PAGE a Tonight and Saturday Saturday Matinee . Sessue Hayakawa SUNDAY MONDAY Sunday Matinee " Two years in hell and back with a smile" PRIVATE HAROLD PEAT in PRIVATE PEAT Hascd on liii own l(nV--ono ol llic most popular simirs of soldier lile. Il'i H IE kind ol a war icluro willi a itory thai you like. Cretonnes! Curtain Goods ! Just received a shipment of the New Spring Draperies. They are sure beauties. See the New Cretonnes in all the new patterns Plain and Fancy Silkalines . ... . .. 25c New Curtain Materials in plain and fancy borders, some beauties, at 16jc to 49c Seethe New Cretonnes. Come in li ght and dark patterns 35c tq,49c in llio "Bravest Way" The giealril love story in wliitli Senue 1 l.y.l awa lin yet appeared. Viiilo action, vivul llirilli km) haii.faising iui ponw ilial you can'l Hold lu niui, Get Your House Lining Here, at 9c 1'HH llNI llUliLKTIN, DAILV EDITION, HKND, OIIFXJON, FHIIMV, KKIIftUARY 7, 1010 1 Mack Sennett Paramount Comedy "SLEUTHS" Evtry crn in ill wliole two iwli ti icfcain ul uugnict. Sunday Travel Feature "SAILING THE SOUTH SEAS" OKICUON TllUNK THAIN Arrive 7:20 a. m. Loaves 8 D- "i. O..W. II. N. THAIN. Arrive 7:45 V- Leitwm 7:20 a. m. AUTO HTACIIC LINK HOt lll. . Lenvo 8:46 . m. At'jfttua 0 P- At' TO MNI-.H. - f)rs to lluriis. Fort Klamath Fort Rock, Silver Lnko nnd ollir poluls aouth and south emit. I'OHT OVVICK nontH. Uonernl delivery opeu dally 8:30 a. m. to 6 p. m. No nihil distributed on ftunilny. Night train mail cloaca 7: IB. Day train mall close :3il a. m. TKI.KUItAI'll HOt ItH. Western Union. 8 . m. to 8 - p. tn. Hunilay nil holidays 9 a. m. to 10 . in., G p. in. to p. m. TM.KI'HON'K HOrm. Poelno Tol. it Tol. Co. 24 hour aorvlco. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS TOliAVH TK.MPKKATCHK (Tukon at 3 p. m ) Miixlinutn, 4H degrees. Mr. ami Mm. A. F. Larson aro spending n few duys l' Portland. i. O. Huffman of Ln I'lmi Ib upend ing thu day In Uvnd. Mury F. Bonn of Alfnlfu wn In I)ind yosterduy afternoon looking 'y ftor bun I n I'm nmlt'rn. C. I), ond J. W. Boeder nro In Bend lodny from llwlr homo In 811 vor Luke. Mr. unci Mr. C. J. Hegormun of Powell Hulto oro visitor In tho cliy today. Mr. and Mra. Jnred Moore of Rcd mond wore In Bend lust night to at tend (tin Bhrlno social. Allen Wllcoxen ond Ned AiiRlnnd of Powell Untie were transacting business In Bend yesterday. C. II. Springer mid 8. W. Smith J$V In Bond toiluy. returning lo Crescent after unending court In l'ortlund. J. Alton Thompson nnd II. If. Ie '""Armoiid returned to Bond lust night from o biiHlncHH trip to Redmond. A. I). Lewis wiib In thn clly from lila runcli on thu upper Doacliutoa ycHlnrdny, iicROllntlnK lor Ilia pur cuho of a now car. Miller, formorly of Bend, la Hpnndlng o few dnyH hero from hi a homo nt aiirlngfleld, Oregon, lie Intimated that ho may locnlu here again In the neur futura. B. F, CIiiiho, formerly of Cllne KiiIIb, who hn buen Hpundlng the hint fow days In Uund, rolurnod thlB morning to hln Walla Wullii fruit and truck farm. fjSO.OO In prlxoB to dancers iH tho ,Oliihd MiiB(iioriido Bull at tho Gym 'niiHlum on Kub. 1 4th. Jant music. Tlckut, Including Ruppor, ' $1.60 per couplo. Adv.62tfc. WE MAKE Pastry of All Kinds J and the Delicious Sweetheart Bread Our Shop ii at the former ,Unl of McCuiton' Gro cery on Bond Street, Freeman s Bakery tisir-esesffi IWgnBtWriT-itth'Sirrri- 1 lie Cleaneat and Aarmeit ' 1 iolel in Bend. THE COZY HOTEL AT THE MOVIES ;it.M. In "The Trull lo VeBlerday." the Metro ull-Btiir aerlea plrlure, Btnr rliiK Ilerl I.ytell, which will bo hhown nt iIm! (inind I hi nt re Saturday, the hero buys t tin entile "outlll" of a Mexican liliirkguurd, Texan Illitucu. John