VAQK THE IIEND ' BULLETIN. DAILY EDITION, 1IKNI, OHRXION. TI KSDW, OKCRMHKIl 4, ltT The Bend Bulletin DAILY EDITION raallaaaa Eair Aft.rnaan Bicapl Sanaa;. UENU. OKKUUN. Enteral aa Becond Clua matt.r, January t KIT, at the Poat Offlca at Band, Oregon. Act of March i, 117. KORGB PALMER PUTNAM PublUhar BOBEKT W. SAWYER Kdltor-Manaear HENRY N. FOWI.ER Aaaociate Editor FLOYD C. WESTERKIELD AwUtant Hot. BAU'rf SPENCER Mechanical SavL An Indarendtnt Newnpapar, itandlnr for tttm aquara dal. clean businraa, clvan potitica an J tha beat interaata or ucna ana bcnirai Orason SUBSCRIPTION RATES H. Hail. On. Year W.OO Btx Month H.n Threa Month. 11.60 By Carrltr Ob. Year IS.50 tlx Month. 13.(0 Ona Month .60 All subscriptions are due and PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Notices of expiration are mailed subscribers and It renewal is not made within reason able time the paper will be discon tinued. Please notify us promptly of any change of address, or of failure to re eelve the paper regularly. Otherwise we will not be responsible for copies missed. Make all checVs and orders pay able to The Bend Bulletin. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1917 What have you dune today to help win the war? COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS "HIS aiODESTY, THE KAISER." Today we remove ourselves from this column in favor of Ring W. Lard--net, who has done the best thing yet on the Kaiser. Taking for a text a paragraph from Ambassador Gerard's book, Mr. Lardner has written, under the title, "His Modesty, The Kaiser," the following: "Finally in January, 1917, when he (Hollweg) was again talking of peace, I said, 'What are these peace terms to which you refer continual ly? Will you allow me to ask a few questions as to the specific terms of peace? First, are the Germans will ing to withdraw from Belgium?' The chancellor answered, 'Yes, but with guarantees?' He said, 'We must pos sibly have the forts of Liege and Namur; we must have other forts and garrisons throughout Belgium. We must have possession of the railroad lines. We must have possession of the ports and other means of com munication. The Belgians will not be allowed to maintain an army, but we must be allowed to maintain a large army in Belgium. We must have the commercial control of Bel gium." Mr. Gerard's Book. a a The Kaiser is a violet. As modest as they grow, Like Goldsmith's Man, the Kaiser wants But little here below. . Should we delay the Joyous day Of butchery's surcease. When they're so dog-gone moderate. The Kaiser s terms of peace? BtMid, Oroson, November 7, 1917. Be 11 remembered that at a riKiilar term of tho County Court of Des chutes County, Oregon, begun and held in the Court Room In the Court House on Wednesday, November 7, 1917, there wore present W. D. BARNES, County Judge L. E. SMITH, Commissioner J. H. HANEK. Clerk S. E. ROBERTS, Sheriff. The meeting was called to ortlor by the County Judge at 10:00 a. m. whereupon the following proceedings were made a record, to-wit: In the Matter ot the Petition (or a Special Election: The mntter of tho petition for tho calling for an election to vote on tho formation ot nn irrigation district to comprise certain lands under the Cen tral Oregon Irrigation Company's system, a petition was presented by W. R. Davidson, praying that there be included In the lands of the pro posed district the W$ of NE4, the NEH of NW4 and NEVi of NKVi of Sec. 21, Twp. 14 S. Range 13, E.W.M. A similar petition was presented by Nellie J. Irvin. praying that there be included in said district the XW'H of Sec. 10, Twp. 17 S. Range 13. E.W.M. It was ordered that the election lie called and held on December 17 1917. On motion duly mnde and second ed. court adjourned at 12 M. to nioet at 1:30 P. M. same date. Court called to order at 1:30 P, M. same date, present, same members as at morning meeting. In the Matter of the Ovid W. B Riley Road: A petition signed by some 200 res ident taxpayers, praying that the Ovid w . B. Riley Road from Bend to Turn alo be straightened and cindered. No order was made in this matter, but same was taken under advisement until it can be determined whether there will be sufficient funds for ex tensive road improvements. In