THE 1H5JTD 1H1XKTIN, I1KNI), OnKOQN, FRIDAY. MAIU'H la, ItHT PAGE a The Bend Bulletin AILY EDITION PablUad Erary Afttriwvit Rmpt Suailaj. UENU. UHKUUN. GEORRR PALMKR PUTNAM Piibllahw KOIIKHT W. 8AWYEK Eilltor-ManaOT VBEI A. WOK1.F1.KN Ncwa Kditor BKNRY N. FOWLKK Ataociala Sailor HALl'H SPENCER Machanlcal Sunt. An Indtpfflilont KewipapWi tmndlnir for tha aquar dral. clran bualncaa. clan pl"lr anj tha beat intemu of Iknd and Central Orciton. SUBSCRIPTION RATES 11. Mail. On Your W.n Kiv Mnntha Three Month! l.t 11 Carrier One Year .50 Fix Month I3.'0 One Month 60 SAN FRANCISCO HALTED ITS DAILY WORK WHEN FUNSTON RECEIVED LAST HONORS All subscriptions are due and PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Notices of expiration are mailed subscribers and if renewal is not made wumn renson able time the paper will be discou tinned. ' Please notify us promptly of any change of address, or of failure to re ceive the paper regularly. Otherwise we will not be responsible for copies missed. , - Make all checks and orders pay able to The Bend Bulletin. FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1917 RUSSIA. " Until more complete details are forthcoming It is difficult to under stand just what the Russian revolu tion meanB. Coming when the na tion is engaged in a tremendous war its possibilities are enormous and both the Central Powers and the re mainder of the Allies must be anxiously waiting to know whether the result will be favorable to one side or the other. So far as the reports show, the revolution is not against the govern ment as the representative of the crown. Czar Nicholas has abdicated, but a regency has been established Nominally, as in the case of Great Britain, a royal family is to be at the head of the nation. In other words, the revolution is not directed against the throne, as was the case in Por tugal and in China, but against the way the power was exercised by the Czar through his ministers. Apparently the conduct of the war is the immediate cause of the change, and except tor the more violent meth of the putting it into effect the change may be likened to that by which Lloyd-George became prime minister of Britain a few weeks ago. That violence was necessary indi cates the difference between the gov ernment of the two nations in the past. With the people gaining more power, the differences will become Jess and less and finally a democracy will emerge. JiAND BOARD WILL " I NAME COMMISSION (Oregonian.) SALEM, March 15. A meeting of the Desert Land Board has been called for 2 o'clock Friday, when it is probable the', commission to in vestigate the Tumalo project will be selected. -; .,r-- -t Uader llie law $10,000. Is appro priated for investigation into the na ture of the leak in the gigantic reser voir of the uroject and to make the repairs if possible out of that sum. The commission is to include two consulting engineers, to work in con nection with Project Manager Wal lace, who is expected to be . at the meeting. , - Ten to 12 engineers have already announced themselves as available for serving on the commission and from that number the two to be named will be selected. J. B. Miner, of Bend, who some time ago entered into a contract with the state for the sale of lands under the project, notified J. L. McAllister, assistant secretary of the board, to day that there is a large number of applicants who' are desirous of pur chasing land from the state on the Tumalo and that as soon as the snow leaves that section he expects to find ready sale for the land. Project Manager F. N. Wallace left Bend for Salem last night to meet with the board today. M flOO- LYIN& IN STATE IH SN FKfiNCISCO CITY H)Ll1. tNis am v rHknffPi ' 5iSt m i' Aaaoclattnn. Th body of Major Ooneral Prederlrk Funalon, who died In Ban Antcml", Tex., wao Ititarred In the national remrtory at tho rrnaldlo In Sun Kimnelaoo. The earv Icea were read in a driving rain, hut the pun flashed out for a moment aa the I're alillo baiterlea boomed a Uit aulule of thirteen nun. Klasa and bannara of many emlmllltary organization, crnpa bound, were maaaed In the background, rlrelad) by bluejacket and artilleryman. Three volloya of rine fire over the irrave preceded lap. The ronr of artillery waa a alanal for the maallon of all ponlble ecllvltlr la the city for tarn mlnuu a. In the picture may he aeen the cuitkct lyltiK In atate In the 8an r'rnnrlaco cltr hall and body mt oldlrra wcortlns tie