Dinicun, the owner of the Hoiible It runcli, Ih the abettor of tho Mexlcun Hcoundrel In ull of hln crooked Hellenic. lie and Illanca plan to outwit tho hero, "Dnkolu," and In order to fool him, Duncun Ioiiiik thn Mexlcun Homo of hln cuttle lo cnlitrKo lila herd. Illunca re brumlH DiiticmrH ateeni with III own murk, and arrange with Duncan to cull and claim hi cuttle. Thu "Da kota" Im niado a common runtlor, but vindication cornea In a moHt unex pected way, A reacuo from treacherous qulck buihU I one of thn exciting feat performed by Ilert Lytell In hi Ini tial Metro all-atur Hcrlc plcturo, "Tho Troll to Yenlerduy.'.' Thl plc turlxntlon of 'liarle Alden Seltzer' novel of the rugged went Ib replete with thrilling situation. For tho Sucre of thl rescue scene, tho co operation of Anna Q. NIIhboii, Mr. I.ytell' lending lady, wn iiecoBsary. Korlunntely, Mini NIInroii InxlKled on currying out each detail of thn haz ardous proceeding, declaring that a HoiiHfl of fenr was left out of her mako-up. Ilert I.ytell accomplishes Ihl rescue with u Inrlat, showing IiIh skill In tho art of throwing u lusso. I.IHKUTV. Few war books nro so graphic and thrilling as "Prlvnto Peat, His Own Story," by Harold H. Pent, a young Cunudlun soldier who wont to France with tho first Cunudlun contingent In August, 1914. Young Peat wns in tho first (ionium gas attack at Ypros. Ho gives us one of tho most extraor dinary accounts of that ovent, nird of the bravery of officers and men, that has yot been wrltton. Month later, and again at Ypres, ho gat his own knock-out blow. A Qermnn bullet crashed through his lung a fid put his right arm out of commission for good and all. Two nights and a day ho lay In the opon until the stretcher bearers found him. PYREa Tranaparent OvenWare Guaranteed Not to Crack from Over-Heat Casseroles, Bread Pans, CustardJCups, Etc. Try the Tyrox lino. You'll find It clean, neat and sanitary. F. DEMENT &CO. Groceries Hardware The Incidents of this stirring book have been plcturlzed In tho great I'linimount-Artcrufl spoclul picture, "Prlvnto Peat," In which Mr. Peat plays the leading role and which will ho shown ut the Liberty theatre next Sunday nnd Monday. The photoplay has been splendidly di rected nnd It Is said to bo ouo of the best war pictures ever produced. Tho support Is excellent. BEND HIGH PLAYERS TO MEET PRINEVILLE llnskclbHll Trams from Tvo Count) Heats Mill Clash at Bond Ath - letlc Club Tomorrow. Tho Prlnovllle basketball five will meet the B. II. S. team Saturday night, Februnry 8. Tho game will bo pluyed at the B. A. A. C. The line-up Is as follows: Sanders Forward Miller Coyner Forward .... Rosenburg Itrosterhous.... Center Lister Iluuck -;unrd Mills Helfrich Guard Horignn Curtis 8ub O'Kelly Dutt I... Sub Prose Tickets are now on sale by stu dents of tho junior and senior high school. BERT SHUEY WILL LOCATE HERE AGAIN Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sliuey, with their three children, Fred, Lucille and Bort, Jr., arrived last night from Bartlesvlllo, Oklahoma, and will re lume their residence here. They lived in Bend In tho years from 1912 to 1917, Mr. Shuoy being In the gro cery business. Ho expects to go into business nguln. SOLDIERS PATROL SPOKANE STREETS Bob White Soap, 5e J. C. PENNEY CO., Inc. Hope Mus lin, 18c 197 BUSY STORES VALUE ? o )WnSING k a .V . J TORySALE, TO R NT, HELPVt!ANTED, lug implements; close to school. Ap ply 134 Oregon St. 94-50-5 J,VU HALK 5 modern 5-room resi dences In Park addition. Price right. See me at once. C. V. Sllvls. 