city for an Indetlnlto period. Wo do not four miirtlnl law. It la Inconceiv able that tho government will back the hysterical derlnratlnn of a mayor who l! iipparuntly spoiling for a riot." r Mayor HaiiBon Inter assorted Hint "thero la no Intention of declaring martial law," im no necessity for mich action exists. Ho buIiI that tho city Im In coniplelo control of tho Situation. J Aull denied tho mayor"! state ment that tho strike Ib broken, lie Hiiid thai only ono municipal cur Ih running, und Hint there nro nearly a dozen soldiers on It. "Thoro will bo no Bcuh Jitneys; tho pooplo nro with tho strikers," ho Bald. City officials proclaimed that six municipal car! nro running on Nchedulo, nnd Hint tho traction com jiuny will soon roHitmo operation. HiihIiicbh House Reopen. ' Resumption of business progressed slowly thl! nftornoon with no re-pot-ted Interference. Borne rostnur nnt! wore reopened. Thentroi aro plnnnlng to glvo tholr first porform nnco In threo du!. A fow Bhoppers nro enterlag tho storoB, nnd an or derly crowd wulks tho Btreols. A fow municipal curs nro running under gunrd. Mnyor llnnsan IbbuoiI a Btntomont this nftornoon declnrlng thnt tho Holhhovlkl nnd I. W. W. control innny of tho Sonttlo Inbor orgnnl7.ii tlonB. Ho Biild that tlio consnrvn ttvos lind shown n "yellow stroak" '5u allowing tho foos of organized government to run tno unions. "This Is tho tost of unionism or of I, W. W.lsm," ho doclarod. "If any one owob higher alloglnneo to any organization than ho does to this country, ho Is a traitor nnd should ho troatod ns Hitch. Nlnoty por oont, of Sonttlo slnndH firm for Amorlcnn Ihui, tho olhor 10 por cont. Bhould 1)0 tlrlvon from tho community." (!I,AIM I'ltKlfillT t'NKAlH. VANOOIJVRIl, 1). C., Fob. 8. J.ongBhoromon horo rofitHcd to linndle Jraouttlo freight. SETTLEMENT IS CALIFORNIA LABOR CONDEMNS GENERAL STRIKE IN SEATTLE (B;- Untied I'rrM to The llend llulMln.! HAN FRANCISCO, Keb. 8.--Tlio labor coiim-ll hero voted early today ugnlnst a ny in pa thetic nlrllici to ill tt tlin Ki'iittli) Mrlkiini. Hucriiliiry Miller de nounced tho Heuttlo wulkoilt II! Illegal. SEVEN TO RULE ENTIRE WORLD I'lVK OltKAT X.TI).VH TO IIAVK l).K ItKI'HKSKXT.iTIVK KAt'll. WITH TWO AT I.AIWiK FIM).M HM A I.I.Kit COl XTItlKH. ' Ity l-'reil H. l-VripiMin tlnll4 rrt SUIT Corrapoiufent.) TAItlfl, Feb. 8. Tho Initial gov erning body ot the league of natioiiH will ha un executive commltteo of even, Incliidinx ono reprcBonlatlve for each of tho flvo grent powers and two for the smaller countries. It was learned today from reliable source!. Tho league of nation! committee virtually completed the league's en tire citllHl ll III lull lit It! meetlllK this murnliiK, It was announced today. ItedraftlliK, which will he neceBBl tutod by several change.!, will delay completion until tho middle of next week. THREE APPREHENDED WHILE IN CARD (2AM E Trio Taken This MoruliiK by Chief of Pollen Nixon Hoy They Were I'layliig Hcilo, Not I'okcr. Suspected of violation of the niirl-gnmhllng laws, 8. P.Ilarcluy. V. V. Howell and Dr. J. H. Connnru w!ro Hpprehnuded at 9 o'clock this morning by Chief of Tollco L. A. W. Niilxon, In a.houso near Hill und Greenwood. Tho threo declared thnt they hud merely been Indulging In a sociable littlo amo of !olo, but wero ordered to report In court lit 3 o'clock this afternoon for hearing. Intimation that Knmhllng wus going on reached tho police head quarters this morning, nnd Chief Nixon nt onco proconded to tho houso, A gumo of pokor was In pro gress when ho looked through tho window, ho suld, but by tho time the door had been opened, on his demand, tho money bad been swept out of sight and tho stylo of piny hud changed. Ho collected approx imately $100 before rolcnHlng the mon. GENERAL TIE-UP IS FEARED IN OAKLAND (Py Unltrd Prnu to The Bo ml