T1IK HKNI lU'M.KTIN. !AlliY KIHTION. IIKNI), OUKUON. NATIHIUY, OCTOHKU HI, 1IH7 AQK a The Bend Bulletin DAILY EIITIOJJ Pakllihfd Kit AfUrnixin Kicipt Sundar IIKNU, OKKliON. Intend u 8cond Clua nutter, January I 1(17, at th Port Office at Bend, Oregon, nndar Act o( March J. 18TB. GEORGE PALMER PUTNAM PublUher ROHKRT W. 8AWYKR Eilltor.Mnaer RENRY N. KOWI.KK Awnciate K.llt..r FLOYD C. WESTERHELD Awlitant Mirr. SALIM Sl'KNCKK Mechanical SuuL An Independent Newspaper, tamllnff for tha aquare deal, clean biuinea. clon politic an J the beat interest of ltend and Centra' Oregon. 8UIISCRIPT10N RATES llj Mail. One Year IMpO Blx Month! 12.76 Three Montha , $1.(0 R; Carrier One Year I6.S0 Bui Montha 3.50 One Month (0 All suhserlptlons are due and PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Notices ol expiration are mailed sulisorlliera and it renewal is not made within reason able time the paper will be discon tinued. Please notify us promptly of any cnange of address, or of failure to re ceive the paper regularly. Otherwise we will not be responsible for copies missed. Make all checl-s and orders pay able to The llend Bulletin. RAISING THE CENTER SPAN OF THE GREAT QUEBEC BRIDGE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1917 What have you done todny to help win the war? ' " jjflHjW AT THE MOVIES l.lherly 'IIii'iiIii'. To yuii reineniher Llttlu llitl, (lie sun r "The Hiiiiiw Mini?" Well, Hill In n yuuiiK until now ami will appear at t It ii l.llioiiy Tlii'itli'n Hiiiuliiy iilulit ami Monday. Tim phiure, "The Siiinw Miiii'h Htm." Lord KfriiiKtiin, Hi" lltlln Hal of "Tim Sqiniw Man," him hfl Ii'h oh tali'H and It !h lfn In lOiixlaud uml In ill !if of tin' I ml In n pnllrii on a went- nil ri'Hi'i'valloii, Hit Ii ii m ili'hi'iii'il hU wife lii't'iniHii aim Ik ml il !t imI In Ilia iikii of morphine. Klin II it M fallmi In love Willi yuuiiK lrd YhhIit, DavM l.inlil, I hi' luillitii tiKiiil ami One yi'iir nfter the faturiiniilont tit the Ills Quelieo hridjje another niteinnt in nil-i lul" plnee the center upan Hint fell was nmilo, :inl It was sueressfnl. The span Is 1'J fwt above the St. Law -retire river. It Is till) feet limit unit wtm brousht down the river to the bridge site nn pontoons. Ii was Misprinted from the npposlttf ends of Hie bridge by chaltis ami raised Into plaer by powerful Jarks. To save food the housewife must learn to plan economical and properly balanced meals, which, while nourishing each member of the family properly, do not encourage over-eating or offer excessive and wasteful va riety. It is her duty to use all effective methods to protect food from spoilage by heat, dirt, mice, or insects. The Secretary of Agriculture. MILK. Here's another saving suggestion from the Department of Agriculture: "Half a cup of milk whole, skim med, or sour a seemingly trifling matter hardly worth the trouble to keep or use. "In many house holds quite a little milk is wasted left uncovered in glasses regarded as useless because the cream has been skimmed off allowed to sour poured down the sink or thrown out. "Now, if every home there are 20,000,000 of them should waste on the average one-half cup daily,1, it would mean a waste of 2,500,000 quarts daily 912,500 quarts a year the total product of more than 400,000 cows. "It takes a lot of grass and grain to make that much ntilk and an army of people to produce and de liver It. ''But every household doesn't waste a half cup of milk a day? Well, say that one-half cup is wasted in only one out of a hundred homes. Still intolerable when milk Is so nutritious when skim milk can be used in making nutritious soups and -cereal dishes when sour milk can be used in bread making or for cot tage cheese." SenclSoclatL day night with nn Informal dinner at the i'ilot lltitto Inn. Ills gtlestx were Miss Jean lluswell. Miss Ueorglu An droit. Mr. Jog Knttpp anil Mi', ami Mrs. Harry Brooks. Dinner Ianc An elaborate dinner dance took place Tuesday night at the Pilot Butte Inn when Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brooks entertained for a number of house guests. The color scheme which formed the setting for the affair was of flowers in patriotic