The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, December 11, 1917, Page 2, Image 2

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    TAOK a
The Bend Bulletin
PBkHskaa' sSsrr Aftirnoon Kicspl 8ati4aj.
Entered as Second Class matter. January
I MIT, at Ui Post Offirt at Bend; Orecoo.
Act of March I, 187.
tOHKHT W. SAWYER Edltor-Manairsr
lUl'll.K F. SAUNDKKS Asotiat Editor
XOYD C. WKSTKKKlELD....Asslstaat HT.
BALPd SPKNCKK Mechanical SupL
An Inderendent Newspaper, standing for
Id squara deal, clean business, clean politics
anj the beat Intcrcats of Bend and Central
By Mall.
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All subscriptions are due and PAYABLE IN
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subscribers and if renewal Is not made within
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Please notify us promptly of any chanire of
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Make all checks and orders payable to The
Bend Bulletin.
Something has happened. A sim
ple and thrilling thing that brings
something of real greatness to our
lives, humble as they may be.
It is the observance of our first
Red Cross Christmas. One cannot
have even the thought of its appro
priateness and Its significance in this
world of anguish without having
touched the highest thoughts of all
the world that which was given on
the birthday we are celebrating
"Behold, I bring you good tidings of
great joy whiich shall be to all peo
ple"; and that which was expressed
In the Red Cross treaty made by na
tions, which established that in war
fare the sick and wounded of the
enemy should be sacred to the Red
This is a Christmas when we can
not see our new young soldiers,
strong and straight of back, without
visioning those others whom war has
made helpless. We cannot see the
happiness of our children without
thinking of those little ones in Eur
ope who have starved to death. Per-
verdale and Bend, regarding the out
coma of the vote at Slstors mid Clo
vordalo. The matter was never dis
cussed here and even Bond has not
been charged with using any undue
influence Redmond was simply will
ing to admit these two districts, pro
viding they wanted to come In.
"It seems now understood that Sis
tors and Cloverdulo voted to slay out
with the mistakeu Idea that they
could remain out of any and all high
school districts, but this Is true only
when the wholo majority of the pro
posed district votes to stay out and
this is not probablo when Bend
launches her county high school or
ganization. At that time Sisters and
Cloverdulo will In all probability be
come a part of the county high school
district, although they may register
a solid vote against It.
"But this is their own business.
Redmond never asked them to come
here and Is more or less Indifferent
in the matter. Redmond simply wants
to do the right thing with all con
cerned at all times."
We are glad to bo sot right con
cerning the feeling of tho Redmond
people In the matter of the school dis
trict vote. l were informed on
good authority that a feeling of re
sentment existed. If it does not, so
much the better.
Wilhelm Accepts Throne
of Hell From Satan's Hands
Several days ago we reported
"Bill" llanU'y as suggesting that Ore
gon east or the Cascades be formed
into a separate state, the state of Liu
coin. The Madras Pioneer quotes the
article and approves the idea, saying:
"Elsewhere in this issue appears an
interview given by 'Bill' Hanley, the
accredited 'Sage of Harney County,"
in which he suggests a state be made
of all that part of Oregon lying east
of the Cascades, and that the new
state be named Lincoln. The sug
gestion is worthy of thought inas
much as it is very probable that some
day the thought will be a reality, and
much sooner than many are prone to
believe. There are many valid rea
sons why the state should be divided.
The climatic conditions are so differ
ent that many highway problems ap-
baps we cannot deck our children's i pik-able to the west are not applicable
Christmas trees without remembering
that He in whose honor they are, was
"man of sorrows and acquainted
with grief."
In the Red Cross campaign for 10,
000,000 new members during the
week preceding Christmas there is
scope for all our tenderness, all our
richest imaginings, all our new-born
power of simplicity of heart, all our
possibilities of service.
The Red Cross chapters have asked
all members of the American Red
Cross to take part dn a simple cere
mony on Christmas eve the placing
of a lighted candle in the window
shining through a Red Cross service
flow on the window pane. This flag
is a piece of white transparent paper,
blue-bordered, with the sign of the
Red Cross, five inches square In the
center, and smaller crosses to be add
ed for each of the household who is
a member of the Red Cross. It is an
expression of service in tbis unexam
pled time a symbol so instinctive
that the Red Cross will glow from the
windows of our homes over the
length and breadth of the land, send
ing out the Christmas message to the
world, and telling not only the pass
erby, but our own hearts, that Just
as our boys and men are finding new
strength In their new sacrifices, so
may be through our new service.
to the east portions, and it Is admit
ted that the road question is the
greatest problem of the state, as a
whole, will be called upon to meet.
