THE HEM) IULLKTIN. DAILY EDITION, BEND, OKKOON, MONDAY, NOV KM 111 . II 1U, 101 T Y. M. C. A. ALSATIAN GIRLS FLEE TO UNITED STATES fAGK WORK IS IMPORTANT AMERICAN KOLD1KK AT THE FRONT TF.LLS HOW ASSOCIA TION IS APPRECIATED UY THE XT. S. ENLISTED MEN. No botlor evidence of the great work being performed by the Y. M. C. A. wlto "our boys somewhere In France" can bo presented than an excerpt from a letter of 0. H. Coe, of Tillamook, Oregon. Says Coe In that portion of his communication dealing with tho "Y." "I am writing this in a crowded room to tho tune of a Victrola and six husky singers. A sputtering can dle is on tho table for light but, be lieve me, we sure do appreciate the Y. M. C. A. They are everywhere w ith the soldiers and wherever they are they are run by 'regular Ameri can young men who give advice in- lormation and comfort. They gener ally have a Victrola and plenty of tally have a. Victrola, plenty of reading they are sure patronized by the boys. "When I come back, believe me, I will always have a paid-up Y. M. card Sn my pockot es long as I have coin to pay'everything." Coe's testimonial, to the efficien cy of the Y. M. C. A. organization on the western bsttlefront overseas, is typical of what America's defenders of democracy think of the "Y." rvtNNie Waco 1 5r In "Tho Client," Tuesday mid Wed nesday ut the IJtH'Hy Tlieatrc. MOONEY PROBE GIVES NEW DEVELOPMENTS Sensjit lonnl Disclosures Promlsoil lly Investljintors Ircldi'nt May Uo Asked to Pardon. (Ily UniU-4 Pruts to The Bend Bulletin.) SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 12 Prom ise of evidence to bring about Un arrest of an entire new group of de fendant, together with the disclosure I of the fact that a government expert has lieen secretly investigating for the last two weeks, figured today in tho opening by the President's media tion hoard, of the investigation of the Mooney bomb cases. Sensational disclosures are prom ised. It is reported that the Presi dent will be asked to pardon Mooney nd Billings. HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT IS ILL WITH FEVER Guard at Houses Quarantined Last Week May IJe Removed Tomorroiv. Another case of scarlet fever was discovered today when Paul Brook ings, a high school student, residing at the home of H. G. Farris, in Park Addition,- was placed under quaran tine. It is thought by the attending physician tbat only Mrs.- Farris was exposed to contagion and that it will not be necessary to fumigate the high school. A strict quarantine has been .placed on the home, even the dog being locked up. - No other cases have come to the Jiotice of the city physician. Schools have reopened end will continue in operation, so far as is known. Four houses are still under quarantine guard, officers being stationed on the streets to prevent intercourse "with the inmates. The guard will probably be removed tomorrow un less the doctors order otherwise. Two other houses have already been re leased from quarantine. NEW PIANO STORE TO OPEN IN BEND Preparing to open a new piano store in Bend, E. M. Thompson, who recently disposed of his furniture business in this city, has secured a lease on store rooms on Minnesota between Bond and Wall streets, and will open for business this week. Mr. Thompson already has a number of sample instruments on exhibition. He will handle the Sherman-Clay line exclusively. ORDERS SURRENDER OF STORED FOODS FIRST NAVY MEDAL OF WAR AWARDED 'By United Pres to The Bend Bulletin.