colors. Those In attendance for the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barnes and Mr. and Mrs. George Kel loy, of PrtnevHle, Miss Georgia An- dros, of Minneapolis, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Pringle, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hudson, Mrs. Frank. Prince, Mrs. Wallace Birdsall, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Erskine, Mr. Joe Knapp, Mr. Harper Skuse, Mr. Martin Kenfie'.d. Mr. Vernon Boland and Mr. Blaine Devers. Farewell Dinner yon chaperoned the class. On Wed nesday night the freshmen held a similar celebration. Sunday Sehiwil Party I Little Lillian Keller was hostess to tho junior girls Sunday school class I tn-r. -t-Mit aiiley of the Methodist rhurrh yesterday j .Mark Korrest and Dorothy G. Mr j afternoon. After the children had 1 Cauley were quietly married Sulur- taken up their regular class work. ; ilny evening at the home of ltev. II. games were played and refreshments , ('. Ilartranft. The young couple Un served. Thoso present were Mary Reynolds, Bessie Howard, Dorothy Nelson, Fay Barnes, Alice Holmes and Elolse Spencer. mediately left Crooked River. fur their homo at Thrill it' Party The Sophomore class of the Bend I high school reserved tho entire bal- cony at the Liberty Theatre last night for a class party. Following this they adjourned to the high .school for re freshments and a stunt program. Members of the faculty tietcd as chap-erones. A Vacuum tinnier Hint tiiakrs luiiisrkit'pliiK ru.-y, at Ihr I'imrr i Co. Adv. 5 h m m. iv L2 i.Vltf. tiVV GORDON Tiftfct w no im, .m-ih -vt m i mm I m At Hie Liberty Theatre tonight anil Nunilny aftrrniHin. also serret rrpresentiitlvc for the lis- phu'.t trust, has discovered asphalt on tho reservation. Hal niiule the survey ami knows the osphnlt belongs to the Indians. Ludd and the Indian medicine man, lis well us Hal, are In love with WiiIi-iiii-kI. Ludd gives Hal fifteen thousuiid dollar's worth of asphalt stock, but Hal exposes the plan to the Indians ami fur n lime (ho trust is halted. Hal is culled buck to Kuglaiiil and leaves the stork with John MrClmid TO OPEN NEXT WEEK ""' "K"'"'v """"""'"y. to i.e turned -over to the department fo Jusilre. Mi-Cloud Is taken 111 and Is at the point of death when Appall comes In In steal Wah-nu-Kl. MeClnud raises himself and kills the Indian. Hal Is FURNITURE STORE t. G. Animor, of Portland, arrived lie re this morning and Is opening a I furniture store on Wall street at the Study Club M.t'ts . location formerly occupied by the about to return when he dlsrovers Monday afternoon Mrs. Wallace i Hend Furniture Co. Mr. Anitner ls j,ls wife Is a morphine flnud and he Birdsall was hostess for the Bend experienced furniture man. ami . ,,.t.ili. to remain and rare for her Study club. Regular business was fter surveying the local field run- r, hough he hus ttgreed to dlrnrre Honoring Frank Prince, who has" discussed and papers read on Russia. . ,ull' '-'rls that Bend is very much her so that she can marry Lord Vim- T1 tbl Wallace 1-eiD ( IVPrUN I I.D uv Anita 1 iim a IThc Squaw Mansion lASKV-l'AMASUMr At (lie l.lhetll 'llienlre Slllillii) lilulit mill Miiiiilny. Iw-o reels of roomily, "King Itarx " 111 the eolueilv, ('has Ciinkllii. w h ehlof rlaliii to it 'Nt I nit Inn riitmlsu lu doliiK the unusual at unusual Hiu The Millennium has mum! An artress has been found who does me try lo lake the whole mid i-o in p'. . . glory of u pliiurn unin lu-iHulrt r'n Is (iladys Broi'kwell, U'llllnui r,. star unit she hus unren. r n-dly IIiio ah aside a rhniirn In iiftmimii unto self nil entire photoplay. What more, she hus douu this lueiiiy rnusn she tllinmlll It would he!!ir this prodiirtlon. When Itliiiurd Ht in Ion ami Miss llrnrkwell ehose "H"i Temptation," whliii Is lo be sIioaii nl the Grand Hundiiy night unci ,M.m day, as (hi) next pliiurn they won!. I ruin. Hint would have the pari : now plnyn. thnt of Shirley, and r 1" of Ihn s'ster, Helm. Afier a rarefiil study of the arciiuiin, Miss llro.