THE BEND BULLETIN Til 10 WlflATIII'ill Continued Kiilr Tonight mill Tiiiiiiimiw, DAILY EDITION VOL. IlKM), DKHCIILTKM COUNTY, OltliOON, NVI I ltl)V ,IT TillNOOX, OCTOIlliU ;, 11)17 .NO. 20-J BOND CAMPAIGN ill IS iPPEfl OUT I'UOCMtAM ARRANGED FOR MONDAY. I.IIh-iI.v I .mi ii Hpriikii'H On Way In Hi-nil In ltl Velio" Cur Kiili- hirlpllllllN I'llllllll I.HUttlllK Kn it mi I'lirlfli' of . I'OltTI.ANIl. l)i-l. III.- iKpoiitil,) The lliotll tlli-liHll'llllltttlr llUlollloll'.le i-.ii ! ever k huh ii In Oregon, with 1 1t ii Hull lull! Of llolllirH. With perhlipH I.iiimIii'iIh ill I liiillmuidn of dollnm Ihi' M.iWn til l.lbi-My l.iiaii IiiiiiiIh. will hit' liln S ii u 1 1 ii y morning III Th" I Hi 1 1 1 b . f 1 1 ! w 1 1 1 k II'" great (f t t r tut If meeting IIhiii liinli'.lil, when Judge J ' l ti II SieveiiHiiu, noted oi ii lot', mill J I. Kllll-I'ldge, hong expert, will deliver ulrrlnii tulilri'iii' on why Op-gun Iml'.t gi-l behind I III I.IImtWIm.ikIh, In Eric V. I lit iiHt-r'H iniiiiiiniiili yi-l I., v ini iimiiiiiif, wiih Hun ',-'-i, driver, in Hi" wheel, mill II. II Inn t li-r . iiiiiiiiigi-r of Ih" Multiiotmih In it . In ill a r m of Ih" trip, Ci'iilml (Hi-gun will Ihi rlri'lml anil n!oiui"tl In si mi" week I lip, MuilniH will hi Hi" rir.iipli:ni'r I r IxiiuIh for I ii-iiiiirnicy lit ii:.'I0 n't lin k Kuuiliiy iifli'riMioii, with linn iil Turner iih liiiiiriiiiin. l("ilniniiit nil hear Hi" Kti-veiinoii puny ul K i'i lot k Ininnrrow- night. Willi l)r. J l Hom-Ii iih rhiilruiau. Tri'iiltliMit (iIIiiiiiii. of tin Oregon 'I : n n k hi I hia y, will Join tlm imii p.iiKiii'iH at lli'ilmiinil. mill will pro- tl wlili them In Prliievllle, where with T. M. Ilnlilwln im liiiiiriiiiin. ti meting will Ii" held nt iioiiii on Moil- I.IV. I :nin"illiiliiy ufterwnrd the l I K mi will iiirn south for Iti-nd, where ur r.i i ki'IIkmiu have Iii rn made for a ini'illiiK Monday n I Kill. Tuesday I . : K h t Hi" pi-cUrulur rumixiljtn will I r iDiitliiuiiit mi to Kin mil (Ii FalU anil I hi-n re to l.nkiivli'W and Burns. NATION- KIMIXI KM TO WASHINGTON. I). ('.. Oct 1.1.- Th" Hi'i'onil Liberty Loan rnmpnlKii Ih buif over III point of llni", but nol at far no tihacrlptliina urn concerned. With Hi" niiilon fur lii'hlnit. treas ury official (ii-iiuricl Hint Hi" pro grem being Hindu Inn't causing any optimism. Thri'n hundred uml fifty tii ! 1 1 Ion dollars miiHt be ulnn-rlliiul ifti'ly during the next 13 working (Iiivh of the rttnipnlKi). Tlm Treasury l)"purtiii"til Ih par liiulurly iinxloiiH lo secure small in ventors' ili'ponltN, mid has uiitlflnd I'.uiipiilKM i rKti n Ikii t iona lo Inti'imlfy lln ir i'fforl. Sin Knini''.Hi'0 ri-porti'd brisk nnloji in tlm twrlfth fi'dnral runorvo dlHlrlrt, IiirliiilhiK till) liorthw'fKt. It Iiiih Iirimi niKiffliitilly Kliiniit"d two-flfiltH of ilic dlHlrli'l mux I in it in of :t !).() 00,000 Ih ti : ri-n ily beliiK huIihitIIiimI. KlltK NOI'TH OI-" 'KICSI i:T. i'uri'Ht flr"B hnvn been ropnrtod at 'ori'iil SprltiKH, Hiiiult of Crinci'iit. Th" liiirultiK li'rrllory InrludcH 10 or 1 .' iii'riii of 1 1 ttiluT of no Krenl Viiliin, 'I'll" lila.n In not HioiiKht kit Soiih. 