THK IIKXO lll'LMCTIN, HKNI), OHKGON. Tlll'llNDAY, JANl'AHY IM, 1017 paok a The Daily Bulletin PublUhtd Ersry Afternosn Eirept Sunday. UENU, OKKliON. GKORCK PALMER PUTNAM Publisher HOHKKT W. SAWYKR E.i.lor-Mnirr PRKD A! WOKI.KI.KN Newt Editor HKNRY N. FOWLER Associate Alitor BALPH Sl'KNCLK Mechanical Supt. An Independent Newspaper, standim for the square deal, clean business, clean politics ani the best interesu of Bend and Central Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES III Mail. One Year ' M.00 Biz Months 12.75 Three Months 11.60 - ' or Carrier On Year 16.80 Six Months 13.50 One Munth 60 All subscriptions are due and PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Notices of expiratton are mailed subscribers and if renewal Is not made within reason able time the paper will be discon tinued. Please notify us promptly of any change of address, or of failure to re ceive the paper regularly. Otherwise we will not be responsible for copies missed. Make all checks and . orders pay able to The Bend Bulletin.., THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1917 , WORTH TRYING. Bend '8 next "clean-up" compaign might do worse than to put into prac tice some such plan as used by Ala meda, as set forth in the -following Oregoulan editorial: "Alameda. Cal., has adopted a plan, in. connection with . its clean-iug-up movement, of placarding the - premises of its citizens with signs bearing the . words, 'dirty,' 'very dirty,', and the like, to express the condemnation of the Board of Health pf the .condition to which reference is thus publicly made.. . The idea, of course, is to shame the owner, or tenant, . Into doing the duty that he ought to do without especial urging. "The Board of Health is armed with full power, and tearing down the notices is heavily penalized. It is only fair to Bay that it is not found necessary to make use of the system in many instances, but it has proved effective in stimulating among peo ple generally a new desire for an at tractive city which we all want, if our attention is called to it. "The force of example is conta gious, as anyone who has traveled will realize, there being some cities that are clean by habit and others that are quite the reverse, and from the same cause." LOSS OF OUIMETTO GOLF IS GREAT ONE GRAFT ACCUSATIONS STIR CHICAGO; POLICE OFFICIALS AND OTHERS ARRESTED Ousting From Amateur Ranks Re gretted by Many Was a Star at Age of 21. . . .. By H. C. Hamilton (United Press Staff Correspondent.) NEW: YORK. Jan. 25. When the United .States Golf Association voted at its last meeting to uphold its def inition of an amateur and by so do ing, put Francis Ouimet on the foot ing of a professional golfer, it rob bed amateur golf of one of the most sensational figures it ever possessed In this country. In, spite of the fact that the posi mendable in that it made no distinc tion of the golf association was com tion between Ouimet or some lesser players, golfers the nation over never will erase from their memories the spectacle of a slight youth, evenly playing his way around a golf course and defeating Ray and Vardon, Eng land's two greatest golfers., . ' Francis Ouimet was barely 21 when he accomplished that feat. - He sprang to fame in a blaze of glory In a day. He placed American ama teur golf on a par with that played UPpE LEFT - FOZMEZ CHIEF OF POLICE 'laWvKI .osX healey -uppek zight -state's rttorhey tVO W YtlE , LOWEfS'uM IKE DE PI HE " HEITLE& . .h Chicago la matly stirred by the accu sations, of grafting made against former Superintendent of Police Charles M. C. Healer. Lieutenant Martin White and oth ers who were arrested, Warrants were Is sued for other policemen by 8tate Attor ney Maclay Hoyna. Healey .was Immediately released on bonds f The charges against him are extortion, bribery and conspiracy. He was to be reinstated aa a captain of po lice, with an Immediate leave of absence of twenty-nine daya. It was announced this In accordance with a police depart ment rule granting leave during Investi gation of charges against officers. For mer Deputy Chief Schuettler now beads the deuartment. Mr. Hoyne Issued a statement In which he wild a "great majority" of the CHptalna and lieutenants of police of the elty were Involved In the srandnl. The former chief, .hoe recent resigna tion waa accepted, was arrested at hie home. Lieutenant White, Thomas Coa lello. alleged go between and personal agent of the chief. "Mike de Pike" Heltler, so called "king" of the former weal side Tenderloin, and William Skldmore, a poli tician and aaloonkeeier. were arrested In a raid on Coetello's office. According to Mr. Hoyne, they were en gaged In dividing money collected In "trib ute." Some of the money, he aald, bore the aerial numbers previously noted by hie agents while It was In the possession of resort keepers. In the upper left picture Is Former Su perintendent Healey; upper right. Slats Attorney Hoyne: lower picture. Heltler. in foreign countries. He is a hero. t Crowns often, have their, bad fea tures. The glare of the spotlight sometimes blinds so that it covers defects. It was so in the case of Ouimet. Believing himself Innocent of any wrong doing he became mixed up in an attempt to