PAGES a THK nKXD Hri.LCTIN, DAILY EIHTION. IIKXI), OltKOON, TUISD.t V. OCTOHTIU l, HUT The Bend Bulletin DAILY EDITION PabUshad ETtrx AHiiihm Exnpt Bandar, UEND, OKKi.ON. KnWratf u Second C1m matter. January t 1117. at the Poet Office at Bend, Oregon, nnder Act of March 3, 1878. GEORGE PALMER PUTNAM PublUher ROBERT W. BAWYEK Edltor-Manaav HENRY N. FOWI.KH Associate K.lilor ILOYU C. WESTER JELD....AaUUnt MsT ALfJ 8PENCEU Mecbanicai BuiL An Independent Newspaper, standing for mm aqumre deal, clean business, clean poiuiee an J the beat intereau of Bend and Central Qrasoa. SUBSCRIPTION BATES Br Mall. On Tear 15.00 ii Montha 11.76 Tarn Montha , 11. SO By Carrier One Year le.SO Six Montha 3.60 One Month 0 All subscriptions are due and PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Notices of expiration are mailed subscribers and It renewal 1b not made within reason able time tbe paper wlirbe discon tinued. Please notify us promptly of any change of address, or of failure to re ceive tbe paper regularly. Otherwise we will not be responsible for copies missed. Hake all checks and orders pay able to Tbe Bend Bulletin. The best use to which the Gorninu llimto the danger of contracting din nation can now put "Der Tug" is to ease from someone ulse who wim not hang It on the Kaiser, Helena." marked "St. Come to think of it all, a clove Is camouflage. FIVE FILTHY FINGERS, WHAT THEY CAN DO Dos ami IKint'M fur the Unmls Pro- venting the Spread of In fectious IMsranv. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1917 What have you done toduy to help win the Avar? . "ENTERPRISING." What Is the difference between an "enterprising little city" and an "en ierprising little municipality"? Think before you reply. Tbe ques tion is serious. Once answered, how ever, you have the difference between Bend and Prineville. At least, this is apparently the idea of an "enterpris ing little reporter" on the Portland Journal, for such is his characteriza tion of the two towns in an article appearing yesterday. Says tbe "enterprising little writer": "Prineville is one of the livest and most enterprising little municipalities in the Deschutes country, having a population of nearly 2000 people who are thoroughly alive to the needs of the day and the advantages of pro gressive thought and action." The reference to Bend comes earl ier in the story, as follows: "It is understood that some of the 1 en(iine delegates to the Oregon Federation what enormoils numhpr n, of Women's clubs, which is to hold tnfected thing8 we touch dur,g the Did you ever make a diary ofyour fingers? Did you ever set down In cold black and white the things your fingers touch every day and did you ever consider the number of times dally that your unwashed fingers seek your mouth? When surgeons discovered that It was their own inrecteo lingers which carried germs into wounds they set about trving to discover a means whereby their hands could bo ren dered surgically clean. I: e., free from germs. The whole realm ot chem istry was ransacked for agents which would disinfect hands, and the scrub bings and Immersions to which they subjected their hands are even yet a tender memory to the surgeons of that period. But all of these efforts proved useless and at last in uospair surgeons Itook to wearing rubber gloves which could be boiled, thus bringing to each patient, as it were. a fresh pair of sterile hands. In oth er words, try as you will you can't by any method make your hands ab solutely clean. The great agent in the spread of those diseases whose causative organ ism is present in the secretions of the mouth and nose, is the human hand; and if saliva was bright green we would be amazed at the color of our fingers. As a maltter of fact, most of us carry our fingers to our mouth j or nose many times daily, there to ( implant the germs of disease which ; other careless people have spread i about, there to collect a fresh cargo of infectious material to scatter for somebody else. It is true that most germs ot dis ease die quickly once they leave the human body, but what does the death of a few billion germs matl:er so long as the supply is copious and never quite so careful. BANNERS AWARDED FOR ATTENDANCE KniMllmoiit In Schools Slum SI duly Incit'iiso Fotirtoen Mum I'll pits ThU Wwk. For having the best mttendiiiiro In the gin ile schools of the city for the month of September, lurgo banners in the form of the American flag have been hung over the entrance to tho rooms of Mrs. Searcey at the lteid, Miss Livingston at tho Central and Mrs. Carden at Kenwood. These will remain in place until tho first ot next month when they will he given the highest rooms for October. Small banners given for attend ance of over 9S per cent this month went to the rooms of Miss Blackford, Miss Wattenberg, Mrs. Chlldors. Miss Paulson, Mrs. Davidson, Miss Ritchie and Miss Wilkinson. An additional enrollment of 14 pupils was reported. Of those 12 wore tu the grades. There is now a total ot 900 chlldrun registered in Bend schools. When compared with figures on the same dates In prev ious years a steady Increase in shown. On October 1. 