THE BEND BULLETIN TI1K WEATHER Know or Uu In ToiiIkIiI unit Tomorrow. DAILY EDITION Vi II. IIKNI), DKHCIIUTKH COUNTY, OIIEOON, Tlll'RHDAY AKTEIIXOOX, l)K( EMKEH fl, 1017 NO. I, 4 4 .is 1 I COUNTY VALUES OVER 85,500,000 FINAL FIGURES ARE GIVEN OUT. H'hI.IIk I'llll.l... A.I.I K I I" III-. ! In . , . I - - CJOUTliil AsschmiiciiIi Valliif ' lulii I'nr KI-ll li U Nun ItcliiK Worked (Mil. Till! lllllll IIHHIVOI'd VII I II It I loll l( lii-m-lniii'M ii it t y fur ill" yi'iir l!H7 mi which III" 1 It 1 H taxes will l"t lev led Ik r.,,l,l..'l', according to an " n ii ii 1 1 iik'M t iniiili) this morning by .m in AHHi itMtir W. T. M n I lur k '. 'I'll IH flKurn Includes III" public ulll It y viiluiillniiH J iint received from lli .Statu 'I'm CiiiiiiiiIhhIiiii, Ihn total for 111.' county being $4:ia.Ut5.42. l.ul year's public utility viiluullim huh H'.K.iao, Kur puriioiii'ii of taxation ihn vur lmn utilities III til ci I'ouiiiy ant valui'il ti shown In Ihn follow Ink Hat, thi' amount bitliw til" county rutin, or 4S per cent of tli ii actual value, im foiinil l.v Ihn Tax ('oiuiiiIkhIoii: Oregon Trunk Jtullway, $279.0'.!4; O. W. It. N., $Kti, 5X2.40; Northern Express Couipuiiy, I KT. II . 2 S ; American F.x prens ('otiiiiiny. f 12113. SH; Mi'liil Wu t.T. I.IkIiI nml Power Company. $44.1110; Dimchutta Power Couipuny. ISG94.14; Mount Plim Telephone Ciiiiiliiiny, I172.KO; l.n I'lnc iiml Southern Telephone Company, $.'.11.40; Pacific Telephone k TVIc iiniph Company. tUKlC.'Jii; Dc. -t)t .Mutual Tclcphotiit Company, SS2.1.G8; KariiM-m Mutual Telephone Company, 1432 ; Farmers T"li-phonii I, Inn Number 4. 173. SH; Farmers' Tlt-photm Min Number 13. $r.7.:.o. ' Mr. Mullark.-y In now work Ihk out 1li.- utility valuation figures for the various IiixIiik district In tlm county which urn Interested. JACKIES HAVE REAL THANKSGIVING MEAL llend Hoy Hmd Mi'liil of "Hln Kwd" On llonril tin- I', K. Iliiltlc. t.lili Arizona. In a letter nut from a llontl boy n hoard tint battleship Arlxona to Tim llullxtlti n menu of tlm Thanks Riving dinner on liourd nun inrload. Tim writer, who (lid not disclose his tiiimn, explain Ills minim for sending til.' can! n followii: "I'm hap It wight Interest niiiny friends nml par ents of tlm ll.'iid boys who urn In Ihn r.nvy nml who could not Im hntnn at till tltnn. Vou run see wo had a regular (lluniT, not only on Dm It Ik A.' but on all of I'llcln Sum' ships. "Wit iinjoyoil ourselves Immnnsoly lis tin. in. 'ii I sort of evened things 11 P n hit." Testifying to the ample proportions of thn dlnimr In tho menu, which In rhulcB all thn seasonable goodies. In cludlug oyster cocktail, rrcam of chicken nml tomato soups, rolory, nnl pickles, spiced Vli'Klnlii ham, 'midlml swot potatnea, caper iuiuccr, I'llncnBH Annu turkey, ullilct gravy, oyster drnKKltiK, baked now pntntocB, jipnrihjtti lips, cranberry saucn, com 'hliiatloii fruit and mavontiulsn Hiil- jkM, iiilni'ii and pttmiikin pies, iipplcs, V irjitiiffm. tiiinnnnH. nHHiirtnd litlta. cof fee and cocon. Threatened Strike of U. P. Telegraph (nr United Vrmn tn Tlm firm! Ilullrtln.) NI5W YORK, Doc, (I. After eight weeks' nnxntlntion which had rnHiilt m1 n completo deadlock with a Htrlko m Jnntinry as n throntnnod outcome, tlio mnnagnment of tho United Press and a roinmllteo representing tho Vnltod Press tolegrapliers' union hnvo ' signed a new contract embodying an litcronso of moro tltnn $05,000 ubovo tho present oporptors' scalo. The coivtriiet, as finally signed, was tho rosttlt of fodoral ', niodltitlou lirottght by Howlantl 11. Mahiiny, cotn liilsHlonor of conciliation of tho V. S. Dr-pnrtmnnt of I,iibor, who hud boon callod In an offort to bronk tho deadlock. Whon a bronk seemed In nvltahlo, ConnnlRRlonnr Alabnny dlc lalotl 'thn final draft of nn nRt'oflmont. which ltn Biilmilttod to both . sides wllli on nntiouiicomont that tho en BOMBS FOR AIRPLANE USE Here are acverul of Ihn Intct air pin ll.t houilih IllVellleil by AllH'I'li'llllK nil. I ncepted by our novel iiinent. They do not i-xploilu except when xtrlk lui; on ilielr iiukch. E VISITS IN BEND KNK.HTS OK I'VTIII.AH ;IVK A IIANOfhT HH J.KHI.IK K. ( Ikii ( ii (;i:oitiic im.i.Hi ito.M IS I.MTIATKH. An a forerunner of tint dlHlrlct ron veiulon whl h tlie KulKhta of I'ythlas lodKn will hold In Il.nd sometime next Keliruary. a reception was itlveii laHt nlxbt fur (iriiud Cliunrellor l.ealie K. Crourli, who was a vlaitor In this city yeaterduy. Kollowlim tho Inltla lion of (iforce lllllittrom, who ro ceUed tlm third rank, a banquet was held in Mather's hull. .About no ini'iiibera of the lodge attended. Mr. Crouch kuvu an nddrcss. The chancellor left this afternoon for I'rlnitvllln. Whilu In Ili'iid ho was taken nlhtHenlnit over tho town. Frank Parker was In churuc of ar runKementa for his eutertalnmetit and thn liiiti(iiet. Itedmond and I'rlnevllln will par tlcipato In tint convention early next year. Tho Indue will soon hi'Kln plans for their entertainment. SMALL COUNTRIES CONSIDERED MENACE May Include Turkey anil Ituliiiirlii III War Declaration Analllt AiiNlrln. (Ill Unltrtl Proi to Tin. IW.i.l flultrtln.) WASMIN'OTON. I). C. Dee. 0 Tho ForeiRti Holatlotis commlttco favor ably reported today on tho resolution declaring war against Auatrla. Opon I UK debate clearly showed seullmont to ho In favor of declaring war against Turkey and Hulgurla as well. In splto of tho recommendations of President Wilson. Hcpi'RHnntntlvo Miller declared '.but tho presenco of Turkish nnd Uul;tar Inn representatives In WnshlnKlott. is a menace. He said tltnt Information Is reaching lieilln dally tbroimh them. Men is Averted tire, foreg of the federal government would ho brought to bear on either or both sides It iioceBsnry tn Insure tho adoption of thn proposal. Tho new contract establishes a $30 minimum wage In tho smaller cities as nRnlnst $24.25 thn present scale; fixes a dlftorontlnl 'for tho larger cities, Increases tho Biliary of bnronii operators $8 n week ubovo tho pres ent contract scnlo and sendlnig op erators In thn big relay btirnuus $0,50 per wonk above tho prosottt scalo for olgbt hours' work.' An olght 'hour day, Including 30 minutes for lunch, Is established, and a two weeks' vacation with pay Is Bl lowod all tnon of moro than ouo yotir's service. Othor substantia) In creases In tho nmt tor of overtime nnd Incidentals nro Included lit tho how wngo iigroemeiit. LODG ALLIES SUFFER LIGHT GERMANS TAKE MANY PRISONERS. Kiiciiiy Kxert Kleuily IVi-wnirc On All l imits Si'Viiiil Kiiccefiil Ite t ren I h 10 ff ecli'il A uhI i-Iiiiin Iti'iiciv Drive In Italy. Ity llliiiin I'lillllp SiiimiK, 1 1'nitr.l Vrvmm Kutf (,rn.-wn.lriil. ) DltlTISII 1 1 K A I HjVA ItTKKrf, Dec fi Crown Prince llupprecbt contin ued u steady prensure against (leti arel llyng's sullent toduy. Heavy fighting was reported on both sides of the llrltlHh wedge into the (ierinan lines. The weather Is exceptionally clear and cold. H.MAI. I. (iAINS MADi:. I()M)().V. Dec. 0. Houthwtat of j.uvactiierl the Itrlllbh Hues have ad vanced slightly, according to General Ilalg's report. Near Koyelles Kur Lescat and llotirlon wood the I)rltlli withdrew slightly without interfer ence from tho enemy. Huig said that until late yesterday tho Germans wore unaware of this movement. SIA'KX 4'OM.Ml'XKS STOItMKI). HKHI.I.V, Dec. C. Austro-Gnrmans today renewed the drive against Italy, capturing 11.000 Italians and GO guns, It was stated. Seven communes in tho M. 'Hello .Mountains were stormed, und strong positions taken and maintained. The Germans advanced two and one-half miles against the Dritish over a six mile front, capturing Graln.-ourt, Aniieux. Cautalng, Noy clleH and the wooded heights north of Mnrcolng. In the Cambrai sector 11000 prisoners, 1 4 S guns and 71C machine guns were taken. FIGHTING IS VIOI.KXT. IIOMK. Dec. G. After unprece dented fighting, tho Italians retired slightly before tho renewed enemy drive, it Is slated. WAR PROBLEMS TOPIC OF SCHOOL MEETING II. M. (runt, J. Alton Tliiinipxoii mill Cnry JoIiiinoii Are SMnkert. An Interesting program was given last night at the monthly meeting of tho I'nrent-Teiichers' Association at (ho high school. Principal 11. M. Grant. County School Superintendent J. Alton Thompson and Carl Johnson were, tho speakers on various phases of tho topic, "War Probloms Our Part In Their Solution." Tho pupils In Miss Dlackford's and Miss Wllklns' rooms gave several folk dances and songs, accompanied by Alico Stock man on tho piano. Miss Dlackford's room was nward od tho prize of a potted plant for be ing represented by the latgei,t num ber of parents. FATHERS WEAR STARS FOR BOYS IN SERVICE ltcnil Men Who Hnvo Shown Patriot Ism In Giving Sons to Nation, Hecelve Undoes iim Tokens. Men who nro decorated with ono or moro stars because their sons tiro serving In tho United States army or navy, nro becoming fairly numerous In llonil. but there arc many more who aro entitled to wear the service budges. John Steldl, Harrison Lath am, and It. Ii. Deynrmoud each wear two stars,. Indicating that each hits two sons serving their country. 1 Tho bndges are oblong In shapo, neatly otmmelod In red, whlto, blue nnd gold, and hear ono star for each boy enlisted. Bond fathers nro Justly proud of tho decorations' and their significance. LITTLEfGIRL VICTIM OF SCARLET FEVER Funeral services wero bold this af ternoon for littlo Fay Logan, tho small duughtor of E. O. Logan, who dlod yeaterday from scarlet fovoV. Tho tot was ill two wookg. Sho was the youngest of 'Mr. Logan' two children and Is survived by nor par ents and a nlno year old brother. ZEPPELIN CAPTURED BY THE FRENCH I Ai Two views of the great new type Zeppelin which was brought down practically uninjured by French aviators when It was returning from a raid over London. It came to ground near l!ourloniie-leH-l',nlni. Air Raiders Active; German Bombs are Dropped Over Kent (Ur Uniud Pr lu The RrnA Bulletin.) LONDON. Dec. 5. Twenty- flvo enemy airplanes made sim- ultuneous attacks on Kent this morning, Lord French snnounc- ed. Two German machines were forced to land, and the aviators were captured. A heavy fire was directed against the raiders during the two and one- half hours through which the raid lasted. Lord French announced that seven were killed and 21 in- Jurcd. liaiTISII UKTAI.IATK. LONDON. Dec. 