the Matter of the Kroenert Brick Yard Road: In the matter of the donations on the Kroenert-Brick Yard road, it was ordered that the donations of A. J. Kroenert, Bend Brick & Lumber Co. and Oreweller be paid to the county treasurer and turned into the een- erai tuntl and that warrants be issued on said fund, for all of the labor on said road. In the Matter of Lighting Systems for County Automobiles: In the matter of lighting systems for the county sheriff's and countv superintendent's automobiles. It is ordered that $105.00 be appropriated to Install such a system on each of said automobiles. In the Matter of Appropriations for Sisters Fair Premiums: In the matter of the appropriations for premiums on exhibits at the Sis ters fair, a report having been sub- It appearing that the What does he ask of Belgium? Nothing that isn't fair A few big forts, a lot of ports, The only army there, Control of a'.l the commerce. The railroads and the wires; Aside from which there's not a thing His little heart desires. And if he wants so little From a land of Belgium's size He'll certainly go easy On the rest of the allies. Let's see if we can figure out, Let's see if we can guess. What all the cuss will ask of us Before he'll end the mess. Of course, he'll wish for Poland; He'll claim Alsace-Lorraine; That part of Portugal which lies Between the sea and Spain; Roumania and Serbia In toto and Intact; Not very much of Russia One-half, to be exact. Of Italy, say Venice And Florence, yes, and Rome; The choicest site in Naples, Where he'll build a winter home. Of France, the whole of Paris, Versailles, Calais, Bordeaux, And all the rural districts Where the champagne makin's grow. Of Britain, O not very much: Merely some guarantees That English ships will make no trips Without first saying "Please!" And that the Teuts be given Exclusive right of way Between the unimportant ports Of Dover and Calais. N Of our U. S. he'll ask much less Because we started late: Possibly New York harbor, Besides the Golden Gate, The Capitol, the White House, Our railroads and our mills, And Just sufficient change to pay His and his sidekicks' bills. The Kaiser is a violet, As modest as they grow. Like Goldsmith's Man, the Kaiser wants But little here below. They say he's been that way since birth: Shy as a young gazelle; The Kaiser only wants the Earth But what he'll get is Hell. SISTERS MAX MARRIES, A. J. Weston, of Sisters, and Miss Edith M. Lewis, who arrived here re cently from Pennsylvania, were mar ried yesterday afternoon by Judge T. E. J. Duffy. They went to their home at Sisters .tills morning. mined and premiums paid in accordance with the supinations or mc county court amounted in all to $271.70. it was ordered that a warrant for said amount be drawn in favor of F. L. Shaw, secretary, for said purpose. In the Matter of the S. R. Hogln Road: In the matter of the S. R. Hosln iuei, ii as ornereu mat supervisor t . u. Wilson be ordered to open and improve said Toad to make it pass able, with such assistance from the settlers as he Is able to obtain. In the Matter of the F. E. Davton Road: In the matter of the F. E. Dayton road, it was ordered that Supervlsar F. B. Wilson be ordered to open said road as located by the board of view ers, and ordered by the court. In the Matter of Supplies for Coun ty Truck: In the matter of the county truck, it was ordered that a top and tires be purchased from Wentworth & Ir vin. In the Matter of the A. O. Walker Road: In the matter of the A. O. Walker road, same was continued. In the Matter of the Ed. Walker Road : The matter of the Ed. Walker road coming up for consideration, same was continued. In the Matter of the H. F. Jones Road: The matter of the H. F. Jones road coming up for consideration, same was continued. In the Matter of the Ditch Water in Sisters Streets: In the matter of the metltl nn re garding ditch water in the streets of Sisters, same was continued until the uexi adjourned meeting. In the Matter of the Roads to East iaxe: The matter of the roads to East Lake coming up for consideration, same was continued. In the Matter of the County Bud get: This matter coming up for consid- cmuun, same was continued. In the Matter of Renin In the matter of the