TUB IIKNI) IllLLKTIN. DAILY EDITION, IIEND, ORKtiON, HATl HI) V. NOVEMBER 17, 1017 PAUtt ( j iLliJj- NOVEMBER 1917 SUN MOM TUE WED THUl FRISAI 4 11 1213H151617 mi- 18192021222324 5252627128301 Bend in Brief IXINGS l YOUR CITY. You'll Find Them Here. HATMID.W. lUtl Men, nfriin of K. I', (ill-win N p. in. Lymi imi-iliiir, I'rt-fcli) (i-rlun rhurt'li. MOND.W. Lyon mii-t Inic, Ppi-nIi) trrlun rhurt-li Ibtyul Arch Miwiii, t4tHtntJi- hull. 8 , in. PnliiK-r nnil Dccnriilors, lamp Pine luilior Ti'inpli', H p. in. Tl'KSD.W. Lyon nipctiiiu;, Pit-why Irrliiti church. M. W. A.. HiiiIh-i-'n hull, M p. in. Hliiiiriimon ami lirli klncr, lamp PI no lilHir Tiniple, H p. in. WKDM-MIMY. fiiiiiiiicnlul (lull lunch, I'llut lluttp Inn, iMMin. I.yim niis-llng, Presbyterian church. l-'iinncr' llilon, Kli Iiiii-iImiii school. OUICOON Till'Mi THAIN Arrives 7:1! n. m. Leaves 8 p, in. O.-W. It. N. TltAI.V Arrlvua 7:H p. in. Lonve 7:2b a. m. AUTO HTAOK LINK HObTH. Lonvea 8:45 a. in. Arrival f l. ut. AI'TO !J X KM. Cnra to Burns. Fort Klamath Kurt Hock, Silver l.uko and other polula aouth and aonth cnnt. 1'OHT OEKICK HOfltS. General dellvorv open dally 8:30 n. in. to 7 p. m. No mull distributed on Siindny. Night .Iruln mall closes 7:15. Duy trnln mall cIohoh (1:30 a. m. TKLKtmAI'll HOURS. Western Union, 8 a. m. to 9 p. in. Sunday and holidays 8 a. m. to 10 a. in., C p. m. to 6 p. m. TKLKPIIONIC HOCKS. Pacific Tel. & Tol. Co. 2 4 hour LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 1 2 3 8 910 Joseph Vareo, of Ilrnlhors, was In town on business thin mornliiK. Loo Itoyer has Ronn to ttedmond, where hn will work for some time, Clyde MrKny left for I.u Ornnilo this mornliiK on u week's IniKlness trip. Mrs. Mlnnln Illlyer Is vIbIiIiir over the ,wook-aml ut her homo In (luto wuy. M, II. Morton Is nwny on u trip to Portlunil and Boatllo. lie will return Monday. Mrs. W. H. Presley went In Prlnn vlllo this mornliiK and will remain there for tho winter. MIbb Poarl Dayton la on her way 1mi!k to floattlo oftor npmidlng o month'horo with her sister. John K. Hethorn enmn In from Mil lion today to prove tip on his homo fltaad, Mr. nnd Mrs, Kmll Klnillnr and mull daitghtnr hnvn rnttlrnnd to lliolr lionio In Hoston, Muss, They spout lx months In liond. Sunday Matinee & Night & Monday Douglas Fairbanks t IN HIS NEWEST OFFERING "DOWN TO EARTH" From the story, of the versatile star himself- presenting his own optimistic view of life in a riot of fun. W. I). Cyrus was In toduy on mat ters I'lilllli'i led Willi Settling Hi" af fair of IiIh mother's estulo. Ilu will return to Slaters tonight. Mm. J. F. Wusnenur and children urrlvi'd In Bend this morning and will miike their honiii with Mr. Wus I'lmr, w ho Is employed hern. Khuiiiiiin lloiiil I here visiting IiIh jiu ri-ii t h while on u 10-duy furlnuKli friiin Kort Stevens, where he In a iii'tintiiT ii f the Fourth Company In Hie OreK'in Const Artillery. AT THE HOTELS. ' Pilot Unite Inn. Iten A. lieDumy, Portland. Hum Mendelsohn, Hun Francisco. I inn n Asdi-ll, I'ortlund. . A I lee l.)iiiiri(iT. Dot Hiiluiuu. Jerry Houghton. Kulli I. eh in u n. JiMin l.yle. Kulh YVImsbeaug. Uoliert It. tiowdoln, Heattle. C. C. Cimn. Ili-tiil. Mm. It. K. Ktury. I.a Pine. Klo!e Storey. I.u Pine. II. II l.iimpliiK, I.u Pine. ' IttirlcH Purlin, Hummer I.uke. J. Hi'llllK. Ilium MePliemon. Wrluhl Hotel. Hoherl lii'iiiion and wife, Ktirckn Mini I. Mr. and Mm. Irwin S. WrluM Portland. . (). II. Iliinirdfl, Portland. C. PlfKHy, Scu 1 1 In. (ieorKe KIppiT, IIohIoii, Malta. Oru Vim Tunnel, Minims. II. P. Iavln. Madras. C. Itenm, Alfuiru. Ollvln Hoinhmiiyed, Klumalh Falls. llurrlsiin Slavln, Medford. Dulsy Iteed, I.a Pine. Hurried JoIiiihoii, llrolhers. Charles Kedmond, I'ortlund. II. A. Hull. Portland. Coxy Hotel. K. M. Dora n. Henry MrClusky. N. IlaiiHon and wife, Tillamook. S. N. William. Drewsey. K. I.. Tomhlin and family, Hcnd. C. KKinutson, Sherldun, Wyo. II. Tlmliile, llend. SAGES ENTERTAIN AT SCHOOL ASSEMBLY (Vimle Paper Iti'ail Ity