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 12. Secretary of the Navy Daniels an nounced today that the war's first naval medal has been awarded to Patrick McGunigal, of Youngstown, Ohio, for rescuing the pilot of a kite balloon struck in the submarine zone. One cent a word is all a little Want Ad will cost you. (By United Press to The Bend Bul'etin.) WASHINGTON. D. C, Nov. 12. The food administration stated today that millions of dollars worth of food stuffs and feeds are being stored by neutrals. Suspected German agents near New York will be seized unless the supplies are voluntarily surrendered. CAR TRUCKS SLIP, TRAIN IS DELAYED The incoming train of the Oregon Trunk was delayed for approximately five hours today, when the front trucks of a merchandise car slipped from the track near Culver. Machin ery to remedy the trouble had to be brought from Metolius. A Blower. Bill He's always blowing about what be does. Gill Well, what does he do? "Plays a cornet." Youkers Statesman. Signs of Improvement. Ivory Is your daughter improving In her piano practice? Zinc I tbink so. Some of the neighbors nod to me gain. 8t. Iiiils Post-Dispatch. C. S. HUDSON, President HUGH E. BRAN, Vice-President. U. C. COE, Vice President L. G. McRE VNOLDS, Cashier E.A. BATHER, Vice President. K. E. SAWYER, Assistant Cashier The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND, OREGON. NOTICE Subscribers to Liberty Loan Bonds of the Second Issue are earnestly re quested to make payment of the sec ond Installment by November 14, so that remittance may reach San Fran cisco by the 1 5th. This Installment amounts to $9.00 on the $50.00 Bonds, and $18.00 on the $100.00 Bonds. Observance of these terras will be appreciated. First National Bank Member Federal Reserve System, , :.v- irMf ! ! 'I i Misses I.ydln anil .In net Itliimrnlhnl. iliniKliler of Daniel llluuii'iillinl, who wns mayor of Colnmr at tho hcciiiiiliiir of the wnr. until the (ioniums iKlvniieed nnd deposed him. Tho two girls lied secretly from their homo tn Coliniir to tn ...,..1 fl..,li. II....U ... ,1... I !. ......... ... it. ...jl Ittl.. (I. a I l arrived recently In Ibis country, Dnnlel Itliiineiitluil arrived hero six months tign. Ho Is well known as u lender In A I sure mid as president of tho World League ror the ucstitunon or Alsace-Lorraine. Sl'HSCHIPTIOXK Ql'OTA. (Continued from Pago 1.) high school by taking up a collection and estimates that with pledges of the teachers the sum w ill bo increased to $80. Mrs. Thompson also has a number out. Tho committee with Mr. Do Annum! expects to have $500 by night. SOLDIERS KILLED IN WRECK ON I). & R. G. . (By United Preu to The Bend Bull. tin.) SADELA. Colo., Nov. 12. Three members of tho Forty-second divis ion of United States Infantry were killed, two are missing and 16 others were injured when the second section of the Denver & Rio Grande troop train hit tho first section. The sol diers were en route cast from Utah. The wreck Is not believed to huvc been due to a German plot. BUL LE.TIN Classified Ads Out One Cent a Word The Daily U Read by Everyone in Bend The Weekly (Circulation 1750) Reacha Everyone Who. Buyt or Sell in Bend, end circulates Throughout Central Oregon You Get What You Want PHONE 561 FOR SALE pOK HALK, t'HKAP Piano, to some one who can finish payments, uay Music Co. 856-87, 8c pOK HALK OK TRADE Sound, gentle mare, weight 1150; spring wagon and harness for Ford car, or similar make. Inquire Fox Feed Yard. 850-86,7p poll HALK Dandy Ford. See Louis Bennett, at Bennett's Grocery. 804-78tfc gIDEWALK FOR SALK Sixty feet of good four-foot sidewalk. Can easily be hauled In It -foot lengths to any location. Inquire Bulletin of fice. 492-06tfc IVOR SALE Two lots In Northwest Townslte Company's Second Ad dition (west of the river, near Shev lln mill); price $160, easy terms, Ap ply abc, Bulletin office. tf pOR HALE Lots 9 and in, of block 13, Bend View, price $200, easy terms. See ABC, Bulletin office. S50-70tf pOR SALF Lots and 10, of block 24 of Kenwood, price $325, very flllS A D V K I ITI S KM K N T costs 15 coins. If you don't see what you want, ask for It. If WANTED 'ANTKD Au organ. Music Co. Inquire Day R65-S7.Sc1 y'A.NTKD, HHOKS Wo buy all kinds of second hand shoes. I.. I Goodman Shoe Shop. Lawronro luilld-' Ing. 842-84. 9c' yyANTKD Girl for general house work, good wages. Telephone 1501. 