1 VOX CAI'Kl.liK'H HIIHKiXATIO.N IS . iti;i,n: i:d to iximcati; i Aiii- VHK OK HI'llMAKINK I'OMCY AWAIT KAIHKIt'H UKTIUN. (lly tlnltnl Prim to tl Ilvml lliilli-tln) 1, ON DON, Oct. 13. Tlm A Iiirn cniisldiir Hid ronlKiialloii of von Tu lii'l In, (Inrinnn nilnlHtur of iniiiini', r.s I'ho Btrnnitimt proof that I ho (lunmin oh m n r I no campnlRn la full Inn. nnrlln llHpntoho by way of Hol land, declared that Mlchnnlls hlnmolr la tottorliiK. It Is belloved that von Capfilln1 rotlrnmont Is duo dlroclly to rnvnlntloiiH mndo In tho IlolcliBtiig iih to tho Gorman lack oi naval unity. Tlm Kaliinr Ih not expoctod' to ro Iiorlln from Bofla until tho Inttnr port of Ootobor. Antlon on tho rimlKniitlon of tlio mlnlnlor of Ma Tinn, and a doclslon na to Chnncollor WWiIiiioIIb' fato Ih not.cpiiBldorotl Ulto ly lioforo that tlnio. GERMAN MARINE MINISTER QUITS Conscripts To Fill Gaps In The RanJs Of National Guard (lly Unhid l'r... In Tin llully ll'illi'llnl , WAHIIINOTON, II. (!., Oil. lil. Thii War l)i.iiirliniiiit to- iluy ii ii ii mi ii -! tlu I rn ii Hfi-r ru I of mi'ii from tlm Niitlnniil iirmy to Nuttoiiiil Cimril lump mi iih to Iii'Iiik llin lull"!' organization to full win- strenglh. liwileiil- ly every Hmilon of the country In ii Tf ! I i ll . ( 'ii in ji Lewis U m-tidlng II 0 0 0 of California. I'tnli anil Nevada l ii ot hh to Hi" forlliili iIIvIhIoii. A r ru is k i' ii'i-it I h for IruiiHpiirta- Hon will Im Hindu by 111" roin- miiiiilliig general, winlmn do- piuiini'iil. ARE REPULSED A I'HTIIA I.I A Tltoors VKT'Olt- lors at rAssniKxiiAKi.K .i:itMAH I.OSIO Nolliil OI-- aism; aiti rrv in ai ioca. r.i uiiiiiiin i-iiinii sitttitis, (tlnlliil l'rM HiulT rtiririK,n'trtil.l Illtl'liSII HKADgl'AltTKItK. Oil 13. -AiiHtriiilmi ttooiH today fuin-il tlti-lr way ni-nrcr I'iiHhiiii-inliii'l". il"- plli' tlm inuil. (ii-rniuu rount"r al tiukii wnrii i-HHlIy n-ptilHi-d, Hi" uh HtiultlitK "iii-my fu ill ii K i-vi-n to rraiit th" ItrlllHh llni-H. KlHi-whi-rn tlii-rt-hiiv" hii-ii no (ii-rtiuiii atttii kH. Tlm fui-t lltiil Hi (!"rmun per-uillti-d Clio llrltlnh to bold ni'W po HillcillH tilmiiHt iniillHUii'hi-il. In i-on-Iditri-d bh iiipi-iiiilly InHiKiilfU-anl. Haiti rontlnui-d prui-llrally without ii'B-MiIlon throuKlioul tho nltchl. ;kh.mans a it k m:rt TAIlia. Oil. 13. Povfrful t!nr maii alliii'kH to lhi north of tho AIhiir worn rxpulned hint nlKbt, arronllnx to an offliiul Hlatomi'iil Itwui-d h"m todny. Thn (iiirinana lout hiavlly. Artillery f Iro 1a artlv on tho rltcbt bank of Ih" Muhi. IUTOMIA ( ri'IKI). LONDON, Out. 13. Thn llrltlHh Kuat Afrlinn troopa are occupying Ituponiln, It la offliinlly announced. Thn "lxur of lint village la Import ant bit'uuiiit rhii llrltlnh ari now- en abled to oul.flatik the (iermuiiH. RATES ARE REDUCED ON FIRE INSURANCE Slum Hallux lliironu Appnivin lly ilmnlH IliNlatliil liy ily In Suburban IMxtrlrtN. Territory In the city of Hond lo which a low raite of roaldontlal In Hiirance la attiuiipd baa hci'ii miidn nearly douhlu In hIzd Ihrounh the lu Ht a I li t ton of 16 fire hydranta In the Huhtirbiiii tliMlrlrta. Tho Oregon In Hii mo ce Hating llureaii haa Just ap proved tho work of thn city council In planing tho hydrants, which were ordered In lust AukiihI. Through I ho action of -tlm atutn hoard, ratca here loforo 7S per cent on n dollar are roduced lo (10 per cent. ItiHiiriiiii'o men alato that tho pity will mivo ntoro on the new rates than tho additional coat of hydrants amounted to, Tho change bocaino ot fuctlvo on October 10. CHANCELLOR IS EXPECTED TO RETIRE (lly tlnltoit Prw to tho Hi-nil bulletin) AMSTKItDAM, Oct. 1 3. ltemark ulily frank (ionium editorials Indi cate Hint a political crisis is expected to t-ntiHo tho retirement of Chancellor Mlchnelis. Tho Centorlat organ, mn,nln, vigorously doiminds that only