THfl B1BND BULLETIN, IlEND, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 1017 PAGK ft 19T7JVIARCHJ917 LYCEUM RHACIIUS END SUN 4 13 18 MON TUE NVLD 25262728293031 TIIU 1 8 1213141516 192021222324 JFRI 2 9 SAT 3 10 17 Bend in Brief DOINGS IN YOUR CITY. You'll Find Them litre. Tl'KHIMY. tilnm ( lull, H p. in., oruunlxnl Inn mill fliKilun nt offliern. Mixlnrn WimmIiiiWi of America, Hullier'n IiiiII, H p. in., Box MMiul. KkiiiI Amateur Allili-llc club, Km bvta i'luli, H p. in. wednehday. KiiIkIiIn i'f IVIiIiin, Huther'a hull, H p. in. TlllltHllAY. A. I', ft A. M.. HuiIkt' hull H p. in. I'lllllA V. WimmIiihmi of 1 1 lit World, Council Chamber, N p. in. Iti'hekah IhmIki-, Hiilhrr'n hull, ft p. in. MiinIi'iiI Entertainment, n tlm Final .Number, Uouxe. Appi'iirliiK l n vnrli-il pi Kriim ul Hi" (Iruiicl 'rimiilrii Imit iilHlis. thn lln-wiir Mimli'iil KnlnrtiilniirM rl.mnil tlm lyi't'iiin miiiHiin In llmiil. Di'Hiiltit olhiir milurtuliiiiii'iilN orriiniil ul I'.'j Hit mil limn, u koikI urowd ulluiiilft , mill enjoyml tlm viiiul mill Iniitru ini'iilul iiiiiiiIiiii'u kIviiii liy Mih. lirow. nr mill hur twn iIuiikIiIxin. 'i ll" lii- iil ni inch I ii I iiniKriiin i.'oiihImIimI (if vio lin, i In rlonot , liliino uuil h'uliiliuui) HIlllll'tlllllH. 'I'll it iinturtiilnuiitnl wuh Klvon uii (liir Dm uimpli'i.'N of tlio Ilunil hlnh ai'hnol. MANY PROMINENT MEN TRAP-SHOOTERS ItuItT of Nation, HUlmiwn aul Runlnra Ijcmlem Numbered AmoiiK Huort'a Devotee. liy II. V. Hamilton, (United I'rMui BUff &jrriMiiiiU.nt. ) NKW YOllK, March 20. IntereAt- liiK flltiiriui iioinplliiil hy l'etnr P. Car- nny, I'll 1 1 nil il pi lit hooKdir of trup nliootliiK. hIiow Unit many mini, wull known In thin country, urn orilmit devotee of tlm trap Kumii. AlllOIIK till-111 III) UlllllltH Vim PrrR- liliint Tliomim It. Mumliiill, Klin (lmirK of Km nlu ml. KlnK AlfoiiBO of Spain, KIiik Vlrtor Kmuiiui'l of lluly, (lov. Waller K. KiIkii of New Jfiriwy, (lov. Urn in lui iikIi of I'lMiiiHylvnnlii. (Jov. Cupper of KunHim, former Clo. Major of MIxHourl. former Gov. Went f Oi'-koii. tlov. rVricUHon of Texn. Join. I'll 1 1 1 1 f Hoiihii, III" ImillllllllMliT. n ml iiiituy leaner HkIiIk In the puhll: jll:ht. Tlii'oilnrn Itoimevell niul Anion I'ln cliot, funny write, lire two mi'ii who I limit iiko realized tlm vulun of out iiloor I'XorilHo u b pi'iHonlfliil In tha MIBI' of II ftllll. IlUt I Ileal two, ho (III- mltB never dlnpluyed uny ureal hun ! koritiK for Hi" Imur method of klll- Iiik hlrilH litillt of clay. Carney plclm out it few mayor, for public approval, who am trup en IIiiibIiibIb. Cliurle A. KlnmiiiK, may or of Kpokmin, hn any, hrokn 90 per cunt of thn tnrKctn thrown for him nt tlm Northwest 8portnieir nnnor- ilution Nhoot hint nuinnicr. Curl Clow, nf l.n I'lne. apent lunt i, y iIvlli mnvor ... t,.,fVlll.. AMUSEMENTS. Mol- (irniiil Thnilri'. Will I ii in Courtney mill lie KlnK. In "Kick In." iti'iiii 'nu'uiic. Murlii Doro, In 'Tlm I.iibIi." HlpiHiilroini'. I'nrnon'a I'l-crlomi On hi'Hlra, of I'orilaml, iliiinlnit, H:.'!0 un til mliliilk'lit. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS iilKht In llmiil. III., a yi'iir iiko I led for flrnt plncn Cecil II, Bienrim In a vlKltor Imrn In I ho Southern TriipBhooIliiK llnnili- toiliiy from I'rlnevllle Krniik Winer, of I'rlnnvlllo, wax In tlm city IhbI nlitlil. J. 1,. ()wi'ii. of Hampton, In a btm IneHii vlaltnr In thn city. Itny (icrklng, of Tiimnlo, wu In Ilepil liwt nlitlil an hiialnemi, Tom Hhiini wim In thn rltv taut nlKht from IiIh liomn In Prlncvlllo. ' W. 3. Bcliuhlt. of tlm flnnlner-WII-kliiBon mill, la upenitlnif tlm ilny In II I. , It. T. Hhnvi.r. of Mllllcnn, In upeiul IllR I lie ilny In I. .nil atteliillllll to hun IneBB mnttera. Hen Toim returnnl to hi home In Klter yotnrilny, after a two ilay vhilt In tlm city. Mr. nml Mr. W. 0. Unatlng are. cup ut MeniphlB. Mayor Thulium D. KniHh of Plilln ilelphln, In a nienilier of a nun club anil often take part In contenlH. 