The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, February 12, 1917, Page 2, Image 2

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    fAOK a
The Daily Bulletin
Fsalbhad' Evtry Aftrrnxm Eitcpt Bandar.
ROHKKT W. SAWVKK Edltor-Manautr
KREU A. WOKI.K1.EN Nwa Editor
HENRY N. KOWI.LK Aaaocimte KJilor
RALPH Sl'ENCKH Mechanical Bupt
Aa Independent Newspaper, atandinir for
the aquare deal, clean bunineea, elcan politic
nJ the beat lnu-n.nU of Rend and Central
Ur Mail.
One Year ,.S.OO
Six Month. 2.7H
Vhrea Mentha 11.60
By Carrier '
One Year .H0
Six Montha IS.SO
On Month 60
All subscriptions are due and
expiration are mailed subscribers and
if renewal Is not made within reason
able time the paper will be discon
tinued. Please notify us promptly of any
change of address, or of failure to re
ceive the paper regularly. Otherwise
we will not be responsible for copies
Make all checks and orders pay
able to The Bend Bulletin.
tuto a walk, aud not four. Many
other suggestions which have boon
talked of are expected to find the
light of day.
Changes In admission prices for
world's series contests probably will
be brought up also. The American
leaguo already has gone on record as
favoring a reductton In the tax for
turnstile power. Ran Johnson wants
only a doublo price for admission to
all sections, except boxes, which h
would sell at $5 each.
Johnson also is expected to pro
ject his theory of a homo for aged
ball players on which Mike and Joe
Cantillton, who have been operating
a similar place for years have been
working for some time. In fact, It
was threo years ago when Joe Can
ttllion first conceived the Idea and
began putting It up to ball players.
However, Ban takos the credit unit
Is expected to talk about It.
Why the wool car exhibit of the
Department of Agriculture should
some only as far south as Madras,
as reported elsewhere in this paper.
Is difficult to understand. Scores
of ranchers in this section raise wool
and In the territory east and south
ot town there are many men who
engage in the-sheep business exclus
ively. The car should be brought to
Bend for the benefit of the many who
would be glad of . the opportunity to
take in the exhibit here. Here Is a
chance for the Commercial club to
do some work.
Germany enforces a barred zone,
while Old Man Oregon is putting
over an unbarred one.
To Kxhlblt at MutlraN on Wednetuluy,
February 28.
On Wednesday. February 28, the
"Wool Car" of the U. S. Department
ot Agriculture and the Oregon Agri
cultural College, will be stationed at
Madras all day. This car is touring
Eastern Oregon and Is making the
eastern part ot the state and working
westward, covering the following
towns In their Itinerary: Vale, Ba
ker, Enterprise, Arlington, Heppner,
Condon, Madras, La Grande and Pen
This car is sent out under the
auspices of the government and the
state, for the benefit of the sheep
men and wool producers of Oregon.
There will be no set lectures given,
but the car Is in charge of Mr. W. O.
McWhirter, representing the Depart
ment of Agriculture and Mr. 0. M.
Nelson, of the State College. The
car contains exhibits, charts, pictures
and objects of great educationnl
value to any one who has sheep on
the place. It covers every phase of
sheep raising, from range, feeding.
marketing, killing, end the various
diseases infesting the herd. It will
be well worth the time and trip spent
for any of our Central Oregon peo
ple to take.
Agent U. S. Dept. of Agriculture.
Congress Committee Reports Favor
ably on C. O. I. Extension.
j ( Oregon ian.)
WASHINGTON, D. C. Feb. 12.
Acting on a favorable recommenda
tion made by Jhe Secretary of the
Interior, the House public lands com
mittee has favorably reported Rep
resentative . Sinnott's bill extending
for 10 years the time for reclama
tion of lands Included In the Oregon
Cary acta lists 6 and 19, lying in
Crook county. These two lists em
brace In the aggregate 140,000 acres
of which 86,000 acres are irrigable.
This legislation was asked for by the
Oregon Desert Land board.
The lands affected, while embraced
in two lists,, are included in a single
irrigation project, and the complete
vulamatlnn .olio fnr lha mnBtrnc.
In f o rtivr.inn rtm in th n- I woman's physical training depart
chutes river near Bend, the building ent of the University of Texas as
of 436 miles of canals and a flume I" complement to the State Canning
a mile and a half long, which also is cl"b aents' h are meeting here
to divert water from the Deschutes 1 These aSents a,nd ma"y ruro1 8,cl'uo1
rlyer teachers complain that one of the
ASout 61.000 acres under this sys- hardest things tbey arc up Bga'Es;.
k.v i. r,o,. onH in mh In training children is co-opcrat...
