CAGE 4 THK BKXD BULLETIN, DAILY EDITION, DKND. ORMION, KIUDAY, HKPTKMIIKR II. 1017 It's one thing to buy just half what you want, but the big thing is to buy where you can get the best at a price no greater than what inferior goods cost. We make it our business to help you buy so can get the most for your money. Our service is for your benefit. Ask for our best ad vice, so that you can save money. BENNETT'S GROCERY O'KAXE BUILDING , , A VeRLB PICTURE . T iA BRADI- MADE v. " V" 2 ETHEL CLAYTON - W JktDcmkgeJFeaf . vsxr rl .;, I) Gilbert's I Grocery ! BEST PLACE TO BUY ; Fruits and II Vegetables Lartfe Assortment I ! and Best Price complete line of I I 1 1 Staple am Fancy j Groceries. I . WE CALL ! rw.WRWCKB. pill I Our Service i Unequalej j I in the city I j 83d Bond St. I Near Bend Hardware Store Pj liiHim, I'hone Hud 691, or address Box 314, Uuml. 673-a8tfo yANi'KI I want your second tin nil (urnlturo, and you want my monoy. Call tlu Bond Quick Kxihiiimo. at Oregon and lloud, or I'hono lllnuk 1711. 648-23tfo pl'ltMTl'HK WANTKD Wu will liny bunt caali price for used (ur nlturo nnd household Roods. Phono llluok 1641. 385-78tfc FOR SALE pt)K HALK Two room tent Iiouhb, wall bods, guruge. elevtl'tc llRlita, water, Kenwood, Jted 2171. 600-30, 4lp poll 8AI.K An eloclrlc plate, good as nuw. Inquire 283 Jefferson I'laco. glDKW.U.K KOIt HAI.K Sixty feet i( good four-root sidewalk. Can easily be hauled In 16 -toot lengths to nny locution. Inquire Dullutlu of fice. 402-0i t,fc HALK Houso. $1160; will tako $360 cash. Call at 413 Slants! MEN.. AND WOMEN Who are exacting on stylo, who insist on quality, who are critical of fit will find these characteristics in JOHNSON'S TAILORING Ladies1 Work Given Special Attention. Suits and Coats made to order, Remodeling, Altering, Rclining. WW 1H) CLKANINQ AND I'UKHHINtl Bend View PRICES: $100 AND IP TERMS: Rcaxonab e We'll loan you money to build. BEND'S MOST SCENIC 1 1 ES I PENCE I'HOl'EU T Y Every Lot commands u view of the Itiver, Mountains nnd City.' Building restrictions Hi-cording to Locution. J. RYAN & CO. O'Kane Bid. Phone J6l Saturday night and Sunday matinee at Liberty Theatre. 'AT THE MOVIES Liberty Theatre. Though perfectly innocent in every thing she bas done. Vesta Wheatley iUndoIph, In "The Bondage of Fear," Jfinds that after she is happily mar Tied, she must tight for her happi ness. Her fight is made necessary because something happens to a for ttier sweetheart of her's. Here is a thrilling, intensely interesting, won derfully entertaining film that will 'grip your attention without a let-up through every loot of the five reels. This newest World Picture Brady Made will be shown at the Liberty Theatre on Saturday night and Sun day matinee, in addition to the new Fatty , Arbuck'le comedy, "Reckless Borneo. Miss Ethey Clayton plays the .principal character and is sup posted by an especially able cast in cluding Rockliffe Fellowes, Arthur --Ashley and John Bowers. .SUPPLIES HERE FOR HED CROSS KNITTING Tarn and needles for sweaters and mufflers have arrived at local Red Cross headquarters, and instruction will be given on next Wednesday and Friday by competent knitters, it was announced this morning by Mrs. W. C. Birdsall, of the Bend chapter. Only plain knitting will be required for this kind of work, it is explained. All Bend women who understand knitting, or who are willing to learn, are urged to report at headquarters. Probably the next knitting to be undertaken will be in the making of socks, and this will be started as soon as the proper needles arrive. In the meantime, it is asked that any having needles suitable for sock knitt!i.g, re port the fact in order to eliminate delay. ATTEMPT TO REVERSE RILING. (Continued from Page I.) ground 'of dependency can be ap pealed to the President under any cir cumstances. The decision of the dis trict board in such cases, on which it sits as an appellate board, is final. There is no further appeal. The following summary of regula tions made by the President to gov ern procedure In' all cases appealed to him, has been issued by the Pro- C. 8. HUDSON, President : E. M. LARA, Cashier U, C. COE, Vice President L. G. McREYNOLDS, Asst. Cashier E. A. SATHER, Vice President. B. A. STOVER, Asst. Cashier The First National Bank OP BEND, BEND, OREGON. STATEMENT June 20, 1917. RESOURCES Bills Receivable .....