'MAKES NEW TORPEDO Oniric J, I'iehl IVrfiTlM Miijcnellc' t ontnilliil Wiir i:niliie. (Mr tlnllxl I'm to tha IU-n.1 flullrtln) WILI.I8TON. N. I).. Murch 20. Chmlea J. Klelil, grnnilBon of Cyrus K. Kleld. tlm man who laid llm flrnt traiii-Atlnntlc cnlile and turned It over to tlm American government, hiia Invented a torpedo. (IchIkiiI to KUlilu Itaelf to tlm Hhlp by ninRnet Ibiii nml remnliiM there until lln ex- ploHlon, which Ih controlled hy a tlm- In Portland attendliiR tlio meet Iiik of lug ilnvlrn. (loverninmit teatH rnwllt foreHt Riipnrvlaora. tlm torpedo with Boven out of nlRht Kitya Hyde, of Prlnnvllln, wa a ' P"r'"' ' exploBloim. vlHllor In Ilunil IiihI nlKht atlnnillni; tlio nmnknr nt tlio Illppudroino, Mm. W. II. Prenley. of Hpoknne, la vlnltliiK In Mend at tlio homo of Mm. It. N. Piilinerton, on hur way lo her homentoad at M 111 li-un. Mm. Anna Holley, mother of Mm. It. N. Pa I merlon, and diiUKhter, Ar vlllu, hiivn left for HlHtern, wlmrn ' they will remain throuiih tlm mini-iiicr. Mm. lleuo WllllaniN, of Portlnnd, 1m at tlm Wrlitht hotel with a beauti ful lino of hair koikIh. Will nlxo iniikn Mwltchea to order from your romhliiKH whllo horn. I,udlc Inler emed pleilHO phono Itod 211 and leave niimi'H. , 87p COCNTY KKCOItllH. If. J. Ovorturf, rilliiK notarial com iuIhhIoii. I.. A. HawlliiKH vh. Ml'H. J. J. Iliilley, demurrer to complaint. Claudia Hoffman to Jam oh II. Cor bet!, doud to purl of lot 1, block 13, Ilond. X T. M. Korn to Frank I,. Iinylny, ileod to wHt BO font of lotA 1 and 2, block 18, Kenwood. SENTIMENTAL CO-EDS ARE FOUND LACKING (liy Unltnl Pram to tin Ucnil Ilullttln) MINNKAPOMS. Minn., March 20. Of 2,000 co-ods nt tha UnlvorHlty of MltmoRotn, thoro la not ona plump, Hontlmniital girl. Thin wuh fovea led today, aftor manuKorg of tha'gopho inoro Vnudovlllu HHHnfloil nioy had p naiiRht ill vain. CLAIMS HIGH SPEED Illy tliillnl I'rm. lo tha lt. n.1 llullrllnl ST. PAltl,, Minn. Murch 20. Paul Itlekol, 2.1, today claimed that ho can fly ncroBB thn ocuim In 40 hours by ubIiik In bin miKlne a rcrlnln oil formula ho clnlnia to huve perfectnd. Ho has sunt this formula to tha V. S. Kovfrnmonl as a Klft. Wlmthur It bus boon tORtnil In not known. AT THE HOTELS p, Thn Wrlitht Hotel. II. JohiiRon, Kl 1 1 1 i-ii ii . C. 10. WIllliiniH. Portlnnd. Mr. und Mm. W. I). IIoiiroii, Sc uttle. K. Loin?, Wulla Walln. tl. W. UoynoldH. Silver Lako. K. W, Wnbor, Thn Dallas. A. II. Hhrbdor, Sllvor Ltiku. Itulpli W. Peck, Culver. MIhu Mario Wunclru Bam llien nor, Pnrcy Drako, OeorRO II. Par hoiih, Portland. Pilot Hut to Inn. D. D. Hull, Portland, (loorgo E. Klsk, Portland. C. A. Rtulil, Seattle II. 10. Smith, Portland. A. T. Ilrown, Portland. N. K. Malthor, The Dalles. C. U. Prowltt, Portland. J. 0. Turnnr, Portlnnd. U. I.. JoluiBon, Portlnnd. A. II. Holdorman, Portlnnd. E. J. Dominium), Portland. Mr. and Mrs. II. Fries, Soattlo. Mr. tin (I Mrs. 10. R. Juatlco, Los AukoIob. Dr. and Mrs. IT. Clark, Mndraa. Undoi New Mintgemtnt MELVIN E. BEDIENT, ProPritor THE APPLE BOX FRUIT S FRESH VEGETAB L E S BERRIES IN SEASON FARM PRODUCE WE DELIVER TO ANY PART OF THE CITY 1031 BOND ST PHONE BLACK CC1 Wial Awake for SEirowal buyers Violins, Mandolins, Sheet Music and Other Musical Instruments BEGINNING MARCH THE 20th AND CLOSING MARCH THE 30th AT 10 O'CLOCK SHARP