TIIK IIKND HtUiKTlN, DAILY EDITION, UKM, OKKtiO.N, H.l'U'KIMV, NOVKMIIKH 21, II7 PAGE rxxairs U l D TONICHT SUNDAY MATINEE Sarah Bernhardt FilJom'i nuprcme offering". Tlx tfreateet actrem in world" in the yrcatent icrecn drama of the ifreateet wr. A pathetic, vivid, vital play iliuwintf French womanhood and manhood it it licit and bravett. The picture you can never forget. "Who Is Number One?" Watch For Date SUNDAY NIGHT and MONDAY Marguerite Clark -IN- " The Amazons" Tliii dainty little ictrete u more attractive in tKi film masterpiece than in her former production!. A picture alive with human interest. pathoeand humor. You muit ice Mar guerite in thit picture Sunday and Monday, Al.o A Comedy I mny bent a unuro of jili'iixttro on Ilia pavement, ifl" 'I crle limy pipe aero tho darkness, fiddle scratch It I Invitation nil th n ( note of I midnight triifllc Mill I viiln their summon upon hi wlmhm'. 18-Cyllnder Engine, Ily leaps mid bound the stationary tyjitj airplane engine nre Increasing In power rntlnif In llio stern compctl lion hctwct'cn tin! central power unci Hie allied nation. In England IxmiIh Contiilcn Iiiin heen doing commendable work iiIoiik lliene linen, mill among hi latest product 1m the 18-cyllinler Htm-hcaiii-Ciitiilcn engine, which develop 175 brake horne power, and tut w no fewer than half u dozen miiKiit-to und in equal nuinljer of carburetors, uy llin Keleiitlilc Anierlean. Tho urrang6 Inent of the cylinder Ih Interesting: Twelve of the cylinder are arranged im In the usual IwIii-hIx practice, while the remaining alx are arranged In the upper center, forming whut I styled the "hroud arrow" type. 1917 NOVEMBER 1917 SUN MOW TUE WED THU i 8 111213141516 wmmm 2RISAT 910 vn OltKUOM THUNK Tit A I.N Arrlvoa 7:20 a. m. Leave 8 p, m. O.-W. II. A N. TKAI.N. F Arrive 7:36 p. m. Leave 7:26 a. m. ALTO BTA(K LINK HOL'TII. Leave 8:45a.m. Arrive 6 p. m, AUTO IJNF.H. Cara (o Hum. Kort Klamath Kort Hock, Hllvar Lake and e- other point aouth and south cut. I'OHT OKF1CK IIOl'IW. Oenernl delivery open dally 8:30 a. in. to 7 p. m. No mall distributed on Sunday. - NIk lit train mull clones 7:lt. l Day train niall clone 6:30 a. m. V j TKI.KtiltAI'll IIOlltH. Woatcrn Union, 8 a. ro. to 9 p. m. Sunday and holiday It a. m. to 10 a. iii., 6 p. tn. to t) p. m. TKI.KI'IIONH IIOL'IIH. Pacific Tol. & Tol. Co. 34 hour H. II. Ilogln, II. (1. llluckwe:i and (iurogu 8. Youiik worn survey Inn a new roud, which I to hu oieued up neur A 1 fit I fu, yesterday. J. It. Hmlth I now running n fire man on the OrcKon Trunk Hue, re pluuliiK Fireman Oooley, who hu Joined the uvlullon corp. The M. W. Knickerbocker home at Clint wu duinuKed liy flro to the amount of $125 yesterday, accordliiK to rnportN telephoned In from there. Mr. Lambert out and umull son, from Lyndon, Washington, hovo re turned to their home after spending a month In llend WIM Mr. (... L. Evunii. A. A. Kivxleaton, of Itunm, I In llend to accept a position a vlollnlat at tho Liberty Theatre. He will also bn a member of the orchestra at til Hippodrome dance, circle It. The Gnindmands will run around three aide of the field. The bla; footbubil Kume Tlmnks- kIvIiik day helwcen the liremerton navy team and tho 9 1st Division may be played here, althouKh orlKlnallv, acneuuieu to lie piuyeu at uio sta llii in. Soldier must decline Thanksxlv liiK and Chrlstnia dinner Invitation, following an order from Major Gen oral Greene that, while these two day will be holiday in tho camp, no leaves or furlough -will be granted except under urgent and exceptional circumstance. Kemember to plan to take your Thanksgiving Dinner at Tho Cozy You know that mean good food, well cooked. 