$432,202.70 Bonds and Warrants 19,374.16 Stock Federal Reserve Bank 1.300.00 Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 31,067.34 Bonds to Secure Circula tion 12,600.00 6 Redemption Fund .... 626.00 Other Real Estate Owned 3,677.63 CASH AND EXCHANGE 183,004.75 Bonds to Secure U. S. P. S 4,034.76 $688,736.24 LIABILITIES Capital $ 26,000.00 Surplus and Profits 26,699.74 Circulation 12,600.00 Deposits 624,636.60 $688,736.24 FirstJNationaljBank Member Federal Reserve System. 690-33tfo vost Marshal General at Washington, with the request that it be given the fullest publicity: 1. By tho regulations of tho Pres ident governing appeals from the action of district boards, tho claim of appeal must be Tiled with tho district board and cannot be received If sent direct to the President, the Provost Marshal General, members of Con gress, or to any other place than to the district board Itself. 2. Papers, evidence and affidavits not considered by the district board cannot be considered on appeal from the district board. 3. The only cases in which there Is an appeal to the President are cases in which a claim for discharge on the ground of engagement in agriculture or industry bas been made In the dis trict board. There Is no appeal to the President from the action of the local board In dependency or other cases whose termination is within the Jurisdiction of the local board. 4. All attempts to appeal cases other than those Involving the decis ion of the district board on agricul ture or industrial exemption from whatever source received; all affi davits, letters, arguments, evidence, papers or other matter not consid ered by the district board; all ap peals made to the President direct, or sent to any cither official or per son In Washington, will have to be returned to the sender. Classified Advertisements WANTED yyAXTKI) Man and wife to work on an irrigated ranch; man to act as foreman and must be a worker and understand Irrigation, woman to cook for five people. No housework to do. Steady Job. State wages expected and where last employed. Inquire Bul letin. 605-37, 42c yyAXTEI) Junior clerk. Brooks Scanlon Lumber Company. Apply at office. 601-36, 41c y-AXTK!) Four timber fallers at once. Steady work and good nay to right men. Sixteen foot logs mln- j.:a;ieastes ,The Reliable Real Estate Man Something You Want at Prices You Want to Pay Lilt your farm anJ city proper ty with, me. Careful attention and prompt service;' Rentals Loa - j. a: eastes Corner Bond and 'Greenwood JXU SALE A 1916 Ford auto. In good condition. Iiiqulro at Bun nell's grocory. 680-38tfc fOll HALE Two lota In Northwoat Townslto Company's Second Ad dition (west of the rlvor, near Shnv lln mill); price $160, eaay terma, Ap ply abc, Bulletin office. Mf piH HALE Lots 9 and 1". of block 13, Bend View, price $200. eaay tortus. See ABC, Bullotln office. 850-70tf poit HALF Lots 9 and 10, of block 24 of Konwood, price $325, vory easy terms. See ABC, Bullotln office. 349-170tf FOUND pol'NK lady's cont and gloves. Call at Bulletin offlco to Identify and pay for add. 684 tfc TO EXCHANGE f) THAIK Ford for a bungalow. Call Jacob, at Brooka-Sranlon ma chine shop. 69S-34.37p LOST JOHT Coat, between Bend and Red mond. Finder please return to Pilot Butte Inn. 603-37c ) SHEVLIN PINE SOLD BY MILLER LUMBER COMPANY SASH. POORS and MILL WORK Phone 1661 FOR SASH FACTORY WOOD . . PHONE BEND WHITE PINE SASH CO. 441 PHONE BLACK 451 PHONE BLACK 451 ''''' ' " ' ' " j ' vj Bend Hauling Co EXPRESS AND BACGACE ; LIGHT AND HEAVY HAULING MOVING HOUSEHOLD COODS A SPECIALTY Auto truck service USE MORE PAINT Do Less Scrubbing Painted kitchen floors are sanitary and easy to kee'p clean-. The smooth hard surface will not allow dirt to "sink in. There's no need of the work, worry and backaches caused by scrubbing bare wood floors. ACME QUALITY FLOOR PAINTS are inexpensive about six cents a square yard for two coats. They are easy to apply you can do it your-self-and they dry quickly. Ask at our store for color sample card, which tells you about painting, staining, varnishing and waxing floors. FOR SALE BY Bend Hardware Co. i ; BEND