TACK t THE BEND BULLETIN. DAILY EDITION, BEND, ORBOON, HATl'UDAY, NOVEMBER lit, tOtT TONIGHT & Sunday Matinee Franklyn Farnum & Brownie Vernon in A Stormy Night A COMEDY DRAMA Bend people will remember Bluebird Pictures ai (he ivost beautiful ever presented. Not only in the beauty of the scene, but in fascinating charm of theme, exacting in every phase of the production. and a Comedy Sunday Night-Monday Night WILLIAM FOX presents Theda Bar a. In Theda Bara Superpicture "CAMILLE "Do not deceive yourself: you are speaking to n friendless woinnn of tlio world, loved by those only whoso vanity trinities despised ly those who ought to pity her." Camilla, "CamiHe. listen tothovoleoof oce who truly lovos you; (five mo leave to 11 ml your heart and teach it how to throb anew to muke it my shrine, my sanctuary. mo, Armand. iiiy hoin "Camilla" is one of the extra special features recently - presented by the Fox Studio. PRICES. 25 AND 35 CENTS PATHE NEWS- UP-TO-TIIE-MINL'TK PICTURES OF WORLD EVENTS HRAND THEATRE! Va WHERE GOOD JL PICTURES ARE SHOWN rr m in mil j q J w li m -mm KB T M K D CS fl I DIRECTION WIULIAM COX' poit HALK Lots and 10, nf block 84 of Kenwood, price III 2 6, vnry easy terms. Boa AIIU, II u I lot I it nfflro, 34U-I70U LOST Of 4HT Autnimihllo rnink. Holurn to Bulletin. 87a-0Ufi TO Tit A 1)10. Appearing in "Camillc" at the Grand Theatre, Sunday night and Monday. I1AN1.EY WOILD DIVIDE OREGON (Continued from Page 1.) EXAMINATIONS FOR , TEACHERS OUTLINED December 19-22 Arc the Dates. Set Many Subjects Wilt Bo Covered. Teachers'' examinations set for De cember 19, 20, 21 and 22, will be given from the county school super intendent's office directly following the joint teacher's institute of Crook and Deschutes counties. In order to obtain a one year's certificate the applicant must take an examination in arithmetic, civil government, geo graphy, grammar, history, orthog raphy, physiology, reading, school law, theory and practice and writing. A general average of 75 per cent or a minimum of 60 per cent of the ans wers is required. No one under the age of IS will be permitted to take the examination. , For a five year certificate an exam ' ination in the above subjects with composition, American literature, physical geography and psychology: In addition must be passed. Twelve months' experience is also required. Examinations in bookkeeping, botany, geology, plane geometry, gen eral history, history of education, English literature and physics must also be taken for a life certificate. Graduates of standard normal schools, colleges, universities, and teachers' training courses in high school are .not required to take the examination if they have properly applied to the superintendent of pub-1 lie instruction. No certificate to teach in any ele-j mentary school will be issued unless the applicant has completed the ele-j inentary teachers' trailing course as outlined in the courses of study for: high schools or its equivalent. How-; ever, this does not apply to persons who have taught successfully prior to September 1, 191?, the date on which this law became' effective. A sewing machine for the work has Been donated by Lee A. Thomas, and a spatula for the dressing has been given by the Bend Hospital. PREPARATIONS MADE FOR TURKEY SHOOT Roth Rifle and Trap Shooting Compe tition Will Be Held By Marks, men Gathering at Sisters. Preparation are complete for the turkey shoot to be conducted next Thursday at Sisters by P. Hunting ton, of that vicinity. Mr. Hunting ton was in Bend last night and stated that had 150 fine birds ready to be awarded as prizes for the marks men. Trap shooters, as well as marksmen using the rifle will be given ample opportunity to compete. The shooting will begin at 10 o'clock in the morning and will con tinue until well