Bullctln.l OAKLAND, Cal., Fob. 8. A com plete tlo-up of all local shipyards is Imminent. Tho bollormokors have votod a genornl strlko, nnd 2000 are already out. SHIPYARDS STRIKES REACH CONTINENT (Ily United Tmn to Tlio Henri tlulletln.) COPI3NHAGEN, Fob. 8. Ship yards workers are on strlko horo to prevent foodstuffs reaching govern ment authorities, It wns announced todny. STRIKE IN TACOMA OF SHORT DURATION (ny United IVom to Tlie tlenil Ilullotin.) TACOMA, Feb, 8, Street enrs nrc operating todny on 'full schedule, the mnn returning to work after ono dny's ldlonaHH. , It Is believed thai tho return of tho car mon will do muoti to bronk the general strlko. WEAKEN N6 GENERAL V-J.'j ' ' - I Hv--y' hrti-irirz'vrittw mmi ui'j i.m.i. ipn.j!m iwpmwi' w)im mwptmiiMwm-'w- In tin inline ft I'liuiee, I'resiileoi Ilmiur. the must prlzeil of decorations ARMISTICE HALTS INDUSTRIAL WAR IN GREAT BRITAIN (I!r United Pru U The II ml IlulMln.) LONDON. Feb. 8. An nrmls- tlce has apparently been effect- ed In the Industrial war being waned In Great Britain. Tho subway strike la cancelled and - all electrical workers aro back on their Jobs. However, It Is announced that a moss meeting of tho trades unions will bo held to- morrow to decide whether or - not there shall bo a natlon- - wide strike. BOYS AND MEN HOLDBANQUET "I'ATIIKIt AND HON" (JATHKKINU KTA(iKI) AT riMT llt'TTK IXN LAST NIGHT K VICKY HOY CAI.LKI) OX BY TOAST.MASTKIl. Thirty Hoy Scouts and 16 men gutbered lust night ut-the 1'llot Dutto Inn for tho "Father nnd Son" ban quet given ns one of the features of the scout movement in Dead. Al though the attendance wns not as largo as had been expected, the af fair was in all other respects a com plete success. Each boy wns called on by tho tonal muster. A. Whisnunt, to stand, give his name', age und his futhor's name nnd business, nnd tho young sters responded readily, some of them grasping the opportunity to do a littlo advertising for their pnrents. Short uddreases wero mndo by J lid so W. D. iJurnoB, 11. V. Sawyer. J. T. Keyes, Hev. W. C. Stewart and L. C. Carroll. BUSINESS MEN TRY FOR CHAMPIONSHIP Slievlin-lllxon Team Now Share Top I'lnro In PcrcentiiRO Column with Merchant!. Standing of tho Teams. Won. Lost. Pet. Shevlln-lllxon 6 3 .6fi6 Duslness Men 6 3 .666 Professional Men.. 3 6 .333 DrookB-Scnnlon .... 3 6 .333 Constantly Improving scores nre characterizing the work ot the nth lotlo club bowlers, nnd In tho last mutch, played between Tho Shevlln Hlxon Compnny tenm nnd tho busi ness -mon, Mllos nnd Shepherd of tho lumbermen nnd merchants divid ed honors for high score with 185 onch. Shepherd hnd tho high aver ago of 163. Uy a final tully ot two out of three games, tho business mon ronchod tho Bumo percentage an tho Shevlln-lllxon tonm, hlthorto occupying nn undisputed position nt the bond ot the league. . Tho personnel of tho tennis wan ns follows: Shovlln-Hlxon, dlllis, Mllos, Hueglor, Kelloy and Webb; business men, Bnlrd, Powers, Shep herd, Llll nnd Prlngto, PERSHING DECORATED I'nlueare hcHtowed Umjii tjeiienil I'erKhlng the Grand Cross of the Legion of that France can bestow, tit the American Kcnerul hendqnnrters. MEETING CALLED TO ORGANIZE VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT Meeting this morning with Fire Chief Curlon. the Are commtitte of the city council ordered that work be started immediately to remodel the city Are station on Minnesota avenue, to allow for the housing ot tho city fire apparatus. Chief Carlon an nounced nn organization meeting for a volunteer flro department, to be held at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday even ing, at tho city reBt rooms. All who ure Interested In becoming mem bers of the department or feel that they have suKxcstionB of value on the subject are urrtod to attend. As usbistunt chief of