highly experienced men bo plucod In tho loading piiHltrons. Tho Tagnhlutt ibitleiiy condemns till H long aomiloii of tho Itolchatng, (In clining that t'hn press cannot accept such evidence of Blackening, HUTS DATK KOIt (JAMK. Itond linn just arranged for the fit-Hl footliall gamo of tho aoasou to ho played with liinevillo high school noxt Saturday, Tho gamo will take pliico at Priuevlllo. A schoduln for othor conteslH hnd been arranged bttl on nrcount of Hedniond, schooln be ing closed dun to tho prevnlonco of scarlet fovor, tho pi-ogrnm will have to bo roarratiRod. ENEMY ATTACKS REMARKABLE PHOTOGRAPH OF FLIGHT OF Tliln i-Mr iiinllniiiy filiolojr niih. Jtl"l n-i-i-lviil fi-nu l',iirn.i-, kIiou-h Hi" lirst intiil lllthl of litiHsliin troop at one Jmlnt In Ihi- fimt ru llin- Hlii'ti tho it.v won riilu'd: "Th" l.ttiiitin cnvnlry linve lirol;"ii 1l110111.i1." F si itritisi-: visits to kkxwood and wuistohia ki;sc i.t IX om- iscation' or tiii-: ;i xs ovm:d iiv novs. KiiIiIh iiiuile ycHlerday afternoon on Htri-i-l corm-ra In Uii.-morln and Kiinwood by Chief of Police Nixon and Municipal Judge Klllt) r "ft Heel In the dlHi-overy of the Ident't) of a nuuiher of youths who have been annoying thi-ae dlatricta by firing uliotn at "largeta." Although the boy were let off, they wore given a warning and their guns were taken from them. Thirty-two caliber bul let, had been used In the guns be longing to the Wiestorlu youngaters and .22 caliber ones were found in thono In Kenwood. HoHldenta along the river and In other sections of town have been con stantly reporting nhota fired through windows and on porches. Bullets ! have been picked up In many front yards. The boys have been In the habit of shooting Into the river, the shots glancing tho water and pro ceeding across the stream where they hnvo Jeopardized tlits safety of peo ple on front porches and children in yards. Careful watching made It possible to ruii h tho boys, whose ages range from H to IS years, "red-handed" yesterday afternoon. Dwight Stan ford and Howard Kalncy wero found to ho caiiHlng tho trouble. In Ken wood and the two Plumerwoll boys and Ihreo others were disturbing Wlcstnrla. All claimed that they were shooting nt bottles and other ttirgets mid hud no intention of doing harm. Judge Kills said today Hint If peo ple, will report shots promptly to either himself or Chief Nixon, the pest can soon be cleared out. The law Is willing to give the boys a I cliiince- to make good when deprived ot the weapons. OFFICERS Ii OS S Oi LOYAL RUSSIAN TRYING TO STOP COWARDS - y i - v i " i i s tliltiiUllBwIiriB firti A Kiisslnn soldier of the old school, and bis military duty. Is hocii using his In tho net of running nwny when the (lemortillznllon iitiiong tho troops. von tikpitz Ip:lievp:s ; enclani) is failing! Sii Defi-al Is i rtiiln ns I.oiik as Siiliinaiiiii- SinkiiiK Kxi-m-iIh Ship ( 'oiisti-iii-tliin. I (tly l.'nllnl I'rnu to Ihr ItVnil DulMIn) , A.MSTKKIiAM, Oct. .'ID (Ji-ruiati.