along in the after noon, in order to give those coming late opportunity to take part. COYOTE SKINS IN LOAD WORTH $3000 Practically $3000 worth of coyote skins were brought into Bend late yesterday by E. McDuffy, who re ceived a .bounty on 4 4 skins captured in Deschutes county. The lot rep resented the catch of five men, who have been trapping and hunting the coyotes since early in the summer. The load included 507 skins, some of them brought from Lake county. Mr. McDuffy'a method of hunting the ani mals is to go out with three hounds and remain out on the sage brush about five days. He generally comes back with from five to 20 skins. SIR JOHN SIMON'S BIT f U A Beginning December 1,1917, INTERNE- REVENUE STAMPS will be required on all bonds, certificates, notes, conveyances, proxies, powers of attor- . ney, parcel post packages, sales agreements and other documents. The booklet, "War Tax," which we, have published for free distribution among our friends, contains full information about this stamp tax. We will keep an ample supply of the differ ent denominations of Revenue Stamps on hand, so that our friends may cover their needs conveniently. Any business man anticipating the use of any considerable amount of such stamps, is invited to advise us of his approximate needs, so that we may order our supply accordingly. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK BEND, OREGON Sir John Simon, the noted British linrrlstcr, Ihik given up n practice of SlftO.OUO a year to accept a secret com mission, nnil It Is miilerstood he will devote his brllllniit nhlllttes to formu lating ninl co-ordlmiting the terms which the allies will impose on the central powers when the time comes. Sir John, It Is said, will have the rank of n colonel In the Intelligence bureau of the general staff. Tokyo Stock Exchange. On the Tokyo stock exchange all margin money Is held by the exchange itself nnrl not by the broker, and the exchnnge mny demnnd more margin whenever fnll In prices makes this necessary. 8he Will Learn. Butcher "Excuse me, mum. but I forgot to give you the bill for Ihnt there duck." Mrs. Newlywcd "Oh, no, you didn't. It was on the duck. I saw It when you wrapped up the pur cel." Judge. ARRESTED WITH BOOZE. Word has been received here that George Daly, of Prlnevllle, who Is known here In Bend, "was arreBtcd In Klamath Falls yesterday while on his way north with an auto load of booze. .' PILOT BUTTE BARBER SHOP BEST SERVICE ASSURED K. C. LANDJNGHAM, Prop In Pilot Butte Inn V ion lino, shutting off the one-third of forest covered territory front tlio two-thirds vegetated only with sage brush. Why the stuff that means a lot to us people, which we sent from Eastern Oregon to the land show. Is no wonder to the Willamette Valley ottghbrori Oiling Alrcdulo terrier puppies. Goo. T. Sullura, 1034 Fed eral St., or General Delivery. 908-ORp pR NAI.K Week old rnlf. Phone Rod 1361, or rill at John Htnldl's offlco. 810-OSifi' poll HALE Knrnlturn of two-room apartment, apartment for rent; one block from post offlre, Tonus. Call at Windmill mini hill. BIl.Bftlfc resldonts. It waa shame to soe thoj small crowds that were out to the exhibits." All kinds of hide, pelts, Wm.l, Furs bought, at Itrlggs' Heconil Hand Store. 323c Classified Advertisements FOR SALE pR SALE, TRADE OR RENT IliO acre Irrigated ranch, nearly all Ir rigated and In cultivation. a!x miles from Sisters.' T. H. Davis, owner. Box 631, Bend, Or. 906-98.0.2 poll HALE Two month old'thor- pOR HALE Good, six ncUva organ In first rlaaa hapu. Inquire at Dick's Tailor Shop. 804-00ife pR HALE OR TRADE House and lot, ccmnnt rellur, barn and chirk en coop. I'hono Red 2192. Sr.O-KRtfr THAIK-$40 ('retinra pniiuul roust or ninl popcorn miichlne, (, iriulo fur Ford auto. Chun. Ryder, Mux SDH Hiiml, Or. 904-1(6,7, Hp FOR RENT pilt RENT Three unfurnished rooms. I'houii It ml 421. P07-9Ktfn pR RENT Two rooms, atrletly modern In every way, I'linnn Red B21. Mrs. (ieo. Unto. 8D7-94Uii V ANTED JAN WAM'Elt lln catcher fur city work. Apply to Chief of I'o- Urn Nlxmi at onco. HH3-02tr ANTED Stage horses, I'lonunr Stage nrtlco. 