72-45tfc MISCELLANEOUS JAKE.V UP 2 head of horses, 1 yearling, sorrels. Owner may have same by proving property and paying charges. Depot Feed Yard. 04-62-4c Clojulflrd advertising ehsrxe per tame ZQ cent, for 20 wnnli or leM. - One cent per word for all ovt-r 20. All clmjwifled advertuing trlrlly ra-h in mlt'dnre.. LOST SPOKANE, Feb. 7. -Fully armed soldiers from Fort Wright are pa trolling the business streets, ready to suppress any demonstrations which might be made by radicals. AT THE HOTELS. Pilot. Hullo Inn. W. B. Baker, Portland. J. H. Smith, Sun Francisco. E. F. Mass, Portland. C. I). Springer, Crescent. S, W. Smith, Crescent, Mr. nnd Mrs'. C. H. Miller, Red mond. W. r! Rlloy, La Pino, niond. C. J llogolmnn nnd wife, Powell Butte. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Wilson, Powell ButtO. , Hotel Cozy. n. C. iMosoly, Portland. Mr. and Mrs. L. 1). Hoy, Summer Lnko. H. Kllgore, Mllllcan. Mrs. W. R. Catching, Portland. C. D. Reedor, Silver Lake. Hotel Wright. Mr. and Mrs, George Menkonmnln, Fremont. K. Forss, Portland. , JOST Gold Hamilton watch, at Pilot Butte Inn. Finder leave with hotel clerk and receive J 10 re ward. - 07-52-3p WANTED y.WTK!) CI. W. Cook In the mar ket for second-hand goods; high est cash price paid. Leave orders at the Log Cabin office of the Palmer ton Transfer Co. .... 08-51ttc yAN'TKD Four men boarders at once; board and beds reasonable. 24 Irving Ave. 06-52-3p yANTKI) Second-hand incubator and brooder in good condition. P.' O. Box 726. H FOR SALE pR SALE Red Mexican beans, di rect to you at wholesale price; 10 lbs., $1.00; 25 lbs., $2.25. postpaid. V. A. Ruwson, Rt. No. 1, The Dalles, Ore. 05-52-3p foil HA1.K 4 0 acres, well Im proved, good water, right; 5-room house, big barn; 12 tons hay, farm- $30.00-IN PRIZES-$3Q.OO Big Masquerade Ball FEBRUARY 14th At GYMNASIUM $10.00 to the Best Lady's Costume $10.00 to the Best Gentleman's Costume $5.00 to the Second Best Lady's Costume $5.00 to the Second Best Gentleman's Costume Free Ticket to supper and dance to the most Comical Couple. Music by the Jazz Orchestra Grand March at 8:45 P. M., led by the "Pug Ugly" Band Watch for Si Perkin's Band on the Street Ticket, Including Supper $1.50 Per Couple FLOUR We are pleased to announce the arrival of our first car of HIGH PATENT Flour. We are extremely fortunate in getting this grade of flour and believe this to be among the very first shipments, of 100 Patent Flour made in the entire northwest. We quote from a letter under date of Jan. 23 from the Port land Flouring Mills Co., whose daily capacity is 12,000 barrels of flour. In the making of OLYMPIC and SNOWDRIFT they use only the finest selected wheats. "We wonld have liked lo have (hipped Governmrnt Regulation flout on ihit order, as we, as well as all other millers in the territory have heavy slocks ol this flour on hand, which will have lo be disposed of, bul in oidet lo tive you all the advantages in letting flour business, the car will be made up of strictly high patent and as lo quality, we do not believe thai any mill in this territory can euqal it, in fact our tests of other flours do not show well at all with Snowdrift." We will sell this HIGH PATENT FLOUR Olympic.or Snowdrift, 49-lb. sacks ....$2.90 Olympic or Snowdrift, 24i-lb. sacks... $1.50 Pride of Washington (Hard Wheat), 49 lbs $2.90 Pride of Washington (Hard Wheat), 24 lbs, $1.50 JUST A FEW PRICES THAT WILL INTEREST YOU . Strictly fresh eggs, per doz '. 45c Number 1 quality rice, per lb : 12c Red Mex. Beans,-per lb 10c White Beans, per lb H'ic Canned corn and tomatoes HViC All package crackers and cookies selling for 20c, we sell f or....l8c Pkg. macaroni, spaghetti, etc., per pkg 9c Bulk macaroni, per lb : 11c Tea Garden syrup, gals $1.00 Tea Garden syrup, 1 gals : $1.75 Baking Soda :.. 3 for 25c Bennett-Cooper Co. Union Grocery