Memliei-H of the Cluli, Milken lilt With Students. Musical numhers and a comic pa per entitled tho "Huge llulletin," niacin up the program given yesterday afternoon In tho high school audi torium by tho Sago literary society. This was tho first . appenrnnco tho club has in ado this year In a regular assembly hour, Stanley Ilond and Morlo Miller made a hit in tho uniform of two soldiers just returned from tho tronehos, who produced .tho newspa pnr from their homo town and read aloud Jokes and humorous Btorlos concerning pnople In tho high school. Mildred Morris and Kuth Fleming gavo a ploaslng piano duot. This was followed by vocal solos 1y Viola II row n and Marlon Coynor. Selec tions on tho new Vletrola opanod tho assembly. An Klwlrlr Toaster (lint turns Hio tonsl, $1,00. The Power Co, Adv. TONIGHT-ONLY "YANKEE PLUCK" A Patriotic, Thrilling and l'li-unlng Htory. featuring F.THF.i, LAVTON and MONTAGL'K 1A)K NEWS WEEKLY COMEDY A Caddy 8tory. The gentleman whs lenrnllig to piny golf mid It bud been toe much for the roiiipoMiro of bis caddy. The cuddy hud uiiide valiant efforts ut tlrst. but by the third bole he wax helpleHK with mirth. The p-ntleiiuin llxed III ill Willi u cold eye and mild : "What do you think I'll give you on your curd If yon lire so silly und gig gle nil the time? Do you think you'll get a good" 7" "No," replied tbe chortling cuddy. "I ll get u V. O." "V. (1. ! I suppose that stiiuds for very good," snapped the Infuriated gen tleman. "No, sir. V. O., very giggly," suld the abandoned little cuddy, rolling on the ground. Will Not Visit "Meat Houses." In Tokyo, suys (Jood Health, a cer lain cluss of Jupunese are- adopting the prncllco of eating incut, us they have tirijolrcd the biiblt of using to bacco und drinking whisky, through their desire to Imitate the westerners. Some have- an Idea that by llesh-eat-lng they may be nble to Increuse their xlr.e nnd vigor. It Is noticeable, however, that the Japanese women refuse to eat meat mid will not vlhlt the restaurants where ment Is served, which lire known us "incut houses." The Japanese wom en regard It Improper to visit such plucc.H. St. Paul's Gold Cross a Mark. Thcr! Is n feeling growing In city circles that Hti-ps should be tuken to deaden tile gleam of the cross und bell on St. Paul's cnthedrnl, snys the Ion ilon Clobe. It Is pointed nut that these were reglbb'd shortly before the war, and Hint when tbe sun Is shining brightly they afford n mugnlllcent landmark for enemy airmen to lndl nle the wherenhouts of tho very cen- r of the city of London. It Is stated that the shining cross can be seen ninny miles nwny with the miked eye. llotpolnt Klet'trlc Irons, Ktiiirnu teed. Only $.1, easy Installments if desired. Tho Power Co. Adv. The Store With Qood Qoods Table Silver Tho Silver Servlco is so inti mately woven Into home alTuirs thai Its selection should be made where especial enre Is devoted to Tallin Silver and where ad vice and" suggestion!) may guide tho pu cell user. LARSON & CO. have achieved a peculiar distinc tion as the store specializing- in correct Tuble Silver, presenting the llnost stock in Central Ore gon. LARSON & CO. WatchmaKers and Jswelors BEND. OREGON A I the Sign of the $lg Clock j . Practice Real Economy READ THE ADyERTISEMENTS Buy Advertised Goods To-Night and Sunday Matinee "Even As You And 1" It it alwaya the other person whom we read about, and never ourselves i it aafe to juclffe your neighbor? See this teven reel feature play by Lou Weber before you iniwtr. ALICE HOWELL The World's Greatest Female Funater AT THE MOVIES (irnnd Theatre. Senator Krunk Deerlng (William Karnum), long has fought the good old fight to aid children In their mis ery, tho misery emailed by child la bor. Ills dearest friend" Is Judge Vernon (Frank Clark) who. appar ently, has been his able lieutenant in tho good fight. Karller In life, Judge Vernon had married and been blessed with a charming duughter, Grace, (Vivian rtlih). Coming in daily contact with this