-Ih passing Hirough her"fui h.iur. ; Sh" cannot uiainta'ti hi-r position as' a world power against Kngla;il tin-; less her basis Is that of might. Tills is the declaration of Admiral von Tir- i pit.. In mi Interview with the llruii" I wick I. mid" Ci-iiuiig. I He declared tha.t the final deft-a' of Knglaiid is absolutely certain as long as the submarine sinkings ex I ceed cotiHtruction of new ships. Ho maintained that success could not be expected, Immediately, but that victory Is certain. Kugiaud wants to negotiate peace now while her mili tary position Is comparatively favor able, he said. INCREASE OVER FIRST STATEMENT County Itouril of Kiiinll7.utloii It4'port Shows Total lroMTty Vuluu tliin of $,OIM),Ml. A net Increase of J4610 over the original assessment Is shown in the report of the board of equalization which adjourned on October 10, com pleted this morning by County As sessor Mullarkey. The total valua tion of county property as equalized la $5,090,640, exclusive of public utilities. Each year the board of equalization, composed of the county judge, county clerk and county as- I scissor meets for 30 days beginning September 10 and settles disputes 'concerning assessments. The results j of this year's session are now being tabulated for the state. SHIPS OF OVER 2500 TONS REQUISITIONED tRv ('nttnl t-rmii to th ft-nd Rulletin) WASHINGTON-. I). C. Oct. 13. Practically all ships in overseas trade flying the American flag wil! eventually come under government control, government authorities stnt vd. This announcement followed the formal notice that ships of over 2500 tons are to be requisitioned Monday. If the war continues, vessels of over 1000 tons will be taken. one of those still loyal to his country it lit- upon two others whom ho on ugh t lieruiaiis, by Intrigue, bud mused THE RUSSIANS FORES OFF DIAL G0ES:T0 0 0 V. V. HAItl'HAM WII.I. lilX'OMK HKAI) OI-- I'KIXKVIU.K OI TICK XKXT WKKK XO ASSKi.VMKXT .MADK VKT KOK DKSCHITKS. Deschutes National Forest Is to be without either a supervisor or as sistant supervisor for a few days, ac cording to a letter made known this morning. The present head of the! forestry office, Assistant Supervisor V. V. Harpham, has received orders i to report as soon as possible to the j Ochoco forest to accept the position ' of chief supervisor. " Word has not i yet been heard from Norman G. Ja-S cobson, of the Portland office, who! was to have become Che new local forester. It is generally understood I here that he has enlisted In a for-j entry regiment and will not accept the appointment, which was to have come into effect the first of this month. Ranger H. E. Vincent, of Sisters, will be temporarily In charge of the Bend office until the new man is sent. The letter from headquarters stated that it was hoped within the next few days to settle the matter of. the assignment for the Deschutes forest. Mr. Harpham expects to leave early next week for Prineviller his new- station. The present assistant supervisor has been connected with the Des chutes forestry office for the past two years and a half. He has been in the service nearly 11 years, coming here from Okanogan, Washington. Since the departure ot W. G. Hastings, then head supervisor, in September, he has been temporarily executive head in Bend until the new assignments could be made. PORTLAND STREET CAR TROUBLES ARE ENDED (Ry United 1'rmn to the Rend Bulletin) PORTLAND. Or., Oct. 13. Port laud street car labor troubles today are scheduled to go up in thin air. An arbitration board of three, rep resenting the carmen's union, the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company and the public, will report today. Both the company and the men have agreed to accept the de cision of the board. The findings of the board will be come effective Monday and remain in force until Juno 30, 1918. The men want wago increases and shorter hours. BARN AND HAY BURN NEAR GRANGE HALL K. A. Nelson, of