THH IIKND BULLETIN, DAILY EDITION, It KM), OREOOV, TIHRHIMV, .HXK 14, 1017 PAGE a ? See The Great Serial LIBERTY TONIGHT and FRIDAY AK.. 'HI.'ni.M.'MIYr: I.OVH" hv Knth vii Wi lliimis r 4aia)4' A 1 'ut-umotiiit l'U'liirii 1917 JUNE 1917 MJN J HON I TUE ; WEDjTHU. FRI ; SAT 1 8 1 9 Soil 12131415j6 17181920212223 24252627j282930 Bend in Brief DOINGS IN YOUR CITY. You'll Find Them Here. Till ItHHW. A. K. A. .M., MmmiiiIc Hull, M p. in, I 'rM"itli,r Julius, Loni" I'lnc 4iliur Trinpli-, H p. in, I HI DA V. Hon of .Vnrnu), Kitllirr'o hull, H i. in. rnlrul Trailf tabor A KurninV fuuni'll, taim I'lnr Lialmr Trniilr, 7:K0 p. in. 4'uunty Court, Council Itooiim, O'Khiii llulltllllu, 10:00 u. in. ' - SCMIAV. I'rltirvlllo v. hlii-vltii-lliinii, l mi( Ground, ,'l p. in. rrearliliiK In nil lle-iid lliun Ih'. MONDAY. I. O. O. I'.. HmiImt'h Hull. K p. in. lUiynl Arrh Muon, Masonic ilall, H p. Dl. I'nlnlmi mid Derornlor, l-onr I'ine Tcmplr, M p. in. Improved Order of llr Mm, MiMir Hull, H p. m. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS llitrlmrt K, Allen left lut iiIkIH for Portland.-' II. K. Pratt anil wife, of Itvtlmond, are Ilnnd vlnlton toiliiy. Horn, to Mr. ami Mm. Andrew Murphy, iy Kvnwoud. u nlii pound iliiiiKhtcr. 0. K. Ilnmlllon and A. 0. Allen riHirni'd hint nlKlit from u business trip Into Jefferson county. George A. Jones left yesterday In lid car for I'ortlund. where ho will meet III mother mid return to Hi ml with her. John O. O'Dull, district manager for. tlio Tiim-A-I.tnn Lumber Coiu- piiny, with hentltuurtr ut Grass Vnlley. wiih In llend Thumduy In the Interests of the company. FRESH Hood River Strawberries YOU WILL FIND , Til EM JUST A LITTLE : BETTER AT F. DEMENT & CO. GROCERIES AND HARDWARE Oppoflito PoHtofllca AMUSKMENTS. v Ih'iul 'liiciilri. Kiitlilyn WIIIIuiiin mill Hon I cjlil III K. Ill "Tllll Itl'di'l'tnlllK Murlit Wulcuinp, In "I.IIht ly." Griiinl Tlii'ulrc. Allri) Joyi'ii mill Hurry Mor y In "Tlio ('uuruK'i of BIIi-ik-ii." 1'nl ho Nnwg. Till iiirfiirinuiKii will lm ii I'll bIj IitIuii Guild lii'imflt. IHpiMHlrollll. KIuk IIuiiimi, music liy 1 1 -: 1 y 'n Juit urclii'Mlru, 8:00 until mid-nlKlil. County Judge W. I. Ilitrii.- rc turui'il liiHt it I k l t from a (rip to I'ortlund, wlicrn liu appi-uri'il In-fore tin' Kllitn HlKliwuy commission oh liWiulf of tlio rout south from Ili-ml. Souvenir fliiKH Klvin free to nil IoiiIkIiI ut lllppoilrotnii Flag, Hume. MuhIi' liy I f ly 'm Jut orchestra. AT THE HOTELS Wright llot.l. V. R .Crow, Portland. L. C. I.oft. Portland.' J. J. llalley. Brothers. J. N. llenls mid wlfn, t'omcroy, Wash. A. K. Mailman, Klamuth. Mm. II. M. Ashley and Hpraicue, Wash. on, Mr. ( him. W Krul t! riff In. . Kills, llurim. Orenham. C. M. Keefor, Hale in. I). W. liUHhand. Paulina. E. 0. C! rider. Pendleton. Geo. Ogle. Alfalfa. . W. O. Kordham. La I'lno. John I). Klploy, Portland. P. (iiilliiKher. Vancouver. K. J. Kirk, Akutan, AhiHka. 0. K. Wllllanm, Portlnnd. M. C. Marlon, Portland. C. K. Wooldrldge. Los Angeles. P. M. Hodson. Portland. Jim O. Mown, Pasco. Hotel Cy. C. C. Calloway, Fori Klnmnth. J. II. Johnson, Korl Hock. M. Anxland. Silver Lake. r red iihiiu ami lumuy, r ort Klani ath. I.. C. H. It. Wait. Portland. It. lluuloi'k, Portluiid. Pilot Hullo Itui. C. IlrlKKB. U. 8. OnoloKlral Sur- vty. N. L. Wli-Rind, I.amotiln. Lewis Swltxcr, I'ortlund. F. D. Leo, Seattle. Mra F. A. Coon, I.u Pino. W. T. Moore, Portland. W. W. Lender and wlfo, Run Fran cisco. A. Wells, Portland. V. I. Smith, Miilollus. Alfred A: Aye, La Pine. U. Smith. Lb Pinn. S. IS. Itatlilion, Ithlca, N. Y. DKSCHl'TK.4 HONOR ROLL (Continued from Page 