-kni) illinotllli'iiil thai she wunlil he i : i (elll with only one of I ho rharntieri "I believe I) would spoil Ihn ilniinu If I did both purls," she mild. "Then seems to be no Inherent reason wliy tho two sisters should so timely r. semhle eiirh other. Iiniible rhnriu -terlrnjlons always reiUlre a irreiiv r iinionnt of bruin-work on Hie part or the Ittlillellce, and the objerl of l'i motion plrluiii Is lo elllerliilll." PREPARATIONS MADE FOR MOOSE CARNIVAL gone to Join his regiment at Wash ington, D. C, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brooks were hosts last week at a dinner party at their home. Pink carnations supplemented by dainty pink-shaded candelabra formed the table decorations. The, meal was served in the form of a buffet sup per and was followed by dancing. Those enjoying Mr. and Mrs. Brooks' hospitality we're Mr. and Mrs. Frank Prince, Mr. and Mrs. H. Norton, Mr. and "Mrs. Wallace Birdsall. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. McCann. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hudson, Mr. and .Mrs. J. P. Keyes, Miss Esther .Moore, Mr. Blaine Devers, Mr. Carl Johnson, Mr. Har per Skuse, Mr. Vernon Boland and Mr. E. C. Shevlin, of Portland. the suhiect which the rlnb la n- " l "King, and that ho Is Here to taking up. The next meeting will i su be held In two weeks at the home of Mrs. Floyd Dement. Dinner nt Hotel Harper Skuse entertained Thurs- A carload of stock purchused In Pendleton will arrive in Bend Mon day, and Mr. Ammer has In addition a part of the Bend Furniture Co. stork. Annual Jubilation Will Be Even Bet ter Than Last Year Is Promise Details Being Completed. Plans are being rapidly formulated for the second annual Moose Carnival to be held In the Hippodrome next month under the auspices of the local Moose lodge, and preparations indi cate that this year's event will be even more successful than that staged last December. Committees are hard at work pre paring programs, arranging stunts and securing prizes to be drawn by patrons of the Carnival, and details concerning the entertainment to be given will be made public within a short time. A number of the chief features, however, will be kept secret to be turned loose as surprises to the public, .when the doors of the Hippo drome are thrown open. An Electric Stove and Grill that astH, boils, fries or wills, 87.50 Adv. RECRUIT COMMITS SUICIDE IN HOTEL (By United Presa to the Bend Bulletin) SEATTLE, Oct. 13. Millard Gold berg, of San Francisco, shot and killed himself in a local hotel this morning. He left a note declaring that a week at Camp Lewis had un balanced his mind. An Electric Coffee Pcrcolutor, $10. -Adv, THE WRIGHT HOTEL will serve fried spring chicken, cream gravy and biscuits and a dozen other good things, at 6 o'clock Sunday ev ening, all for 60 cents. Adv. Women's Club Meets The Women's Club of Bend hld their first regular meeting of the new club year on Tuesday afternoon, October 9, at the home of Mrs. J. Alton Thompson. The president, Mrs. O'Brien, delivered an Interest ing address on the work and growth of the club during the past year. The subject under discussion was "The Life and Work of James Whit comb Riley," papers being read by Mrs. E. D. Gllson, Mrs. J. Alton Thompson and Mrs.' W. H. Burton. The next meeting will be held Tues day afternoon, October 30, at the home of Mrs. W. H. Burton. KlltertalllK With Tea A prettily appointed tea was given Thursday afternoon by Mrs. K. Shep herd honoring Mrs. R. Bergren. Music and games were the diversions indulged in by the guests. The tea table was prettily trimmed with blue and pink sweet peas. Guests of Mrs. Shepherd were Mrs. Bergren, Mrs. C. J. Leverett, Mrs. J. Jones, Mrs. Gregg, of Ashland, Miss Elinor Roth geb, Miss Ethel Frlck and Vola Ivan Shepherd. Picnic On River Sunday afternoon a gay group of young folk hiked up the Deschutes river to a point above the hatchery where a picnic lunch was served. In cluded in the party were Misses Viola Brown, Lena Sherman, Mildred El liott, Mary Hubbard and Luclle Saunders, and Messrs. Harry Rein gold, Floyd Weaterficld, Fred Curry, Carl Finley and Arthur Norcott. Wienie Roasts 1 Evening picnics and wienie roasts have -been Indulged In at the high school during the pat week by the Junior and Freshmen classes. Tues