body up Market Btreet In order to maintain the grade and quality of our potatoes every grower who is Interested is urged to get into the list of those farmers who will produce certified potatoes this year. Prof. Larson, of the Agricultural College, came to Redmond the other day to line up those men who were interested in this thing. . The Des chutes Valley Potato Growers as sociation selected the following men who will represent their organiza tion: .J. A. Foas, Terrebonne; S. D. Mustard, Powell Butte; G. E. Stadlg, Lower Bridge; R. U. Flickinger, of Tumalo and W. M. Ogg, Redmond. Any one who is interested in this work should get in touch with the county agent's oftico, who will sup ply detailed information, together with application for entry In produc ing seed potatoes. This one feature will govern largely the reputation of any country. CERTIFIED SEED By R. A. Blanchord. Oregon has had a poor reputation for potatoes. A conglomerate num ber of tubers are offered each year to the market. The seed used often being culls, of poor vitality, low grade and "run out" while this con dition does not obtain locally it is true on the average. Very often what seed is grown for sale is of doubtful origin, or uncertain type and guar anteed only by the personal word of the farmer. It seems then that system, of state wide importance, whereby potato seed could be stand ardized and graded to definite spec ifications would be highly desirable. Such a plan has been worked ou by the, seed certification board of the college. It provides a uniform stand ard of perfection tor all seed potato growers to reach before they are ac credited on a list of growers pro ducing certified seed in Oregon. The advantage of this to both the produc er and the party purchasing the seed is apparent. , Deschutes valley already has an excellent reputation for quality po tatoes. To maintain that reputation the most diligent effort must be put forth. We have a future in the seed potSto business.. Seed potatoes al AT THE HOTELS The Wright Hotel. B. R. Carlson, Spokane. Charles R. Oliver, Lower Bridge. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Labenz, Port land. . . J. W. McGann, Portland. Thomas Hayes, Seattle. C. M. Hubbard, S. P. & S. Pilot Butte Inn. Miss J. E. Young, San Francisco. H. J. Kallsky, Portland. C. R. Dorris, Portland. E. Jacobsen, Portland. E. B. Berlin, The Dalles. George S. Field, Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Johnson, Portland. Ethel Williams, Portland. Laura Haines, Portland. M. E. Creggin, Portland. Ruth Googlns, Portland. Charles Filmerotb, Chicago. Charles P. Dorian, Portland. - The Wright Hotel Is chuck and still coming. Adv. full, BUTTONS 1 E STYLE CHANGE WOMEN'S APPAREL OK ALL BORTS SHOWING EFFECTS OK SEW FORM OP ENDORSEMENT. By Margaret Mason, ' '"" (Written for the United Preea.) NEW YORK, March 16. "But ton, button, who's got the button?" has ceased to be a thrilling Interro gation. It must needs be relegated to Its proper place among Goldberg's Foolish Questions. The answer is so painfully and unanimously obvious: Everybody's got it. Not one measly, lonesome, little button either; not even "one, two, button my shoe," but three, tour and then heaps more. There's a perfect epidemic ot but tons. Like the measles or a spring rash. Every coat, suit, frock, blouse, cape and sweater is rashly broken out with them. No one has an eye for a hook any more. We aro all just looking to button's as a means ot fastening on fashion. , The long, straight lines'-of the present popular cout gowns ami che mise frocks aro Juat plo for buttons. They are buttoned up ono slilu and down the other. Somo aro putting their best buttons forward and others turning their backs on them, use them nevertheless to back thorn up. The long, tight sleeves are often trimmed In odd small buttons from the elbow to the wrist, while thoso that are widely cuffed have two or three large and unique buttons fast ening the cuff. Shawl collars, roll collars and Just any kind ot collars at all bristle with buttons. They flaunt them op enly and above board and not at all In the usual erstwhile retiring and effacing manner of good little old- fashioned and useful collar buttons. To be sure, collar buttons did used to be a bit hone-headed, but some of them were pearls among buttons and Indeed quite a few were even pure gold. Anyway, they knew their places and performed a mission In life and a