CM). timtmux. Married by Mistake. Tbe S. F; -Morning Call, of May 10th, 'tells the following story : ( On Sunday last, a party of matrimonially-inclined persons got things strangely mixed, in a style that is any thing but agreeable, and necessitates an appeal to the Courts to remedy the mistakes of a moment. It appears : that two young hearts, yearning to "enter into matrimonial copartnership, . obtained a license permitting them to consummate their desires, and ar ranged all the preliminaries for the ceremony to take place in church, down town. On Sunday evening, the party, consisting of the gentle man, and a friend who was to officiate B8 attendant, and the ladynd a fe. male friond who was to act as brides, maid, repaired to tbe church. A is tisual in such cases, 'tbo parties were very nervous, and 'hardly knew how to conduct themselves in fact to this , nervousness is attributed all the diffi culty they have since experienced When the fuinister called upon them to come forward and take the required oaths, ibeydid so, but by some moans which -cannot be explained, tbe brides maid took the place of the bride, and the mttrriage ceremony was comple' tod, and the marriage ring placed up on her finger, before the mistake was discovered. Here was a pretty dilem ma. The parties were legally mars tied, and tbo was'to-be bride left out in the cold. ,. All parties retired from .' the church in good order, and but few, if any, of those in the congregation were, aware of the faux pns, but when they reached Home the reader may be assured that there was no end to fem inine tears and masculine curses. But all availed nothing they bad to com promise matters and yesterday they were consulting a lawyer, who thinks he can induce one of the district Judg es to either declare the marriage null and void, or grant them a divorce In the meantime, tbe marriage between the original parties is indeifinltoly postponed. Prentice on Sumneu. The Louiss villa Journal thus frails the hero of Brooks' rattan for his attack npon Gen., Grant. As the N. Y. World says, what General Lee failed to do, Mr. .Charles Sumner, of Masschusetts, has undertaken to accomplish. " The American people, who believe that the Eepublio owe something to the soldier who led our armies to fin al victory over the rebellion, will be edified by the modesty of Massachu setts Senator who, tbo other day ass sailed, scrap. book in hand, the honor and veracity of Ulysses S. Grant Gen. Grant has seen theSouth. Mr, Chas. Sumnor has never vontured be. yond the line of our National bayonets, arrayod for war. Grant defeatod tbe . gallant armies which, for four long years, held at bay the wbolo power of the Union, bumner wasignomimous- ly tnrasljcd with a. cane by a South Carolina representative, long since dead and turned to dust. The hero of a hundred fights recom' mends that the Southern peoplo been trusted with their own affairs. Th( vitftim of Mr. Preston Brooks, writh ing etill with an impotent lust of per sonal vengeance Upon tbe innocont fellow citizens of a rash and hasty man, whom God has removed from all retribution, shrieks out foul mouthed abuse of the President, and clamors for the practical abolition Of the Con stitution and, tbe Union. .... Heavon forbid that , we should of. fend common sense and patriotism of the American people with argument in such cases as this. ..Never were tho man and the fanatic brought more sharply face to face than here. Gon Grant fought to save the Union and the Constitution. Did the heroic Americans who fought under General Grant, and with him, fight to Salve the welts and scars scored upon the broad back of Mr. Charlos Sumnor by a dead Congressman from South Carolina,?" Umatill a 13 ois e ANDIDAHO Express and Faft Freight Line. THIS LINE IS NOW IN COMPLETE .RUNNING order from Umatilla to Idnl.o City, via -noire City, and prepared to 'carry Freight and Valuable Packages between thine and all intermediate points wth certainty and despatch. Tbe Llnela Stocked with the Beat Teams the country affords and entirely ' New Thorough-Brace eitij5iS WAGONS, J 'Which InAiires Fpeed Mid Snfcty In the trnnemlsrinn of 'Freight, ntmr before ottered to Idaho. We ofler po rlor inducements forBhinrinn Goorii iron. an I'rnncieco and Portland to Idaho, its vtir arriufienu'nt with the Ocean Steamship CompMiy mid the Oregon Steam Navi gation are encu time an uouia snipped uy mis Line win nut be subject to the usual delays, but puss through u ITust ITreIg;lit.