t PAGH 4 THE I!Kl) Ill'LliKTlN. IAIL KIMi'lOIN, ItKNIt. OHKUO.V Till ItSDW, J A MA II Y HI, 1018 llti mill); prlco $1H0, ensy tonus, Ap ply aba, Bulletin nltlon, tf WANTED ONE OF THE BIGGEST BRITISH GUNS IN FLANDERS TONIGHT AND FRIDAY CLADYS BROCKWELL IN THE SOUUOF SATAN yy ANTED ('iimnetriil woman ti represent Eastern Inn; iKoiiiI pay, pel'llllllienl poM'.t lull. Alllll't'HS 1-o!l. Pilot Unite Inn, (live pliiiiin unit street number. 48-47, H, Up yyANTED-llouiinliold goods bought. Htiimlurd Furniture Co., Plinnn. Unit fill. 78U-74lfo A Vivid Portrayal of HjVYoinnn's Temptation FOR RENT PATHE NEWS "ROARING LIONS & WEDDING BELLS" The Fox Super that will make you wonder how it all happened in so short a time. SATURDAY MATINEE AND NIGHT "PRINCESS VIRTUE" SUNDAY MATINEE AND NIGHT WILLIAM FARNUM in 'THE CONQUEROR" A Drama Picturing the Life ot Gen. Sam Houston COMING -Monday & Tuesday- "THE SLACKER" GRAND THEATRE t Va WHERE GOOD M PICTURES ARE SHOWN WAR EXCHANGE Wheattaa days arc Monday and. Wedneaaar. Meatkaa aar ia Toaaaar. Porfclrta aar la Satarday. One aicatleia and one wheatlcaa Real each iar. At all times utc aa Much aagar. wheat, an eat and fat aa peaaible. The Tobacco Fund. The latest subscriptions are as fol lows: J. F, Taggert $1.00 alike Anghind 1.00 M. C. Murphey 1.00 Tim Carroll 1.00 Joe Bannister, 1.00 G. F. McCulloch 1.00 SAVE A MTTLE SUGAR TODAY. Less In the Coffee Cup. Oversweetening coffee, tea and oth er table beverages Is a common habit and means needless use of sugar. Of ten much of. the sugar thus used 1b not dissolved and remains in the 'bot tom of the cup to be thrown away. Thousands of Americans waste sugar in this thoughtless manner every day. In the aggregate It is a large waste end should 'be eliminated. Try cut ting your allowance to one teaspoon ful or one average cube of sugar to the cup. This amount, if entirely dis solved, will satisfy most tastes. WHEATLESS MEAXS WHEATLESS. (Oregonian.) It is Important to remember that wheat flour, under the new order, in cludes graham and whole wheat flours. Formerly the use of both had been permitted on "wheatless days." In other words, wheatless days and wheatless meals are to be actually wheatless. It also should be kept in mind that rye is not a permissible wheat substitute, since It is available for transportation abroad and is suit ed to field requirements and to the needs of our allies. The spirit of all the regulations is this: That we must 'conserve every food substance which 'can be advantageously shipped 'abroad, and that we must consume "In their stead those products which are most available in each locality. Saving of transportation no less than food Itself Is desirable. Now Is the time to increase the use of potatoes, Of iwhlcli, despite an un favorable growing season In 1917, a large surplus was produced. To the full extent that it can be procured, Parley also should have a place In the menu. Buckwheat can be substituted without hardship for a least one meal each day during the remainder of the winter and early spring. . The products of oats and corn are both palatable and nourishing. So Is rice. COMEDY Barley Bread. 1 cup liquid, 1 teaspoon salt, 2V& cups white flour, to cake yeast, softened in Vt cup lukewarm water, 1 cups barley flour. Long process: Scald the liquid, cool to lukewarm, add the salt, the softened yeast and half the flour. Beat thoroughly, cover and let rise until very light. Then add the re mainder of the flour. Knead, cover and let rise until double in bulk. Shape into a loaf, cover and let rise again until double in bulk. Bake. Short Process: Follow the direc tions as given above, but add all the flour at once. Peanut Bread. 1 cup lukewarm liquid, 1 teaspoon sa,lt, 3 cups flour (more if desired), 1 or 2 tablespoons syrup, to H cake yeast, softened in 14 cup lukewarm water. 1 cup peanut meal or flour. Peanut meal may be prepared by shelling roasted peanuts, removing red skin, and crushing the nuts with a rolling pin. Long Process: Follow the direc tions given for the long process un der Corn Meal Bread, making the sponge with part of the liquid and flour, salt and yeast. When light add the rest of the liquid, the syrup, the peanut meal and the remainder of. Scald the liquid, cool to lukewarm," add the salt, the softened yeast and half the flour. Beat thoroughly, cover and let rise until very light. Then add the remainder of the flour. Knead, cover and let rise until dou ble in bulk. Shape Into a loaf, cover and let rise again until double in