TUB HKNII lilM.KTIN, DAILY FDITION, 11E.M). OltKtJON. FRIDAY, JAXl'.tRY 23, 10IH PAGE V f TONIGHT, Lust Time-MMK. PETROVA in "EXILE" "RASPUTIN, THE BLACK MONK" 'J' 1 1 ii tni( story of HiiHhlu told fur lliu II ml f k m ci In un unforjfi'liililii milliner, Ti'imiiiiiiiIdiih wi'iiim, mii-U'i'ly iictliiif, u vivid, vli'llu aiory n( the MgKi'iit cvil)U III till) world's lilKtfi'xt ur, SATURDAY MATINEE and NIGHT Understand Current History ly seeing RASPUTIN The Black Monk The true and up-to- J.t. .tory of the RUSSIAN REVO LUTION. Eint Reel Super-Feature And Sennetta Funnieat Keyitone Comedy 'VILLA OF THE MOVIES" Send t he Children to the Saturday Matinee SUNDAY MATINEE NIGHT &. MONDAY MARGUERITE CLARK in "BABVDIARY" PICTOGRAPH Animated Weekly Special Musical Concert preceeding each performance. NEXT Hall Caine's Masterpiece, the SSKay MANX-MAN YOU'LL always find excellent values at this store. Step in today or tomorrow and you'll be convinced. We've just placed on sale hundreds of Remnants in Silk, Wool and Cotton Materials a real opportunity for you thrifty people. Just a few hundred yards of Em broideries left. Wonderful values at 3 and 6 Cents Buy your Kitchen Coverall Aprons here and save. Won derful values while they last 79c 85c 95c mom I ml win itiu 1218 JANUARY 1918! mr mi 4 5 1112 M2 1314 4 - 3 10 8 9 1516171819 20,21 12223:24 25 26 27128293031 Bend in Brief DOINGS IN YOUR CITY. You'll Find Them Here r'KIDAV. Itrhi'knlm, HiUlii-r'a hull, HAM p. m. Danro ut Tuinalii fur ltnl fro. W. O. Y., Council rlminlxTtt, H:(M) p. ui. Kixlcrnl Ijilmr I'lilim, l,our) I'lnn Temple. lUiKkitliiill, llrnil mill MiutriiM hlh M'litxiln, lllpiMMlnimr, HMMI p. in. HATl'KDAY. lt.il Mimi, 1Ui .Miiin linll, H:()(t p. in. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS V.. It. Lewis la In hero from Burns purchasing fiirB. W. C. Vim Clcvn, of I -h titna. wua In toil ii y on busliii'sa. I". Mahuffcy ri'luriiiMl this morn ing from n abort trip to I'lirtluml. K. L. C'lnrk ru rim In frnin I. a Pino yesterday mill pimnctl tin- iliiy in town. II. O. Caldwell, malinger of the HIiiiiii ruiu h, was In town on business tniliiy. In oritur to Install tlio steel cages In thii now county Jail, John 11. Hiiiihi'Ii la hero from Rt. LmilK. W ti I In look Iiik over nil I cstuto bus iness prospects, J. M. Dnrlcka, of Onuiliu, la xpiiniliiiK a fow duys In Ilmiil. II. C. Pow Ih back from a week's trip to Spoknno. Ho camo In tlila morning and oxpneta to rainulii bore permanently now, Mlna Sim) lo Wliltflnltl In buck from n conference of chief operators of 1ho Paclfln Itclnphono & Telegraph Company In Portland. Mrs. 11. M. Follotto, of Walla Wal la, Washington, arrlvoil horo thin morning to paaa two weeks with Mr. anil Mrs. JO. 8. McGuire. OltlCUON TRUNK THAIN Arrlvim 7:20 a. m. Loaves p. m. O.-W. It. ft N. TltAIN. Arrives 7:0ft p. m. Lenvoa 7:2b a. m. AUTO HTAUK LINK HOt'TII. Leaves 8 : 6 a. m. Arrives D p. ru. AUTO I.I.NKH. Cara to llurna, K'irt Klamath Kort Hock. Hllvor Lake and othor points south aud aoutli eaat. I'OHT OFFICIO IIOUItH. Qonnral delivery open dally 8:30 a. in. to 7 D. III. No mail distributed on Sunday. Nlltht train mail closes 7:16. Day train mall cloana 6:80 a. m. TKIiKCiltAI'll IIOUItH. Western Union, 8 a. m. to p. m. Bunday and holldaya I t. m, to 10 a. m., 6 p. m. to 8 