1.) Hutrher, Howard I)., Redmond. Hyers, Ernest L., Ilond, llyland, Asn, IJend. Uylmid, Ralph J. Ilnnd. Cncketee, Erlo A., Ilend. Calverley, Vernon R Slaters. Calverley, John A., Lower Bridge. Campbell, Loren A., Lower Bridge. Campbell, Lawrence B Bond? Campbell, Vernon, Tlend. Carlson, Oliver O., Bond. Carney, John K., Bend. Carrado, Dominic, Bond. Carroll, John W., IHnd. Carson, John, Bond. Cashnmn, Mnurlce P Bond. Collc.K, Ely, Bend. Coble, Ward H., Bend. Cochrane. Oorden D., Alfnlfn. Champagne, Eugimo J Bund. Chapmnn, Frnnk V., Lower Bridge Cahpmnn, R. H., Lower Bridge. OregonTRANSFER. Co. EXPRESS AND BAGGAGE LIGHT AND HEAVY HAULING MOVING HOUSEHOLD GOOD3 A SPECIALTY AUTO TRUCK SERVICE PHONE BLACK 451 Chllds, Uiiorgo J., Ilnnd. ClirlHtmiMon, Wtildemur, Lu I'lnu. ChrlMtiiiiNitn, Alvln H., Bund. ChrlHtofferson, Kred, Klfo. Cites, Kruncla M., Brothers. Churclilll, Itaymonil It., Iiohi ImtoM. Claire, William, llend. Clurkii, Ilerliert N., Alfalfa. Clarke, Chester (',, Alfalfa. Cluvelaiid, Itay K., Bend. Cleveland, Floyd L., Bend. -ClevMiKor, Vernon, Mllllcun. Cogswell, Clay C Bend. Colby, Ned W Brothers. ColllliH, Archie K Bend. Conaway, Barney B., Mllllcun. Conawtiy, Harvey, Bend. Conu, Wlllluin B., Bend. Cook, Arthur F., Bend. Cook, Ira W Bund, ('uok, Klbert E., Bend. Cook, Roy a., Mllllcun. Cooke, Horace K., Mlllli-un. Coopnr, Charles L., Bend. Cooper, Edward 8., Bend. Cooper, Joseph 8., Bend. Cooper, James W., Bend. Cooper, Hulph T., Bend. Cooper, Ernest K., Bend. Cooper, G .11., Bend. Cooper, Thomus II., Bend. Covert, Kltner J., Redmond. Covey, Robert L La Pino. Cox, William C, Redmond. Cox, Ford W.. Bend. Coyner, W; Craig. Bond. Crundall, Robert, Bend. Creson, Ouy A.. Bend. Crelghton, Wlnflold, Bend. Crow, Hugh P., Hampton. Crow, Mulvln L., Hampton. CuuuluKhani, Max A., Redmond. Ctirtln, Ueo. H., Bend. Curtis, Harold K., Deschutes. liiinlnlHoii, Kron T., Bend. I'uUKbeiibuugh, 8. I., Mlllican. DaiiKlieubaugh, 0. O., Mlllican. Davenport, Carson C. Betid. Davies, Angus L., Redmond. Davis, Uus T., Bend. Davis, Henry E., Bend. Dawson, Walter E., Bend. Prepare Now for July 4th We are going to have a Big Two-Day Celebration a Big Circus and a Big Chautauqua. Pi Dress Goods Laces Embroideries GET YOUR SUMMER DRESS MATERIALS -AT- PHONE BLACK 451 Warners Bend's Economy Center PILOT BUTTE INN ANNOUNCES Suppe r Dance Saturday Night, 9 to 12 A la carle service. Salads, punch, hot and cold drinks. JAZZ MUSIC. No Dinner Dance Thursday Jluy, Jesse W Bend. Duylon, Frank II., Tumalo. Delsmun, Bernard L., Bend. . Desilet, Joseph F., Bend. IJevers, Vincent B., Tumalo. Dick, Curl C, Bend. Dlckerson, Amicus 0., Mlllican. Dlckerson, William M., Mlllican. Dickinson, Arthur A., Tumalo. Ditrlch, Hurvcy H Terrebonne. Dlotlc, W.llferd E., Bend. Diskln, Leo, Bend. Dllter, Harry J., Bend. Dobklns, Dow, Redmond. Doty, James B., Redmond. Doudlah, W. Leo, Bend. DoukIus, Htanley R., Bend. Doulhls, Lloyd It., Bend. Downing, Howard W., Bend. Downs, Kurl 0., Bend. Drew, Claude I)., Redmond. Drew, Claude I)., Redmond. Dugan, Charles J., Bend. Dunlnp, Jumes R., Brothers. Dunn, Kurl, Bend. Duvull, Alex J., Redmond Duran, Holii-rluo B., Tumalo. Durand, William E., Redmond. Dyer, Egbert. Mlllican. Dyer. Elmer li Mlllican. Dyer, Ernest E., Mlllican. Dyer. Deiull C, Mlllican. Easthum, Gerald. Bend. Edgur, Herbert 11., Brothers. Dr. C. H. ProbeBtel, 27 years chiropodist; all corns, bunions re moved without pain. Room 205, Pilot Butte. 157-60p BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS Arthur J. Moore Lawyer Prohate, Liens, Convey ances, etc. GENERAL PRACTICE Log" Cabin Building BEND, ORE Phone Black 1411 H. Bruce Healy CONCERT VIOLINIST and TEACHER SERVICK METHOD PUnc R.d 1211 Care Bend Theatre Bend Park Co. Real Estate Insurance BOND nd GREENWOOD AVE. Opposite Wright Hotel. FULL LINE -of- Hardware Implements Hunters' Supplies Bend Hardware Co. THE UNITED WARE HOUSE COMPANY Storage and Forwarding, Gontral Ccm- baton Merchant. Wo earry Oil, GaoalliM, Sugar, Floor, Salt Moats, Hans, Baron and Lard. FIRST CAR OF WOOL GOES TO STANFIELD R. X. fitan field Is the purchaser of rhe first car of wool to be ship ped this year from Central Oregon. The first shipment comprises 30,000 pounds, the clips of Murphy Bros, and Mike Angland . The wool goes to the Columbia Basin Wool Ware hous eCompany, of Portland. ! SHEVLIN PINE SOLD BY MILLER LUMBER COMPANY SASH, DOORS and MILL WORK Phone 1661 SASH FACTORY WOOD PHONE BEND WHITE PINE SASH CO. 441 VERNON A. FORBES LAWYER First National Bank. Building Bend. :-: :: Oregon DR. J, H. CONNARN DENTIST Offlci In Bather Building. Hour. 9 to 42, 1 to 5. Sundays and evening by Appointment. llend Lodge No. 423 Loyal Or der of Moose Meets in Bath er's Hall first and third Thurs day of each month. Visiting brothers are cordially invited to attend. Next meeting June 7. M. A. PALMER Cablnei Maker and Builder, Jobbing Screen Doors and Windows. Franklin St., rear of Irrigation Co.'s old building. $100.00 Starts a Home! I will bulM a house to ouit, for 1100 down, balance in monthly payments. J. C. BILL, Cascade Hotel. Phone Black 1361 PILOT BUTTE INN BARBER SHOP FRED ESTES, - Proprietor BEST SERVICE GUARANTEED PLASTERING, Concrete Work, and Septic Tanks, Brick Work, Chimneys See C. F. Dando, llluck 12052 Shoe Repairing Done In FIRST-CLASS man-, ner, while you wait. L. Goodman, opposite Baker's Grocery. QrCgOnltfC Insurance Company BXCLUOIVKLV ONI Homi Orricc. Coriitt bu ASHLEY FORREST, District Manager. WIS PAPCR REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING D I I tit GENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES FARMERS TO PICNIC A general "get-together" meeting and picnic will he held at the Orange, hall, June 19. Every one Is Invited to come and spend the day. OC course, the ladies are asked to bring well-filled baskets as the lunch wilt be served from said baskets at noon. R. A. Blanchard and other speakers of interest will be present. It will be a meeting well worth while, aa things of Interest to all will be dls cussed, as well as entertainment. FOR H. H. De ARMOND . LAWYER O'Kane Building, Bend, Oregon - GEORGE S. "YOUNG. Civil and Irrigation) Engineer U. S. Mineral Snrreyor. Room 12, First National Bank. Building Office phone Blk 1701 Kb, Blk 2102 FREE CONSULTATION Dr. R. D. Ketchum, Drngless Physician Hour, 9 to 12. 1 to 6:30, or by ap pointment. SATHER BUILDING W. G. Manning, D. M. D. DENTIST Suite 12-14, O'Kane Building Tel. Black 1781 Bend, Ore. DR. TURNER Eye Spedaliit ol Portland VISITS BEND MONTHLY Watch paper lor Dam or Inquire ol THORSON, THE JEWELER BEND INSURANCE AGENCY Writer of til kinds of Insurance. ' Qld eat Insurance Agency in Central Ore iron. H. a Ellis, First National Bank Build In. Bend. Oregon. Casualty and Surety Bonds Furnished See D. L. WIGGINS HOUSE MOVING I will take contracts for moving- and raising buildings, from the smallest to largest. See L. BRANDENBURG, or write Box 439, Bend, Oregon. Tinning and Sheet Metal AVM. MONTGOMERY. Furnncea, Spouting, Guttering, Cornice and Skylight Repairing promptly attended to Prices right, work guaranteed J. E, ENGEBRETHON, PLUMBING AND HEATING 117 Minnesota Street. Estimates Cheerfully Furnished Jobbing Promptly Done.