- ' , i - .i.t i r ... c .. .. v , ! ..... .. MBH ... nnM,. uihhib Biiif Jvti ,, out run rmiii iri. ... uni a. . vji land, Charges will be paid uud Goods shipped to deetiua tion. GOODS SHOULD BE MARKED: CARE B. M. D. k CO., F. LINK, ami Shipping UecelptB rout to our Agents t Portland and Umatilla. Advance Charges for Transportation Paid by the Line and Collected at Destination. Goods will lie lorwarded wltu jjtspatcti to owynee ana Bouttt noise. PASSENGERS CARRIED AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES. Families will be furnished with Superior Ac commodations In New and Easy Riding Thorouiih Urace Wagons on the Most Liberal Terms, Vi e lay over eacn night oil the Road at Good and Convenient Stations, so that passengers will not be deprived of regulacrest. AQKNTH I (- RICHARDS McCRAKKN.. San Francisco RICHARDS A McCUAKEN Portland JOSEPH TEAL Dalles POWELL t O'K. Umatilla B. WILKINSON LeUrand B. M. DuHKLL CO .Boise City II. M. DuRKLL CO Idaho City MAJOR SPKElt .....Kocky liar (South Boise) DuRELL A MOORE Kuby and Silver Cities v B. BI. DuRELL & CO., n25tf - , Proprietors. F TILLMAN, Oil AOSNf IK CALIFORNIA. IOB TILTON & McFARLAND'S Fijre A: Burglar Proof Sales. STEEL-LINED VAULTS, WITH Combination. Loclc. J-Constantly hand a full assortment of SAFES. , . 318 BATTERY STREET, Jy6-6m San Fpuicisco COLUMBIA RIVER MINES ! A. E. BOn... HARRT RETISOS. BOOTH & NEVISON, Forwarding and Commlnlon Merchnnti AND DELERS IN GENERAT MERCHANDISE, . . FREIGHT FOR COIVI1.I.K. UPPER COLUMBIA. KOOTENAI and BLACKFOOT MINES promptly torwardrd. . Mark Goods B. N., White Bluffs, W. T, Kt?ItINCES : ronmsD Richards McCrukcn, Allea Lewis, and Hodge 4 Calef. . DAtira Bloch, Miller A Co., French A Oilman. DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC COMPOUND, An Expeditious Cure for all diseases of the SKXU A. L ORGANS. rBlIHR prompt and efficntimri Remedy for the cure M, Gltonorroeu, Meet, Strictures and DieenspB of the Urinary Oipanfl. mnkeH a Hpeedy cure without tho least reHtrictipn to diet, exposure or change In application bufllneas; it will radically cure any cnae wliich can be produced. The dinense It removed as Rpecdily as iscon- sintent with the priMlurttoiiof a thorough and permanent cure. Further, the frtHeane cannot be contracted if the 81'KCIFIC COMPOUND Is taken when QXpoBed, Its Ingredients are entirely vepetable.aild no injurloui elTect, either constitutionally or locally, can be caused by its me. Price One Dollar and Fifty cents per bottle. Sent by Express carefully packed. II.lCTL''l'TL'll C1TTTT A TIV1V 1 rrnntm 4U1 and 403 Uuttery street, cor Clay. Jy22-0m. .San Francisco. Hard Wood Lumber. CARRIAGE AMD WAGON MATERIALS WE HRQ TO CALL ATTENTION of Carriage Man ufacturors and Dealers to the Large and Com nU'te aseortment of CAHH? AGE and WAGON MATKKI ALS we are constantly receiring from the Kant, specially nelected for the Cfriifornia market, comprising. Oak, Hickory, and Second Growth Aah Plank, Hickory Axles, Wagon 1'oh'S. uubs,rpikes, felloes, ltlm,Bhalts,&o.c, which we ofler at the lowotCuBh Prices. 49" Orders addressed to our house will receive promp attention. N. W. 11HAGG A CO., . Jel6:3m. . 