THE BEND BULLETIN THE WF.ATIIEIt DAILY EDITION Hhuw ora Tonight; Fair To- VOt. I HORSE'S KICK KILLS FARMER 11 fe. MAItSTON VICTIM OF RUNAWAY. r'nlU I'ihW IIihiN n 'IViun Ihilln I'p ;rinl Nwir Kvaii Ituiirh Wife Unit l'rmiillliin f lluH r Wlirn Trip Hla'rtiHl. Ilmiry IC. Mnmlnn, well lo lo Pnrt laud man who recently hnmnainadnd ill tllll Kullll ItltlgB section,' waa In atithtly killed ill II o'clock yesterday morning nunr llio C, I- Kvans ranch. U7 inlli'H from ltr. when l toll from his wugon under tlio horses' i hoofs, bin skull IiiiIiik crushed by kick from one of the animal. Mr. Mumton will B8 your of ago, and In xurvlvnd by hi wife and ono noil. Th latter arrived horn thin morning ' to urcoiiiimiiy llio body back to I'ort- .'. lit ii1 . Tlio don ili wit ibo result of a run away which occurred a Mr. Murston was urging hla horse to pull a ruth r difficult grade. Ill wlfo had been riding with him, but hud dUmountud ' to fuao the load. , According to her lory, her hualiand atruck one of the horaea wllh th whip, and the team bolted, the front end of the wagon j box falling out. hurting the driver to the ground, If y dm time alio could reach him, he was dead, his head 4-runhud by tho blow of a hoof on the right tomple. The wheels of tho wa gon paasml over his left arm. I'rr monll Ion Frit. Help waa summoned from the Ev ans ranch and County 1'hyalclan liwlghl V. Miller and Coroner Klmor Nlawoiiger responded. Tho raae waa o plainly accidental that no Inquest was held, and the body waa brought In to thn Nlawoiiger undertaking par lors last night. -- . Mr. and Airs. Marston bad reached the Kvsns place , tho night .ltore, travelling from Bond, and yesterday Mrs. Ma rat oil had objected strongly to continuing tho journey on Sunday, fooling a premonition that bad for tune waa In atom for them. ARMY MOBILIZATION DATES MADE PUBLIC Draft's Mm Will fitr tho Moot Tart Ito In Camp by ncptoinhrr 110, v la Amtimocrmrnl. ' ( By Unltx! Prm t II lUnd Bulletin) WASHINOTON. I). C, Aug. 13. The National army will movo Into 'nntoiuuenta In threo Increments, on Meptnnfbnr S. 15 and 30, the provost marshal general announced today. Putoj apeclflnd are for the mit.-iiln-mcnt at homo stations, f Ninety per cent of tho army la to go In tho first three Increments, and tho remaining 10 per cent will-start as aoon aa pos sible after 86itombor 30. COMBATS FIERCE IITUTIMI AUTiy.KllY . RSIlCIAJ;.; !.?) ,HlTX'Kt1HKl'I ON VhA nKliS Nli,T OKliilAN'S ATTACK TO NOnTiroK HT. Ql'KNTISf.' ..' (ryUnltedTrnto to tKotleml bulletin) ' LONDON, Aug.' 13.-Tlio r'lundors Imttlo. entered on Ifk: ililrd week (o lny,:wlth Oenoral Hnl'g annoulifling that ithore is nothjng of 'apoclnl 'in oroa( to report.' . ' , ' " Sharp, lirlof ongngflmonts marked tho' past 48 hours, ns tho Oornmna endoavorod to rognln some of the wrirand captured by tho nrltlli. The Uritlah artlllory fat ospoolajly sue cofsful, ropulslng onomy attacks with lictvy losaas, , . . , KXIOMY WOUHTUI. PAIII8, Aug. 13, Continued artil lery duels In the Alsna region wore rcnowod today, and Infantry attacks jiorth of St. Quontln wera 'tifflolally Teportod. AU enemy attacks wore rcpuliod, ; .; , ; ,.. .. : .i t N LONG BATTLE SHEVLIN HIXQN AGAIN WINNER 5-3 SCORE MADE OVER PORTLAND NINE. lllnkr'ft Gem-nodi y lli-lps ImcuU to Tlir of Four Tallies In Firm Frame l.utf lliilly KT Game From Ik-lug Tumi1. Willi (ixciillmil support from Wiiko, the I'orllund aliibHtnr, tho Blinvlln lllxon tniim. playing an