petition of Thomas Ewlng, asking for payment of bounty on certain coyotes, same was continued until the next meeting. JSc- further business coming up for . Um,.,o, ouu,,, on motion duly made and seconded, court adjourned. Bend, Oregon, November 9, 1917 The County Court met in the Court Room at 10:00 A. M., this date, pur suant to Adjournment, County Judge Barnes and Commissioner Smith he ns present. The meeting was called to order by the County Judge. Claims: The mattnr nf ,.ioim soiuai me county coming up for con sideration, It was ordered that Claims No. 1092 to 1198, Inclusive, and No. 1200 to 1230, Inclusive, as shown on pages 38, 39, 40 and 41 of theJJocket or Claims, be and the same ar here by allowed, and the clerk Is insiiuct- d to tssuo his warrants In nttynioiit thereof. County Budget: Tho matter of the county budget coming up tor consid eration at this time, sumo wits dis cussed mid tho various Horns gone over, and tho matter than continued till tlm next meeting. 1). F. Jones Road, Districts No. 15 and 17: Tho Improvement of tho II. F. Jones road In districts No. 15 and 17 coming up fur consideration, titter due discussion, there was appropriat ed $12S, or as much thereof us is necessary to bo expended with mi equal amount In work or null do nated by eltliens Interested, in im proving that part of said rmid be tween tha Oregon Trunk railway crossing and tho W. J. Stiirdlvtin ranch. Improvement of Eighth street. Oltv of llend: Tills matter coining up for consideration upon the petition of uoorge A. Jones, asking that Eighth street from Greenwood avenue north, lie improved, the request was nut granted, as same is a city street. Scalp bounty: The petition of Thomas Ewlng (or bounty on certain coyote scalps was presented to the court nt this time, anil the request was denied as tho skins wore not ni-e- sentcd In the proper condition. A. U. V alker road: Countv Sur veyor George S. Young, It. a. Black- weii anil 8. It. Hogln wore nnmiinte.l as viewers to view tho A. O. Walker road on November 14. Ed. alker rond. Roads tn Fust Lake. Petition regarding water In streets of Sisters: These matters coining up (or consideration, same were continued until the next regular meeting o( the county court In De cember. No other business coming up for consideration in tuts time, upon mo tion duly mnde and seconded, court adjourned to meet November 14 1917. I'LAX TO HOLD ll.,A.l. Tho Presbyterian Guild will meet tomorrow afternoon with Mrs. O. C. Henkle to complete arrangements for the Christmas bazaar to be hold next week In tho Prlngle building. In ad dition to gifts, home cooked fjods are to be on sale and lunches will be served at noon. ( OI XTV KKCOltDS. (Furnished by Central Orevon Abstract Co.) ' Xovemlter 2il. Lewis M. Harrison to II. G. Itut- terfleld, warranty deed, lots 19 and 20. block 17; lot S. block 2G. Im perial. Kenwood Promotion Co. to Albert Rosbel, warranty deed, lot 8, block 8, nenwood. Chris W. Ehret to Guv E. Dobson. O. C. deed, lots 4, 5 and 0, block IB, Redmond. Marshall C. Aubrey toiindtlienian November 24. David L. Miller to H. C. Schu macher, warranty deed, lots 9. 10. 11 and 12. block 4S. orlgliinl Dial of Redmond. United States of America to Leo Oswald, patent, lot 4. SE'i SIVH 18-14-10. United States of America to Bvron Newton, patent, W',, NW K . SK' NW4, X!4 SW'-i, NV4 SE4, SH -NE4 35-20-17. The Bend Co. to Daisy E. Stuart.. warranty deed, lot 17, block 14, High land. United States of America to Thom as Gray, patent, SW 14 SW 4 , Sec. 1 ; S'6 SE'i and SEVi SW',4 Sec. 2; XK'A NWVJ, N'4 NE14, Sec. 11; XW'J NWV. 1 2-20-1 B. dyumberUmr Cfauwmwit vhtwf factum lu 1 lUivix'Abjorbiivtf F.plsoAts CS'to-yly Anna Katharine Green ttMtVwi) Kathleen QjffDRD Shown Every Thursday mid Friday at Kenwood Promotion Co. to II. Peck, warranty ileed, lots 13 and 14, block 12, Kenwood. November 2(1. J. ltiiiiuiKiirlner lo J. F. Lnthem, warranty deed, NIC. 4-15-10. W. O. Mohiindro to Hurry It. I'er rlnc. warranty deed, lots 24 and block 151; lots 25, 2ii, 27 and 2S, block 151, Terrebonne. Fremont I.aud Co. to Christian Mueller Land & Timber Co., warran ty deed, N'4 Sec. 4; N i NEV, . HE '4 NEVi, NIC '4 NW'4 rlic. 2 J. 20-11; Sec. 18-20-13; SV4 Sec. 12; W'A Sec. 13; SE '4 SE'i Sec. 23: NE'4 SW'-i and S SV'4 Sec 24-31-11; SW4 Sec. 19: W Vi NE'4. -N ij NV4 Sec. 31-21-13. Desert 'Land Hoard (o Geo. M. Erlckson, certificate of proof, SEVi SE'4 19-17. J. E. Reed to J. 11. Ron, warranty deed, lot 11, block 26, original plat oi iietimouil. November 27. Alexander M. Drake to The Bend Co., Q. C. deed, lots 6 and 7. block 30. Park Addition to Bend. The Bend Co. to E. M. Thompson, warranty deed, lot 7, block 1 ; lot 6. block 2; lots 6 and 14, block 4: part of lots 5 and 6. block 3, all In Hust ings Addition to Bend. CREW REPAIRS DITCH AT PLEASANT RIDGE Her. Scott Moves to Kuncli Recently I'tm based in Terrebonne Community. (Special to Tho Bulletin.) PLEASANT RIDGE, Doc. 3. The C O. I. Co. have n crew of men re- LET FOX DO IT' Transfer Phone 221 LIGHT AND HEAVY HAULING You can rely on our service for we know how to handle your work. We are prompt. PIONEER AUTO STAGE & TRUCK CO. Furnace Contractor TINNING OF ALL KINDS Repairing, Guttering, Spouting, Cornices and Skylights Rooting of All Kinds. H. J. SOHM MEN AND WOMEN Who are exacting on style, who insist on quality, who are critical of fit will find these characteristics in JOHNSON'S TAILORING Ladies' Work Given Special Attention. Suits and Coats made to order, Remodeling, Altering, Relining. WE DO CLEANING AND PRESSING Bend View PRICES: $100 AND UP TERMS: Reasonnb.e . We'll loan you money to buifd. BEND'S MOST SCENIC RESIDENCE PUOPERTV Every Lot commands a view ofthe River, Mountains and City. Building restrictions according to Location, SEE J. RYAN & CO. O'Kflne Bldg. Phone 361 pulling itho ditch In this vlcliully (or next Irrigating eiison. Rev. Bent I and (u iillly moved Fri day to their ranch which they recent ly purcluiHcd near Terrebonne. O. E. Anderson mid wife made H business trip lo Redmond Friday. KiiHimiK Peterson mid Mrs, Jolinii sen returned (nun (hclMrlp Wednes day night. While gouu tliny visited drum t'uiuiwnv and family at New hern, Orel Mr. Cniiuway formerly lived lu thlK vicinity. Mr. 11 ml Mm. F. II. lliiiiKhuian uiid Mr. mid Mr. O. E. Aiidemou attended the party lit Dcxcliutci Wedueaday ev euiiiK kWuii by Mia, Itedfleld unit Mm. Connelly. Howard Hartley and family, nf Tumuli), culled lit llm W. II. tl ray homo Friday. Andrew N'cIhoii, Julie I'ctei'Ron unit Antnno Alilatnim helped movo ltev. Scot I 'a lioiiKClinld kooiIm to Terru biiiino Friday. Tom Merchant took away Ilia at nek which linn been piiHliirlnx on the An- ilcmnn pluco, the lut nf the week. 1). A. Ilccann U pullliiK itotuu trees on the N. II Wood much thla week. ('. M. Itedfleld und family, of Ilex- chiifH, und Mr. mid .Mm, W, II, (Iruy itpent TliiuikHKlvliux in tho Andcrmin heme. Noah (iruy made a liuKlnemt trln to Redmond Kiilurdity. Kleeliie CturiHi Percolator, inukca umber coffin In aeven nilnulea, IS til. The Power Co. THE UNION 1JARHER SHOP IIANIKTKH (10HNKV. I'ropa. . IHkIi 'lu Work (Juiirmili'Pil Timber Worker' Club IIONI) & OltKUON BTItKKTS ECONOMY IN SUGAR USING Will help the food administration in providing a concentrated, heat-giving ration for the Ixiys in the trenches. When you ask lor our new fruit and nut center candies you are helping to avert a sugar famine, incidentally you are getting something that will tickle your palate mightily. We want your co-operation, for we are reducing our use of sugar to a min imum for the bidance of the month. REMEMBER that we are continuing to serve our dainty Light Lunches. You will be well satisfied with our culinary department. McBRIDE'S OREGON ST. NEAR WALL SHEVLIN PINE SOLD BY MILLER LUMBER COMPANY SASH. DOORS and MILL WORK Phone 1661 FOR SASH FACTORY WOOD PHONE BEND WHITE PINE SASH CO. 441 THE BACKBONE OF BEND IS LUMBER MANUFACTURING OUR PAYROLLS MAKE YOUR PROFITS BY (BUYING LOCAL PRODUCTS YOU ARE HELPING BENT). The Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co. Txicul .Sales Agent MILLKH LUMIIKKICO. Completo Stock of Lumbar Lain, Banh.and Doom The United Warehouse Company WIIOLKNALK niSTniflUTOItS KOIl CKN'i'KAL OUECJON OK OIL, GASOLENE,, FLOUR, SALT, MEATS, HAM. BACON, LARD, Ek. Fertilizers for Lawns and Farm Lands GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS We Buy Hides THE UNITED WAREHOUSE COMPANY Phone 241 A. M. Printfls, Manager