TUB BEND IIUI-IKTIW, DAILY EDITION, I1KND. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, Jl'XK , 1017 PAGE a J r 11917 JUNE 1917 TUEWED THUFRI SAT lit 89 1213,141516 1920212223 2512627282930 Bend in Brief DOINGS IN YOUR CITY. You'll Find Them " '"" WKI)SKHIAV. .. lu.ml lllrliw. Kmlili'iii tluli.H ). in ' ( oimiiort lul C'luh l.umli, I'lliit Rutin Inn. ikmiii. KniuhlN of I) Hi lux, HulliiT'a Hull, MJN MON 1011 1718 2425 . H u. in. ' 1'ariurrn I'lilim, ItirlmrtlMHi m'IiihiI. TlllltHIIAY. I,oyl .Order of Mimiko, Hiitlu-r's Hull. 8 p. in. 'iiriM-iilum nml Jolm-m, Initio I'lnt Tempi)', H p. in. Mi'thiMlM I.miIIik Alii, at Mm. H . 4'uliltvi'U'N rCMlilnirc, 2:il . hi , I'KIDAV. Noun of Nut-nay, HnlliiV Hull, H p. in. ( rnlrul Trmlin Lnlmr & Far r Cumuli, Ijhio I'lnn tabor IViiiple, H p. in. Hl'NDAY. H-nil v. Jirrrwni County, biiw. hull, Ifc-pot GruuiMln, l:.'lll it m. 1'rawhlliK Horvtrea In H ciilirrhf. MONDAY. Knatriil Htar, Mammlc Hull, M p. in. Iti'il Mi'Jl lfMlui", taint I'lnn Tcni- TIKHHAY. Mixlcrn AViMiilinrn of .Ami-rlm, Hullirr'n Hull, H p. m. Culinary Alllunro, lmo I'lnn IVin- pin, H p. m. . LOCAL NEWS ITEMS K. W.'Tomiw, of La Pine, is In tlio y today on busimvs. Mm. A. V. CummlnK. of Ilurn, spool lout nlKht In Hernl. W. L. Doudlah he rcturnml from fell aula trip to California. II. r)rooV4ns;s. of llamplon, Is In tlio city today on buslm-a. C'liarlix W. Johnson, of Ilurni, la In Ui A city today on husliii'es. II. N. Lynn la innllnK tha ilny In Ii'-nil, from hla homo In La I'lnn. I1. B. Jnhnsou, of Mllllraii, wan a bunlmixs visitor In tlio city today. , J. II. Knapp. of Tho Slivvlln-Illxon byx department, la httro on business. Krank MrCaffnry In spoiitllng tho day In IliinU from hla homo In Red mond. , Loula Doonar rctuninl till morn i from a several dayii' bunlnoM (rip to Portland. V. B. DaKKett and Comity Aitrl rulturallHU Ulnni lmrd ni4 In Hum! toilay from Kadmond.' , Miaa Kloanor. Whltnniro renrrnrdt today from a abort Vacation apnni a; tlio Lewis ranch near Bund. K. II. Dim, of Tho Bhovlln-Hlxun Company, arrived Intro thla morning on a business villi to the local plant. The Methodist taillns" Aid will ninnt Thurmluy afternoon at 2:30 at the residence of Mm. 8. C. Caldwell, t Mra. K. M. I.aru, who has boon vliltlDK hur mother In Philadelphia, will urrlvo tonight on her return to llimd. Word has Juat been received hero of tha death, of Donovan, the IS I montha old child of Mr. and Mra. H. K. Beach,, of 204 Kant Fifty-second ui reel, Portland, formerly of thla city. ' ' L, B. Kolth, of Chicago, aecrotary and treaaurer of McMeen & Miller, who are Interested In tha Bend Water Light & Power Co., la here In con fcj nortkm with tha company: proposed development pians. Qlve mo. "LIBERTY" Thursday and Friday. adv. WILL START SALE OF CHAUTAUQUA TICKETS Juno 15 Will Mark lkwinnliia; of Campaign In Outside Connniiiil Ilea Ikmtl to Uo tlio Liixt, Work In preparation for tho 1917 Chautauqua, to bo hold In Bund early in July Is centering on the advertis ing committee, headed by J. C. Itliodca, following tho visit of Olon JMcCaddam, representing tho El-llson-'Whlte company, nnd no actual ticket sailing campaign will be start ed until June 15, J. A. Gustos, pres ident of tho Chaltauqua announced today, I With a little moro than two wooks remaining, a whirlwind program of ticket selling will be carried out In the smaller communities noar Bend, nnd 10 days bofore the Chautauqua opens, tho soiling will commence In 'this eity. The tlckots are now here und may be purchased from Mr, yWyw, but