1915, 329 pupils were in the grades, lu 1916 there were 6'9, while this year there are 770. During the past year tho high school enrollment has increased from 112 to 130. ASK CO.MIHXKO I.NNTIiTTK. County School Superintendent J. Alton Thompson this iifteiuoini went to I'rlmivUUi to confer with officials there in tin effort to bring a combined teachers' Institute to lleud tills year. Should such nil iiiTtiiiKciiiout be made the expense would be divided and would rust each county about one half of the usual sum. ' Mnn and t Animals. Tb fsaen'.lal dlffcreiico Mwtwn men and aulnoila Is well stated by tr. liriiorcf, an eminent I'remli bVjl'.iitiat, guolcd by the Sclcntlfl.' lie says tiro anlinnl Is I redoubled to obey the laws of Its sprclcs, wlil'o ttian obeys them only If a. id when he wllL A man mny, If he wants to, mmtalii with energy the pretension thut two ii ml two tuuko live, or be may commit stilcldo. MADRAS WIXS COXTKST , I'OK ttH'XTY SKAT (Continued from Page 1.) Mrs. Bright says. "A well lighted homo Is a cheerful home," Adv. vision for a veto for tho permanent county seat, leaving that to bo select ed "in the manner provided by law," mid when tho Madras people, who wore still after tho county seut, came to look up the. luw they found that they had to obtain a big per cent ot tho votes over a majority. Fuccd by the knowledge that they could not got tho necessary percentage they consulted W. S. IVRcn, tho Portland attorney, who suggested thut they try tho Initiative, and this they did. Un der the Initiative only a inujorlty was necessary for tho desired action, and at the November election, IDlti, the majority was given the Madras meas ure. A like measure to mako Meto llus the county seut wus defeuted. "The House of Good Eats" 'Cooper's Table Pnard" Meals Served Family Style for 35 Cents WHY PAY MORE ? Deschutes Hotel Building. Cooper & "Davis, Proprietors JUST ARRIVED A COMPLETE LINE OK COATS, DRESSES :ANI): EVENING DRESSES The finest mid most exclusive line ever brought to Bend will he on exhibition for a few ilnys only. COME EARLY AND MAKE YOUR CHOICE fe rf' I-AKIKS' t)l TI'ITTKHS l or. Wall uml Oregon St. H"itd, Oiejfuii its annual session this year in Prine ville, October 22-25, are anxious to take advantage of the occasion to visit the enterprising little city of Bend, and are inquiring if the ticket privileges will enable them to do so "Tbe Impression seems to prevail In some places that tickets for the federation will read through Bend. This is in error, Redmond, 16 miles this side of Bend, is the junction point with auto stages for Prineville, and return tickets, at one-third the regular fare, must be purchased there. The limit for the purchase, however, is October 27, two days af ter the federation meeting closes, so that all who desire may return by auto to Bend, and leave there at 7:25 a. m., October 27, paying the addi tional local fare of 50 cents to Red mond." Taking aside, here is a chance for some local enterprise if we want the visitors to see our "enterprising little city." Hats off, also, to the enterprising Oregon Trunk publicity man. day and how infrequent and cursory are the hand washings we perform. The answer is to keep your fingers out of your mouth .and nose. Thus we limit the spread of disease from these orifices ar. least, thus we elim- THE CIRCUIT COURT. In the session of the circuit court which began here yesterday is seen . the one result, not hitherto evidenced, of the formation of Deschutes county last year. For the first time attor neys from nearby towns are gather ing here, almost in a body, and tax payers from ail over the county are In town to serve on the juries. That it means business for the itown is clear enough. Twenty or 30 men in town will spend several times that number of dollars a day and no one should grudge it to Bend. Cir cuit court terms must be held; tbe money will be spent. lit is surely 'better that it is spent here than in Prineville, as it would have been had not the county been divided. But the selfishly local is not the chief advantage of holding court here. The chief