TEN DAYS IN ALL HERE WE ARE A Beautiful Little Kimball Piano, with a sweet tone and a playing action that cannot he excelled ; in fact, words cannot express the play ing power of this parlor beauty that is well worth $150, selling: now for the low sum $33 QQ HOW IS THIS? A Smith and Barnes Piano, used and in tip top condition, well worth $375, can be had during- this sale for the low sum 1 Q7 fJO of only P 1 JJ A SMITH & BARNES Player Piano, up in the $700 Class, with $20 worth of Free Music Rolls; swell Bench and Piano Scarf Free $478 00 " ' . y ) -rrir.-... ii " I' km $ Someone Says, "BILLIARDS?" And Out Comes the BRUNSWICK HOME BILLIARD TABLE Folded up in a closet or in any spare space, the "Quick Demountable" Brunswick Home Table is triumphantly brought forth by eager hands and set up in the center of the room. It is only the work of a minute to push back the chairs, rack the balls and fire the shot that starts an evening of royal sport. Carom and Pocket Billiards never tire their charm is endless. To live a healthy, worry-proof life, to keep the boys home install one of these scientific tables, made only by The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co. BALLS, CUES, MARKERS, ETC., GIVEN Complete IiIkIi clims playing outfit Included without extra cobI. Prices are low because of enormous output thousands are buying theso tables till over tlio land $3f and up. Our popular payment plan lets you pay whllo you play a few cents a day soon makes tha Druuswick yours. Como, seo theso handsome tables test theli accurate unnles, fiiHt ever-level playliiR beds and quick-acting Monarch cush ions. We'll consider It a pleasure to show them to you you can test them 30 days at homo if you like. (Hy U'il" AMSTKV I .a Oorni A Beautiful Eilers Bung-alow Player Piano, light walnut case and the very latest model on the market; a Piano, in fact, that I am willing to set right along side by side with any $1000 Player, and you can judge for yourself; with $25 worth of free Music Rolls and a handsome Bench ; can C f f Aft be had during this sale for vOUU.UU A nifty Eilers Bungalow Player Piano, light oak case; slightly used and fcOQ fft in the trim of condition, for PO V O .U U You can purchase any of the above Pianos ON EASY TERMS. We are also agents for the famous Chicker ing Piano, as well as the Lester Shomer, Strober, Decker & Sons, and several other high grade makes. We are wholesale dealers in Confection ery Equipment and Supplies. Equipment for Gymnasiums, Hotels, Cafes, Pool Halls, Bowling Alleys, Cigar Stores, and Office Fixtures. Yon cannot Afford to be Without a PIANO in YOUR HOME WHEN YOU CAN BUY THEM AT LESS THAN RENT SMALL GOODS One Mandolin for $ 2.00 . Ono Mandolin for ..$12.tM) One Violin for One Violin for .,..$33.00 Sheet Music for a souk, null you sIiir the song. Stock up on Violin Supplies, over One-Third Off. Phonographs that Talk For Themselves -You Name the Terms HOW TO GET VOTES FOR THE BABY REMKMBKK Wc are In the llaby Contest, and for every llollnr's Worth of Good I'urchuxeil from us during thin , sale, we will give you five votes. If you know where you ' eon sell a I'lano or PhonoKriipli, do it, as that will give . you a good ninny votes for baby. FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! KRKK HOOKS I-XR SM.AI.I, FOLKS TO READ, WHILE THEY LAST: "MA SAID, 'WAIT TILL DAD OKTS HOME"; "EVERY MAN'S CASTLE"! "MARY'S BACK FROM SCHOOL." SEND YOl'R BOY OR GIRL IN TO . GET ONK OF THESE BOOKS, FREE, OR COME YOVR SELF. . Write or. wire me your orders. We make a Specialty in ,the MAIL ORDER BUSINESS DAY MUSIC CO JESSE W. DAY, Manager BENDOREGON