no organized attempt to liberty i'"i"ii'" ' ' "' - THE WONDERFUL SERIAL SPECTACLE I AT THE BEND THEATRE DON'T MISS IT! LOU TELLECEN, in THE VICTORIA CROSS' Also CLEO R1DCLEY-SESSUE HAY AKAW A FRIDAY BEND THEATRE nil them will be made until tha time specified. Tho committed la of tho opinion that tho Chautauqua and the Kourtb of Jul celebration should prove of mutual benefit. TWO BEND MEN ASK MARITAL FREEDOM Suits for divorce wnro filed today by Krank Buthorlund and John Col lins, through their attorney, Vernon A. Forbes. Mr. Sutherland charges desertion, while cruel and Inhuman treatment Is alleged by Mr. Collins. FOOD PROBLEM BEING SOLVED IN THE EAST Illy Unltxl Pim to th llfiul Dullrtlnl COLUMBUS, O., Juno 6 Ohio's systematic method of tackling the food problem has resulted. It was announced today, In RO.OOO back ward gardens IioIiik , started. Thi. I4uts 25,000 additional acres under cultivation anu assures an extra crop worth at least $ 1,000, 000. i JSHEVLIN PINE SOLD BY MILLER LUMBER COMPANY , SASH, DOORS and MILL WORK Phone 1661 FOR SASH FACTORY WOOD PHONE BEND WHITE PINE SASH CO. 441 KENWOOD BEND VIEW PINELYN PARK-TERMINAL AND KENWOOD GARDENS Easy Monthly Payment on J.Ryan&Co. BEGINS Tomorrow Night ALSO Friday Night THURSDAY WASHINGTON DRY LAW IN EFFECT TONIGHT taut HIilpmrntM Under Permit 8yn tom Ik'lnjt Itallvered Today AU North went liars Liquor. (Dr Unltxl Pra to tht Brad Bnltotln) SEATTLE, June 6 The last bottle of liquor legally delivered within tho state of Washington will be placed In the hands of Its thirsty Importer today. Tonight at midnight Washington's bonedry prohibition law goes Into effect and today the last shipments under tho permit system are being dollvered. As might bo expected express companies are doing record business. Many thousands of the cartons containing two quarts of "bottled sunshine" are being dollv orcd today. With Washington In tho bonedry class, tho entire northwest will be extremely arid. Idaho and Oregon have drastic llqdor laws which for bid the Importation of liquor under any condltiona. , Lot In these JtJJtlhns. WE WILL BUILD m Ham u Mt AomAfc Pmmtnt Win. Sm ft. OREGON STREET AT THE HOTELS Mirtii Coxy. Mr. and Mrs. M. II. Jams, Hump stead valley. Mrs. A. W. Cummin's, Burns. II. N. Lynn, La I'lne. Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Kueppell, Port land, J, K. Charlund, Portland. J. A. Winch, Kort Ilock. Pilot liultu Inn. A. I). Boyd, La Pine. Everett HukIwh, Portland. Mr. and Mrs. John Bauer, Port land. . " Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Goodman, La Pino. . J. A. Oruhum, San Fraiilfsco. L. J. Watson, Portland. M. K. Eubank, Sun Francisco. It. W. Fulton, Western Union. O.' II. Toplium, Sun Francisco. Cecil Ilollinshead, La Pine. Cy H, Pruner, Portland. F. W. Tomes, La Pine. George It. Petterson, Portland. . F. ,W. Buswell, Spokane. C. II. Coodson, Portland. L. F. Templnton, Portland. - J. B. Knapp, Portland. The Wrlsclit Hotel. F. M. Hobson, Portland. Minnie Jacobs, Spokane. Charles W. Johnson, Burns. 