,r haw, hPpn filwi nnn. T date ! playing. They say they fear modern
28,000 Irrigable acres are occupied
(By United Preaa to The Daily Bulletin)
AUSTIN; Tex. Feb. 12 Sedate
college professors and husky foot
ball warriors will Join pretty co-eds
tonight In playing ring-around-a-rosy,"
"pussy wants a corner" and
other more or less Interesting kid
games, as part of the program of
home economics week.
The games will be staged by the
How Garibaldi's Lag Wat 8avd and
His Htalth Raitorad. '
Half a century uuo It was the belief
of most surgeons that bullets Indued In
any part of tho body should be probed
for aud "extracted at all hnuirda."
Tho uuMloru surgeon, who Is utile to lo
cate bullets with mathematical accu
racy with the X-ray, often allows the
bullet to lonmlu where It has lodged
unless there is some very special rca
sou tor digging It out And results
prove the wisdom of the modem sur
geou's attitude.
It Is an Interesting bit of history that
a famous llusslau surgeon advocated
ati'l practiced the conservative method
of letting Impacted bullets alouo more
than tlfty years ago and by this method
undoubtedly saved the life of the Ital
ian patriot (iiirllmkll. Tho great sol
dier, wounded tu tho right log and cap
tured at tho battle of Aspruiuontc, was
placed under the care ot several Euro,
pcun surgeous, who tried unsuccessful
ly to remove the bullet.
At that time I ho Russian surgeon n
rogoft was stopping In Heidelberg, and
the llusslau studeuts at that university
raised the sum of 1,000 francs to In
duce the surgeon to cxnuiltio Garibaldi
Pirogoff refused the fee, but ho visited
tho patriot, examined his wound and,
contrary to tile opinions of all tho other
surgeous, advised letting tho bullet
alone. He suggested removal to a dry
climate with plenty of fresh air and
sunshine. Tho soldier took his advice.
moved Into a dry climate aud recov
ered. Excbauge.
(lly I'nltnl 1'reaa to The Dally Bulletin.)
1USMAUCK, N. 1)., Fob, 12. This
state's farmer IcRlBluture Isn't going
to take up its tlmo with freak bills
This becume uppuront today when the
only near approach to a frouk on
tho calendar was a bill providing
that bobsleds sliull be fill Inches
wide. This Is not freakish, since
snialled giiugo runners cut up snow
roads in this snowy country.
by settlers, who number more than
1500. An appraisal of the farms
on the project for 1916 shows $2,
502,544 In value, and a crop and
stack valuation of $785,000.
The Desert Land board reported
that diligent effort had been made by
the state, through Its contractors, to
reclaim the lands, and points out
that more land has been offered to
settlers than has been taken. To
have these contracts canceled now
because the project has not been
fully completed would work great
injustice to the settlers on the project.
Material Changes in Rules Also Ex
pected to Come I'p at Meeting
of Major League Heads.
By H. C. Hamilton,
(United Preaa Staff Correspondent.)
NEW YORK, Feb. 12. Suffering
fandom doubtless will learn today
to its great relief that there never
has been a chance for baseball play
ers to pull off their threatened strike,
and that all talk of such action is
worthy only of youthful minds.
The two major leagues will hold
their annual schedule and rules com
mittee meetings In New York, begin
ning today, and all sorts of reasons
for laughing at the strike are expect
ed to emanate from the subdued air
at the Waldorf hotel.
. If Dave Fultz thinks be has a
players' strike In operation be should
' witness today's proceedings, for it
is time he was told differently. The
strike will be officially called null
and void so tar as baseball magnates
are concerned.
, Besides this momentous announce
ment, several wrangles are expected
to develop in what otherwise would
be a peaceful session. The National
legaue head, John K. Tener, wants
some changes made in the playing
rules and so do a few others.
Tener believes the plate is tr
small, judging apparently by the ef
fort of some pitchers who draw pay
checks from, his cohorts, and he says
It should be broadened a full inch.
Also, he will suggest with, great con
eeru that three ball should cons
children are losing the "art of play-
The profs, footballists and co-cds
are going to show 'era how.
The Only Lasting Title a Man Gats
Comas When He Dias.
