T MOW THE BB9TD BULLETIN, DAILY EDITION, BIND, ORROOK. TrKHDAY, I.MTHM1IKR 4, IQIT TONIGHT and WEDNESDAY A BATTLE- Retwrcn elemental men, one within, the other without the pale of the law both striving for the love of a good woman. SEE Jack Gardner IN "OPEN PLACES" An Essuy Feature r Comedy"" Hole in the Ground " THURSDAY and FRIDAY It Was His Big Chance and he took it and wai kept on the iuq for month by gumshoed tieutha STUART HOLMES IN The Broadway Sport PATHE NEIVS-Piclutei that are new and of extreme intereit COMING SOON "THE HONOR SYSTEM" The Greatest Picture ever shown in Bend GRAND THEATRE! ea WHERE GOOD M. PICTURES ARE SHOH S JgSgT 3 "In the Wake of the Huns," at the Liberty Theatre Tues I day and Wednesday. ENTERTAINMENT FOR TUMALO FOLK GIVEN Mrs. RedftcUl and Mrs. Conncly Host esses at Deschutes Hotel Road Improvement Being Pushed. (Special to The Bulletin) TUMALO. Dec. 4. Mrs. Redfield and Mrs. Connely, of Deschutes, en tertained a number of friends last Wednesday evening at the Deschutes hotel, among tie guests being Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Becker, of Tumalo. ' R. U. Flk-krnger and family were guests of the Hobsons on Thanksgiv ing. F Wilson and J. W. Harter are im. proving the roads in this section by Tunning the grader over them after the recent rains. Mrs. A. Bens, of Portland, is visit ing her sister, Mrs. George Hobson, of Tumalo. F. E. Dayton has been confined to liis home with an attack of la grippe. Mrs. G. N. B. Gerking entertained the Tillicum club at her home last Saturday. J. C. Stiles and family have moved from their farm into Tumalo for the "winter. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Elkins. of Prineville, were calling on friends at Tumalo last week. Mr. and Mrs. Blackwood. Mr. Fish and Mrs. Gunneson spent Thanksgiv ing with Mr. and Mrs. Norcutt. Grover Gerkiug and Phil Smhh .have bought the Will Sandal place. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, of Des titutes, and Mr. and Mrs. Coen were dinner guests of Mrs. Adah Lunbeng last Sunday. Miss Ethel Bayles has returned to Bend to nurse a patient of Dr. Van- tJevert s. light coat of our famous cinders. would make ideal roads. I have a plan by which this can be done in a single operation, (less the cinders). My plan will necessitate the construction of special machinery and will involve some money. Would like to correspond with those inter ested. Inquire by letter to Bend Bulletin. 305-lOc OLKAXLIXKSS IX PRINCIPAL CXJXl'KRX OK T. S. J.U'KIKS (Continued from Page 1.) WANT GOOD ROADS. There will be a large sum spent on Central Oregon roads, beginning the :year 1918. Why spend any of it on dirt-filled roads? Everyone knows it is money ill spent. Why not take ad vantage of Central Oregon's main asset for road building. Thus, hard pan near the surface for road foun dation, small rock and gravel, us ually plenty in top soil, to make 4 tp 6 by 6 to 8-inch filling on hard-pan, if sifted out of the dirt, then stamped and rolled. This, with a one man here who wouldn't bathe more than about once every two weeks. One morning a bunch of us grabbed him just as he got out of his hammock and dragged him into the wash room. There we used a scrubbing brush and got him good and clean, and you can bet we didn't use hot water in the process. When we got through we rinsed him off with the salt water hose, then put him under the shower bath and turned the cold water on. Since that ex perience be wants to take a bath three times a week to make sure he has not forgotten the date. "The mothers of Norfolk gave a big banquet at the Y. M. C. A. to night and invited every enlisted man who could come. They served hot coffee, doughnuts, sandwiches and a big red apple to each man. After that we had singing and speeches and were all taken back to our ship in automobiles. "I expect to go across in the spring. Some of the boats are getting ready now but we won't be out of here for some time yet. "I have been scrubbing front work and deck for the last three months but wi:i be changed into the fire room the first of the month and I sure will be glad, as this business of scrubbing decks is no fun. But, then I have to take my turn the same as the other boys, and am not looking for favors. If I was, I would be out of luck, as this is one place you take what is coming to you and say you like it, and I do, for you bet we have a good old navy and we are Just itching for a scrap." AT THE MOVIES tiriuul Theatre. Stunrt Holmes appears in an en tirely new sort of role In "The Broad way Sport," his nu.t William Fox , photoplay, which