bulk. Bake. Short Process: Follow the direc tions as given above, but add all the flour at once. Spending has never made anyone a lasting friend. Saving has, and be sides It cannot but increase one's self- respect and confidence. The First National Bank, Bend, Ore. Adv. TEMPERATURE DROPS TO FOUR BELOW ZERO Four degrees below zero was the temperature the thermometer of the cooperative weather recorder regis tered last night. This is the lowest recorded yet this winter. Last win ter on the same day the mercury dropped to 16 below. Yesterduy's maximum was 40 degrees. The extremely low temperature was responsible for many bursted water pipes, which kept the plumbers in demand early this morning. The pipe connecting a bath room on the second floor of alio Pilot Butte Inn parted company when. the water in it froze and an unexpected shower pre cipitated Itself on a portion of the main lobby. A collection of tin cans and buckets, arranged on the floor prevented It from going through to the basement. 5 oirinsn wnvr.1. - m , ., wtWW"t'S"rS3 One of the greatest puns in use by t ho British forces being hiiuled along n mail In Klnnilern, on the iidvnnco to the uttnek, by n tractor with tremendous power. No gnu of uioro power has been used by nny belligerent In IIiIb wur. AT THE MOVIES Liberty Theatre. Sessuo Hayakawa, the well-known Japanose screen actor, a cast of sup porting players, and his director, Q. H. Melford, recently spent several weeks In Chinatown, San Francisco, where thoy made the extorior scones for Hayakawa's newest Paramount picture, "The Call of tho East." This was written especially for Sessuo Hayakawa by Beulah Marie Dlx. Tsu ru Aoki, Mr. Hayakawa's wlnsomo little Japanese wlfo, is one of tho leading women, while the other is Margaret Loomis, whoso real name is Lehua Waipahu and who made a sen sation as the Hawaiian girl ln "The Bottle Imp," with Mr. Hayakawa re cently. "The Call of tho East" Is to be shown at the Liberty Theatre to night and Friday. Having been so successful In di recting, by means of field telephones, the wonderful battle scones in "Joan the Woman," Cecil B. Do.Mlllo, the noted producer, employed the same method of conducting the battle scenes for Geraldine Farrar's latest success tor Artcraft, "The Woman God Forgot," which will be seen at the Liberty on Sunday and Monday. Phones were Installed at each station around the 'battlefield where Mr. De Mille had placed camera men and as sistants, and with the receiver strap ped to his head and the transmitter swinging from his breast, he was In constant communication with the whole organization. Tho battle scenes which would ordinarily require a week or 'more to film, were taken In the brief space of three days. Grand Theatre. Rivalling in number if not in value, the noted collection of snuff boxes in the Metropolitan Museum of . New York, is the doll collection In the Kiornan home of Los Angeles. Lot tie and Dottle and Sadies and Mary and Willie and Johnny and Jack, with a host of others which use up all the names In the back of the dictionary, reside there under the expert care and attention of none other than Ma rie Kiernan, the happy youmgster of I William Fox's "The Soul of Satan," I which' Is shown at the Grand Theatre tonight and Friday. Ever since Marie first brought Joy into the world, her mother has been collecting dolls for her own exclusive use. .Marie is different from other children. Instead of tearing them to pieces, she takes the greatest care of them, with the result that her col lection at present numbers between two f.nd three hundred. Of them all, Marie loves most a lit tle doll in a calico dress which she has termed Gladys. It was presented to her by the noted star of "The Soul of Satan," and its dress was Ttiado exactly like the faded frock which Miss Brockwell wears in the begin Hotnolnt Electric Irons, 93.00, The Power Co. Carlson & Lyons PLUMBING & HEATING Plumbing and Heating Supplies, Hath Room Accessories, etc. Pipe, Valves ) and Fittings PHONE RED 1591 ning ot that story. It wits fashioned, In fact, from a piece ot tho sumo ma teria!. And that Rives It uddllionul splendor In Mario's eyes. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS (I'uyuhle CunIi in Adrnnce.) FOR SALE foil MALE Now 15-volumo library of Unlvorsnl History, cheap. In quire Ix)g Cabin' building. 43-45, Tc poll SALE Deschutes Roatnurant and lodging house. Inquire Des chutes Cafo. 44-45,Sp poll SALE Two-room hous.). Ix24 furnished, 2 lots 60x120 each; good soil, no rocks; poultry house, soma chickens; vegetables In cellar. In quire 1964 W. Second street, Au brey Heights. 