Horr von Lucifer 11. Satan, Infernal
My Very Hear Satan: Your letter
of June 28, 1917, Is before us where
in you so graciously nhdlcate your
throne In our favor which wo have
accepted with full knowledge of 1(8
Importance, and will assure you be
yond doubt that the Infernal regions
will liwo nothing In frlghlfulnoss by
tho change of administration. We
fully appreciuto your dlploinucy and
good sense In abdicating before the
crash, for the day has arrived when
German power and Influence will en
circle tho earth; for only by German
efficiency can the universe progress;
for such Is the German idea that all
things must succumb to its force.
Your letter of abdication will go
down In history as a stato paper of
more than ordinary torco tor which
you have our Imperial appreciation.
You showed very good judgment
when you said "the pupil had become
tho waster"; as we aro pupil, we
thank you for reminding us of the
truthful old proverb, "If tho pupil
does not become greater than the
master the world must come to u
standstill." In consideration of your
faithful services in the past I appoint
you for the present chancellor of
our kingdom of hell and you will tukc
your orders from us direct.
ATTENTION! ! ! You will at one
establish a secret wireless con' in u nl
cation between hades and tho cek'S
tial regions. I have reason to bclicvi
that English influence is 'lmiij
brought to bear in that locality. In
asmuch as it Is to his own Interest
uott is still nut uns. Hut tiiero is a
lack of efficiency and thoroughness
contrary to the German Idea; quick
and certain counter action must tukc
place at once.
You will this day llberato from the
traitor's chamber of torture four arch
traitors, namely. Judas Iscariot, Gen
eral Bernodotte, tho Duke of Au-
ustenburg and Benedict Arnold. Ju
das will go to Russia and become an
apostle In the faith of Kerensky. He
will lead that hated Russian to the
garden of Gethscmcni and see that
the Pharisees once more do their
duty. Bernadotte, who betrayed Na
poleon Bonaparte and received the
There are other reasons, and there throne of Sweden for his treachery
are igood reasons. The name 'Lin- will go to Stockholm at once. While
coin' would be very appropriate." the aristocracy and the royal house
of Sweden arc our secret allies, the
I common people lean towards our en
emies. This must be averted, for we
I shall expect Sweden to strike Russia
There will be a lange sum spent on
in the back no later than September,
PontMl ftroffnn rnaila Imtrlt, ,, I n ,ha I
year 191S. Why spend any of it on13'"- -"""-'"o" ' " r-dirt-filled
roads? Everyone knows it v"'e .Swe(lcn wl" be "8tc" 89 a brlsl,t
After quoting a recent editorial
from this column in respect to the
Tote of the surrounding school dis
tricts on the proposition of joining
the Redmond Union H'igh School dis
trict, the Redmond Spokesman In Its
latest Issue says:
"The above from the Bend Bulletin
Is a correct statement of the situation
with the exception that Redmond
is money ill spent. Why not take ad
vantage of Central Oregon's main i
asset for road building. Thus, hard
pan near the surface for road foun
dation, small rock and gravel, us-:
ually plenty in top soil, to make'
4 to 6, by 6 to 8-Inch filling on hard-:
pan, if sifted out of the dirt, then ,
stamped and rolled. This, with a j
light coat of our famous cinders,
would made ideal roads.
I have a .plan by which this can be
done in a single operation, (less the
cinders). My plan will necessitate
the construction of special machinery (
and will Involve some money. Would
like to correspond with those inter
ested. Inquire by letter to Bend
Bulletin. 305-llc
Hotpoint Electric Irons, $5.00, The
feels resentment toward Sisters, Clo- Power Co.
Myron H. Symons
The Working Man's
Christmas Presents that Last a Lifetime
Solid Gold Cuff Buttons $2. CO and
up, engraved free; fine assortment
Scarf Pins $1.00 and up; Bracelet
' watches $9.00 and up; Brooches,
Rings, Fobs, Chains, and other arti
cles too numerous to mention.
We carry a fine stock of 1847 Rog
ers, and Community Silver tableware.
"The Jeweler who always sells
lou'nl In mir Inmarln! Crnwn H'hnii
small countries shall cease to live.
An extraordinary evil spirit Is need
led in England today. You will equip
laud order the Duke of Augustcnbiirg
I to London. It was ho who sot the
' trap that took the lire oX Frederick
i of Denmark and later brought Ger
many two provinces or his country.
So cleverly was this done that we reel
pcrr;ctly safe In trusting England's
premier Lloyd George, In the hands or
the Duke ferstehen sle? To "strafe"
England is the whole object of this
war. If, therefore, we have to de
stroy all living things and make the
earth unfit for men. The blood lust
or the German eagle Is rampant and
Dnutchland Uber Ailes, his slogan.
In your letter or abdication you said,
"I planted in your soul a deep hatred
for England and ail things English."
For that, my dear Satan, accept our
royal thanks. For this hatred Is our
very lire, the mainspring or our am
bition and the world shall quake, and
blood shall flow until all things Eng
lish shall have perished. Likewise
do I hate the English cousins across
the sea.