the depart ment, Chief Curlon this morning ap pointed Fred Kllenburg, formerly In charge of the Corvnlllls fire fighters, the crack volunteer depurtmcut of tho state. The steps taken this morning by tho committee and the fire chief followed a special meeting lute yes terday afternoon of the city council with tho committee of nine which worked with the former administra tion In bringing about a bond to purchase new fire apparatus. Un satisfactory results from tho present system of housing the fire truck nt OFFICE BLOCK MAY BE BUILT ltrslXKSS DEVELOPMENT MAY HESl'LT IN ?HtMM)0 1MPHOVE lENT ON LOO CAIII COKNEU, NEW OWNER INTIMATES. Thnt plans for the erection of a $40,000 ofllco building at Bond nnd Irving streets, commonly known as tho Log Cabin corner will be consid ered. If buslnes conditions in Bend develop according to popular expec tation, was intimated this morning following tho purchase by II. H. DeArmond, N. H. Gilbert and R. P. Mlnter of the corner site. The deal was not closed until late this morning the purchnso being niado from Mrs. Louise Kermott of Alinot, S. D., for a consideration of $11,000. It had been previously announced thnt the transaction wns completed yesterday. Mr. Do Armond stated that for the tlmo being tho property would be left in Its present condition, but de clared thnt It has been fought for development and not for speculation. He admitted that this development would probnbly menn tho construc tion of a two-story business block. OREGON ARTILLERY REGIMENT RETURNS Organization Recruited In Tills State Now on Ship for Four Days, Is Announced. (Hy United Vm to The tlend nulletln.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 8. Tho GOth regiment, Const nrtlllory,' composed chiefly of Orogonlnns, sailed from Franco on February 4 tor tho United States, BY FRANCE I 1 I a local garage, criticised yesterday morning following the destruction of the James Bottrell house by fire, prompted the joint session. It was decided that the fire chief should be put on a $100 a month salary, that equipment should be moved as soon as possible from the garage to the city lot and that the chief should drill the children of the Bend schools and organize a volun teer fire department. As soon as the new fire apparatus Is received, an other paid man will be added, and the chief's salary will be raised to correBpond with that of the chief of j police. He is given police power and 1 will devote a considerable part of his time to the inspection of build ings. A committee to work out plans for a new fire house was appointed by "Mayor J. A. Eastes, consisting of D. G. McPherson, Carl A. Johnson, and G. H. Baker, while J. C. Rhodes, G. Benson and Ray Canterbury were named to look Into the matter of a fire alarm, being Instructed to confer with T. H. Foley, manager of the Bend Water, Light and Power company, and J. L. Gaither, local telephone manager. Both commit tees aro to render reports at the next regular meeting ot the council. Chief Carlon stated today that temporary arrangements have been made with the telephone company to handle alarms until a permanent system has been worked out. Until that time Individuals calling central to report a fire are requested to make their statements distinctly nnd to give the district in which the fire has broken out so as to avoid the possibility of costly error. LOCAL TALENT PLAY SUCCESS CAPACITY HOUSE AT GYMNASIUM ENJOYS PRODUCTION OF "THE GIRL OF EAGLE' RANCH," FOR BENEFIT OF LIBRARY. Playing to a capacity house at the Bend Amateur Athletic club gymna sium last night, local talent players, under the direction of Jay B. Noble, produced "The Girl of Englo Ranch" with excellent success. The plot of the play Is woven about a cattle rustling episode on an Arizona ranch, nnd the story ends with tho defeat of the outlaws