p. m. TKI.KI'HONK HOiritH. Pacific Tel. & Tel: Co. 24 hour CANADIANS ARE EXPECTED SOON (Continued from Pugo Ono. ) Mlaa Kslher June Clark pluna to leave Sunday to Join tho Klllaon- White Chautauqua circuit, with which alio waa formerly connected. After an abaenco of two yoara, W. L. I'ulmor la today rutumliiK to hla home at loni'huti. Mra. Palmer ciimo in ywiuirauy troni Auoracen, WnahlnKton. Mra. j. II. (iorbliiR la vlaltlng her mother In I.amiiiilu. ThrouKh an er ror yeaterday, it waa Mated that Mra. ('. K. N'lchola hud koiio to l.amonta. Mra. Nlchula la atlll In Ilmiil. W. I.. HtophciiH, well known aa the clerk In MukIU & Kraklno'a ilniK Htnre, liutt omIIhIimI In the hospital corpa of the army an a pliurmiic!nl. Ha la now nt Vancouver Ilurrucka. H. M. Cleiiili'iinliiK ii r r I vik) from Viiiicouvcr lli'.H in ini ltitY to replace J. It. MUIh, who haa ri'slmii'il h!a po- aitlnii aa illiiiui. In r at the union do- pot. Mr. MUIh will li-uvn tomorrow fur llcppner, whnra hit luia accepted u pluco. The lloiid (luriino delivered to K. W. Heeler, of Mllllcan. a model "Kour-Nlnoty" Chovrolrt this week. I.aat week n car of tho mime model was aent to Kd. Stoehr nt Spokane. The car waa shipped with the tlulck helotiRlnR to Kmll Swanaen. Americana mut learn to atop com mitting the crime of waste. Wo must learn the lemon now, voluntarily, or tin forced lo leurn It wUli hardships. Aro yon navlnn7 Tim Klrat National Hunk, lletid, Ore. Adv. NurprlHO your wife, buy her an electric viicniini cleiuier, It liiukra lioiiNckii'pliig easy, $:io, ut tho Power Co., eusy teriiiM. Adv. LOST A cow. II til Int In want ada. Kind kor In Tho SEPARATE SKIRTS at $3o9S A Manufacturer's Clean-up. Velvets, Wool Mixtures, Plaids, Fancy Stripes, Checks and Plain Navy, regular $5.00 and $0.00 value$, priced for quick selling . $3.95 Tlio Niivlnjf on nny ono of tlieao aklt'ts will buy several Wur SivvlnKs .SliimpH, IIolp Win tho War. The Peoples Store allot In the hip. Upon hla return to hla regiment it waa moved to the Homme. At lleglna trench, the offi cer was wounded for tho last time and permanently retired from active aervlco. Tho price ho paid waa the loss of hoth arms, torn off hy high explosives. Ho won recommended for the' military cross dn October, 1916, end received apeclal mention In dlspatchea by 8!r Douglas Halg. (iiMik In (ins Attack. Captain K. J. Gook entered aer vlco with tho Western Canadian cav alry, onllstlng In August, 1914. At Kcslubcrt, In an assault on Gorman thlrd-llno trenches. Captain Gook alopped two soft-nosed machine gun bullets, which entered his right ride mil traversed tho stomach. Con trary to all the predictions, he recov ered. It waa alai hla fortune to be "gassed" at the geoond battle of Yprca. The full complement of his wounds dncludea ono in the left elbow. AT THE HOTELS. Try our businewN tonic, more II luiiiliiatlon, we miaranteo it to brlnit nioro buHlnewi. The Power Va. Adv. Green Onions Radishes Tomatoes Green Peas Bunch Carrots and a very complete line of sta ple & fancy Groceries. Phone 401 F. DEMENT & CO. The Preferred Stock Store GROCERIES HARDWARE Pilot Unite Inn. Henry Hchaefer, Portland. N. W. Scott. Portland. II. W. Kloyd, Portland. Mrs. L. Coopersteln, Portland. Lester Simmons, Portland. K. P. Ue