splendid representative of tho other ex. Senator Deerlng, who is a bach elor, is constantly reminded of the softer but greater Joys of life which ho has missed. Ha begins by feeling toward the girl tho tenderness that a father has for his daughter. Time brings him the discovery that he really loves the girl, loves her so that he would make her bis wife. But yuuth Intervenes. A Dr. Ken dfo (Brooklyn Keller), appears on the scene; and by his tenderness and love for little children, he finds his way to the heart of Grace. Senator Dnorlng discovers that tho young doc tor has won tho affections of Grace and he manfully stands aside. Mean while the fight against child labor goes on and the picture at the Grand Theatre develops a very inter esting theme. Henry .McCarthy (Charles Clary), is of the old type of politician and dollar-muker; he wrings the dollars from his employees and he pays lib eral graft to the officials so that he may continue in his hard-fisted ways. But underneath, deep down in his soul, is a little spark of tenderness. And this littlo spark is kept alive by Grace, for at her feet McCarthy would lay his heart. Liberty Theatre. A special treat to the patrons of tho Liberty Theatre is promised for Sunday and Monday in the way of another rip-roaring comedy cinema presenting the inimitable Douglas Fairbanks in his newest and funniest offering, "Down to Earth," released by Arlcraft pictures. In this film the energetic Douglas not only excels all his previous efforts on the screen but at the same time, proves his abil ity ns an author, in which respect he is Just as distinctive as his acting In fact, this photoplay is "very much Fairbanks," so to speak, for he wrote it, enacted Its principal character and even directed several scenes himself when other duties in connection with the production of the film called Di rector John Emerson away. In addition to Its other merits, "Down to Enrth" is undoubtedly the most lavishly stnged photoplay In which tho popular Fairbanks has ever appoarcd. The film shows the many difforent localities visited by a happy young man whoso "wnndorlust" and "closo-to-nnture" Ideas not only af ford him the real pleasures of life but at tho sumo time are tho means of Bpi-cndlng health and sunshine whorovor he goes. The thome is typ ical of the true Fairbanks nature and In addition to its mirth-provoking qualities carries with It the well known optimism and philosophy of tho famous screen star, proving in all one of the greatest screen tonics ever presented. Douglas Fairbanks knows himself hotter than any per son living. In writing the story tor flRAND THEATRE! m WHERE GOOD M PICTURES ARE SHOWN 1 1 AjVfVti- 13 I '' C; Douglas Fairbanks in "Down to Earth," at the Liberty Theatre Sunday and Monday. his own characterization it is, there fore, naturally to be supposed that he gives himself the. best vehicle to ex press his own ideas on life. SOCIAL RAISES KI NDS. Proceeds from a basket social and entertainment given last night at the Hoech school, a few miles east of Bend, amounted to $50.30. This is to go Into the fund for the purchase of an organ for the school. Miss Winifred Nelson was in charge of the arrangements and musical program. One cent a word is all a little Want Ad will cost you.. THANKSGIVING! BE SURE AND SEE THE FINE DISPLAY OF 1 847 ROGERS and COMMUNITY SILVER --AT- i MYRON H. SYMONS The Jeweler . O KANE BUILDING Sunday Night and Monday "The Price of Silence" Tbe Uncle To ma Cabin of Today A powerful photoplay against child slavery in factory and mine, which stunts body and mind. Presenting WILLIAM FARNUM A dramatic portrayal of a strong man's tempta tions, with that great screen mar. PATHE NEWS-P icturet of present day historical erenta world picture! of tbe war v M i Sunday in Bend Churches Baptist Church. Sermon, 11 o'clock. Topic, "Sons of God." J. M. NELSON. Pastor. Episcopal Services. Rev. Van Waters, of Portland, will hold services in the Masonic hall on Sunday at S:00 p. m.