and the successful outcomo of n three-ply love affair. The piny was glvon for the benefit of the Bend Library club. Unusually good music was fur nished during the performance by an orchestra composed of Mrs. M. H. Horton, Mrs. Iva Ward, Alex. Eggle ston, Ashley Forrest, Dr. R. D. Kotchum nnd M. Halvorsen. Tho members of the cast were Joy B. Noble, Eugene Fulton, Fern Allon, liny Goldon, Ted Sexton, Ralph Cur tis, Mrs. R. S. Dart and Mrs. Amy Noble. Bond high school girls, In white frocks, each wearing, tho national colors, wero tho ushers for the evening. LIQUOR TO BE SHIPPED AWAY ROBERTS WILL DISPOSE OF GROWING STOCK. targe Vanillic of Confiscated Con. trubnnd Held by Dexcliutes County Sheriff to Ik? Turned Over to (Government Offlcialx. Largo quantities of liquor, confis cated in Bend and Deschutes county by Sheriff 8. E. Roberts and Chief of Police L. A. W. Nixon, will be turned over to the government authorities within the near future to make up part ot a carload ot intercepted contraband goods which Is to be sent out of the state. The announcement was made this morning by Sheriff Roberts after conferring with (federal agents as to the proper distribution of the in creasing stock of whiskey held 'by the county. It Is probable the en tire shipment will go to California cr some other wet state where it may legally be sold. In addition to the liquor now be ing held here, a considerable quan tity is Id the possession of Ira P. Hotcomb, sheriff of Jefferson county, according to a letter received this morning by Sheriff Roberts In which the Jefferson county official asked advice as to what he should do with the spoil taken from the bootleggers. Mr. Roberts will inform him of the policy adopted here, and it is ex pected that the Madras liquor will also be turned over to the govern ment. Besides the wet goods which will be sent out ot Bend under federal supervision. Sheriff Roberts has des troyed several hundred quarts ot liquor under court Instructions. SAYS DIVORCES SHOW WORLD IS IMPROVING Increased Number of Separations i Sure Proof, Jurist Informs Ministers. (Br United Fna to The Bend Bulletin.) LOS ANGELES. Feb. 8. The world is getting better. The Increas ing number of divorces Is the proof. That is the opinion of Judge Charles Crall ot the Los Angeles di vorce court. Spread of education. Increased prosperity enabling common people to hire lawyers, and publicity are the real reasons behind the increas ing divorce rate, Crall believes. "The question coming up all the time is, what is the cause of the greatly increased rate of divorce cases," he declared, addressing a meeting of Christian ministers. "It is the result of two things. "First, the increasing wealth of the people and their education. In years past law and lawsuits were the privilege of the few. The result is we have a great many people now who can afford the advantages of the divorce court who could not In the past. "Second, many people know ot the divorce court by reading about it on the front pages of tho daily news papers, who once knew little of di vorce. Don't think the greater number of divorce cases indicates the world is getting worse. I believe it is getting better." CASUALTIES HEAVY IN GERMAN CITY (Bjr United Press to The Bend Bulletin.) BERLIN, Feb. 8. Casualties In fighting Thursday between tho Spartacans nnd government troops at Bremen have been heavy, accord ing to reports recolved here. Artil lery fire badly damaged several buildings. The government has gained control ot the city. LOS ANGELES LABOR TAKING STRIKE VOTE (Bjr United Press to The Bend Bulletin.) LOS ANGELES, Fob. 8. There will bo no strlko In the shipyards In this dlntrlct, according to the mayor of Lo Angeles. A strlko voto, how ever,. Is being taken among the unions. Tho results will not bo known for several days,