298,00,1 Bend in Brief DOINGS A YOUR CITY. You'll Find Them Here. HATl'HDA V, Ittil Men, office or K. 1. (illiuiii, H p. in. AT THE HOTELS. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS J. J. (Jllllland waa In Culver today. Mr. Lou Pulllnm I In town from Tumalo today with her son. Levi V. Smith inndo a business trip In from Mllllcan today. A, V. Wella wont out to Portland thla morning on a aalei trip. Mr. and Mr. W. M. Wilson were 111 today from Powell lluttn. P. II. Meradorf and Almu Ncff woro In from tholr runches today. Martin Mallmnycr Is In from Dry Lako and may bo employed hero somo time. Mis ICdlth M. Lewis has gono to Portlnntl to attend tho wedding of her brother. Hud Scott hu gono hack to Pon dleton. He was eniployod In Dond threo wook. Kldon Swnnk, of Lebanon, wag In Ilond today filing on a homcstend Jioar Brothorfl. C, O. MnNfunitir is at his homo In Matollua to apend TlianksKivliig week with rolatlvea. Mm. W. 0. Krb ntid chlldrnn Imvo Kono to ICiiRtorn Idaho to make their homo for. tho wlntor. C. J. Huffman loft for OrnHS Vnlloy thl morning after passing a week hero looking ovor land, C. If. Parrand and D. F. Forrnnil, of Shorrlll, aro In town today and mny remain hore durlnu tho wlntor. David Morrl hag purchased tho homo of Elmer Ward, noar tho high school, and will rosldo In "It this wln tor. J. A. Hawking ha taken out a per mit to eroct a dwoMlng on lots one and two, block 42, Illvor Terrace, Tho coat wilf bo $150. rilot llutln Inn. Carl Wodeckl, Tho Dalles. Mr. A. Hubbard, Seattle. X. I). Cunan, Condon. 0. M. Trlmhley, Condon. 1. S. Wilson, Ilarnes. V. H. Tlchnor, Portland. Lloyd L. Dreede, Portland. Mrs. M. M. Mutsnn, Portland. C. 8. Haiiawait. Portland. Tim Carroll. D. II. Itohlnett, Silver Luke. Dennis O'Connor. J. II. Stanley, llend. Wrlxlit Hotel. W. 0. Kordham, La Pine. K. II. Iteagan, Crescent. Mrs. W. 0, Krb, La Pino. Lulu li. Hayes, Lawon. Alex Kggleslon, Kurns. Kmll Q. Ilrehor, Klamath Fall. M. L. Frost, Klamath Falls. Mr. Dora Thome, Kedmond. Mr. Vita Rannellg, Rodmond. S. Ponlano, Panama. Edith Lewi. Sister. Olln Krby, Sacramonto. T. O. Nlchol, Fossil. It. It. Spencer, 8pokane. A. W. Ilorry, Slstora. W. T. Fryrcur, SUlor. A. J. Weston, Sisters. '() Hotel. VC. V. Wilson, Portland. Wllllum Muckey, Pino Mountain W. L. Lowa, Hums. E. McDuffy. Chnrle E. Molony,. Portland. H. L. Davis, Portlund. A. J. Davis. CAMP LEWIS TO HAVE A BIG GRANDSTAND Soldier Will Have Own iStmllum In- xtiNKl of (IiiIiik to Tnconui MuhI ItefuNO Dinner InvlliitioiiN. n Unltrd PrM to Th nenil Bulletin.) CAMP LEWIS, Nov. 24. Work Is being rushed hero today on a grand stnnd which will goat 17,000 persons. Tho gftind will mako It possible to stngo b!iK alhtntia event horo In stoad of at tho Taeoma gtadlum. Tho field will bo largo enough for foot bull or 'biiHchall and a truck will en- CHICKENS FOR EMPTY CANS Tradlno of Discarded Tin and Bottles for Food I Common In Thibet; Explorer Reports, Hrlndnit with him an extensive col lection of hiiiiiII mammals, reptile and birds. Hoy C. Andrew, bead of the Aslntlr KKitoglcul expedition, ha ar rived In New York, after a year and u half In the remote province of China. The expedition spent much of the time In the mouutiiliiH of Yunnan and progressed lis fur its Thibet. Mr. An drews' adventure Included everythlnc from hunting "bine" t leers to buying chickens at the rate of two for one empty condcliHcd milk call. Politically China Is In a chaotic Nliile. Mr. Andrews reports, as most of the pi'ovtiiccK lire so fur removed from the central government at Peking thul uiiy change of authority does not umke