874-91lfu yANTED TO RENT-llmiso or Ihrmt unfurnished rooms. Close In. In quire Bulletin. 871-VOtfn yANTED-lloiuehold goods bought. Standard Furniture Co., I'hnnn Red 611. 7R9-74lfo F VOl' do not find what you rn . looking for-advortlse In theaa col- umna, at one cant a word. If WANTED, TO RENT A furnished or partly furnished house, close In preferred; by permanent tenants. In quire Bulletin. 693tfo ,y glDKWAI.K FOR h.U.E Sixty feat ' of good four-font sidewalk. Can easily be hauled In 16 -foot lengths! to any location. Inquire Bulletin of-1 flee. 492-OCtfa liMJR HALE Two lots In Northwest ; TnwnftitA Cmitnnnv'M Rnrnnri Ad. t dltlon (west of tlio river, near She-' lln mill); price $160, easy terms, Ap ply a be, Bulletin nlllrs, tl i pR SALE Lots 9 and 10, of block 13, Bend View, price $200, eaay terms. Sou ABC, Bullotln office, i So0-70tf JI1IS ADVERTISEMENT costs IS, cents. If you Hon t seo wnat you . want, ask for It. tfj A SNAP 80 Acres IMPROVED IRRIGATED LAND GOOD HOUSE and BARN. All fenced and cross fenced ; about HO acres alfalfa; $1 '()); im provements worth the money. . J. A. EASTES Central Oregon's Leading INSURANCE AGENCY r BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS ARTHUR J . MOORE Lawyer GENERAL PRACTICE Ijck Cabin Hltljr. Phone Ulk Mil Th law muit h rmiwcUd and enforcnl JIHTICE TO ALL Wo B-uarsntc uttlnfactlon nil rmulls on all tramutctioiu. I'rlvata invmtlga tionn a i.ccl.ky. If you are In Irnubls of any kind call 2001. W. A. L. Pari land Haul. Offica phont Dlk 1701 Rca. Blk IIOS FREE CONSULTATION Dr. R. D. Kctchum, DruglcNi Physician Hours, ( to 12, 1 to 6:30, or by ap pointment. BATHER BUILDING K. A. Monttomarr F. Manltomcrr BrillNGDAl.E.ON THE METOMU8 GltANUVIEW, ORK. White Iahorna. Barrrd Rocki, R. t. Rein, Whlta Prkln Duck., TouIojm BlKian liana, Anxora Itabbila, Mammoth Bronxe Turkoya, (iulnua PIk. Tinning and Sheet Metal WM. MONTGOMERY. Furnaces, Spouting, Guttering, Cornice and Skylight Repairing promptly attended to Prices right, work guaranteed VERNON A. FORBES tv AMmM,n ( l a w y e it ' H- il- 1c ARMOND First National Bank Building j LAWYER Bend. :-: :; Oregon J 0'Kane Building, Bend, Oregon G. C. MORGAN Attorney nt I41W 211 Oregon 8t., net to Tele phone office. BEND, ORE. W. P. MYERS LAWYER O'Kane Building, BEND, ORE. !. K. K.VfiEllRETSON, PLIMIIINO AND IlEATINQ 117 Minnesota Street. Estlmulos Chonrfully Fumlshod Jobbing Promptly Dona. M. A. PALMER Cabinet Maker mid Builder, Jobbing Screen Door and Windows. Franklin Ht.', roar of Irrigation Co.'s old building. FOB SALE-One of tlio host, contracted houses In llend at uctiiol ciwt, with no t'lmi-o for the 100x120 leet of view properly It stands upon. Terms like rent. Bend Park Co. Real Estate and Insurance 'A CHRISTIAN CHURCH Meets nt Kenwood School ovory Lord's Day, at 10 a. m. All members urged to ho present. DR. TURNER Eye Specialist of Portland VISITS BEND MONTHLY Watch paper for Dstei or inquire of TH ORSON, THE JEWELER Put In Your Our, DUDS SUDS BEND LAUNDRY Phone Black 311 W. G. Manning, D. M. D. DENTIST Suite 12-14, O'Kane Building Tel. Black 1781 Bend, Ore. BEND INSURANCE AGENCY Writers of all kinds nf insurance. Old. est Insurance 'Aa-anny In Central O re nin. II. C. Ellis. Hint National Bank ilulldlns, Bend, Oregon, Bond LodRfl No. 42.1 Imyal Or der of Moose Moets In Moose Hall evory Thursday. Visiting brothers are cordially Invited t attend. Practice Real Economy READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS Buy Advertised Goods X