establish a sport ing goods house, committing himself in snch a manner that his connec tion was easily established. His violation of the code was apparent and there was nothing for the asso ciation to do but bar him. There are efforts to bring Ouimet out of the grasp of such legislation by offering amendments. The strug gle was long and hard-fought, but in the end the rule stood just as it always had and the boy-wonder of Brookline was branded a profes sional. The feat of Ouimet will go down in sporting annals parallel to that of Maurice McLoughlin, also barred in recent rulings of the United States National Lawn Tennis Association. McLoughlin went out and . In a single afternoon vanquished Brookes and Wilding, the two greatest tennis players England had produced. He placed American tennis on the map, just as Oumit later did golf. BEND INSURANCE AGENCY Writers of all kinds of Insurance. Old est lruti ranee Agency in CentrmJ Or iron. H. C. Ellis. First Nations, Bank building. Bend, Oregon. New Day Dentistry WE WANT YOU TO WEAR OUR TEETH NOW! Do you want good ones? that fit That you can eat with That don't fall down That look natural Teeth that cannot be told from your own Others have them Why not You? We take all the chance DO NOT PAY unless suited. . THE KINO BEE DENTISTS, Originators of NEW DAY DENTISTRY NEW PAINLESS METHOD Which la ENTIRELY HARMLESS. We extract the decayed teeth and roots and make yon a perfect fitting new set of teeth, natural color. We MAKE IT POSSIBLE for all to have good work. There are two very important reasons. The public places all confidence in The King Bee Dentists. WHY? OUR WORK SHOWS FOR ITSELF Our prices are less than half that, demanded by others for work not so good. We are not ethical. We believe in publicity to the extent of letting everyone know our superior class of work and our prices. We are here to stay, and give a written guurantee with all work. gihSe!$ 10.00 Crowns.. $5.00 Enamel & 1 HO Fillings v 1 uu NOW! is your OPPORTUNITY! Lady . Assistant Always in Attendance. King Bee Dentists Over Postofllce, Bend, Oregon. ?- Dr. A. C I'Voom, Professional Manager. ' HOURS 8:80 A. M. to 8:80 P. M. Sundays, 0:00 to 5:00. THE LIFE of a shirt depends large ly 'upon the way it is laundered. , Laundered by us, a shirt will last twice as long. Our wagon will call in the morning. Phone us, Black 311 BEND LAUNDRY , We invite you to call at our store or phone and get out prices. Then you will be a needy customer. H. P. Smith's CASH-GROCERY FULL LINE -of- Hardware Implements Hunters' Supplies Bend Hardware Co. THE UNITED WARE HOUSE COMPANY Storage and Forwarding. General Com. mission Merehsnts. We carry Oil, Gasoline, Bnssr, Pleor, Bslt Meats, Ham, Dacon and Lard. ItL'SINKSH AND PROFESSIONAL 4 WHEN IN Portland, Oregon STOP AT THE Multnomah Hotel Portland's Largest and Finest Hotel In the Heart of Rtialnrm and Shopping Dhlili h 550 Outside Rooms Rates: One person without Hath, $1.00 per day upwards Two people without Bath, $1.50 per day upwards One person with Hath, $1.50 per; day upwards Two people with Bath, $2.50 per day upwards Music and Dancing in the Beautiful Arcadian Gardens ; the Largest Dining Salon in Portland. Grant Smith & Co., Owners. Eric V. Hauser, President. PRELATE CELEBRATES ANNIVERSARY TODAY Illy United Press toTh. Dally DulMIn) PITTSlll'ltail. Jun. 25. Illshou Cortlandt Whitehead, (ho third htich- it Kplscopal prolate In the t; n i toil Stall's, today clhrnttl thii 3Slh an niversary of, his elevation to the lllahoprlc. The III. Itov. Iloyd Vin cent, of the diocese of RolKlinrn Ohio, will niuko (ho principal speech at (he reception. 11 HKDMAX A MOOKK, LAWYEHS Open evening 7 to 9 p. m. except Wednesdays Log Cabin Illdg. Bend, Or. VERNON A. FORBES L A W 10 It First National Bank Building Bend, :-: " :-: Oregon THE BEND BRICK (J LUMBER CO. iir3 Hi i i H. H. De AKMOND liAWYKR O'Kane Building, Bond, Oregon DR. J.' H. CONNARN DENTIST . OfflC4 in Bather Building. Hours 9 to 12, 1 to 6. Sundays and evenings by Appointment. GEORGE S. YOUNG Civil and Irrigation Engineer V. 8. Mineral Surveyor. Room 12, First National Bank Building OrcgonTtfc Insurance Company "exCLusivei-v onioon" Homi OrriCB, Corbstt Bloo., Portuno ASHLEY FORREST, District Manager. fHIS PAPCR REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE GENERAL OWCM NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIEf DR. B. FONTAINE Optometrist, Optician Located at Larson's Jewelry Store, BEND, OREGON Nervous Delitlity, Stomach Troubla, Rheumatism Bpecialty. DR. C. S. TIGARD CHIROPRACTOR (Post Graduate) Free Examination, Hours. 0 to 12, 1 to 7. R. M. Smith Bulldlnit. C. H. BISHOP Got orders for Spring 'Lawn Work and Uurilitnliip; in now. Postofflco Box 467 Bend, Or. Spring House Cleaning by Electricity Why not use an "ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANER" We Have Them! Sold on Easy Terms? Bend Water Light & Power Co. Phone 551 Sash Factory Wood Bend White Pine Sash Co. Telephone 441 KENWOOD Kenwood Gardens and Terminal Additions Lots $10 Cash; $ 1 0 Monthly Houses for SalelO'o Cash and ' Monthly Payments like rent J. RYAN & CO. Phone Your WANT ADS to The Daily Bulletin They - will be given Careful Attention.