IlKflf felt. Socially, he declares. t is overrun with hnndlts, most of n limn nre recruits from the nrmy. Ac cording to Mr. Andrews, there is no itretit moral difference between n Chi nese common soldier and n liuiullt. In many places he found traffic by wnter Impossible becuusc the nrmy has n hiihlt of using small river bout for target practice. Tlie expedition found t)M border of Thibet an Ideal place to live In. Food may be bought with old bottles and can. There nre plenty of servants and no rumor of the war has pene trated that fur. AT THE MOVIES l.llM-rly Theatre. The mere announcement that Sarah Bernhardt In the moving picture, "Mothers of France," will bo seen at the Liberty Theatre tonight and Sunday matinee, Is sufficient to arouse .Intense Interest as thl Is prob ably the last picture In which the divine Surah will appear and as it show the French trenches, French battlefields and French cities In war time. When exhibited in France and England this picture took those coun tries by storm. It wag the biggest motion picture success ever present ed In thoBo countries and It seems certain that this tremendous success w.lll be repetcd on this side of the Atlantic. Certainly, no picture ever produced has such a combination of Interest and entertainment. In the first place tho itar alone would lift any picture into the extraordinary class. To this Is added the timeli ness of tho production, the magnifi cence upon which it has been staged, the intense Interest of the plot and the wonderful war pictures filmed under the auspices of the French gov ernment In French trenches and on French battlefields. Some of the scenes are memorable. For Instance, one scene shows Madame Bernhardt In front of the statue of Joan d'Arc before the Cathedral at Rheims. The havoc wrought in the Cathedral by German shells Is plainly evident in this scene. You will never see the like of this attraction. It Is so out of the ordinary, so wonderfully In teresting and entertaining, so splen didly photographed and so tremend ously acted by Sarah Bernhardt, that it is In an unapproachable class by itself. Do not miss seeing it. It is presented by the World Film Corporation. Play as You Pay Remember, you can have (food muiic in your own home at a very email coit now $5.00 down and you (et a machine. Jfend Agents for Edison Viclrolas REED & HORTON For Your Pleasure Big Six Piece Orchestra AT THE HIPPODROME TONIGHT ('rand Theatre. OVIE OF MODERN BOOKWORM An Kloctrlo Coffee Portoliitnr for $8.B0. Tho Tower Co. Artv, . Student Would Not Be Influenced by Any Pleasures the World Could Offer Him. Now behold the student coming up the street I He Is clad In rubber and hlntng black. He Is thin of shank as become a scholar. He sags with knowledge. He hungers for wisdom. He comes opposite the book shop. It Is hut coquetry that his eyes seek the window of the tobacconist. His heart, you mny be sure, looks through the buttons nt his buck. At Inst he turns, Charles S. Brooks writes In Yule Review. Ho pauses on the curb. Now desire hns clutched him. He jlngloa his trousered shil lings'. He trends the gutter. He squints upon the ' rnck. Ho lights upon a treasure. He plucks It forth. ITe Is unresolved whether to buy It or to spend the extra shilling on his dinner. Now nil you conks together, to save your business rattle your pnns to rouse him I If within these nnclent build ings there nre onions ready peeled quick I throw them In the skillet that the whiff may come beneath his nose I Chance trembles and ousts Its vote eenlo meenle down goes the shilling he has bought the book. Tonight he will sjurend It benenlh onndle