day night the former students made merry down on the river bank with a bonfire and out-of-door supper. Miss Inez Penn and Miss Zada Kln- PROCLAMATION ler. i lie department of Justlre per suades him lo return uml assist In the prosecution of the asphalt trust Ho reurhes the runch on Xinus eve Just III time lo stop Ludd from steal ing the stork from the dead mission ary's effects. Ho tells Wuh-na-gl of his love for her but tliat he must go bark to Knglund. She roes out Into J tho snow to kill herself by the grave of Nat-u-rleh, Hal's Indian mother who killed herself for his father. I lu - receive u message that his wife bus : taken an overdose of morphine uml : he is free to marry the Indian girl. Salem, Ore-con. October 10. 1917. Whereas, the American people have set themselves the task of raising a second Liberty Loan of from three to five billion dollars. Twentieth century war requires vast sums of money. The requirements are far beyond what the wealthiest country can raise by taxation. The great nations of Europe have been at war for three years. They have floated loan after loan successfully. It is unthinkable that this coun try should fail with its second loan, six months after the declaration of war; and Whereas, failure to provide the7 necessary money would mean failure properly to provision and equip our troops. An army insufficiently equipped and supplied is led to unavailing slaughter. We owe to those who are to do the fighting to stand behind them loyally , to give them everything which will add to their efficiency and bring nearer the day of vic tory. Let us not fight this war half-heartedly, with one hand behind our backs. Let us fight it manfully in a manner worthy ,the best traditions of the Re public ; and Whereas, Oregon's share of the fund required is sixteen and a half to twenty-four million dollars. This is a sum too large to be raised without the co operation of the whole people. Every Oregonian with an income should consider it a duty and a priv ilege to purchase one or more bonds, in proportion .to his means. The government asks us not to con tribute, but to invest. There is no safer investment in the world than a loan to the United States; Now, Therefore, by virtue of the authority in me vested, as Governor of the State of Oregon, I, James Withycombe, Governor, do hereby proclaim the week of October 14 to 20, 1917, as Patriotic Week. Oregon has thus far responded to every appeal. We have given the flower of our young manhood. Let us not be a sordid people. Let us not place greater store by our money than by our men. If our people can only be aroused to the necessities of the situation, we can not fail to have the cooperation which will spell success. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the State of Orecon to be hereunto affixed, this 10th day of October A D., 1917. JAMES WITHYCOMBE, Governor. - it,!. ' Griiiiil Thcnlri'. Just what is "Within the Law?" j Wo ull know that It Is the iiumo of a play to bo shown at the Grand The atre In a short time, but the big ques tion, the one that Is answered In the play. Is Just what ran a person do and still bo "within tho law." This stellar picture which features Alice Joyce and Harry Morcy, has perhaps created more Impressions than any other picture presented within recent years. The oft-asked question, "How does he do It 'and keep out of Jail?" Is answered In this picture. Tonight and tomorrow afternoon Is shown "The Candy Girl," a delight ful confection that goes well with the make, Mr. Stanton offered the star the opportunity of playing u double Gilbert's Grocery we are getting new customers every day There's a Reason a trial order will explain The Better Service Store 8H8 Bond Street Phone lied 721 Near Bend Hardware ) SHEVLIN PINE ' SOLD BY MILLER LUMBER COMPANY SASH, DOOHS and MILL WORK Phone 1661 FOR SASH FACTORY WOOD PHONE BEND VHITE PINE SASHCO. 441 Bend View PRICES: $100 AND UP TERMS: Ressonab.e We'll loan iron money lo build. BEND'S MOST SCENIC RESIDENCE I'KOPEUTY Every Lot commands ii view of the River, Mountains and City. Building restrictions according to Location. . AEE J. RYAN & CO. O'Kane Bld(. Phone 361