all-alar nlno from the Wlllumotto Vulloy town, won In llio flrnt liming yesterday ufteruonn on the local ground, run ning up four tiro re, which aiittlcd thn game (.) n and thoro. The final score waa 6-3. UiiKotlHfuetory umpir ing by Unify, of Itiuid, waa a fmiturc of the game, It ahould bo noted. After thn All-Stara hud been bluiiknd In tlio flrat half of the flrnt. llluke walked Bhoota. and the llcnd ahortatop waa promptly sacrificed to aecond by 1,1ml. Ilounton waa pinned and advanced to third while Shoots acorcd. on llolnnd'a alugle. Knuim-n walked. Fox funned, and Clifford's two-bagger scored llolaud and Knut aen. llluke walked no more men dur- '"K ''" remainder of tho game. Mi morn acorea (iccoruicn mo imiy sheet until the fifth frame, when Bhoota tapped one for two sacks, went to third on Houston's sacrifice, and camo In on lllako'a wild pitch. Attempt to Tic In VaJn. In tho seventh. Karr. of Portland. died on third, but tills waa the near cat to a acoto which the visitors had made up to that time. In tho eighth, however, Mcllaln lilt, went down on Wbltton'a sacrifice, stole third, and cam in on Knulaen'a wild pitch. Hornby and Kleltatlnger walked, llo gan fanned, and Noonan'a long hit scored two. Krickson wont out, Clif ford" to nultock. ' ' ' ' ' In hopes of lying up the score. McDonnell waa sent In for Portlsnd In the ninth, but went out on Pox's throw to first. Blake (lied out to Houston, McIIale hit, and died on first when Clifford caught Whltten'a high foul. The aeore ALL-STARS- AU n Mc.llalo. If 6 1 Whltten, 3b C 0 Hornby, as 4 1 Kloiistluger. c ....4 1 Hogan. lb 4 0 N'oonan, elf 4 . 0 Krickson, 3b 4 0 Karr. rf 3 0 llluke, p 4 0 H PO 3 0 McConnell 1 0 Total 38 3 4 24 19 2 Hutted for Karr In ninth. 8-H. AB II H PO A Hhoots. ss 4 2 1 1 I, hid, cf 4 0 0 1 Houston, 3b 4 10 2 Holnud. If 4 1 2 2 Knulsen, p 4 1 11 Kox, iii 4 0 0 2 Clifford, c 3 0 18 Morrill, rf ...3 0 1 1 Dullock, lb 3 0 0.8 Total S3 B 8 27 19 3 Summary Battorles. 81ievlln-Hlx-011, Knutscn and Clifford. All-Stars, Bluko and Plellatlnger; atruck out, by Kuutsen 8, by Hlnko, 9; bases on halls, off Knutson 4, off Blake 3; Wild pitch. Blake 1. Knutsen 1; lilt by pitched ball, by Knutaon 1; two bnae lilts. Shoots, Boland and Clif ford; stolen bases, McHale 2. Floit stlngor 2, Karr 2; loft on bases. Hhev-lln-Hlxon 4. All-Stars 8; oarnod runs, Shevlln-Hlxon 1 ; double plnys, Bluko to Hogan, Bullock and Morrill out. Umpire, Hulcy. TO SCREEN OUTLET , : ;: 0F PAULINA LAKE ,T,W!Tf .-Mpn""P0 Will, Save Many Tr" Kfom-Golnn Ovejr I'miHiiii ' vfWok' Fallii. .j'r I 'O'ri oitthWlty from th'o. 9lhtp :Klah and Go mo oommlaslon, Dnpuly Chief Gamo .Warden John Cunningham has p'rocured'."wlre foi the. scfoonlng of tlo'f PAMnd L'ak0i.,n task which will; be ncompllBhed" nrly IIiIb run. ' '' v. . Since the planting of redaldo trout in tho Bust Lakes, the outlet of Paul Inn has 'been n sonrco of (lunger to (he big , fish, -.many going ovor the falls of Paulina oroek yearly. - JAPANKSU MISSION ARRIVKS (Ity United Prenn to the Bend Bulletin) A PACIFIC PORT, An. 13. The Jnpniiexo War MInhIoii liaa renchotl tlio United States, 1IKND, DKHG'liUTKM COUNTV, OHEGOX, .MOMMY Al TKK.VOO.Y, AIGIHT III, 1017 THIS BATHING POOL MADE BY A SHELL mm . mim8s&m' MM r OffS l-. MT t 1 r H Mioio by American ra Aaaoclatlnn. ' A (leriiiun aliell tors a great bide Inside the Uritlsb Unci. A aevere rainstorm aoon Oiled the excavation with wa ter. Ilrlllab Toniniica took advantage of the alluatlon. Mauy took baths, and one man gt chance to bathe and aliave. SUNDA 1 IS HONH OK NOItWAY HOSTS TO MOItK THAX .'M AT I'ICKKTT ISLAM) WOltK AM AIMS OK OltDKIt AltK TOM). Kvon more successful than had been expected was tho picnic given yesterday by tho Sons of Norway at Pickett Island near Tumalo. The ex cellent program prepared by the com mittee In charge, attracted more than 300 for the outing. Many were prea ont, not only from Bend, but from the camps and from ranches within a radius of 20 miles froni the picnic J grounds. II. P. Mlnter was the speaker of the day.' delivering a -patrtoMo tktress In which he Incorporated an outline of the alms of the Sons of Xorv.-ay, to gether with the work which they are accomplishing In Bend. A varied program followed, a team composed of R. II. Loven. i. Sandrud, Adolph Eng. C. i. Haxburg and M. Paulson, winning after an exciting tussle In the tug-of-war. Nrs. Geo. Krickson was declared winner of the women's nail driving conteat, and afterward games for the eutlre com pany of picnickers were enjoyed. Refreshments were served on the grounds, and music during the day was furnished by tbo Bend band. The outing camo to a .close at 6 o'clock In tho afternoon. AMERICANS LOST ON MISSIONARY VESSEL I'ourtyn Others Claimed When City of Athens Is Blown I'p by a , Mine Off Capo Town. (lly United Prw to the Bend Bulletin) WASHINGTON. I). C, Aug. 13. Klva Americans wore Inst when the American vessel. City of Athons, was mined off Cape Town, South Africa, lust Friday, It was learned today. Four members of tho crew and 10 additional passongers were also lost. The vessel carried missionaries from Brooklyn 'and New- York to Cupe Town. Their 'destination was almost in sight when the ship sank ' Nineteen of the missionaries were saved. . . -.' ' . TAFT'S CONDITION ; NOW . ENCOURAGING V " - v ... .-v . . (By United PJmi to the Bend BuflrtA) ;. ! CLAY CENTER, Kan.. Aug. 13. Ex-Prosldont' T".' i": showing con tinued linprovomoht.'.'but the attend ing physician stated today that It wuhi probably be at least three days bofore he will he able to walk. Me has comnipncod to oat regularly. VOTE INDICATES ANACONDA STRIKE . (Br United Prou tn the Bend Bulletin) BUTTE, Aug. 13. Early bnllotlng here today Indicated that 2400 Ana conda smelter men will vote to strike. A full vote of unionists is expeoted. A two-thirds majority is necessary tor a walkout. PICNIC SUCCESS i ML r r. K RAIDING AEROPLANES BROUGHT TO GROUND Miirlilnr Which H Over Itndim Dbutblftl Off Kliuiilcm Coant, Kay IlrltlMi Admiralty. (Br United Pieu to the Bend Bulletin) LONIJON, 9ug. 13. Two of the German aeroplanes which raided the south end of London, and two other towns on Sunday were brought down, the admiralty stated today. The machines were brought down off the coast of ('landers. One was a new type of German plane, the other was a seaplane. The admiralty announced that 20 German machines participated In the raid, killing 23 and Injuring SO. CHAUFFEUR'S PICNIC SOURCE OF MYSTERY Fred C. Plerry Uses Employer's Car, and Finds BUI fur Telegrams Sent - Id rleairrhi ftwalrtnirinsr-r.v. While the sheriff's office was send ing telegrams all through the west ordering hla detention, Fred C. Pier cy, chauffeur for Harry K. Brooks, was enjoying an outing at Crane Prairie over Sunday, making the trip In hla employer's car. He returned to Bend this afternoon and paid $7.85 to defray the cost of telegrams' and other expenses the