32-43, 49p pK HALE Lot 7, block 14 and lot 15, block 14, Park Add. with houses, one furnished; cheap. P. O. Box 151. 30-42, 47p poll HALE Harloy Davidson 1916 motorcycle with side car; also 1911 Cadillac touring car, $250. Bond Garage. 45-48p poK HALE Five-room house and furniture. Win. Stone, 143 Con gross St. 27-42, 7p pOH HALE NWK 8WM Sec. 27, Tp. 17, S. R. 12, containing 30 acres, more or loss, lying northeast of Bend and within a mile and a half of tho center of the city. Terms, cash. Make mo an offor. J. F. Boan, Court House, Cincinnati, Ohio. 08-39, 47c gIDEWALK FOR BALE Sixty feet of good four-foot aidowalk. Can easily be hauled In 16 -foot lengths to any location. Inquire Bulletin of fice. 492-0Ctfc poll SALE Lots 9 and in, of block 13. Bend View, price $200, easy BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS ARTHUR J . MOORE Lawyer GENERAL PRACTICE. Log Cuhln Hldjr. Phono Hlk 1411 llend Lotlgo No. 423 Loyal Or der of Moonr Meets in Moose Hall every Thursday. Visiting brothers are cordially Invited t attend. E. A. Monttomarr P. Monlxomtrr 8PKINUDALB ON TUB MP.TOMU8 ORANDVIEW, OHB. White rehornn. (tarred Rock, R. I. Rrd, White I'tkln Ducka, '1'oulouM tlpeno, Itoltrlnn Hares, Anicora Rabbit, Mammoth Ilronto Turkey, Guinea Plus, DR. TURNER Eve Specialut of Portland VISITS BEND MONTHLY Watch paper (or Dates or inquire of THORSON, THE JEWELER FOR SALE-Ono of tho best constructed houses In Bund at actual cost, with no charge for tho 100x120 foot of view, property it stands upon. Terms liko rent. Bend Park Co. Real Estate and" Iniurance - v.v.-t.:.-).! tormi. Soo ABC, Bulletin otflco. S60-70tf flllH ADVERTISEMENT costs It cents. It you don't boo whut you want, ask for It. tt poll HALE Lots and 10. of block 24 of Kenwood, prlco $325, vary easy terms. Sue AUC, Bulletin office. 349-170tf poll HALE Second hand Under wood typowrttor, In good condition; price $40. Inqulro Bulletin. 98 l-8lfp ITOIl BALK Two lots In Northwest Townslte Company's Hocond Ad dition (west of the river, near Sher- THIS TOWN IS YOUR HOME HELP TO MAKE IT A WITTER HOME IJY CO-OPERATING WITH ITS MERCHANTS AND Jil'SINESS MEN TREAT YOUR INDUSTRIES FAIRLY AND THEY MUST BE FAIR TO YOU THE SHEVLIN-HIXON CO. Bend View PRICES: $100 AND UP TERMS: Reasonable We'll loan you money to build. VERNON A. FORBES LAWYER First National Bank Building Bend, :-: :-: Oregon G. C. MORGAN Attorney at Law 211 Oregon St;, next to Tele phono office BEND, ORE. W. P. MYERS LAWYER l O'Kane Building, BEND, ORE. M. A. PALMER Cabinet Maker anil llulliler, Jobbing; Franklin St., ronr of Irrigation Co.'s old building. BEND INSURANCE AGENCY Writer! of all kind of fnnuranctt. OM- . et IfiHiiranca Agency tn Central Ors icon. H, C. Ellin, Flrnt National bank UulldltiK, Hend, Oroiion, Office nhona Blk 1701 Ra, Dlk 1101 FREE CONSULTATION Dr. R. D. Ketchum, PruglcHH Physiclun Houn, S to It, 1 to 6:30, or bt ap pointment. BATHER HUII.DINQ poll KENT Furnished luiusoknop lug riiiiins, over llend Wuter, Light Power office, 40-1(0 poll KI'I.NT-Hiiiiill house, partly fill lii.iKil, near depot, 111 a nimitll. S. It. Ilngln, fid I.iifnyotlo uvenue. poll RENT Modern U-room hoiiso wlt'h hath. E, W. RklinnUoii, 31)5 East Omen wend. 4 2-4 41 til TO TRADE. O TRADE Five acres of land near high school, The Dulles, Ore., for Ilnuil property or land In Denchuteti or Crook count leit, Heo P. Flsch, 1053 Bond street, or address P. (). Box 323, llend. Or. 2t-41tfn LOST jONT .ltoglnterml Durham bull, diamond brand on loft ribs, tag No. 60 In one car. W. F. Fry mar, Ollno Falls, Or. 50-47.9p joht I am seven years old, and papa guvo mo a little ' white pup with black earn, and I hava Inst him. Do you know where he Is? Evelyn TIioisoii. CIO Delawaro. 49-47, 8p BEND'S MOST SCENIC RESIDENCE PROPERTY Every Lot commands u view ofthe River, Mountains and City. Building restrictions according to Locution. J. RYAN & CO. O'Kane Bid. Phone J6I II. II. Dc ARMOND LAWYER O'Knno Building, Bend, Orogou Put In Your Our DUDS SUDS BEND LAUNDRY Phone Black 3 1 1 W. G. Manning, D. M. D. DENTIST Suite 12-14, O'Kuno Building Tel. Illack 1781 UonU, Ore. Tinning and Sheet Metal WM. MONTttOIKERY. Furnncos, Spouting, Gnttorlng, Cornice and Skylight Repnlrlng promptly attondod to Prices right, work guaranteed THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGH AUVtKTISINO BY THE OENRaii enirirBa NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIE