rAOK 4 THH BEND BULLETIN. DAILY EDITION. BEND. ORKOON. KKID.W, JAM'AKY lift, IOIH oiiii ftii'iiltiliml; clump. I'. (). Ilox 161. -I0-4 J.-i7p prloo $40, Inquire Bulletin. "M-Slfp TONKGHT, LAST CHANCE DUSTIN FARNUM ,Hll HALE Two lute In Northwest Townnlto ConiiMiiy'i Hecniul Ad dition l west of tho river, mmr Hhuv lln mill); prlco I ISO, ontiy terms, Ap ply alio, Bulletin oltlco. tf WANTED ,X)lt S. l.i: Hurley Davidson lit 111 liiiilniT.vt'lu, wllli side I'm'; nihil 1DI1 Ciiillliuo tnui'.tiK ear, $3.1(1. IN "Durand of The Bad Lands SATURDAY NIGHT SUNDAY MATINEE Pendleton Roundup AND Franklin Farnum IN "THE WINGED MYSTERY" A story of two twins one a regular American, the other pro-German. The identity of the two men is reaponible or the mysterioua circumstance that gradually unfold. The Pendleton Roundup will he ahown at the regular Satur day Matinee. SUNDAY NIGHT and MONDAY PIRATES Remember how that word first thrilled you? Here are those old thrills threefold. WILLIAM FOX PRESENTS "Treasure Island" The island of mystery and ad venture. For men and women hoys and girls. Bjr Robert Louts Stevenson PATHE NEWS Coming--"THE SLACKER" QRAND THEATRE 1 WHERE GOOD JL PICTURES ARE SHOWN II I RASPUTIN. THE BLACK MONK W I lh I At the Liberty Theatre Saturday afternoon and evening:. POTATOES LIKED If! EAST FBIEXD OK J. EDWARD LARSON WRITES: THAT HE NEVER ATE BETTER ONES TUBERS PROVE GOOD ADVERTISEMENT. Deschutes county potatoes are ap preciated by at least one man in the east. Recently, J. Edward Larson sent to a friend, L. B. Keller, of the Booth Cold Storage Company In Min neapolis, a hoz of potatoes. The let ter which he received a few days ago better describes the impression they made on the recipient of the ship ment. , "Your letter and the box of pota toes received. First of all, I want to thank you tor your kindness in send ing them," it says. "I assure you they were-the most delicious potatoes 1 have ever eaten and had the most palatable taste. If the weather gets ini'.rt enough bo that it is safe it) send three or ! out1 sacks by 'freight or re frigerator-car, coming thr.iugli, I am going to get some .if them, no mat ter what the price mav be. Without a doubt, they were t!.e nicest potatoes I have ever Had on my table." . Mr. Keller is very much impressed with the description he has had of this country and has inquired for information concerning the climate, soil and timber. "It looks good to me," he says. The writer of the letter is ac quainted w.ith Mr. Hixon, of The Shevlin-Hixron Lumber Company, hav ing gone swimming, skating and play ed football with him during his school clays. physically fit, morally strong and mentally capable of filling. W,(XM),(MM) Is Needed. A national war fund of J4.000.000 is to be raised next week. This is portioned oft to finance the follow ing: Hostess houses, emergency hous ing for employed girls, work in other countries, increased staff, foreign community work, national board, junior war council or Patriotic League, bureau of social morality speakers, work in colored communi ties affected by the war, and emer gency and miscellaneous activities. One of the very valuable services the Y. W. C. A. is rendering is in cooperation with the Red Cross in placing two trained workers for each rest hut near base hospitals and in providing a hostess house In Paris for American nurses. Mrs. Barry, after having concluded her work here, went on to Hood River this morning. GYMNASIUM DRIVE TO START TOMORROW WAR'S WARNING! Economize, save. The First National Bank, Bend, Ore. Adv. General Eloctric Irons that nrc Kuarauteed, only $5. The Power Co. Adv. Y. W. C. A. WILL RAISE MONEY (Continued from Page One.) providing hostess houses at canton ments to accommodate women visit ing the camps. Fifty of these build ings are either completed or con tracted for. Emergency housing has been provided for iglrls employed in camp and Industrial centers where they are engaged In new occupations in which they take the places of men. Many of these are In the munitions factories, at the wharves and In other positions which they must be made The expected drive to complete the town's contribution to the new gym nasium will be made tomorrow. A number of the business men of the town have already taken the club cer tificates, the list having been printed in The Bulletin a short time ago. To morrow those who have not yet sub scribed will be called upon and given an opportunity to aid in the comple tion of the building. SUCCESSOR FOR MISS CLARK PICKED TODAY Miss Martha L'mbaugh, of Seattle, was this afternoon chosen to succeed Miss Esther Jane Clark as instructor in the Bend high school. The new teacher will begin her work at the first of the next semester. Miss Clark resigned In order to accept a position with the Ellison-White Chautauqua circuit. GENERAL BLISS TO ATTEND CONFERENCE (By United Premi to The Bend Bulletin.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 25. General Bliss, chief of the staff, ar rived in Paris to represent the Amer ican army at the supreme war council of the allies. Secretary Baker an nounced that high officers in every branch of the service accompany Bliss to advise him. OREGON LEADS ENLISTMENTS. In a report which has been sent the local forestry office the number of men In the United States who have enliBted In the Twentieth Engineers' regiment during the period beginning September 5 and ending December 29, 1917, was 2848. Of these 926 came from the Portland forestry of fice, to. which the Bend one Is tribu tary. This is the largest number sent from any one district. AT THE MOVIES Graml Tlieutro. Twins born of American parents in Germany igrow to manhood exactly alike except at heart. August glo ver became pro-German and Joined the Kaiser's army, while Loula re mained true to the Stars and Stripes. When the world war extended to America the twins parted after Au gust had shown his miserable disposition. What resulted from this condition of affairs has been prepared in Bluebird photoplays for exhibition at the Grand Theatre Saturday night and Sunday matlnoe, with Franklyu Farnum playing the twins In "The Winged Mystery." Thrilling episodes result from complications of the most puzzling variety and swift moving ep isodes will furnish an abundance- of excitement for lovers of, realism and sensation. Through all the many and i various changes runs an engaging love story In which tho twins are abetted by two t)f the prettiest girls in filmdom, Claire Du Brey and Rose mary Theby. A fine old ship was chartered by William Fox for putting Robert Louis Stevenson's famous story "Treasure Island," on the screen. The actors made up the characters in the book and had a beautiful sail on the Pacific ocean. It was like a holiday to the youngest of them and they skipped around the deck in great glee. As it happened, not one of them was sea sick and the filming went on merrily during the entire voyage. In this picture, which will bo ex hibited at the Grand Theatre. Sunday and Monday evenings, there is cer tainly the tang of the sea and, more over, the scenes lent themselves to some exquisite photugraphy. tlon and much Burplus energy which makes It liurd for her family, but adds to tho charm of a diary wIiohu every page abounds in adventure and tho rimloat kind of furrn. "Hub's Diary" will appear on Sunday and Monday at the Liberty Theatre. Electric toaster, that turn (he toast, only VI. The Power Co. Adv. Liberty Theulrp. Those who saw Marguerite Clark in her famous Paramount picture, "Miss George Washington," will be reminded of It by "Bab's Diary," the charming story by Mary Roberts Rinehart, of Bab, the "Sub-Deb" In the clever manner In which Miss Clark has portrayed the role of Bab, who, like "Miss George Washington," makes the discovery that we weave a tangled web indeed when first we practice to deceive. "Bab" Is a fas cinating girl with a vivid Imagine- BULLETIN Classified Ads Cost One Cent a Word The Daily U Read by Everyone in Bend The Weekly (Circulation I75U) Reaches Everyone Who Buys or Sella in Bend, and circulates Throughout Central Oregon You Gel What You Want PHONE 561 Bible War Bread Recipe. The ninth verse of the fourth rhnp ter of Kzeklel rends as follows : "Take tlinu hIso untn thee wheat, nnil barley, anil beans, unci leiitricx. and millet, . . . and put them In one vessel, and make thee breiul thereof." In the thirteenth century Dnvld Klmchl. the ciinimetitiitor, wrote: "The prophet thus warns tlm disobedient children of Israel that, during the siege of Jerusalem, they will nut long er be nhle to make their bread with pure wheat, but they will have to mix It with all kinds of grain iinil vegeta bles with which lliiur Is not innde, un less extreme need makes It necessary to do so." Wnr bread In Europe Is now made according to the recipe of Kzeklel. nut It Is not linked with the same kind of fuel. For particulars see Kzeklel 4: 12. ,Mlt HALE Klvii-room house mill furniture. Win. Slime, HI t'nn gioss St. 27-13, 7p pill S.l.i: NV ', fUVV, Her. 27. 