the Grange Hall district near Bend, lost his barn, con taining 45 tons ot Alfalfa hay, by firo yesterday afternoon. The cause of tho fire was not learned. BOYS 1X)SK BICYCLES. Two small boys have been deprived of tholr bicycles within the last two clays by Chiuf of Police Nixon. They are Fred Glover and Robert Hast ings and are claimed to have been repeatedly warned by the officer not to ride tholr wheels on the sidewalks. Similar punishment Is to bo meted out to all other offenders ot the traf fic ordinance. HIE SOX AGAIN LEAD IDE GIANTS j HANDICAP OVERCOME I BY HARD HITTING. GAME WON IN EIGHTH Three I'iKiiers 1'neil in (iulnlng Vlo toiy, While Xalliinals Work Only Tivo Worlil's .Series Xi-ai-s Critical Stage. (Br United Prau to the Bend Bulletin) CHICAGO, Oct. 13. In a sensa tional rally, when the game was vir tually lost to the Giants, the Chicago White Sox overcame a 4-1 handicap established in the fourth inning by the invaders and literally swatted their way to an 8-5 victory in the seventh and eighth. New York's hit ting was above ordinary, Chicago us ing three pitchers In the nine innings. Russell started the game, retiring in favor of Cicotte during the first frame, while Faber relieved the win ner of the first game of the series in the eighth. Sallee pitched for the Nationals throughout the game, al though touched up for 14 bits. The New York list of safe ones totalled only two loss. The games now stand three for the Sox, with two for the Giants, the sixth of the series to be played in New- York. If the record established so far in the 1917. world's pennant fight holds good, the Nationals have an excellent chance to tie up the come in Chicago. During the early part of today's game, the visitors had all the best of it, chalking u.p two runs in the first and two more In the fourth, after Chicago had scored one in the third. The fifth blanked, and in the sixth the Sox added one more tally. The seventh frame evened things up. New York scoring one, but allowing Chi cago to make three, placing the total score at 5-5. In the eighth Chicago's score went to eight, New York going scoreless. Scor R. H. E. Giants 5 12 2" Sox 8 14 6 Batteries Giants, Sallee, Perrltt and Raridan; Sox. Russell, Cicotte, Faber and Schalk. ON THIRL I00I1Y ATTEMPTS TO PKOVK ALIBI MINORS KXCLl'DKI) FROM THE COURT ROOM NO VERDICT AT LATE HOI R IX AFTERNOON. KASPROWITZ IS At a late hour this afternoon the case of the State vs. Fred M. Kaspro witz being tried in the circuit court had not gone to the Jury. Attorneys N. G. Wallace and Arthur J. Moore represented the accused and District Attorney H. H. De Armond handled the argument for the state. The charge was an alleged attempt to commit a crimo. , Witnesses who took the stand for the defense were Mike KosprowiU, Josie Kasprowitz, J. M. Curtjs, Mrs. Petronia, Fred Kasprowitz, Mrs. Wooley, Steven Prlbble, Mr. Winkle and W. L. Carden. Mrs. S. Debing, Elaettn Debing, Judge J. A. Eastes and 10-year-old Mary Sevich, the prosecuting witness, were called by the state. ' Kasprowitz attempted to prove an alibi by showing that he was not on the ground at the tlmo the child stated he attacked her. The princi pal part ot tho plaintiff's argument resiled in the testimony given by lit- tlo Mary and her eight-year-old play mate, Elzetta Deblug. At the opening ot the trial yester day afternoon Judge Duffy made a ruling prohibiting all minora tinder 18 years of age from attendance at ' the court.