The art of treason so highly devel
oped In tho Fatherland la well under
way in America. The work of our
hpy system covers evjiy accursed
ittvte in tho Ui.lon and scnoois of
treason under various names, such as
silickers, pacifist', People's Council of
America, I. W. V.'s, and others, are
fibl developing. It is now our desire
U consolidate ilie various factions
under one bann -r and one leader;
therefore you will at onm' dispntcn
Horr Benedict voi Arnold to America
with a letter of Introduction to the
BungomniBter or Chicago who will
assign him rooms for general head
quarters and further establish branch
offices in Milwaukee, Cincinnati, HI..
Louis and Davenport, Iowa. You
will place at his command a large
assignment of Iron Crosses to be dis
tributed as he sees fit, also the "yel
low book" that will give tho location
of our wireless stations and names or
certain American officials loyal to
our cause. Place at his demand suf
ficient money for bribes and exor
cise Prussian efficiency everywhere.
It shall be his special duty to look
after one Theodore von Roosevelt,
general of a division of "kuli punch
ers." It Is of tho utmost Importance
that this man shall never set foot on
tho soil of Franco. Vso technique If
possible, but rather than full ai'li
hlmiunl!!! "Schlack hi in on dor head
in It a brlckstt'ln." This Is tho most
Important part of his mission, and
impress this upon his in I ml, If ha
(nils, buck to tho torture chamber of
trulturs ho goes, never attain to ho
liberated. Apropos', llurr von Sutiiii.
llberato Shakespeare's Imp of Infamy,
Horr von logo, and give lilm Instruc
tions to look for men higher up. I
dare say neither of us need to give
him further Instructions; ho knows
Ihoigitnio; ho Is past grand master.
And now my deiir friend, without
diminishing your wonderful talent I
will have to tell you that tho present
condition of hell Is Insufficient to (he
(Ionium! of Prussia. You must at unco
proceed to Germanize every unit In
tho Infernal regions. Under penalty
of hitherto unknown cruelties, no
languiiKa but German sltitl! be spok
en. You will call your architects and
havo u new annex erected for all fu-
( Continued on i'ugo 3.)
Make Music Your Gift
This Christmas
Tim Wonderful I'ullieplionn iiirWlnit
with In Ntiinl Nucrraa, Villi should iw
and hour this remiirkiililii liirilruiiuiiil.
It has nil Hut features of an ordinary
phonograph anil iiiiiny exclusive foii
1 ii res found only In tint Pathcpliouo.
Hovornl homos worn made happy Inst
wook with this perfect Instrument.
You can lie the next,
Our Pianos aro Htuudurd makes and
guarnnli'od to Inst n lifetime; sold u
easy payments, ill root from the milk
ers. Prices always tho towns!, quiil
Ity considered.
Thompson Piano Store
15a Minnesota St., next door American Ex press Ofiiee
Also Demonstrations at DAY MUSIC Co.
Your Christmas buying this year calls for more careful consideration than ever before.
It is the time for the giving of useful gifts, things that will not be worn out or discard
ed in a week or a month; gifts that will add to the comfort ami convenience of the
home and that will give pleasure for years. What is more suitable than good Furniture?
32 I jaannsasZ " j."' ' ''
M auluuuauuuuauBauuuuauaauuua f''n'a'" BB aW
New "Hoosier Wonder"
Advertised la the National Magazine
Why not give her a HOOSIER CABINET? It will save
miles of steps and make the work of the kitchen a pleasure.
Expensive? No! ' Prices range from $29.85 to $49.50.
Terms as low as $1.00 down, $1.00 a week.
Cedar Chests
Writing Desks
Dressing Tables
Sewing Rockers
Flower Stands
Library Tables
Arm Rockers
Morris Chairs
Dining Tables
Electric Lamps
Sewing Baskets
We have just received
a shipment of FOLD
They are light weight,
strong and durable and
the price is only $8.73.
Vacuum Sweepers
the guaranteed kind,
makes! an acceptable
gift. Priced from
$9.75 to $12.50
This In the Glory Universal Range.
It is an all cast ranga that bakes ev
enly, holds the heat and docs not rust,
out. If you want a reully good range
you will buy a Universal. Vour old
stovo taken as part payment.
paaaWSBtffif ttaataaaaaaaV;
Singer Sewing
Every home needs a
Sewing Machine and
the best is the cheapest
The Singer is sold the
world over, is covered
by the broadest possi
ble guarantee and can
be bought on
Very Easy Terms
Make your selections
now while stocks are
complete. We will hold
the pieced selected and
deliver when wanted.
Wouldn't a good Kocker help to
make your living room moro coinfnr!
ahln? It's a Rift tho wholo family
can enjoy, Prices rungo from
$3.75 to $40.00