6. British - aviators bombed Sparappel- hock and dropped explosives on a train and munition dump at Eugel, the admiralty announced. LIBRARY PURCHASES 18 POPULAR NOVELS Some Will ltd Placed On Cliuiigc List AH of Thorn Are Rc cent EditioiiN. Eighteen new books were placed on tho library shelves this morning and may now- ba taken out In circu lation. Some of these will be on the charge list, the borrower paying five cents for tho first day tho book is kept and three cents for each succeed ing one. The books were brought up from Portland by Mrs. E. M. Thomp son on her recent trip to tho city. Tho list is as follows: "The Love of a Bishop." H. G. Wells; "Chris tine," Alice Cholmondeley; "My Home In tho Field of Honor," Fran ces Wilson Huard; "The Circular Staircase," Mary Roberts Rlnehart; "Laddie." Gene Stratton Porter; "Murtio," Knthleen Norris; "Anne's House of Dreams," Montgomery; "Rhymes of a Red Cross Man," Rob ert W. Service; "Tarzan of the Apes," Edgar Rice Burroughs; "The Seed of tho Righteous," Juliet Wilbur Tomp kins; "Mistress Anno," Temple nul lity; "In Happy Valley," John Fox, Jr.; "Beyond," John Galsworthy; "The Light In the Clearing," Irving Bntcholler; "The Landloper," Homan Day; "The Heart's Kingdom," Maria Thompson Davles; "The Major," Ralph Connor; "Nobody," Louis Jos eph Vance. TRAIN WRECK KILLS TWO IN CALIFORNIA IPy United Prem to The Bend Bulletin.) REDDING, Cal.. Dec. 6 Two were killed and eight Injured this morning when tho California express was wrockod two miles north of Sisson. Two trains with their locomotives woro derailed. PEACE ATTEMPT IS EXPOSED BY PAPERS (Br United Pram to The Bend Bulletin.) PBTROGRAD, Dec. 6. Foreign Mlulstor Trotsky has published secret diplomatic papers rovenlltiig Ger many's endeavors to obtain peace through Spain InBt August. WmWff Am DISTRICT VOTES L l.F.VY WILL I'HOBABLY BE 20 MILLS O.VLV 17 BALLOTS CAST AT SPECIAL KLBCTIOX YESTERDAY AKTERXOOX. S BUDGET SCHOOL DISTRICT TAXES. - Year Tax Levy 1918 $54,155 .... 1917 i 29;ttS7 17 1916 1G.475 12 1915 9.544 7 1914 20.146 15 With a unanimous vote favoring it, the $54,155 school budget carried at yosterday's special election held dur ing the afternoon in the council room. The balloting represented the votes of only 17 tax payers in the district. Because of a law passed by the last legislature the tax is set this year in dollars and cents and not In mills, as in past years. The amount to be raised Is then reported to the county assessor"Vho fixes the amount of the millaigo necessary to raise the tax decided upon. Because Assessor Mul larkey has not yet received from the state tax commission the amount of the public utility valuation in the dis trict it is impossible to make an exact estimate of the millage figure to be set by him. It is apparent, however, that to raise the $54,155 voted yes terday a levy of between 25 and 27 mills will be necessary, the district valuation, exclusive of utilities, being $2,700,805. Last year the levy was 17 mills on a valuation, including utilities,' of $1,746,350. The polls were open yesterday from 1 o'clock until 6 and were In charge of an election board of five. Must Win War and France, The war will be won in America Just as much as In France. ' This is the statement implied In a letter just received In Bend by R. W. Wilkinson from Captain A. E. McKennett, for merly of this city, now of the Eigh teenth Railway Engineers. The abso lute