20 A 31 P.nttory Stre&t. Snn Francisco, and 17 A 10 Seventh Street Sacramento. C. WATKHnOUBK, 11. W. Bkago A Co., J. W. Lehtkr San Francisco. . Sacramento. ISew York LANGLEY, CROMLL & CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Corner of Clay and Battery Sts., , 8ANFRANCISCO. ml.22:d0m. ' BOTTLED BEEB. . rpnllK UNDEIlPIONKn IS NOW PT7TTINO UP AS JL encellent riete of ROITLED lU.Klt, wliich lie will deliver to drillers or prirato rnmilles in qunntitlrit to suit. Orders left at the 1'u.iladplpli'e, r.rewnrv will be promptly etlendi d to. , U, 80N'KKNS(illMN. . Dalles, Muy KJO, 1868. . iiijKltf ROSENB AUM'S THESE JUSTLY CELEBRATED BITTERS A1IK last driving ail ot hen from the ntarki't. as they aro acknowledged, hy all who use tl etn and the Mi'dtcal Fratt.nity iteuerally, to he the PLtASAM'iST and utost fellicaciou Remedy for ' Dyspepsia, 1 Loss of Apctlte, DIoriiing Headache, Bowel Complaint, Fever and Ague, Jaundice, Lnngour, I.IYEIl COSirLAIKT In all Its distressing forms. Rosenbaum's Hitters ARB AN EXCELLENT APPETISER. Rosenbaum's Bitters . ABE STRENGTHENING AND INVIGORATING. Itosenbaum's Bitters. ARK AN AGREEABLE TONIC. . Boseitbauni's Bitters . Are made In the most carefnl manner, from pure old Wheat WhlKkv. medicated with roots and herhs esueri- olly adapted lor the cure of all Btomach and Liver dis eases. TRY TIIllM S For Sale everywhere br Dnuretste and Llauor Dealers. orby , JACOBS A CO.. ' ' " 4i front street, . . , . .. San Francisco. SMITH & DATIS, Portland. Agents for Oregon. m4w6m A CAltD FOR THE Spring & Summer Clothing Trade OF SAN FRANCISCO. BADGER & LINDENBERGER, Nos. 411, 13 and 415 Hattery Street, 'Cor. Dleroliatnt, San Francieoo. . Importers and Wholesale Dealers. EyriBE 'kew'And 'fresh'swck WE WOULD CALL ATTENTION of Country Mer chants to our usually large stock of Goods. Our stock comprises every article In ti e Clothing and Fur niehine line. We have constantly on hand the larnrest and greatest variety of Cashmere and AVool HAT8 of any house Jn ran t rancisco, Mint our prl es for these (loodsnre less than those of any house, as we receive them direct from the manufacturer's consignment Our stock of Hummer and Full Goo(is is particularly attract ive, and the grunt reature to the country merchant is the unusually low prices. Less Tban the Cost of Importation! We also keep the 8TAVLK ARTICLRS in the Dry Goods line, which Goods we have purchnsed In this market un der the hammer, and are ottering them at New Yolk Cost, and lews. We publish this card In order that we may make new acquaintance, and induce thofe who have not heretofore purchased of us, to call and examine our stock. Good Articles and Low Prices Are the greatest inducements to all who purchase to sell again. Merchants who buy of up can make a good profit, and sell to their customers at alow figure. We remain, rofpectiuny, ... Your Obedient servants, .UADGKK t LTNPKXflETlGKrV . Wholesale Clotbinir and Hat Warehouse. Nos. 411. 413 and 415 Battery street con jrrancisco, 4pru zu, muo. smw. Jackson saloon i CORNER COURT A NO SECOND STREETS DALLES. OREGON. rgpiIH TTNDERRIQNFD, HAVING REMOVED FROM -XL TIIK "uEM.A UMOr UKLLAH, , ,-, Gates New Building:, Rrp to Inform the pnbltc that toey urt prepared to serTe tuelr custuDiers wltu the uesl v. - Wines, Liquors and Cigars, TUB MARKET AFFORDS. ALSO, A Free Lunch ! , ,: Erery day and evening. ' .. ' E. BCHt'TZ b B. KLfclN, doc2-lf Proprietors. LINCOLN HOUSE, Curlier Washington and Front Streets, ; PORTLAND, OREGON. . ' F ITRST-CLASS ItOTEL. LARGEST IN THE STATE, Charges Reasonable. AN OMNIBUS will attend all the Boats and convev Passongers and their haggnce to the lionse Free of Charge, or to any otner House in tne uiry ror oo cents. S. COFFIN. I'ronrlotor. P. S noT AND COLD BATHS in tho House. All the Steamers fur Oregon City. Vancouver. Monti cello and Astoria laud at the Lincoln House Wharf. sepl:3m , ' NOTICE. 1 IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A CALL MEETING OF the "Flock ItaiKcrV Mutual Aid Society" will be held at Union School House, near A. I). Bolton's, ou Fifteen Mile Creek, at 1 o'chick p. m on Saturday. June 2d, 1300, lu)23td L. L. ROW LAND, C, 8, A. S. IIIS CELEBRATED . ... . OHIO REAPER,!! (Callpd the New York Improved, or fievmonr ft Mor gan.) Combiut'd Macliiue, with grejit improvements, kaviug a . , ' . Steel Cutter-Bar, And can bechanged from ft Reaper to a Mower tn ten minutes; cuts 6 nnd fpet swaih. within one Inch, or twofeet Irom lhe grtuind; will cut 18 to 2(1 acres per duv: can be m..'.! with tm'o or more horres; will work on a..'.