Grarf, Portland. Mrs. It. K. Huffschmidt, liend. It. Guy, Portland. I). Ii. Steward, Darnes. John Hayes. Silver hake. J. H. Pellet, Portland. V. J. Richards, Portland. J. '. Black, Portland. A. K. Itohb, Spokane. Paul Wiggins, Bend. Leona Brewer, Silver Lake. Fay Doadmond, Silver Lake. Morris Murphy. Silver Lake. Jerry Aliern, Sliver Lake. Pat Berry, Silver Lake. Wright Hotel. Hilda Holmgren, Newport. Anna S. Streed, Portland. C. O. Wlgeby, Bend. O. Barker, Portland. John II. nauscb, St. Louis, ti. E. Johnson, Redmond. F. M. Hobson, Portland. T. C: Caldwell and family, Bend. W. L. Palmer, Aberdeen, Wash. Frank Perclval, Mlllican. E. R. Lewis, Burns. Mrs. Payne, Portland. J. M. Derlcks, Omaha, Neb. Mrs. Love and son, Portland. Joe Acre, Pomeroy, Wash. The Cozy. Fred Racine, Burns. A. A. McGul'e, Portland. II. K. Geien, Sisters. F. B. Foster, Prlnevllle. W. A. Vandevert, Prlnevllle. D. Z. Roblnctt. Powell Butte. First Showing of New Spring Ginghams Beautiful New Stripes and Plaids priced at 20 and 25 Cents Come in today and get fitted in that new GOSSARD CORSET STOP AND SHOP AT HMFTID BROTHERS JJsV HUE ROTHE Where Eoerybody "Grades RANCHER DIES SUDDENLY. Ed. McGuire, aged 60, a rancher Uvlug five miles northwest of Turn- alo, died suddenly Thursday evening after a sickness of nearly three months' duration. Funeral services are to be held as soon as a daughter has arrived from Walstburg, Wash ington. Mr. McGuire came to this section about 10 years ago, opening a tailor I shop In Bend. Later he removed to Redmond and from there to Tumalo where he took up a homestead. He is survived by two sons and a daugh ter. ' Civilian patriots the mighty army of thrlSty savers. Tho First National Bank, Bend, Ore. Adv. The modern substitute for the hot water bottle is the electric heating pud, small size $3.50. The Power Co Adv. Something to sell? " Advertise la The Bulletin's classified column. Prepare for tomorrow. When pay- luy comes, where do your earnings go? Do you lay by a portion of them I for future needs? The First National Bunk.ltend, Ore. Adv. LIBRARY OKTS MORE HOOKS. A complete set of Theodore Roose velt's works, containing 14 volumes In all, has been presented to the Bend Public Library by Dr. P. H. Dencerl A number of these describe hunting trips in tho west. In adilitlon to these a mammoth Bible was also given the reading room. It Is profusely illus trated and contains cross, references. FOR SHOES That Wear Are Stylish Are Perfect Fitting Hair Dressing Parlor Manicuring, Shampooing, Singeing, Bleaching, tTouching-Up. Up-to-date Scientific Scalp and Skin TrealmenU, Face Mauage and Bleaching CINDERELLA GOLDEN GLINT enhances the color beauty of any ihade of hail. Price 2.') cento.' Phone Red 1701 O'KaneBldg. Room 28 LADIES' DTZ & DUNN Style Shoes of Quality! Widths from AA to EEE and Sizes from 2 1-2 to 8 1-2 THEY FIT PERFECTLY WEAR AND HOLD THEIR SHAPE FURNITURE WE can furnish your home very nicely at half the price. We carry a very complete line of used furniture. Come in and look over our immense stock. . Heath --Second Hand Store 1537 BOND STREET MEN'S PETERS tttew "JDIamcnd tfhand DIAMOND BRAND SOLID LEATHER. B <HR.OUGHOUT AVe Absolutely Guarantee Satisfaction, Wear and Price Priced from $4 to $8.25 MEN'S ALL-FOR-WEAR WORK SHOES THEY OFTEN WEAR OVER 12 MONTHS .' ... PRICED FROM $3.50 to $1 1.00 t