authorities had been put to. Plercy left Bend at midnight Sat urday without hla employer's knowl edge. The search for him was at the request of the Bend Park Co., agents for the company which had Insured the auto. RAILROADERS AGREE TO NO WORK PLEDGE 1250 Will Walk Out In Snn Francisco Tonight, Say Strike Lenders Little Violence Is Noted. ( By Un lied Preu to the Bend Bulletin ) SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 13. Fifty more United Railroads platform men signed a pledge today not to resume work until wages arc raised nyid hours shortened, leaders of tho strike hore declared. They asserted that 1250 men will quit by tonight, prac tically tying up the system. The com pany denies this statement. Aside from a clash betweon' the police and company of guards and the strikers this morning, there has been no violence so far. ITALIAN OFFENSIVE ; ; SEEMS IMMINENT (Br United Prentothe Bend Bulletin) s ' . ROME,' Aug. 13. The An's'trjanB are hurriedly, reinforcing tlio Carso front. ' Evetfy , indication points , to anticipation of'' a, 'strong Italian-attack in the Immediate fulureV Ital ian airplanes . have shown unprece dented activity In this "region and along other fronts; apparently pre saging an attemptod general advatu'o. OBJECTORS TO WAR MUST SERVE ANYWAY (By United Prow to the Bend Bulletin) WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 13 Drafted persons whose religion pro hibits them from making war, will be ifortvarded to the mobilisation camps as a part of the quota from their respective districts, Provost Marshal General Crowder announced today. They will he assigned to duty as non-combatants, & . ' TWO ARE HURT IN MRS. RAY CANTERBURY ANT) MOXTH-OLD CHILI) HVRLK1) FROM CAR. IX COLIJSIOX BOTH OCT OK DAXGKR TODAY, Mrs. Ray Canterbury and ber month-old baby were thrown from the auto driven by Charles Haines late Saturday night, sustaining bruis es which were at first thought to be dangerous, in the case of the child, when the car crashed Into a larger machine driven by Floyd Dement. The accident occurred at the Interesction of Greenwood and. Wall atreets, ahortly after 10 o'clock. Immediate medical care was secured tob.Mr4Caaterh.ury and. her child.... The baby was reporte dto be out of danger today. v The collision took .' place as the Haines car. In which .Mr. and Mrs. Canterbury were riding home, round ed the corner from Greenwood to turn south on Wall. Mr. Dement was driv ing north on Wall, and although both drivers were adhering strictly to traf fic regulations, tbey failed to turn out sufficiently to avoid a smash. As to the machines, Mr. Haines car sus tained the chief damage, its front wheels being literally torn loos3. Mr. Haines considers It little short of a miracle that ' Mrs. Canterbury and her child did not receive more severe, Injuries. The corner at which the accident occurred has been the scene of two other similar collisions -within the past year, the large amount of motor travel passing at that point being, one of the chief causes of danger. U. S. TO INQUIRE AS TO PRISONERS' FATE (Br United Prea to the Bend Bulletin) WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 13. Through the Swiss government, the United States will ask Germany what was done with the captain and tour American naval gunners taken' pris oners when a submarine sank . the Campana, the State Department' in dedicated' this afternoon. ' - ' FIRE THREATENS TO DESTROY TOWN (By United Preaa to the Bend Bulletin) ' BAKER; Aug. 13. The town'- of Sumpter is on fire and Is In danger of complete destruction:'' Def alls. are lacking;, but part of the business dis trict Is alj-ea.dy repdrted to'; be. de stroyed, and. the fire s spreading. A can tor neip trout Baker has: been sent In. , V, . .'.' "" AMERICAN SHIP IN . DUEL WITH U-BOAT (By United Prom to the Bend Bulletin) NEW YORK, Aug. .13. A half ronr engagement b-3'.ween. German submarine and an American steam ship was reported 'today, off the Irish coast. : Neither scored a hit. CHINA TO DECLARE WAR ON TEUTONS (Br United Pren to the Bend Bulletin) TOKYO, Aug. 13 That China will declare war on the Germans was seml-officlally stated here today, - IG NO. FOOD PLANS III AMERICA mora HOOVER WILL START ON SEPTEMBER 1. LICENSING FEATURE Government Agencies at All Termi nal Will Purchane and Sell Grain at Fair Price, and Make Kxporta of Food. (By United PreH to the Bend Bulletin) WASHINGTON, D. C. Aug. 13. Herbert Hoover, food administrator for the United States under the food control bill which has just been passed, announced today his fool conservation program, to be effective September 1. ' The licensing of all elevators and mills of more than 100 barrels daily . capacity will be required, while gov ernment agencies wilt be opened to purchase wheat at all the principal railroad terminals, and to resell at reasonable pricea for export and to millers. ' Hoover will establish a committee under President Garfield, of Williams College, to determine a fair price for the 1917 harvest.- He will call on the millers and elevators to fix a price schedule based on patriotism, and designed to stabilize the price of flour. , The newi food dictator will Issue licenses only to those mills and ele vators guaranteeing, to. charge a: rea sonable price for their warehouse service.- - ' Probes Rewtaoraats. Hoover' war on high prices turned on the restaurants today, and expert) began compiling full details on Amer ica's eating habits. Hoover plana to issue a national menu designed to re duce portions from one-third to one half In dining cars, restuarants and hotels. . ALLEGED SLAYER IS CAUGHT AT KLAMATH (87 Vn'WPr to tht Bend Bulletin) . GRANTS PAS3,Aug. 13. After a chase through the heart of the Cas cades, Ralph Turpin, alleged to have murdered William McAllister last Friday, was caught this morning at Klamath Falls. ALLIED NATIONS SOCIALISTS NOT TO BE ALLOWED : TO ATTEND STOCKHOLM CON FEBEXCE GERMANS MAY BE KEPT AT HOME. 1 (Br United Press to the Bend Bulletin) LONDON, Aug. 13 The Allied na tions have agreed that no passports will be issued to Socialists desiring to attend the International conference to, be held at Stockholm for the dis cussion of peace plans. , : . Bonar-Law, Chancellor ot the Ex- . chequer,, announced today that the United. States, France and Italy are agreed with Great Britain that pass ports permitting attendance at the Stockholm conference should be with held. .. - NEW OBJECTION FOUND. AMSTERDAM, Aug. 13.f-German Socialists will probably not attend the Stockholm conference, It the con vention Insists on discussing respon sibility for the war, it was semi officially stated this morning. Before the House ot Commons this afternoon Henderson, ex-cabinet min ister, charged the war cabinet with double dealing in connection with his recent trip to Paris. Henderson's visit started the storm of criticism which resulted In h'.s resignation, PASSPORTS