8. P. Burgess, Opal City. W. 0. Newton, Portland. II. Brookings, Hampton John Gotflelsch, Portland. J. A. Long, Portland. II. E. Stock well'. Fort Itock. O. B. Smith, Portland.. Fred Grainger, Itedmond. F. M. Post, Alfaira. It. L. Covey, La Pine. Mrs. M. E. Chrlstal, La Pine. A. J. Rodgcrs, Hood River. Get the Serial Habit. See "Liberty." You'll find you'll enjoy it. Adv. LIBERTY." BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS Arthur J. Moore Lawyer Probate, Liens, Convey ances, etc. GENERAL PRACTICE Log Cabin Building BEND, ORE. Phone Black 1411 Insurance Company "KXCLUtVKl.V OMOON" HOMI OPFICK. CONBCTT BUOO.. POMTLAMO ASHLEY FORREST, District Manager. H. Bruce Healy CONCERT VIOLINIST and TEACHER SERVICK METHOD Phone Red 1211 Care Bend Theatre Bend Park Co. Real Estate fauaraivce BOND sad GREENWOOD AVE. Oppodte Wnghl Hotel. FULL LINE of Hardware Implements Hunters' Supplies Bend Hardware Co. THE UNITED WARE : HOUSE COMPANY BMran a4 rcrwartlnt, Gtntal . . attMha MtnkuU. W carry OU, CmHm, 8iaar, Ftoar, Bait MmU, Bum, Bama aa4 Lari. "LIBERTY." Get the Serial Habit. See "Liberty." You'll find you'll enjoy it. Adv. "Captain A STIRRING ROMANCE OF SOUTH AMERICA. F caturinf EDITH STOREY THE BERNHARDT OF THE SCREEN "Captain Alvarez La many exciting feature! oi toe life feelow tie Canal Zone. Thursday & Friday GRAND THEATRE VERNON A. FORBES LAWYER First National Bank Building Bend, :-: :: Oregon DR. J. H. CONNARN DENTIST Office In Satbar Building. Hour to 12, 1 to 6. Bundara and evenlnga by Appointment. Bend Lodge No. 423 Loyal Or der of Moose Meets in Bath er's Hall first and third Thurs day of each month. Visiting brothers are cordially invited to attend. Next meeting Jnne 7. M. A. PALMER Cabinet Maker and Builder, Jobbing Screen Doors and Windows. Franklin St., rear of Irrigation Co.'s old building. $100.00 Starts a Home! I will build home to rait. , for flOO down, balance in monthly paymmt. J. C BILL. Cundt HtL Phone Black 1U1 . PILOT BUTTE INN BARBER SHOP FRED ESTES, - Proprietor BEST SERVICE GUARANTEED PLASTERING, Concrete Work, and Septic Tanks, Brick Work, Chimneys See C. F. Dando, Black 2002 Shoe Repairing Done In a FIRST-CLASS man- ? ner, while you wait. L. Goodman, opposite Baker's Grocery. White' Angora Ralti't. $3.00 a pair. O. A. C. White Lghorn $1.50 per 15 efts, F. MONTGOMERY, Grandvlew : : Oregon Stop at HOTEL HOYT Sixth and Hoyt Sts., near Depot. PORTLAND, ORB. Ptrtprcf. kNewlr Deearated. Rate. ' He te ll.M. L. W. HIMK8, Manarer. PETALUMA HATCHEMY Estab lished 1902. Can ship day old chlcka to points reached In three days. Flvo varieties. We challenge the him. Free circular. L. W.. Clark, Pota luma, Cal. .' m-27.64 Alvarez" H. H. De ARMOND LAWYER O'Kane Building, Bend, Oregon GEORGE S. YOUNG Civil and Irrigation Kngineer C. S. Mineral Surveyor. Room 12, First National Bank Building Offira phone Blk 1701 la, Blk 2102 FREE CONSULTATION Dr. R. D. Ketchum, Drugless Physician Bonn, to 12. 1 to 6:30. er fcj ap. polntmtnt. . BATHER BUILDING W. G. Manning, D. M. D. DENTIST Suite 12-14. O'Kane Building Tel. Black 1781 Bend, Ore. DR. TURNER Eye Speaahat ' oi Portland VISITS BEND MONTHLY Walcb papa lor Data . or inquire l THORSON, THE JEWELER BEND INSURANCE AGENCY Wrttn of all kinds of Ituvruw. Old est Insurance Agency in Central Ore ron. H. C Ellis, First National Bank Bui dinK, Bend, Oreson. ... Casualty and Surety Bonds Furnished, D. h. WIGGINS HOUSE MOVING I will take contract, for mevtnr ' and raisins buildings, from the aaaalleit to largest. Sa L. BRANDENBURG, or write Box 439, Bend. Oreson. Tinnlog and Sheet Metal ' WM. MONTGOMERY. Furnaces, Spouting, Guttering, . Cornice and Skylight Repairing promptly attended to Prices right, work guaranteed J. E. EN'GEBRETHON, PLUMBING -AND H RATING 117 Minnesota Street. Estimates Cheerfully Furnished Jobbing Promptly Done. THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN. ADVERTISING BY THE GENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO RANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIEA r.