- it. ....'II . .. n'l.. . O.l'B II iblA. W'lr.o wr i..u' w.i. u.. ilirj niv easier to get the grain off than any other Machlue. leav Ing It out of the way of the Reaper, ThoGinntHeapor Cuts a Seven-foot Swath ; and will cut 80 acres per day ALSO ' McCormlck'a 6-foot Beeper & Mowers ) Ball' . i Manny's WooiVt Prize Mower's Vulon, Buy State, Klrby'a. etc., etc, , also . : Pitt's Tinprovert Tln-esli- ' liigy JUucliines, , , Russel's, Mns-.sillon and Sweepstake, : i Thirty to thlrtylx inch Cylinders. Also, IIAINES' ILLINOIS IIARTESTI'.R, (Header)! WIltR IIORFK-llAKliS, on wheels; ' ' KKTOLV1KQ " nil I . ' PORTABLE POWER II AY-1'RESSES. yith general assortment of AG IJIClln ilAL GOODS ; As low as can be purchased elrewhoM. - ' J.D.McAMTHUR AcSOTV, ' Corner of California and Davis street, Diy2tm4' ' SJIf FlfAA'ClSCO- DRUGS AND PATENT MEDIClHES!! DRUGSAND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PA TENT MEDICINES !! S..IiEMOiT, WO0LXSAL1 AND BIT Alt DRUGGIST,. ;. . ; Washington gtreet, between Main and BeconoT Streets DALLES, OREGON.',.':., J LEMON Is ahle to supply parties in want of Drngi, Patent Medicines. Chemicals. Acids, Perftlnierv, and every other article enumerated with the . ' " WHOLESALE DRUd BUSINESS, At the lowest market rates. - Physicians and Merchants Intendlpg topurchan. for the Mines, will do well to give him a call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACES. . In great variety. 8. LEMON, ap.3:tf. Washington St., betweon Main adn Second. I'OEiTLASl) FOUNDR Y AND MACHINE SHOP, FIRST STREET, between Yamhill and Morrison. ATI tetim Engines T3of offrom4to4u horse- power.elther Portable or Stationary. Also, CIR CULAR SAW MILLS COMPLETE, constantly on hand. Also. Hay Pros- -M.Wl&UuVi sns of all sizes; Planing Machines,(Woodworth's nattem Wrousht and Vr-.:- C,,mt tNin wrnrlc fur Var. Ti? tical'Sawand Grist mills; IifTZLZZ Brass and Irou Castings and WROUGHT IKON WOKK of every description. I am also prepared to furnish1 Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. These Mills can beforwarded to any part of the mlnea as the weight of the entire machinery will not exceed 3, 000 pounds. , i r Horse Powors & Agricultural Implements' manufactured loorderattlievery LuWESTCAHH P1UCI. N. B. Particular attention paid to REPAIRS. fe2U-tf . Public Sale- . , . . ' Of Land for Delinquent Taxes fob 18Gt 1 BY VIRTUE OF A WARRANT ISSUED OUT OF tbe County Court of the State of Oregon, tor the Couuty of Wasco, on the Hth dny of April, A. D. 18t)o, and to me directed, for the collection of delinquent taxeM lr the year 181 3-4-ti6, 1 have this day levied ui the following described pieces and parcels ol land, lying (nil be!3g in said State and Couuty, in Dalles City, according tn the plat thereof, and on the 2Sd day of J Hue, A. 1). 1806, 1'wlll expose the samo,'or so much thereof as shall be necessary to pay the taxee and costs due thereon for the years SG3-64-6, at publie auction, at the Court House door in Dalles City, in said State and County, be tween the hours of 9 o'clock a. m.1ind4 o'clock p. m., to the highest bidder therefor, in U. S.Oold Coin. .. . HAMS, . , , , ,101.-. M0C1V, TAX. ,. Jits. II. Fruit, (Litngliiln's sd) 1863 12 ' 0' "$6Cn- . " . .i. 18M U - t)ta John Grant " ..186 4 IS .... . "' 2 14 ' ' ' 8 00 Simeon Bodylcts " ' ptlO . 8 ; M 80 Mrs. M.llulton(Trevltt'sad).. ' II l .8 00 Mrs. H.' Bell, (lilgelow'iud)'.... " 11-12 A : 4 0O " ... " vao " 4 00 ChM. CmltnVe '.'' "' ... " 2 . ''SCO George II. Elliot " ... " ;12 :.8.. loot) Jos. II. Fruit, (Laughlin's ad) " Vi 9 8 00 Frank Ilanka " " .. " 1 14 .. S6SO Geo. Johnson 34 8 , 8 0t A. P. Minear . " .. " partll 1 ' 16 On Francisco Velardo- " .. " ptofU 6' .12 00 CnARLF.S WHITE, SherllT ' ' ' ard Tax Collector of Wasco count., Oregon. . Dalles City, May 21st, lbOO. B.y2(iw4 . NOTICE. WF. CALLTfTR ATTENTION OF TTfE rUBI.IC te tho fact, that we have concluded to give up bus iness and thcre.ore.all parties indebted In oaUDBTPAY' UP WITHIN KINJilT DAYS or legal proeeedlnirs wil be had. M. BSOWN BRO. Dalles, March Iff, 18C5.;' nillt mm