will ho shown t the Grand Thoutro on Thursday and Friday. Mr. Holmes plays thu role of Hezeklah Dill, on awkward, he-; spectacled gawk, employed ns a clerk, In tho flour mill of the local mug-j nate. An old maid employed in the office loves him but ho spurns her for a hopeless ambition to wod the boss's daughter, the village belle (Wanda I Petit). I While working late In tho mill one J night 1)111 catches two yeggs at work J at the sate. Tho door is open and he tumbles them into the vault and ' locks the door, lit then summons the boss and the police, after putting' the money which the crooks had tak-j en out of the safe into u vacuum, cleaner. j In his fancy Dill Imagines himself, in New York witlf thta, money, and ' never did anyone set the pace he pic- J tures. The boss's arrival with the sheriff ends Dill's reverie. His daughter is with him. Dill takes the! money out of the vucuum cleaner and hands It to his boss. Tim daughter embraces 111 in and hulls him us her horn. Dill smiles for the first time In his hounded life. Suppose that In nil Innocence you had fallen In love with n woman, only to discover she was tied by unbreak able bonds to an Inhuman brute. Sec Jack Gardner In "Open Places," the five-part photoplay, at tho Grand tonight and Wednesday. earner and tho excellent cast support ing ihor as well is the expert direc tion of thu well known Maurice. Tour nour, have milled much In thu Infinite charm of tint production, which will bo shown nt tho Liberty Theatru on Thursday uiid Friday. (leorgo M. Cohan's, recipe (or H huppy entertainment lis presented In his new Artcrnft picture, "Hcveit Keys to Ilaldpalo," at tho Liberty Theatre soon, Is an Ideal prescript Ion for the most i ii i It I l grouch. In his new film tonic, lloorgo M. has mixed with exact proportions, mystery, thrills and laughter, with a sweeten ing dash of love us a tribute to Cupid, all of which will work the. desired result upon nu ll, women and children alike. RHYS 40-ACRE TRACT ON TUMALO PROJECT The hiiIo of a 40-ncro trm'l ot Irri gated land on tint Tumiilo projnol, to Frank MoMauiiou, ot Kllnimburg, Washington, was uiinoiiueiid this morning ly J. Miner, ot IJiIn city. Mr. McMiiiiniui will movo to his now properly In the spring. One cent u word Is all little Want Ad will cost you. MAX TI UX liSII OI'T. A H luiiiK li liO.noo morn fish aro still In the lieselintcN butchery walling tu ho planted III Kust I. like, II Is very probable Ibiil It will ho liupossllilo to transport them there this season on Hi-count of the daep snow., In that case It will Im necessary to turn thorn Into the Deschutes river. Flsll pli&it lug at nil other points has linen completed. GOOD LUCK Come and have a clmnrc on pnckitit'S worth up to $10.00. BIG DANCE nt the Classified Advertisements (Payable Cash In Advance.) FOR SALE PR HALK Furnlturo for four- 1nnm 1.n..DA I, .. nn..t.. U .. 1 .. I contract; you can have all that has been paid. See E. M. Thompson. 941-4tfc STATEMENT NOVEMBER 20, 1917. RESOURCES Bills Receivable J549.422.48 Overdrafts none Bonds and Warrants 74,282.16 Stock Federal Reserve Bank 1,300.00 Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 31,057.34 Bonds to secure Circula tion 12,500.00 5 Redomption Fund .... 626.00 Other Real Estate Owned 4,136.23 CASH AND EXCHANGE 0,101.S5 $1,033,484.56 LIABILITIES Capital ?5,000,00 Surplus and Profits 32,833.47 Circulation 12,500.00 DEPOSITS 03,151.00 .,,..!, 11,033,484.66 THE FIRST-NATIONAL BANK BEND, OREGON pott SAI.K OK RKXT If you want to buy, sell or rent a piano, sec Thompson Piano Store. 942-4'.fc poll SALK Furmtore of two-room apartment, apartment for rent; one block from post office. Terms. Call at Windmill pool hall. ull-9Stfc glOKWALK FOB h.lI.K Sixty feet of good four-foot sidewalk. Can easily be hauled in It -foot lengths to any location. Inquire Bulletin of fice. 492-GGtrc pOR HALK Lots 9 and in, of block 13, Bend View, price $200, easy terms. See ABC, Bulletin office. S50-70tf flllS ADVEKTISKMK.VT costs 16 cents. If you don't sco what you want, ask for It. tf pOR HALK Lots tr and 10, of block 24 of Kenwood, price 9325, very easy terms. See ABC, Bulletin office. 349-170tf FOR SALE Two lots In Northwest Townslte Company's Second Ad dition (west of the river, near Shev lin mill); price 160, easy terms, Ap ply abc, Bulletin office. tf FOR RENT poll KENT Two-room furnished house, within walking distance of mills. Inquire Bend Co., Wall and Franklin. 943-5c poll RKXT Partly furnished two room house. Write Box 420. 937-5, 6p WANTED yyAXTKi) TO RKXT-Houno or three unfurnished rooms, Close In. In quire Bulletin. 