The Japanese have many quaint cus
toms banded down from generation to
gonertitlon. One of tho strangest Is
that of their naming ceremony. When
cue mouth old a Japanese child gets Its
flrst nunie with ceremonial. Trumpets
are blown, ami tho child Is borne In
great state to the family temple, and
behind the proevsslou march the house
bold servants carrying the Infant's
wordrobe. The servaut in the rear of
the procession beurs a huge box. In
which Is tho priest's fee, together with
three shjis of paper, on which throe
names are written. On reaching the
temple the names are thrown Into the
air, and the first that touches the
ground is the one which tho child re
ceives. When throe years old tho child Is
again named, accompanied by elaborate
religious rites. At the age of fifteen
bis education Is supposed to bo Un
billed, and as he then enters manhood
(according to Japuucse law) he is agalu
When he takes to business be re
ceives his "business" name, by which
be Is known In the commercial world,
and upon every upward step In life lie
receives a new nunie. If bis master
happens to hare the same name he
must at once change it. as It detracts
from his superior's dlguity. At his
marriage bis name is altered again,
and Ills last and only permanent one is
that given him after death, which is
written on his tomb. London Answers.
First class 'Haled alfalfa hay, at
8 cents per hundred. Inquire ill
Shaw's feed barn, or Wright hotel.
(By United Preaa to The Daily Bulletin.)
WASHINGTON, D. C, Feb. 12.
Representatives of bridge concerr.B
are worried because congress seenis
in no hurry to authorize construction
of several million dollars' worth of
proposed bridges across government
Among the important bridges, con
struction pf which is held up for
other legislation are:
Railroad bridge across Mississippi
at : Remidji, Minn. Combination
bridge across Mahoning at Lowell
ville, Ohio. Wagon bridge across
St. Francis, northwest of Parkin,
Ark. Wagon bridge across Red Riv
er of the North, between Polk county,
Minn., and Grand Forks county, N.
Dak. Railroad bridge, reconstruct
ed across Allegheny at Allegheny, N.
Y. Wagon bridge across Red "Lake
river, Pennington county, Minn. Wa
gon bridge across Cumberland, Mont
gomery county, Tenn.
(By United Frew to The Dally Bulletin)
prove that even though they oppose
each other In political matters, the
best of feeling exists between Sena
tor LaFollette, Wisconsin, and Sen
ator Lewis, Illinois, Lewis laughed
the other day when LaFollette pulled
his (Lewis') Bilken whiskers during
a session of the Senate.
The friendly spat occurred during
a roll call. Lewis good-naturedly
Interrupted LaFollette in what ap
peared to be an Intensely Interesting
Desperately twining his index fin
gers In the soft, silken beard of the
senator from Illinois, LaFollette gave
It a none too gentle Jerk.
Lewis resumed has seat, but for
some time held his band to the spot
where the aforesaid whiskers wore
anchored. ";
Tha Furtive Look.
Here Is something worth while for
bachelors to consider.
A Boston woman says she can detect
a bachelor as far as she can see hlin.
She always knows a bachelor by his
furtive look. The furtive look, she ex
plains, is something akin to that of a
hunted animal, always on the wutch
for snares and pitfalls. Of course this
may apply only to Boston bachelors,
but It would be well for all other sin
gle unfortunate to take a good look
at themselves In the mirror and llud
that telltule look. If they do there Is
an easy way to efface it. Cleveland
riain Dealer.
Why a Korte Rolls.
Horses are fond of rolling on the
ground, ami no animal mure thorough
ly shakes itself than 1 1 1 ,-y do. After
a roll they give tliemse ves a shuke
or two to remove anything adhering
to the coat The habit Is of much
service to horses living In oiicn plains.
On being turned loose at the end of u
Journey an Arab horse rolls In tho
sand, which acts us bailing iacr, ab
sorbing exudations from the body. A
shake removes the sand, and tho coat
soon dries. 'Cavalrymen in hot climates
sometimes put sand on their horses as
the simplest and quickest way of drying
No Longer a Child.
"Is mamma's sweet little boy ready
to have bis batb now?"
"Ob, maw, put the soft pedal on that
stuff, will you? When a .fellow's six
years old it's time to take him oat of
the kindergarten class. I'll take my
splash when I've bad my smoke."
Pittsburgh Times.
N.c.aaary Things.
One of our rear admirals Is quoted
as saying, "The battleship can go to
any part of the world If coal Is pro
vided." "This does away with the old sup
position that water was also necea
sary," interposed a bystander.
8ilne Is Safoty.
After forty years o' married life I've
made up me mind It don't matter how
often a man an' bis wife disagrees ar
long as he don't let her know it Har
per's Bazar.
Golf Vsrsus Motoring.
,;Tho difference between learning golf
and motoring Is that In golf nt first
you hit nothing, bul; In motoring every
things Exchange.
Cardinal JMarini to Head
Commission For Seeking
Basis of Church Unity
' . .7 M ft ' ML
9 'MKr
A tV&&'ihi 1
VrvH of Nation rights l'roHaeil I'lim
of FurnlsbliiK 40,000,000
rounds to Britain.