Feet Theda Bara, who will soon be seen In a sensational film version of "Ca- mllle," the newest William Fox super picture, plaintively asks, "How would you like to be called a Love Pirate, the Iahmaelite of Femininity, a Vam plre, the woman with the most beau tifully wicked face in the world? "Vamplring, such as I do, is the hardest kind of work," says Miss Bara. "I am imbued with the char acter and lose myself In it. Complete exhaustion follows my day of work. When my name was first displayed on the billboards, the American pub lic did not know who or what wic being advertised. Now, when they gee my name they invariably gay, An Electric Toaster that tarns the tot, W.OO. The Power Co. Adv. 'The human vampire.' "It Is not pleasant to be described so, I can assure everyone of that. When I first heard myself referred to as 'the vampire woman I was heart broken. "I went to my apartment and was In tears the greater part of the night. All my ideals were shattered, even the praiBe I had received, for nothing could console me. I felt that I was that against which every woman's hand wag raised. "People asked what manner of woman I could be who portrayed in such lifelike manner the sirens of the drama." In the super-picture. Camille," Theda Bara plays the part of the woman she has Just described. This Fox special is at the Grand Sunday evening and Monday. Bluebird will provide the enter tainment at the Grand Theatre to night and Sunday afternoon, when Franklyn Farnum and Brownie Ver non will appear in "A Stormy Knight," a mystery comedy of orig inal theme and deftly entertaining consummation. When their parents decreed that they should wed, the girl In the case decided that she must assure herself that her future bus band was, above all things, courag eous. She wanted to marry "a reg ular man" and to prove to her own satisfaction that she was betting the "real article," Mary Weller led Jack Winton through a series of adven tures that would make most men quit at the first encounter. Franklyn Farnum, as Jack Weller, sees it through, and wins the girl of his heart In the final outcome. Blue bird has gained an enviable reputa tion for clever photoplaylng. and "A. Stormy Knight" is sure to enhance) that valuable asset. Highest cosh price paid for all kinds of furs, hides, wool, pelt. Briggs' Second Hand Store. 323c Carlson & Lyons PLUMBING & HEATING Plumbing and Heating- Supplies, ' Bath Room Accessories, etc. Pipe, Valves and Fittings PHONE RED 1591 HOTEL ALTAM0NT Is still the Home Hotel of BEND Good Meals at all times Regular Meals 35c Ex teas if desired' Bend View PRICES: $100 AND UP TERMS: Reasonab.e We'll loan yon money to build. BEND'S MOST SCENIC RESIDENCE PROPERTY Every Lot commands a view of the River, Mountains and City. Building restrictions according to Location. i J. RYAN O Kane Bid?. CO- Phone Ml Hotpolnt Kloctrlo Irons, IjtS.OO, The Power Co. The Slore With Qood gootft Table Silver The Silver Service Is so inti mately woven Into home nfTairs thut its selection should be made whero especial care is devoted to Table Silver and where ad vice und supg-estlons may jfulde the purchaser. LARSON & CO. have achieved a peculiar distinc tion as the store specializing In correct Table Silver, presenting the finest stock In Central Ore-fr-on. ' LARSON & CO. Watch rnnKers and Jewelers BEND. OREGON At the Sign of the (Big Clock THE BACKBONE OF BEND IS LUMBER MANUFACTURING OUR PAYROLLS MAKE YOUR PROFITS BY BUYING LOCAL PRODUCTS YOU ARE HELPING BENT). The Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co. Local Sales Agent MILLER LUMBEBCO. Complete Stock of Lumber Lath, Sash and Doors