dependence of the troopfe in Europe on the efforts of the civilians Is clearly shown in Captain McKen nett's letter. "Just three months ago today I left American Lako, and just two months ago today I arrived at my present location which is 'somewhere In France,' " he writes. "Now I will try to tell you what little I can with out violating the censorship rules. "Our 'trip across the water was snfoly made with nothing more ex citing than a few scares, frequent I deviations from our course, and boat HALIFAX IS WRECKED BY EXPLOSION CITY ENTIRELY ENVEL OPED IN FLAMES. DEAD NUMBER 400 Munitions Transport Collide With Vessel and Cuuse Tragedy Hos pital Trains and Supplies Aro Hushed to Relief. (Br United Prese to The Bend Bulletin.) AMHERST, Nova Scotia, Dec. 6. Havor was wrought In Halifax this morning following the explosion of the cargo of an American munitions ship and another steamer near Rich mond. Scores of people are dead la Halifax, hundreds of buildings have been destroyed and a section of the city is afire as a result. Both of the vessels which caused the traged were instantly blown to pieces and their crews killed. Many nearby ves sels and docks were damaged. Latest reports state that the death total will be more than 400. One report said that a British cruiser struck an American muni- tions vessel. Now the entire city is reported on fire, and a large section of the city is entirely demolished. The fire is spreading rapidly. A message from the Grand Trunk railroad asserted that the bodies of 200 railroad employes had been lo cated In the North street station. Four hospital trains with nurses, surgeons and supplies are being rush ed to Halifax, while another train car rying fire fighting equipment, is on the way. BODIES CLUTTER STREETS. ST. JOHN, New Brunswick, Dec. 6. Half of the suburb of Richmond in Halifax, where the munitions ship ex ploded, was razed. Fire was still sweeping the city when communica tions were reestablished this after noon. Bodies clutter the streets and ' hundreds of injured residents wander about moaning and hunting the dead. SOCIALIST PROPOSES PEACE RESOLUTION (Br United Presa to The Bend Bulletin.) WASHINGTON. D. C. Dec. 6. Representative Meyer London, social ist, introduced a peace resolution to day, favoring the immediate estab lishment of an international league to secure peace. r ; ' ARMISTICE TO LIMITf TROOP HinVKMEKT (By United Pros to The Bend Bulletin.) '' I PETROGRAD, Dec. 6. If a Rus sian armistice Is effected with Ger many, Trotsky will Insist that none of the Teuton troops now on the east front be transferred to the west front against tho allies, according to a declaration be made today. in Both U. S. Writes Soldier drills. For five days we wore our life belts continuously, the officers armed and maintaining a large armed guard all over the ship for subs. The second night from land we were warned of some subs close to us and by changing our course, evaded them. W'e finally landed 'somewhere tn England,' and after a short period In a rest camp, crossed to French soil. Thence a 40-hour trip to our present location which is a considerable dis tance from the front. "We are engaged In an Important work, the nature of which I can, ot course, not divulge. So far I have enjoyed my experience, and we are well fed and comfortable. The coun try where we are located Is very beautiful, and ot great historical In terest. ' . (wonunueu on rage a.)