'I'p. 17. S. It. 12, riintaliiliiK !I0 acres, more m- less, lying horlhouHt of llniid and within u inllii and n half of the. center of the city. Terms, rush, Make mo an offer. J. V. Ileum, Court limine, Cincinnati, Ohio, 08-11 !,47c pill S.ALK Second hand Fold ear In igooil condition. Inquire llnnil Garage. 1 (KID, ):) plt SALE ICiiully III liouso and lot; Interest paid t ) date. Box 3ns, Bond, Ore. OI)-:i8.42p gIDKWAI.K htm HAI.K Sixty feet of good' four-toot sidewalk. Can easily bo hauled In It -foot length! to any locution. Inquire Bulletin of tlco. 42-0tltfo FOR HALE Lots 9 and 10, of block 13, Bund View, price $200, easy torms. See ABC, Bullutlu office. 850-701' JHIH ADVERTISEMENT costs IB cents. If ynu don't sea what you want, ask for It. if pOK HALE Lots and 10. or block 24 of Kenwood, price $326, ver easy forma. Bee ABC, Bulletin office. 349-170tf poll HALE Second hand I'lidor wood typowrltnr. In good condition; yANTEIt-llouseholil goods bought. Standard Kuru II ure Co., l'honu lied 01 1. 7SU-74tfo F YOIT do not find what ynu are looking for -advertise. In thuss col umns, at one cent a word. tt LOST J 4WT A light gray glove, Hiuuluy morning. Finder plouso return to the Bulletin office. 94-32tfn FOUND pilMi Small black purse, contain ing Riiiiiii chaiiKii. Owner may havn same by Identifying ami paying for this ud. Inquire Bulletin. .11-43. e FOR RENT poll IlK.Vt'-Siiuill House,, partly fur nlnlied, near depot, $tl a month. H. It. Iloglti, 3D I.ufuyoito ii venue. 211-42, 43p poll KENT FurulHhed four-room house, 166 St. Helena l'liiee. Phono Rural 37. l7-41tfn TO TRADE. "JM TRADE Five euros of lund noar high school, Tho Dalles, Ore., for Bnnd property or land In len-hul or Crook counties. Heo F. F. Flsch, lor3 Bond street, or address P. O. Ilox S2.1. Bend. Or. 215-4 life One cent a word Is all a little Want Ad' will cost you. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMEN1S PEOPLES MARKET ffi PLACER (Payable Cash ill Advance.) FOR SALE poll HALE Lot 7 and part ot 15, block 15, Park addition, with houses. THIS TOWN IS YOUR HOME ii1-li to ma hi: it a bkttkit iiomi- hv co-oi'i-katiws with its merchants and iu'sim:ss mi:n TREAT YOUR INDUSTRIES FAIRLY AND THEY MUST HE FAIR TO YOU THE SHEVLIN-HIXON CO. Bend View PRICES: $IOO AND UP TERMS: Reasonable We'll loan you money to build. BKNP'S MOST SCENIC RESIDENCE PROPERTY Every Lot commands n view of the River, Mountains untl City. Huildinff restrictions iiccorriinjr to locution. ii-r: J. RVAN & 0'Kane Bid;. CO. Phone J6I BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS ARTHUR J . MOORE Lawyer GKNEKAL I'RACTICK Log Cabin Bldif. I'bono Hlk 1411 VERNON A. FORBES L a w y K II First National Hank Budding Bend, :-: :-: Oregon Hem! Lodge No. 423 Loyal Or der of Moose Meets In Moose Hall every Thursday. Visiting brothers are cordially invited te attend. B. A. Montgomery P. Montgomery 8PRINCDAI.R ON THE MET01.1US GRANDVIKW, OKB. White Ijwhorns. Harred Itucks, It. I. Iteils, White I'ekln Ducks, Toulo.ise Geese, Jtelxlnn Harm, Anicora Uuhhlui, Mammoth Ilronxe Turkeys, Guinea t'itcs. G. C. MORGAN Attorney lit Liuv 211 Oregon St., next to Tele phone office. HE.N'D, ORIS. Hotpolnt Electric Irons, 99.00. The Power Co. '' DR. TURNER Eye Specialist of Portland VISITS BEND MONTHLY Watch paper for Dates or inquire of THORSON. THE JEWELER W. P. MYERS LAWYER O'Kano Building, HHNI), ORE M. A. PALMER Cnblnet Mnknr mid lluililer, Jobbing Franklin St., rear of Irrigation Co.'s old building. FOR SALE-Ono of the best constructed bouses In Iiend lit actual cost, with no cliargo for the 100x120 feet of viow property it stands upon. Terms like rent. Bend Park Co. Real Estate and Insurance BEND INSURANCE AGENCY Writers of all kinds of Insurance. Old est Insurance Ascney In Central Ore iron. H. C. Rills, First National Ilank building, Ucnd, Oroicon. Office phono Rlk 1701 Ilea, lllk SUM FREE CONSULTATION Dr. R. D. Ketchum, Drugleaa Physician Hours, to 12, V to' :30, or .by ap pointment ' . BATHER BUlliDINO II. II. I)c ARMONI) LAWYKR O'Kane Building, Bond, Oregon Put In Your Our DUDS SUDS BEND LAUNDRY Phone Black 3 1 1 W. G. Manning, D. M. D. DENTIST Suite 12-14, O'Kano Building Tel. Illiick 17HI llond, Ore. Tinning and Ulioot Mutal f VM. MONTOOMKRY. FurnncoH, Spouting, Guttering, Cornice and Skylight Repairing promptly, attended to T'rli-es rlnlit, work giwnwtnnil THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE GENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES