PAGE 4 THK BKND BVLLbTIN, DAILY KIMTIOK, lllAI), OIIKOON, WK.DNKHDAV, JUNK 111, IOIT Imvo bought Btock in the club but liuvu not applied for membership. It thoso apply, in inn of the applica tions now In may he rejected. The rlub building, which will he located opposite tho Itoid school, will bn completed September 15, at a cost of $30,000. The foundation Is rcudy and bids will be opened hoiiio time this week for tho completion of the building. Benefit of , Presbyterian Guild THURSDAY and FRIDAY EVENINGS THE FLYING MEN ONE WEEK WITH tlUfttRD OF SKVKX DAYS' WORK OP AMKIUCAX YOUTHS IX KKAXCK IS GIVKX IHiHTI.Nti EACH DAY. Hj W. S. Forrest, (United Prow Staff Correspondent) rAIUS, . May 24 (By Mail) Jlcro, for tho beucflt of the ten thous and young Amorlcnns who are being enlisted in Uuelo Sam's uew aero plane army over in the states, is the record for one week in May of the American fighting fliers now at tho j French from with the Lafayette Es tadrille. Monday General of army rails at camp and congratulates the Sroup of aeriallsts to which the Laf ayette Escadrille belongs for pro tection his lines during the recent (offensive northeast of ;. No enemy planes crossed the line. Es cadrille attacked two balloons and a number of enemy machines. Wal lel Lovell, Concord, Mass.. and Har tld Willis. Boston, attacked two en emy machines deep In enemy lines. Entire patrol, led by Captain Thenaud ivmnpli officer in command of Es- adrille) forced a German patrol of t six machines Into tneir lines, kodco Rockwell, Cincinnati, attacked Ger man machine from rear and was at tacked in turn. ,Tne Hun succeeded In riddling Rockwell's lower wing Bpars on both sides, wing tip, control rods and undercarriage before Rock well dove out of range. Tuesday Lovell attacked a Hun biplane early in the morning along Oise and drove same down into the enemy lines. Willis Haviland, Min neapolis. Lieut. Delaage-( French of ficer second in command of Esca drille) and Willis attacked by Hun patrol of superior numbers and "height but eluded same on account tit superior speed. W. E. Dugan. Rochester, N. Y., protected a photo Wednesday American patrol made sortie under command of Lieut. "DeLaage, sweeping a front 40 miles Seep into enemy territory, but no Hun machines sighted except in extreme distance. Escadrille complimented "by gift to Raoul Lufbery, New York City, of annual gold medal by Aero Club of France, last year won by Na varre. . Lufbery is an "Ace," his Tecord being nirie enemy i machines officially brought down. The only other' American "Ace" is Lieutenant Thaw. Thursday Lieut. ' DeLaage led Escadrille on aerial reconnaissance. B. C. ParsonB, Springfield, Mass., 'and Willis attack German machine at -altitude of- only 600' metres In en emy lines and force him to ground level. He probably got home. En emy shells made both American ma chines do some fancy dodging. Af ternoon found sky vacated by enemy but enemy guns made up by heavy shelling. . Steven Rigelow, Boston, missed a shell by a very few feet at '.an altitude of more than 13,000 feet. Friday Escadrille reinforced by "J. A. Drexel, Philadelphia, and C. H. Polan, Boston. Willis had luck to 'ind only enemy aeroplane in the sky "today. It was a large biplane regu lating artillery fire over the British Vncs. Willis dove to the attack from above but the German saw him and hastened homeward, dropping sig nals for bis artillery to get busy. The artillery did so. Half an hour later, enemy returned with a fast monoplane protecting him. Willis offered fight but enemies changed their minds, signalling to their ar tillery, which gave the American llyer a very hot five minute's cross ing the lines. Saturday Dudley Hill, Peekskill N. Y., arrived from America to rejoin Escadrille despite fact that author ities granted him two months sick "leave in America, following an opera- tion for appendicitis in New York. He preferred to return to the front. Lovell, Parsons and Rockwell were -sent, in purtsuii ui mrec nuns crossed French lines, and were chased 30 miles back into enemy territory C. 8. HUDSON, President E. M. LARA, Cashier U. C. COE, Vice President L. G. McREYNOLDS, Asst. Cashier E. A. SATHER, Vice President. B. A. STOVER, Asst. Cashier The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND OREGON. THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM HELPS YOU IT WAS CREATED, PRIMARILY to help the Business Men and Farmers, To provide plenty of currency at all times, To effect a steadier supply of credit. The system merits the support of ail good citizens; it must have yours in order to reach Its full development. You can secure the benefits of this great Bystem and at the same time assist directly in developing It by deposit ing your money with us. First National Bank ' . Member Federal Itoserve System. . WITH SPECIAL PROGRAMME "THE COURAGE OF SILENCE" Featuring ALICE JOYCE and HARRY MOREY This Vitagraph production accomplishes the difficult task of playing the heroine in two roles that of the beautifully attractive wife in society, and then as the lover of chil dren and a mother. The PATHE NEWS, in Several Notable Events. Prices, 15c and 25c GRAND THEATRE j before the pursuit was abandoned. Sunday The entire Escadrille motored in morning to the grave of James MacConneil, near the lines, and planted flowers and placed flags. Passing French soldiers has already placed wreathes, a rude cross and re mains of MacConnell's machine guu and plane on the grave. Afternoon Only one enemy ma chine was encountered by patrol. He took to his "heels" before he could be reached. Escadrille busied itself dropping 10,000 copies of President Wiison's proclamation deep in enemy territory, from St. Quentin nearly to ;Rhelms. Enemy gunners showed their displeasure at this procedure by. vigorously shelling the Ameri cans. t- WILL IMPROVE ROAD Tumalo Grade Curve to Be Widened, Lessening Danger. The County Court has ordered County Surveyor George S. Young to survey the curve at the top of the Tumalo grade with the view to wid ening It and establishing a bench at the top so that danger of accidents may be lessened. Estimates will be submitted to the court at its meet ing Friday. PLANS BEING MADE FOR FOURTH PARADE Organizations Urged to Enter Dem onstration by Citing Names to I '. R. Prince or E. D. Gilson. There will be plenty of room for every organization and business firm inthe big historic and civic parade to be held in Bend on the morning of Bend's Fourth of July celebration. Entries for the parade should be made either to Frank R. Prince or E. D. Gilson as soon as possible. Bend) Sunday schools have already made plans for the entering of suit-' able floats, and several business houses are contemplating a simitar move. The Boy Scouts, Bend Rifles, and fraternal orders of the city are making extensive plans for feature demonstrations. At this time there is a wealth of ideas from which to draw, and as sistance will be given to any per sons desiring to participate. A At the Movies Grand Theatre. At the Grand Theatre, Thursday and Friday, the "Courage of Silence," a Vitagraph feature, will be pre sented In connection with a special program offered by the Ladles Guild of the Presbyterian church. This picture presents Alice Joyce and Har ry Morey, both of Whom are familiar to thoso who attend dramas of the highest sort. In the first part of the story, MUs Joyce Is cast as the beautiful wife of anr ambassador, and she bewitches all of the men attending tbe dances and receptions. Little of her affec tion is bestowed upon her husband, who becomes insanely Jealous of her butterfly life. Later, when she at tends as a nurse, some little children, her whole life la changed. This change Is but that Is the story. Bend Theatre. Tbe second episode of the aerial spectacle, ' "Liberty," is entitled "Riding to Death," and will be shown at the Bend Theatre on Thurs day and Friday nights. The show ing of the first episode of this pat riotic serial at the Bend Theatre last woek was greeted by large and en thusiastic crowds, which indicates that this serial bids fair to be one of thd most popular ever presented In Bend. It Is filled with the pre vailing spirit of war-time prepared ness. In addition to the serial, "Lib erty," will be shown the Paramount feature picture, '.'Redeeming Love," In which Kathlyn Williams and Thomas Holding are the stars. This picture is replete with elaborate set tings, one of the most remarkable of which is a gambling scene that Is unsurpassed In magnificence. WANT MORE ACREAGE .Application Made by Hnttlcji Luke District for J-arger Area. Application has been made by the Suttles Lake Irrigation district for an increase in it sacreage from 12,000 to 15,000 acres. This application has been filed with the state engineer at Salem and was made at the sug gestion of O. Laurgaard, consulting engineer, and George S. Young, en gineer for the district. The Increase has been deemed ad visable owing to the splendid pros pect of early construction work. CLUB MEMBERSHIP SOON FOR LADIES Application for Ladles and. Yon Itexldcnt Members Will Ito Re celmlilo After Monday. Beginning next Monday morning, applications for ladles' and non-resident memberships In the Bend Ath letic club can be made to the board of control. One hundred memberships under each classification will be all that can be accommodated. Ladies' mem berships will be J5 per year,. Non resident members will be charged )0. Applications may be made to A. Whlsnant, secretary. By the additional request of 70 memberships, made by the Brooks Scanlon Lumber Company, the mem bership applications number 600, the largest number that can be accom modated by the club in the gymnas ium now under construction. This number does not Include those who HOMESTEAD CASE UP BEFORE II. C. ELLIS II. C. Ellis, V. 8. ConimlBHloner, held a hearing yesterday In tho home stead roil tent rune of Willie O. Liv ingston against Tley Koch, of Im perial, who hud purclumod tho ro llni)iilliiiHut of Isaac II. Travis, mid hud since been living on the home stead six inlleH south of Imperial, The rellniiiilslinieiit wun sold to Koch while Travis was absent from the land on leave of absence. Decis ion has hnvu referred to the laud of fice at Burns and will pot be. given out until July 13. HELPS TO WIN WAR BY PLANTING BEANS ( Ry United PreM to llie llrnd Bulletin) LINCOLN. June IS Four hundred acres plumed to bonus Is tho "bit" recently done by V. B. Swatzlumlcr, a Choy- enno county farmer, to help Uncle Sam win tho war. He used nearly four tons of beans as seed. It cost him f 1,128.60. With a normal crop he will raise enough beans to furnish enough beans to furnlshand t It every man, woman and child In his county with a bushel of beans, and enough left over to feed twlco tho population of his county for a year. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS . FOR SALE. poit KAI.K Baby buggy, good as new; household furniture; one dozen young chickens, 3 months old. 826 Delaware Ave. 3I8-39p pOR SALE Five room house, lights aim water; a Dargain. Apply 143 Congress. 316-69. 65p pOR HAM: Small apartment homo, cheap, or would trade for second hand car. Inquire Bulletin. 313-SStfc pOR SALE Modern six room house with bath and electric wiring complete, easy terms. Aleck Maynr, 965 Ogden avenue 303I67tf pOR HALE Half Intorest In two lots or potatoes, In good condi tion; bargain. Inquire Bulletin. 30-6T.G9p pOR RALB , Franklin roadster, good tires, new high tension BonrS magneto. $125.00 If sold at once. Phone Red 134 r. 293-SI.IDp p)R HALE Steel range, sewing ma chine. Easy washer, heavy wagon. Iron bed, dresser, rocker, etc. Ken wood grocery. 308-67tfc pOR HALE Two lots in Northwest Townsite Company's Second Ad dition (west of the river, near Sher lln mill); prlco 1160, easy terms, Ap ply abc, Bulletin office. tf THE LIFE of a shirt depends large ly upon the way it is laundered. Laundered by us, a shirt will last twice as long. Our wagon will call in the morning. Phone us, Black 311 BEND LAUNDRY Transfer Light and Heavy Hauling Phone 221 Pioneer Auto Stage & Truck Co. PROMPT SERVICE ALWAYS WB KNOW HOW. CARL JOHNSON TAILOR SKILLED WORK at Reasonable Prices Fit and Workmanship absolutely guaranteed. Lawrence Building, 733 . WALL STREET Ftoiwr-goivn od, FortsO bound. Portlands June 13, 14 and 15 BHltlant i Instruction Patriotic Excursion Fares via UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM OREGON-WASHINGTON RAIUIOAD 6 NAVIGATION COMPANY Tickets on Sala June ta, 13 and 14; return limited to June iS S. L. Wiggins, Gen. Agt., OKane Building JH TRADE 80 acres of Irrigated land, 6 miles from Bend, for city property. Wrlto Box 326. 263-49tfc FOR RENT poll KENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms, with water, lights, wood and bath; reasonable. Inquire Bulletin. 32O-69.60n poll KENT Furnished apartment. Ask at Kenwood grocery. 309-67tfc pK RENT Itoom at 418 Stuats atroot. Price reasonable. 20-63tte LOST JOriT Baby's white crochet Don ' net. In front of McBrldo's stora. Return to Mrs. II. Fcrrnll. 317-69 I StySS : TRANSFER: WootT OREGON FUEL & TRANSFER COMPANY : - ! : -j rely Find It Here ' II ! SS1SIII1IS . Dance Tuesday and Saturday Nights HIPPODROME Hcaley'i 4-Piec Orckeairs HOTEL ALTAM0NT Is still the Home Hotel of BEND flood Meals lit nil times Regular Meals 35c Extras if desired J ones Dairy CLEAN MILK AND CREAM. Milk for 'Infants and Invalids a Specialty. Phone Black imi WANTED YrANTED Man wants position as rook for small outfit, of 26 men, or loss. Inquire XTZ, Bulletin. 3IO-6,0.63d yA.N'TKD Modern furnished housn of five or six roms, for summer. References furnished. Address Rox 478, city, or Phone Black 1681. 31!-58.6D YyTASTKD Woman would like work by hour. Inquire Bulletin. "06.67.Cp yyA.TEI-Ulrl to assist with housn-' work. Inquire Bulletin. 2G2-48tfc yyAKTKD Good, competent girl or woman for general housework; first-class references necessary; gifo4 wages. Inquire 820 Georgia Ave. 2l7-,4Itfo We Clean, Block and Re t trim Old Hats Panamas a Specialty H. CATO'S Dyeing, Cleaning and Hat Works 1008 Bond Street Carlson & Lyons PLUMBING & HEATING I'liiinlilnjf and Hnntintf Supplies, liuth Boom AcuuHHorloH, oto. Pipe, Valves and Fittings l'llONi: RED 15!) I Phone 561 THE BEND BULLETIN for Good Printing