PACK t THK HKNU Hl'M.KTIV, DAILY KIUTION, HKXO, OllKUON, Till IISMAV, iVSK 14, IIUT The Bend Bulletin DAILY EDITION FaMbM Krrj Afternoon Bandar. HKND, OKKUON. . Entered u Snond Claaa matter, January I 117, at the Port Off at IWnd. Orcson. BJldar Act of March . 1870. GEORGE PA1.MRK PUTNAM Pukll.hcr ROIIKKT W. 8AWYKK Kdltr-Manairr FRKD A. WOKI.K1.KN Ncwa Hilar BKNHY N. KOWI.KR Awnciat. Editor RALPH SPENCKR Mechanical Sulrt. An Independent Newspaper, vtandtns for tl aquare deal, clean buMncaa. clean politics snJ the beat intcrtata of Bend and Central Oreiron. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Ur Mall. Ona Year I.V00 6ta Month S2.T& Three Months i 11.50 Bj Carrier One Year t. 16.50 Six Month (3.50 Oiic Month 60 All subscriptions are due and PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Notices of expiration are mailed subscribers and If renewal Is not made within reason able time the paper will be discon tinued. Please notify us promptly of any change of address, or of failure to re ceive the paper regularly. Otherwise we will not be responsible for copies missed. Make all checPs and orders pay' able to The Bend Bulletin. FEATURE OF ST. PAUL'S LIBERTY LOAN PARADE THURSDAY. JUNE 14, 1917 NEW YORK. SOPRANO AT CHAUTAUQUA Famous Eastern Soprano With Royal Venetian Band, ' Mary Adel Hu.vs, prima donna so prano of New York, Is to apix-nr on the 1017 Ellison-White Chautauquas as so loist in Joint concert with I lie Hoynl Venetian Bund. Miss Hays is noted for the uncanuy perfection of her trill. c'S"aanaaBnaaaMan17an-ja, I -aaK.f aaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaauasP f I laaaaaaa.aa.Manr anaaM Clilliltcn carrying the Star Spangled ltnnut-r in a parade at St. Tanl. Minn., to encourage buying of bouUa collateral as security for loans anil credit. Character Is the best of all assets. Spokane Spokesnian-llevlew. Hints to Millinora. 'No successful milliner can work alone," says a milliner in the American Magazine. "If t-be does her huts will come to have a sameness year after year thnt will lose her patrons. If she cannot go to Paris she must visit shops, such as mine is at present, and see as many smart ieople ns possible. This Is a fuct generally recotrnlied by all good shops. Those bi the middle west and fur west who cannot send their representatives abroad send them to New York instead, and the smaller milliner who cannot afford even this must keep tip with the smartest peo ple In her own town and the nearest large cities and even supplement this by the smart trude magazines." . MARY ADEL HAYS. bnt she has warmth and sympathy or interpretation., as well as that butter fly lightness In the execution of colors tvra passages. Miss Hays repertoire la fault'essly stilted to band accnmpanl went and Includes favorites of op erntl- and oratorio arias, down to the little classic songs and ballads of uni versal appeal BEST OF ALL ASSETS. Character It Is That Wins ths Groat Battlss of Ufa. "God Almighty bates a quitter," said Tom Reed of Maine. The nation roar ed applause from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from the lakes to the gulf for the virile vigor of this rough ex pression of manhood. The sentiment Is one bf perennial value. But what makes the man who does sot know when be Is defeated and fights to the finish, be the finish bis or bis opponent's? Is It not character, and Is not character at bottom only the moral equivalent of stalwart back' bone? The quitter falls, and falls because be lacks the force of character, the strength of will, which sees possibili ties beyond capacities and regards ob stacles as opportunities, discourage ments as Incentives. The fight which is worth attempting at all Is the fight which deserves to be fought through. "It's dogged as does it," as wben Hee pan said to Bayers. "Now, Tummy, lad, 'tis thou or I," and be woo the last round and the match. There was character. . It may not have been ideal character. It certain ly was not character In Its highest ex pression. But it was the sum of the man's whole personality. All the pow er of blm, all the pith and punch of invincible determination, went into the winning of his fight The bulldog Bhows the same strength of will wben he lets himself be choked or cut to pieces rather than let go his' grip on the other dog's Jugular. It Is this readiness to be killed. If need be, if one cannot best one's ad versary, which wins the battle of life for men and the wars of nations for their existence. Such a readiness Is a form of character and tbe product, whether aware or unaware, of a fight to achieve character. It Is tbe reaction of the' spirit to the long work ing of life and circumstances upon tbe raw and plastic ore of human nature. Make money, then, and do so honor ably. Get understanding for tbe sake of social sen-ice ns well as your own growth. Win power over men through light methods of approach and appeal. But with all your getting and gains achieve character above all. Nothing can take the place of char acter. It knows of no substitute. Cleverness, cunning and shrewdness are paper money. Character is the fold which alone gives them .value. ricrpont Morgan rated character above Grow Rhubarb In Your Collar. To cultivate a fine specimen of rhu barb you do not need nny garden at all. but Just a corner of a cellar and an old barrel or deep box. Bore a dozen boles In the sides of your barrel for ventilation and u few 111 tbe bottom for drainage. Then place in It a layer of cinders about two Inches deep and cover this with ordinary garden soil. Now, plant your roots side by side, and cover them with another layer of earth. ' Water them occasionally and keep the top of the barrel covered with a piece of carpet Pearson's Weekly. PRESIDENT WILSON IN FLAG DAY ORATION (Continued from Page 1.) plan which compassed Europe and Asia, from Berlin to Bagdad. They hoped these demands mglht not arouso Europe, but they meant to press them whether they did or not, for they thought themselves ready for the final Issue of arms. Their plan was to throw a broad belt of German military power and political control across the very cen ter of Europe and beyond the Medit erranean Into the heart of Asia, and Austria-Hungary was to be as much their tool and pawn as Serbia or Bulgaria, or Turkey, or the ponder ous slates of the east. Austria-Hun gary, indeed, was to become part of the central German empire, absorbed and dominated by the same forces and influences that had originally cemented the German states them selves. The dream had Its heart at Berlin. It could have had a heart nowhere else. It rejected the Idea of solidarity of race entirely. The choice of peoples played no part in It at all. It contemplated binding together racial and political units which could be kept together only by force Czechs, Magyars, Croats, Serbs, Roumanians. Turks. Carmen lans thejfproud states of Bohemia and Hungary, the stout little com monwealths of the Balkans; the In domnitable Turks, the subtle peo ples of the east. These peoples did not wish to be united. They ardent ly desired to direct their own af fairs; would be satisfied only by un disputed independence. They could be kept quiet only by the presence or tho constant threat of armed men. They would live, and under a com mon power, only by slmer compul sion nnil await the duy of revolution. But the Gorman military statesmen hud reckoned with all that and were ready to ileal with It In their own way. "And they have actuully carried the greater part of that amazing plan Into exexcutlon. "Look now how things stand. Aus tria Is at their merry. It has acted, not upon its own liilllullvti or upon the choice of Its own people, but at Berlin's dictation ever- since the war began. Its people now desire peace, but cannot have It until leave ts granted from Berlin. The so- , called Central Powers are In fact , but a Blngle power. Serbia Is at Its mercy, should Its hands be but for , a moment freed. Bulgaria has con sented to Its will, and Koumanlu Is over-run. Tho Turkish armies, i which Germans trained, are serving : Germany, certainly not. themselves. ! and the guns of German warships i lying In the harbor at Constantinople t vlceable organizations which they could force or intrigue, bend or cor rupt, to their own purpose. They have regarded tbe smaller states In particular and the people who could be overwhelmed by force, as their neutral tools and instruments of domination. Their purpose has been long avowed. The statesmen of oth er nations, to whom that purpose was incredible, paid little attention; re garded what German professors ex pounded in their class rooms and ' German writers set forth to tbe world as the goal of German policy, as rather the dream of minds de tached from practical affairs, as pre posterous private conceptions of Ger man destiny, than as the actual plans of responsible rulers; but the rulers of Germany themselves knew all the while what concrete plans, what well advanced intrigues lay back of what the professors and the writers were saying and were glad to go forward unmolested, filling the thrones of tbe Balkan states with German princ es, putting German officers at tbe service of Turkey to drill her armies and make interest with her govern ment, developing plans of sedition and rebellion in India and Egypt, setting their fires In Persia. The demands made by Austria upon Ser bia were a mere single step In a INCOMPLETE You are not getting your just desert, unless you bave included SOCIETE CHOCOLATES SMART SET CHOCOLATES FRUIT CHOCOLATES , NUT CHOCOLATES Get a box of these chocolates now at the MAGILL ERSKINE DRUG STORE O' Building OUR. LONG SUIT IS SHOES 20. FOR MEN WOMEN AND CHILDREN STYLE SHOES OF QUALITY Ladies' Mahogany Kid $7.75 Patent Kid Uppers $6.75 White Nubuck $7.95 White Canvas $4.00 $4.75 $6.25 Black Kid, white tops $7.85 Black Kid, cloth tops $4.15 $5.50 Black Kid, grey tops $7.35 Russian Calf, tan $8.25 Grey Kid $8.25 These are our Best Qualities. We have them cheap er, $1.75, $2.15 $2.75 $3.00 $3.25'. Widths from A to F Peter's Leather throughout Shoes for Men Abse Iutely Guaranteed Satisfaction. Mayer's Honorbilt Shoes for Boys. SATHER1! Bend View PRICES: $100 AND UP , TERMS: Reasonab.e We'll loan you money' lo build. BEND'S MOST SCENIC RESIDENCE PROPERTY Every Lot commands a view of the River, Mountains and City. Building restrictions according to Location. SEE J. RYAN, & CO. O'Kane Bldg. Phone 361 re in I ml 'Turkish' itntesniuu every day that they Imvu no choice but In lake their orders from Berlin, From Hamburg to I lie Persian Gulf the net la spread. "Is It not easy to underalaiid the engnriieaa fur peace thill hus been inn ii I feat ml from Berlin ever since the nun in wits set and sprung.? Pence, pence, neiieu bus been the talk of the fni'eimt iinllmia for nniv u veur and mure; nut peneu upon her own initiative, hut upon the Initia tive of the nations over which she deems herai'lf to hold the nilviiiitiige. A Utile of the talk turn been public, hut most of It has heeu private. ThroiiKh all sorts uf I'liiinnelH It has come to me mid In all aorta of guises, hut never with the terms dlselimed which llie German government would hu wIIIIiik to ac cept. That government hus other' valuable pawns besides those I huve mentioned. It still holds u valuable purt of Kra nee. tlinuuli with alnwlv relaxing grasp, and practically the; whole or llelglum. Its armies press clone upon ItiiHsIa mid over-run Po land at their will. It cannot go ftir- i.7, , it unit, iimi git iiiiiTH. Jl wiauen to elosn Its biirgaln before it la too late and It has Utile left to offer ror the pound of flesh It will denmnd. "The military masters under whom (Inrmany Is bleeding sea very dour ly lo what point falo has hroiiKlit them, If they fall buck or me foiri'il buck mi inch, lliolr power hot li nhroad and at homo will full ,to plums like a house or cards. It In their power at home they uiu think Iiih about much more now than their power abroad. It Is Unit power which Is tremhlliiK at their very feel, mid deep fear has entered their hearlH. They hnva hut one ehaueu lo per- petualu their inllluiiy power or even their controlling polltleul Influence!. If they ni n secure pence now with Ihn I in incline advaiitiiKes still In their hands which they have up to ihH point apparently italmul, they will have Justified themselves beforn the (leriniin people; they will huve kuIiiciI by fori'd what they promlHod to kiiIm t by II: An Immense, expansion of. (Ionium power, an liniiietiHii eulurite meiil of (lormitn ImltiiKrlul and com mercial opportunity. 1'luilr prestige will lie secure and with their prestliti, their political power. If (hey rail, their people will thrust them aside. A Kovcrninent nccountiihlii to tho people tholuaelvca will bn act up III Germany, as It has been In Kngliitiil. Ill tho I'nlleil Hiatus, In' Franco ami In all thu ureal countries of modem times, except (leriimny. , Benefit of Presbyterian Guild THURSDAY and FRIDAY EVENINGS 'WITH A- SPECIAL PROGRAMME "THE COURAGE OF SILENCE" Featuring ALICE JOYCE and HARRY MOHEY This Vitagraph production accomplishes . the difficult task of playing the heroine in two roles that of the beautifully attractive wife in society, and then as the lover of chil dren and a mother. "" " ' ' 'r The PATHE NEWS, in Several Notable Events. Prices, 15c and 25c GRAND THEATRE KENWOOD-BEND VIEW- PINELYN PARK-TERMINAL AND KENWOOD GARDENS Easy Monthly Paymcnli on Lois In these JJ((illons. I Ryan I Co. WE WILL HUILI) m a Hmmt an tht Afanf Afc Pmmtl TUm. Sm (A ORLGON SI Hthf Lowest Cooking Rate in Oregon HUGHES "AtknowUdfd WorU'$ Grw(if KUtiih mi$" Tt ImsI tSMtSM' it M-i M Sanaa MX w laMSH 1 i lie is Hslfbi It U k flaw ftfMM SI II f MV, at, CmUs Mm It, tiy, II aa.Ua. TV Wwaalaf Ctwrl. MM aiball it tataal ta kt.pmt fa . fat ifct mtstaaf ad Mil it, I H, nam I- ptw smw X 1 ntMMfff U4t ..... Ui y 1f fa.l.4 tW APfi f I COO0 HOUMtKttHMC ftMflt. ImJ) twmtk isslriti sat lath srMsa tot i m tmtif aaal lfM ! Dm kai.lkaa fcatfBM tat tJ bath lltX MatwttiaaraMtoa. ft Mat!. 4 LMt. aattHaf. Bend Water, Light & Power Co.