advantage is found in the saving made possible to jurors, wit nesses, attorneys, litigants everyone -who has any business before the court. With the court held here it is possible for many who attend its ses sions to get home occasionally, and to look after their own business, "which they could not do before. That is a result of division which 1b distinctly worth while. . We observe that the only man "who ds still fighting county division Is now In town defending a client In a crim inal case in the circuit court now meeting here. If his client Is ac quitted we wonder if be will agree that the verdict comes from a prop erly constituted Jury In a legally or ganised county. We Are Booking Order Now for Spring Delivery tip3 T. W. CARLON H. W. MARTIN XTbe Marbrobe TAILORING Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing HATS CLEANED JND BLOCKED Work Called for and Polivpml T,ndis' Work a Socially LARGEST CLEANERS IN CENTRAL OREGON WE ARK AGKNTS FOR THK MARK G. HARRIS GOLD MEDAL TAILORS OK CHICAGO With our tailor-fag experience and a wide va riety of styles to select from, we are able to satisfy the most exacting 151 Minnesota Ave. BEND. OREGON Culver's part In the ranipitlgil was to ui'go that both ineusiires be voted down. County Kent Moved. Following tbe election, Culver, eliilmliiK thut tho Minima action wiih IIU'KhI and un iihtmo of the lit It lit 1 1 vx. obtulned an order restraining Hie cer tification of the result of the vole, the ease being brought in Judge Duffy's court. On the 30th f December. 1916, Judge Duffy Issued uu opinion dlsnilHslug the order and on New Yeur's i)uy an unruly inuli, according to the Culver version, unci a peaeeublii bund, nccordlng to the Madras view, descended on Culver uml cleaned out the temporary court house, removing all hooks, pupers uiid furniture to Madras. Thu county offices have since been conducted at .Madras, pending tho re sult of tho appeal tuken by Culver from Judge Duffy's decision. The Suprome Court now decides thut they are to stay there. Aside from local Interest In tho fight between Madras and Culver, to day's opinion from tho 8uprcmo Court, suslululiiK Judge ln(!. comes as an eitpeelully Interest lug piece of news at the lime when tile attorneys of this seetlon lire k.i I 1 ! In llepd to attend Circuit Court. (ienerul Kleetrlc Irons Hint u KUiiriinleed. Only $1.00. Tim I'ow.t Co Adv. Next il anrn at lllppndroiiie Wed nesday night Instead of Tuesday. -Adv PILOT BUTTE INN MEN AND WOMEN Who are exacting on style, who insist on quality, who are critical of fit will find these characteristics in JOHNSON'S TAILORING Ladies' Work Given Special Attention. Suits and Coats made to order, Remodeling, j Altering, Relining. I WE DO CI.KANINO AND PRESSING On account of the number of orders thut we have at the pres ent time, we have been forced to take orders for spring install ations. We have a number of large orders that we are work ing on now, and as the metal strips have to be cut at the fac tory it Is necessary to find out now about the work for this next spring. With our experience in this work, and the modern system that we are using, it is possible to do the work in a short time, but we have to get the orders in from thirty to sixty days before the work Is to be started. At the present time we are working on the Pilot Butte Inn, and can be seen there at any any time. Remember Any Style or Shape Windop Can be Fitted with the National Metal Weather Strips. T: L. COLLIER AGENT FOR OREGON THROUGH WITHOUT CHANGE Between Central Oregon and Portland Standard and Tourist Sleepers Daily OREGON TRUNK CENTRAL OREGON LINE MANUFACTURERS and LAND PRODUCTS SHOW Nov. 3 to 24 in Portland's New Half Million Dollar Auditorium This is the real exposition of Oregon's resources and opportunities. Its ad vertising valueflto exhibitors will be tremendous. SEND EXHIBITS AND ATTEND. Reduced Round Trip Fares from Oregon Trunk Stations Nov. 8, 15, 22. See local agents. FURNACE CONTRATOR TINNING OF ALL KINDS Repairing, Guttering, Spouting, Cornices and Skylights Roofing of All Kinds. H. J. SOHM Tenth Apple Show Spokane, Nox. 10-24 SPECIAL FARES from Central Oregon to Spokane. J. T. HARDY, Trav. Freight & Pass. Agt. Bend, Oregon Hi'M SHEVL1N PINE SOLD BY MILLER LUMBER COMPANY SASH, DOORS and MILL WORK Phone 1601 FOR SASH FACTORY WOOD PHONE BEND WHITE PINE SASHICO. 441 Bend View PRICES: $100 AND UP TERMS: ReiMaab.e Wc'D loan joi bom? la WM. BEND'S MOST SCENIC RESIDENCE PROPERTY Every Lot commands a view of the River, Mountains and City. Building restrictions according to Location. iEE J. RYAN & CO' O'Kuc Bldf. ' . PfcM Ml