(lly United Preu to The Dally llulletln.)
M'KNOS A1KKH, Feb. 13. The
llutiuos Alrtm press lutliiy Hut down
heavily on u plan for tho opening of
a 40.UU0.U00 pounds Argentine credit
In London, paying six per cunt In
terest anil secured on 80, UUO, 000
pounds' worth of treasury, railroad
or Industrial securities. This really
would bo a loan to Kugluud.
The schema Is said to havu orlg
Inu'tod In KiiKlund, ns a means of
enabling the llrltlsh to buy Argen
tina supplies without weighing upon
the excliungu rate.
Ln Nuclon says such a transaction
"would have pernicious and disturb
ing consequence and would bt con
trary to the Argentina fldiurlary sys
tem ot effective responsibility by
converting the currency ur tho gold
which guarantee It Into an Instru
ment of Insocuro combination of In
ternational credit at a time when tho
Argontlno government la appealing
to foreign credit to help It out ot Its
financial difficulties."
Even tho strongly pro-lCngllHli
Standard, of Iluenos Aires, says "the
proposal fnr a loan of any kind limn'
Argentina to lli'ltalu In absurd."
.NultimlUril Mexican lndn Captur
to I'. N. Line, ninl Hooks llefuge
With National (Jiinril.
Mly tlnltnl Treat lu'l'lie Dally llulletln I
KL I'AHO, Tex., Feb. 12. lly u
clover strateitem, Leopold (lalevU. a
iiiitiirulliml Mexican, escaped death
before n firing squad In Juai'o. Un
der arrest ns a Villa spy and sen
tenced to death at sunrise. Oulovlis
affected a confession and offered to
show the Carruiua officer whore Villa
had cached ammunition.
Ho led thorn along tho It l (Irunde
to whtiro the states ot Texas and New
Mexico touch tho liitornutltinitl lino.
Suddenly ha dismounted and Jumped
across tha Imaginary Una Into the
arms of the (loorglu national guurd
border patrol commanded by Hoik
eant Joseph Avans and demanded
protection as an American citlxen.
The Cnrruimi oflcers angrily de
manded his return as a traitor. Thn
Americans gave thn Mexicans a re
ceipt for tha prisoner. Upon deliv
ery to Immigration station, OalevU
proved he was uti American cltlcnn
and was released.
Private leteCra from tha Vatican receiv
ed in Wuahltititon paid that Pope Henedtcl
XV. was about to appoint a commlaalon
of four canllunla to renew a movement
beffun by Pote Leo XIII. and abandoned
by I'opa Plua X. looking to a reunion of
Christianity and the cultivation of friend
ly relations with the Anglican church.
The honor of presiding over tha com
mission of cardinnia. it wna reported,
would be beetnwed upon. Cardinal Mnrlnl.
one of the new cnrdlnala created at the
lent consistory, who hue devoted many
yonra to sclentlflc reMearch and to the
cause of a reunion of Christianity. The
Interest of the pope In the problem of
Christian unity la said to have been Inten
sified by the recent prosreae of the world
cona-rcaa initiated by the American Epis
copal church. Cardinal Marlnl Is Been la
the picture.
of the town
A woman who makes
her own bread is mighty
particular what kind of
flour she buys. Users
of Deschutes Spray and
True Blue flours have
proved by test that they
produce the finest qual
ity of bread, rich and
nutritious and always
uniform in quality.
and TRUE BLUE on your
next baking day.
You will buy no others.
All Grocers sell our
brand of Flour, and
Guarantee it.
Bend Flour Mill Co.
You May be
Intending to
" Build
A very Important matter tor
your consideration .Is
You want that type and
quality of plumbing that will
We have completed some of
the most particular jobs In this
city. Tbey have been big ones,
too, but no matter how small
your order may be,- we will do
your work equally as well.
In case of Plumbing Troubles
Carlson & Lyons
, ; ' RED 1591 '".
Manzanita Addition
Lots $50--$60$65
10 per cent, cush monthly
Sules A ent
Phone 1661
Sash Factory Wood
Bend White Pine Sash Co.
Telephone 441
Spring House Cleaning by
Why not use an
We Have Them! Sold on Easy Terms?
Bend Water light & Power Co.
Phone 551
Kenwood Gardens
and Terminal Additions
Lots $ 1 0 Cash; $10 Monthly
Houses for Sale10 Cash and'
Monthly Payments like rent
J. RYAN & CO. ms6SSHSa-
Phone Your WANT ADS to The Daily Bulletin They
will be given Careful Attention.