neckband, whereas these present day collar buttons wander all over tho place and tho only thing that Is really attached to them Is fnshlonable Importance. Then there are pockets as another great breeding place for buttons. Pos itively the pockets aro all so full of buttons that you haven't any place any more to pocket your prldo. If this dissertation on buttons has brought nothing before your mind's eye save round, flat discs with two or four perforations for sewing them on you must Immediately get busy PHONE! YOUR WANT AD TO THE BULLETIN EVERYBODY READS 'EM! The Best Way To Buy To Sell To Exchange Call No. 561 Trunks! Suitcases! Bags! FOR THAT SPRING TRIP , ji i ' - ff '-:uyfti V.' JkJ Trunks.- ., $5.50 to 12.50 Suitcases ..$1.75 to 8o75 FIND YOUR CHOICE IN OUR WINDOW Dry Goods Ladies' Furnishings Men's Shoes Furnishings and brush up on tho iiowvut buttons or ulsa you will bo qultu oviiri'imio whuii they burst on you on nil tholr illvnrs eh upon and glory. Thuy will burst on you too us "IVKKoty" In "Dnvlil Coppi'i'tluM" (itlrii ilmmiii sti'iitml. Now tho now buttons lira squaro, hoxluon, iK'tiiKtiiml, ohliiiiK, ovnl Ulul iilimnt anything hut plain roil ml. Tliy urn I'luicuvw, convex, en bin and splixrliiil. Thty tiro curved, dytxl. iiiihiI1iI, liiiiid-ptilnliitl, ilui'iidd, cnu'lit'lfil uml niKlnlllatnil and niiidu of wool, Iiuiio, puarl, Jot. kuiiiiikIhI, Ivory, t'hlmi, sllvnr, gold, bruits, silk, woi'Hlml, imiimollml or Imiul-imlnlml tin, It'iithor, liii'itir, kIuhh, straw, or uny othor littlo odd tiling you Imppciu to hiivii about tho hmimi. They urn Hindu In vivid ctiiitriiHtliiK t'omulniillnns nf color uml wlurd mid dlHtiirlml shiipos. Tlioy hloom with Hunt nnd disport lit fuiiuu, Catntui buttons I are vnry aimirt. Mono- KrnuiiiKMl oni's tiro good also. An old charm string of buttons that my mnthor niudn whon alia wus a littlo girl has fusi'lnntod mo from childhood with Its quiilnt nnd charm lug efrucls. If my offspring should Mtnrt a charmstrlng with tho buttons of today, hnr children would no doubt be thrown Into fits whim confronted with tho wlord shiipts. hectic colors and animated unlmuls Hint now adorn us. llut bo that as It limy, we simply must ha buttoned even If wo are hot buttoned simply. Alroudy a most up to data young person 1 know hus sowed 185 woo ones mi N (leoiK"llu crept liloiiHii. Ho button your but tons while you. limy and Just think liuw Jolly mid convenient It will lio when wulltiiK long hours fur UumhM to romo homo rrotu tho club to piny "ilcliiniin. pooi'iiiiin, hi'KKiirmiin,,' chief: doi'tor, lawyer, uiiirctiunuv thief" with yourself to detorinhin your next rain nrier you hnvn di vorced lilui. (1. . romi (iOKrt TO CANAOA (I. V. t'ourli uml family, vf Tuiuii In, left this morning fur Ciieaar, fan -nilii, whnrtt I hey will maku their home. Mr. Clinch hits h' u ie. dent of thn Tumiilo Irrlmitlon pro ject for u milliner .(if years, where bn has occupied lh run'rh ut John t'oiich. Your tiyrs pxiiinlncd end fitted with Klunses. 1H". II. Foil til I II a, oploiiiet I'IhI, ul I.iiI'hoii's Juwulry Store, lieiid, Ore. llnwknr's I'orlltind orchestra will furnish music for the iliiucu to bo ( given at t'owell Hultn Community, hull Monday evening, Mnrcli !!(. Tb Indies will servo n clilckun plo sup per during tho evening. The Wright Hotel wants any mem ber of the Common-lit I club to advlan in person, or by letter or by phone, If at any lime thn lunches given th club were not sutlnfuctory III uvury wuy. Adv. OVER 60 HOMES IN BKNI) do all their cooking on Electric Ranges Over 30 More Homes In Bend do part of their cooking with elec tricity. We expect to equip 50 Homes with Electric Ranges this spring. We Sell Ranges on Easy Terms Bend Water Light & Power Co. &SHEVLIN PINE SOLD BY MILLER LUMBER COMPANY Phone 16oi Sash Factory Wood Bend White Pine Sash Co. Telephone 441 Bend View PRICES: $100 AND IP TERMS: Reasonab.e We'll loan yon money to build. BEND'S MOST SCENIC RESIDENCE PROPERTY Every I-ot comnuinds a view of the River, Mountains and City. Building restrictions according to Location. . SHU J. RYAN & CO. 0'Ksne Bid. Phone 361 i I TRANSFER 1 RED 66 1 Quick Service LIGHT nd HEAVY HAULING DELIVERIES MADE TO ANY PART OF TOWN BAGGAGE PARCELS EXPRESS Civen Clow AMenlioa Oregon Fuel & Transfer Co Corner Oregon & Wall Sts. , Manzanita Addition Lots $50-$60-$65 10 per cent, cash $2.80 monthly J. A. EASTES BEND, OREGON Sales Agent ways sell higher than just potatoes,