871-90tfc yyTAXTKD-Housohold goods bought, Standard Furniture Co., Phone Red 611. 789-74tfe JF YOU do not find what you are looking for-advertlse In these col umns, at one cent a word. . tf Liberty TTieiitre. "The Law of tho Land." an adapta tion of a famous stage success by George Brondhiirst. has furnished Madame Petrova, famous Russian emotional uctross, with a vehicle of far more than ordinary attraction. Tho prologue shows Margaret Harding forced into a loveless mar riage by a dissipated and unscrupul ous mother, later becoming herself the mother of a hoy upon whom she lavishes the affection of her love starved heart. Her husband, a cold and brutal I man, delights In revenging himself for her coldness towards III in by : cruelty to the child, and after onoj especially brutal scene .Margaret Is ; driven like a wild animal at buy to' tell him that tho child Is not his own, thereupon shooting him, hardly re alizing her action, Instantly killing; hi in. j There is a prompt Investigation by; the authorities, during the course of which not only tho servants, but! Goeffrey Morton, an old sweetheart' of Margaret's, who has been abroad 1 since her marriage, unite In protect- i tng her. A kindly and humanly-wise' inspector is, fortunately for Margaret,; assigned to the case, and after a tew1 hours of heart-rending suspense he turns he tables, merely dismissing the; case as "another death by accident," thus leaving Morton to take Margaret; and tho boy to a uow and wonderful happiness. ; Madame Petrova has made of the gentle churaeter of Margaret one of the finest and most appealing chnrac-! terlzatlons of her entire successful ' HIPPODROME, WEDNESDAY, DEC 5 Dac Ticket $1.00. Spectators 10c. LaJiai Tree I. NT F.U NAT I O.N A I, INIO.N OKTIMHK.lt WOllKK.KS We cut our meat so you get the get the most for your money. CASH MARKET 148 OREGON STREET AUTOMOBILE ELECTRIC REPAIR SHOP STORAGE BATTERIES CHARCED OVERHAULED AND REBUILT Don't throw nwuy your old battery, ns wn may bn able to renew It at half llio cohI of a new one. . GENERATOR, STARTING MOTOR &. MAGNETO WORK A SPECIALTY All Work Guaranteed. Shop located In Kenwood. Ciuii the In liljfo at Pilot Untie Inn and go lour blocks west. SALTZMAN & COLLINS BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS ARTHUR J . MOORE Lawyer G FN Kit A L rilACTIl'K. Losr Cabin Hid;,'. I 'hone Hlk Mil The law must be rtleb-l and enforce,! Jl'STICK TO ALL We guarantee entfiiraction antl results on all IrarwactlunN. Private Invnitiaa tion a specialty. If yr,u are in trouble of any kind call 2001. W. A. L. Pert land Hotel. Office phone Illk 1701 tee. Blk 2101 FREE CONSULTATION Dr. R. D. Ketchum, DrugleMS Physician Hours, to 12, 1 to 6:30, or by ap pointment. BATHER BUILDING E. A. Montiomery F. Monlsomery BI'KINfJfMI.K ON TUB MKTOI.MJH (iRANDVIKW, ORE. While Lrirhorna. Mnrrnil Rock!, It. I. Rcila, While I'ekln Ducke, Toulouse l.w, lli-linn Hares, Angora Rnljhite, Mammoth llronxe Turkey, (tulnea 1'Ikh. Tinning and Sheet Metal WM. MONTGOMERY. Furnaces, Spouting, Outtorlng, Cornlco and Skylight Repairing promptly attended to Prices right, work guaranteed DR. TURNER Eye Snecialiit , of Portland VISITS BEND MONTHLY Watch piper (or Datea or inquire of THORSON, THE JEWELER VERNON A. FORRES L A w y K It First National Hunk Building Bend, :-: :-: Oregon G. C. MORGAN Attorney nt Law 211 Oregon St., next to Tele phone office. iJKNU, ORE. W. P. MYERS LAW V EH O'Kana Building, II K.N I), OHIO M. A. PALMER Cabinet Maker mid llullder, Jobbing Hcreen Doors and Windows. Frunklln St., reur of Irrigation Co.'s old building. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Meets at Kenwood School every Lord's Day, nt 10 a. m. All members urged to bo present. II. II. I)e ARMONI) LAWVFIt O'Kann Building, Bend, Oregon J. K. KXGI0I1KICTHO.V, I'Ll MI!!(J AM) IIKATINO 117 Minnesota Street, estimates Cheerfully Furnished Jobbing Promptly Dono. FOR SALE-Onn of tlio best, const fueled houses In Hund nt, actual cost, with no charge for the 100x120 feotof view property It stands iikii. Terms llko rout. Bend Park Co. Real Eitatu and Insurance. Put In Your Our DUDS SUDS BEND LAUNDRY Phone Black 311 W. G. Manning, D. M. D.f DENTIST f Suite 12-14, O'Knno Building Tol. Hlnck 1781 Ilcnd, Ore, BEND INSURANCE AGENCY Writers of all kind, of Insurants. Old. est Insurance Agency In Central Ore ?.".1;ii"' ft ".'"J- vtni National Ilaok Uullillnir, llend, Oregon. Hend Lnd(to No. 42!l Loyal Or der of Moose Meets In Moosa Hall ovnry Thursday. Visiting brothers are cordially Invited U attond. fl V V,