PAGE I TIIK I1EXI) nVM.KTIN, DAILY KDITION, 11KM), OltKt.'ON, Tlll'HSD.W, DKCICMllKH ISO, ItMT The Bend Bulletin DAILY KDITION . PklUkf4 Ererr Aft.rnoon Bandar. HKND, UKGUUN. Kntarsd aa Scond Class matter, Jani'tr? , I 117. at tha Post Oftira at Band, Oregon. and.r Act of March S. 1879. CKORGK PAI.MKR PUTNAM Publish.r ROHKKT W. SAWYKR Kriitor-Manairer LIK'II.K K. SAl'NllKKS Awociat. FLOYD C. WKSTKRK1ELD. . . .Assistant Mar. RALPH Si'KNChU Mechanical Sunt. An Indercndent Newspaper, standing- for the aquara deal, clean business, clean politics anj tha beat interests of Bend and Central Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Bj Mali. On Year M.OO Six Months H.-t Three Months 11.60 Br Carrier One Year M.60 tlx Months 13.60 One Month 0 All subscriptions are due and PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Notices of expiration are maUeJ aubacribers and if renewal is not made within reasonable time the paper will be discontinued. Please notifr us promptly of any change of address, or of failure to receive the palter reiru- larly. Otherwise we will not be responsible for copies missed. Make all checks and orders payable to The Vend Bulletin. past 111 the sitme Ii'iinlh of time. Titus y will bo observed Unit Sen ator Miwiry Is not tli wottklliiK tlio Voter editor omlravors to miiko out. GENERAL MORRISON DIRECTS TRAINING IKy United Press to The Bend Bulletin.) WASHINGTON, Doc. 20. .Major General .Morrison lias been mi hum! dlreetor of military training with the duty of co-ordinating trttlnliiK In nil camps and cantonments. The new ap pointee tins had long experltuire as head of the army service school and recently tnspectd tho French front. IB. 1916, and April SO. 1917, by adding Section 28 provldhiK for ap praisers to place a valuation on prop erty benefited and to bo assessed for street nud sewer improvements, said valuation to be used na the limit for which application may be filed to bond under the provisions of Section 27 of said chapter In lieu of the valu ation shown by the lust tax roll of tho county, Voto YKS or NO. 300 Yes. 301 No. HEffiSS THURSDAY. DECEMBER 20, 1917 BEND TOO SMALL. Any business man in the city of Bend who is unable to buy a dollar membership in the Red Cress is in euch circumstances that he needs either the assistance of his friends or that of an association ol his cred itors. It he has not a dollar he can cpare after aU the prosperity Bend has enjoyed for months he ought to be working tor someone els?, not himself. Any other business man, cr any other man, who has a dollar and will not join the Red Cross, ougn: to be doing the goose-step along with the other Germans. It is not the dollar that is wanted in this campaign. If It were money 4he Red Cross were seeking in the present drive it would be forthcom ing just as the $100:000,000 was last summer. It's not the money, but the evidence of good will that is wanted. The evidence that the individual is back of his country in the war on bar barism. Taxation forces everyone to back the government so far as the taxes go. What the Red Cross but ton means is the volunteer spirit in supporting the war, and that comes only from the willing and the pa triotic. The unwilling and unpatriotic can have no other explanation of their action than a wish to see the United States defeated in the war and Ger many victorious. They would see the sons and husbands and fathers of Bend who are now serving beneath the Stars and. Stripes left wounded and dead on the battle field, or drowned by a s'.inking submarine. They would take the protection given them by our country and bought by the denial and sacrifice of the rest of us and batten in contentment while the rest of us bleed. Bend is a good-sized town, but it is too small to contain the rest of us and that breed. NOTICE. Modem Woodmen of America and Royal Neighbors, you are cordially In vited to attend a Christmas tree en tertainment at Sathor's hall, Christ mas night. Bring your basket. Good programme and a good time assured. COMMITTEE. HAS CKXTRAI. OREGON ARTICLE. The current issue of the Standard Oil Bulletin contains an article en titled "From Bend to Silver Lake," with photographs of an old horse teaming outfit and L. D. Fox's truck and trailer with a load of wool. Notice to Ice Consumers. I am retiring from the Ice business January 1, 1917. Any of my cus tomers having unused Ice books, please return to me before that date for refund. A. G. ALLEN. II. Shall Section 1 of Chanter 3 of the Charter of (ho city of Uend be amended so as to provide tor ho Id I ok city elections at the same time us elections for State and County offic ials are held, providing that tho Mayor and Treasurer of said city shall hold their offices for the term of two veiirtt. and mttmhttrn nf lh,t Council for a term of four years, and repealing all provisions of tho char ter and ordinance of said city in con flict therewith? Voto YES or NO. IcKiil voters of said city voting upon Hiild (iiestlou, specifically uiilliorlxn the I'iiIhIuk of said amount, for tho roaaou that the sainn la In excess of tho nix per cent Increase over tho tax lnvy for tho year 1 9 10, allowed by the Constitution and laws of tho Statu of Oivkoii: bo uoi'itasary that it majority of the "Shall taxes In the amount uf $2Ti,000 be levied upon the taxable pnipertv of the City of Bond, fur tho year 1918?" Vole YES or NO. 304 Yes. 1105 No. 302 Yes. 303 No. Because in the judgment of the Common Council, It will require the sum of $25,000 economically, and with the reouislto efficiency to op erate tho government of tho City of Hend, for tho year 191S. and because in order to raise said amount, It will That said proposed measure are printed In pamphlet form by the city and copies delivered to every legal voter in the city, whose address Is known, and suld pamphlet can also be hud at the office of l lie Recorder of said city upon application. The Kcncrul purport of said meas ures are expressed in the ballot titles therefor adopted by the Common Council, which suld title will appear upon tho ballot 111 tho foregoing words, reaped Ively. That said election shall bn conduct ed In all respects In accordance with the Coimtltutlou nnd laws of the State of Oregon, and tho charter nud ordi nances of the City of Uend. Uy order of tho COMMON COl'NCII. OF SAID CITY OF HKNI), Dated at lionet, Oregon, this 17th day of December, 1917. II. C. ELLIS. Recorder. NOTICE OF SPECIAL KLKCTION FOR THE CIT- OK HEXD. Notice is hereby given that a spec ial election will be held in the City ot Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon, on Friday, to-wit: December 2S. 1917, between the hours of 8:00 A. M. and S:00 P. M., the voting place in said city tor said election shall be the hose house, at the corner of Minnesota Avenue and Lava Road. The Judges and Clerks of said elec tion shall be as follows: E. D. GILSON. Chairman, W. FERGUSON, J. F. ARNOLD, Judges, ASHLEY FORREST. O. C. HENKLE, Clerks. Said election is called and held for voting upon the adoption or rejection ot three certain measures adopted by the Common Council, and referred by the Common Council to the voters of said city. To amend Chapter JwlX of the City of Bend charter enacted by the legal voters at the special election held November 22, 1911, and as amended at the special elections held August r a"y - us -t.. y&'-'-zMjtf THE Brunswick In addition to playing all records, the Brunswick has ninny other ad ditional and exclusive features that stump It as tho masterpiece In phonograph making. We want you to know theso fea tures, but you cannot fully ap preciate them until you seo the Brunswick and hear it play. That is why we Invite you to come and hear it. We want you to compare It with ordinary phonographs. You will not be urged to buy. Come prepared for a musical treat. You will not be disappointed. If you cant come, write for particulars. THE OWL PHARMACY, Agents. A DIRTY FLING. (Harney County News.) The Oregon Voter, edited by an erstwhile, takes an askant fling at Oregon's junior senator, Charles L. McNary, in the interests of the erst while's pocket, becaue Hon. R. N. Stanfield, Judge McNary's opponent in the primaries for senatorial nom-j inatlon, has the largest bank account. The News only wants all fairness, and a superficial, shallow camouflage article, couched in language such as the last issue of the Voter contained, does not In the least shed a shadow of fairness. Oregon's interests would not in the least be jeopardized with either can didate elected to the senate, tbut when the Voter gives the "back-handed" slap, "that Senator McNary could make more votes by staying out of the state than he could If he were home," the uninitiated citizen rather shies at the remark as well as the candidate. The Voter also tries to "get funny" (?) In endeavoring to ironically remark concerning some of Senator McNary's peculiar character istics. Senator McNary's force of charac ter, general adaptation to tho honor able position he holds, together with his masterful qualifications and fore sight, rapidly won recognition and high esteem among the high counsel lors of our nation. A distinction In frequently accorded Junior senators. Also the junior senator has accom plished more in one term than any other senator from Oregon has in the Warner S BEND'S HOLIDAY CENTER Come to Headquarters For Your Gifts We Have Just What You Want At The Price You Want to Pay mm New life for the Victor livery Victor Record Cuts iu:w life into l he 'ictor, brings new tmjoy ment to yourself and lamily. "A 1 GIVE A PHONOGRAPH RECORD You just know it KODAK will be appreciated. REED & HORTON, THE HEX ALL STOKK Bend Hauling Co EXPRESS AND DACGAGE LIGHT AM) IIKAVV IIAl'LINd MOVINd HOUSEHOLD GOODS A SPECIALTY AUTO TRUCK SERVICE 1'IIONE RLACK 451 I'll ONE 1 J LACK 451 We cut our meat so you get the most for your money. CASH MARKET 148 OREGON STREET Tip 4 II I I I a n L. K. SHEPHERD Pianos and Player Pianos Direct Factory Hi'iirrwiitutlvo Phonographs and Records Murphy Building Greenwood Ave. Near Depot Bend View BEND'S MOST SCENIC RESIDENCE 1'ROI'ERTY Every Iot i-ommunds u view of the Hiver. Mountains and City. Building restrictions according to Ijocation. PRICES: $100 AND UP TERMS: Reaiionab e J. kVAN & CO We'll loan you money lo build. o'Kane Bid. phone J6I SHEVLIN PINE SOLD BY MILLER LUMBER COMPANY SASH. DOORS and MILL WORK Phone 1661 FOR SASH FACTORY WOOD PHONE BEND WHITE PINE SASH CO. 441 THE BACKBONE OF BEND IS LUMBER MANUFACTURING OUR PAYROLLS MAKE YOUR PROFITS ' BY BUYING LOCAL PRODUCTS - Y0U ARE HEWING BENT). The Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co. T-iocitl SuIrh Aj(nt MILLUrt LUMIIICU CO. Con.ploto Stock of Lumuor Lath, Buxh and boors