8'J2-7Utfc yy.WTKD Solicitor ur salesman. man or woman; experienced pre ferred. Apply Bend Water, Light & Power Co. S'JO-iStfc A.NTEI Girl for general work In Portland Hotel, opposite Brooks Scanlon dry shed. 790-74tfc yy.NTKI-Houaehold goods bought. Standard Furnlturo Co., Phono Rod 611. 789-74tfc JF VOL' do not find what you are looking for-advcrtlso In these col umns, at one. cent a word. tf yyTANTKD Teams wanted to haul cinders, State Highway. Wrlto or ECONOMY We're trying to economize now. We should nnd we must. The hest way to do it is to pet Good Drpcndii ble Merchandise. For instnnrt: We are placing on sale 350 yards 54 inch All Wool Storm Serge in wanted fall shades. Their present worth is $2.25 per yard. We've marked them for quick selling at $1.69 per yard. FOUR NEW QUALITY BOOTS ARR1VLD TINS MORN1NC A Black Kit! Vamp, gray cloth top, at . $5,50 A Hlack Kil, Circular Vamp, gray cloth top, at $!.50 A Military Hlack Calf Vamp, gray cloth top, at .5.75 A Mahogany Calf, Cohan heel with tan, at $(...50 Values-Courttoui Servlit--Quality SfenhanJhe-Are H Ay YOU Should STOP AND SHOP AT easy terms. Sou A 1)0, Bulletin office. 349l7ntf apply Frank May. 7.15-S4lfc LOST FOR KENT I OST Monday, watch guard with Initial V on It. Ileturn to this of ficii nnd receive reward. Ml-85.7p polt ItK.VT Furnished houim. Hen i osT Fur muff, done up III pack age, iii'iurn to iiuiintiii ofticn aim Mrs. F. M. (insbiir, 154 Delaware avenue. 858-87, Op poll IlKNT Small house, partly furnished, $11.50 per month, near depot. 8. It. IIokIii, 3C Lafayette Avo. 854-87. Sc fft) IlKNT Itonm in private house. Telephone Itlnrk 4R2. 840-81. 8c receive reward. h57-87p FOUND por.VIl Gold elans pin. Owner may have nnmn by describing pin and paying for ad. Inquire Bulletin. 847-85lfo BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS ARTHUR J . MOORE Lawyer GKNK.KAL l'KACTICT. Ix)(T Cabin nidg. Phone Hlk Mil VERNON A. FORBES l a w v i; it First National Hank llutldlng Bend, :-: :-: Oregon The law munt bm rempecU-d and rnforced Jl'HTICK TO ALL We guarantee aatiafactiun anil renulta on all transaction. Private InventiKa tinna a eeialty. If you are In trouble of any kind call 2011. W. A. L. Port land Hotel. Office phone Blk 1701 Ree, Blk 2102 FBKE CONSULTATION Dr. R. D. Ketchum, Di-ukIcm Itiyalclan Houra, 9 to 12. 1 to 6:30, or by ap pointment. BATHER BUILDING DR. J. H. CONNARN DENTIST Office In Sathar Building. Hour. 9 to 12, 1 to 5. Sundays and evenings by Appointment. Tinning and Sheet Metal WM. MONTGOMERY. Furnaces, Spouting, Guttering, Cornice and Skylight Repairing promptly attended to Prices rlKht, work guaranteed G. C. MORGAN Attorney at Ijiw 211 Ori-Ron St., next to Tele phone office. MONO, OKK. W. P. MYERS LAW Y Kit O'Kano Building. I1KXD, OUR. M. A. PALMER Cabinet Maker and llulldcr, Jobbing Hciffn Doors and Windows. Franklin St., rear of Irrigation Co. ' old building. II. II. Dc ARMOND LAWYKlt O'Kano Building, Ilnnd, Oregou 4. K. KNOKIUIKTHON, I'LI MIIIMJ AND II LATINO 117 Minnesota Htrnnt. Estimates Cheerfully Furnlshod Jobbing 1'romptly Oouo. CHRISTIAN CHURCH Moots at Kenwood School every Lord's Day, at 10 a. m. All mcmhors urged to be present. FOB SALIZ-Onn of the Iw-Ht t'onnli'iicled bonnes 111 llenil nl actual cost, with no cliurn for tlin 100x120 feet of view property it Ntauda upon. Terms liko rout. Bend Park Co. R..I E. tate and Insurance DR. TURNER Eye Specialut of Portland VISITS BEND MONTHLY Watch paper lor Dale or inquire of THORSON. THE JEWELER Put In Your Our DUDS SUDS BEND LAUNDRY Phone Black 3 1 1 W. G. Manning, D. M. D. DENTIST Suite 12-14, O'Kano Building Tel. mark 17S1 Mend, Ore. BEND INSURANCE AGENCY Wrltere of all klnrla ot Inauranea. Old. eet Insurance Anency In Central Ora on. H. C Kill. I'lrxt National Bank Building, Bend, Oroxon. Ilentl IrfMljrn No. 42.1 Loyal Or dor of Mooso Meets In Moose Mall every Thursday. Visiting brothers aro cordially Invited te attend. Practice Real Economy READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS Advertised floods