J li THK MCNI) Ilt'M-KTI.", DAILY KDITIO.V, IIK.NI, OKKftON, MO.VIM V, (MTOIIKIt I,' 1017 PAGE TONICHT-LAST TIME FATTY ARBUCKLE in "A Rough House" PAULINE FREDERICK in "Sleeping Fires" TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY ALICE BRADY -IN- "MATERNITY" Tin feature it such wonderful production that too much could not be said ahout it. Tin (lory tolj is to utterly Jif (rent anJ to intentely intcrcitin( and the various scenes--especially the trcmendoua (ire iccne -are io bif and magnificent, that tla picture ii easily raited into the class of the exceptional "SIMPLE SAPHO,l'Xr,.":t ORIGINAL SAPMO. K your lips are cracked and you can't laugh, don't ie thin picture. But if you enjoy a laugh that ii mure than a chuckle. Come. CO.MlNi; Next Kmidiiy und Monday, Ilmigluii KulrUnks in "Wild uhd Wooly." I 1917 SEPTEMBER 1917 SIN iMONlTUEED;THUFRI j'SAI TEH 1 8 9J01112 131415 16171819202122 M242526272829 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Mr. A. K. Lorson rut u mod last nlKlit. 10. J Sutherland la In Portland on business. M. W. Knickerbocker was In from Gist tlila morning. K. (I. Hmirk la In from Crescent today on business. George. T. .Mlrhidson, of Kort Kock. spent tliii day In town. '. 8. lli'iiHun and I.. I). WUst su spending tin' iluy In I 'r I n v 1 1 !. y. II. Wallc, Sr., of Suihcrlln, Hiii'iit Sunday In Hum) wt:li his eon. SI. It. Nohje tinit returned to Hood River after visiting George fitoko n week. A bnhy girl was bom to Mr. and Mrs. John KHz, In Kenwood, lust nlKlit. Churlcs II. Dcnly, of Dear Crock Iluiti'H, Hiiniit tha day In town on business. OltKtiO.N Tltl'NK TRAIN Arrives 7:i!(iu. to. Leaves 9 p. in. O..W. It. N. TRAIN. Arrives 7:3& p. in. Leaves 7:2S a. in. AITO ST A OK MNK KOITII. Loaves a. in. Arrives Ii p. in. AL'TO I.IXKH. Cars to liurns, Kort Klamath Kort Kock. Silver Luke and other points south axd south east. I'OHT OI'KICK IIOl'IW. General delivery open dally S:30 a. m. to 6 p, ni. No mall distributed on 8unday. NlKht train mall clone 8:15 Day train mall closes 6:30 a. m. TKI.KtiltAI'll HOIRH. Western Union, 8 a. m. to 9 p. in. Hundny and holidays t) a. m. to 10 a. in., 6 p. m. to (1 p. m. TKI.KI'IIOXE IIOl'IW. Paclllc Tel. & Tel. Co. 24 hour Mlas Kleunor II. Whit iiliire spent Sunday visiting will) friend In Ucs ehutcs. Mr. Fred Fish and Mrs. C. l. Drown left yesterday morning for a visit In I'lirlliuid. J. X. Hunter and family have gone to 1 loud Hlvcr to hurvest the apple rrop on their rnm h. VeHtenlity inomliiK a six and a liulf pound boy whs born to .Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Uocorful. Klmur Lohnhorr returned this morn Ing from the onst, where ho went to visit relatives before being called out to Join tliu naval coast defense re-servos. CRABAPPLES excellent for jelly. GRAPES luscious to eat and delicious for jelly F. DEMENT & CO. The 'PicferrcJ Slock Store CKOCKKIKS HARDWARE George Vttlidnvnrt left lust night for Porlluiid to attend llm Unlverslly of Oregon medlrul school. H. V. Voorhles has gone: to The Dulles and Willamette. Vullity points on u month's business trip. K. II. Keane was a member nf u li u ii 1 1 n K party which left for a few days' sport south of ilend today. Tho funeral of Tuttulielln Carden, who died lust Saturday from enteritis will be held tomorrow afternoon. John Fur rid I came In from Hed mond tills morning accept a po sition in tho A. L. French store. . 11. Ciould cuino In Saturday af ternoon from tho timber whero lie bus been engaged In survey work. Miss Daisy K. Stewart returned lust night from a six weeks' voeatlon spent in Kastern Washington and Heutlle. I'. L. Tompkins came in from Hood Hlver lust n It! lit. Ho brought with him his nephew, little Jim Over turf, Jo. I'ustor II. W. Cottrell went to Muu pin this mornliiK und will then go on to Portland. Ho Is holding Ad ventlsl services. Ashley Korrost sampled tho new road up on Hrokeu Top In his' ear yesterduy and reports a good trip und no mishaps. ' Hov. George I). Van Waters wont to I'rlneville yesterday morning to hold services, returning on the even ing train for services here. 11. M. Grunt, principal of tho high school, early this afternoon became tho futher of an eight and a half pound baby boy, his first child. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. husk were ar rivals on tho Portland train this morning. They will spend a few- days with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Officer. William Drown returned to Gap ranch near Hums this morning. He had been to Salem attending the fulr and stopped In Ilend on tho way homo. M. M. Vale left for Portland today and will go from thero to Kugene, from which point ho will begin a trip to Detroit, Michigan. Ho docs not expect to return to Ilend. Miss Helen Suyrc, who has been employed In the Central Oregon Hank, will leave tomorrow for her home in Bums to assume her new duties as chief deputy in tha pros ecuting attorney's office. Mrs. E. Gladstone, mother of the Gladstone Sisters, who entertained at a local theatre a few weeks ago, re turned this morning to seek a loca tion for a first clasB dress making shop which she Intends to open here soon. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McKay re turned from Marshfleld yesterday. They attended the convention of the Grand Couimundery of Knights Tem plars and secured tho meeting for Ilend next year. Only about 40 del egatus were present. Forest Hanger K. F. Smith was In town today from tho Tumalo station and will work from tho Ilend office while making changes in the private forestry service telephone lines from tho West Deschutes and Tumulo dis tricts, so as to have two terminal wires Instead of one. G. E. Ross, secretary of the State Highway Commission, drove into town yesterday accompanied by his father, G. A. Hoss, of North Yakima, Washington. They came In from The Dalles on a tour of inspection and wont out this morning. Included In TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY MILES MINTER in "FAITH" What name could Letter characterise a play in which Mist Minter is leading than "Faith"? Child faith in the fidelity of all mankind and the wholesome love and true, lasting friendship have been combined to male this a picture that you just cannot help liking. PADDY McQUIRE in "A PLASTER FEUD" Yes, everyone helps to entertain In this picture absolutely everyone TONIGHT-- in "High Finance." and TOM MIX in "Six Cylinder Love." GRAND THEATRE their route was a trip to the Oehoco forest. Mr. Ross expressed himself as much pleased with road Improve ments fn this locality. - Four men were sent to Vancouver this morning to Join the various branches of the service. Harvey Mc- Kenzln is enTering the engineer corps as a camouflage artist, the first to leave Ilend. James A. Elder will go as a baker In the quartermaster's corps, while Frank Xeth Joins the infantry and William E. Carey, the field artillery. ThlB is the largest group of men sent to Vancouver from here at any one time since Coropral Harvey has been stationed In Bend as recruiting officer. DEATH CLAIMS HANS JOHNSON, OF TUMALO Old Itrkidfiit Die Saturday Mulit Tunic to This Section 10 Years Ago. Deschutes county Saturday lost one of Its old residents when death claim ed Hans Johnson, of Tumalo. Mr. Johnson had been 111 a year and a half with cancer of tho stomach. The deceased was born In Norway in 1868 and came to the United States In the early nineties. Sixteen years ago he came to this section and in 1907 purchased a ranch near Tum alo. He waB a veteran of the Spanish-American war and saw service with a Wisconsin regiment in Porto Rico. He was also a member of the Odd Fellows lodge. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Carrie O. Johnson, and three broth ers and two sisters In this country, besides two sisters and a brother in Norway. Gilbert Stromstead, a brother. Is here from Dairy, N. D., to attend the funeral which will be held tomorrow at 2:30 from the Scandinavian-Lutheran church. M'AMJSTKR RANCH HOLD. Francis E. Hoss today completed the purchase of the McAllister ranch near Plainview. This is the second time It has changed hands this year. The tract contains 180 acres of irri gated land, the deal representing over $20,000. to attend the funeral of Hans John-, son tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 at the Scandinavian-Lutheran church. TOMORROW, TUESDAY, Uncle San says use NO meat on Tuesday. The Wright Hotel will serve fried spring chicken, cream gravy and biscuits, sliced peaches and cream, sliced tomatoes and cucum bers, and other good things. Price, as usual. 6 o'clock Tuesday night.. Adv. - NOTICE. All Odd Fellows and Spanish- American War veterans are requested You Will Enjoy One of the Clean, Steam Heated Rooms at the Cozy Hotel A trial convinces Bend Hauling Co. EXPRESS AND BACGAGE LIGHT AND HEAVY HAULING MOVINU HOUSEHOLD GOODS A SPECIALTY PHONE BLACK 451 PHONE BLACK 451 Gilbert's Grocery we are getting new customers every day There's a Reason a trial order will explain The Better Service Store 838 Bond St. Phone Red 721 Near Bend Hardware OREGON INTER-STATE FAIR PBINEVILLE, OCT. 3-6 Saturday, October 6, is Bend and Governor's Day GOOD RACING GREAT ATTRACTIONS Best Live Stock Show in Oregon AUTO TRUCK SERVICE !