iaito Monntaraccr; Epltomd of Telegraphic News. compiled raou tui oaiaoxux. ' DATES TO MAY 31. Chica o, Jane 2. The last report from Ca ad lat utgut represents tbut troop j were hurrying to tbe sent of war, and there is a coalidout expectation of a decbive result tl.lliiV. Col. O'Ncil, the officer in command of the Fenian array now Invading Oanada, 'h the pjraou turougi) whose inat.umoa ul ty Union oldiers were forced io choose benyen siar ving at Audersonvilld and eoti-ring the rebel army, aud was in the baule of Franklin,' Teiine-see, wutre h was twice wounded. .'He entered tue rebeiservice as CapUiu oi the luth Tennessee Regiment, aud wa atlertvard made Coiouel. . . , Detroit, June 2. All quiet. The Fenians recognize Stsvens' aufburiiy, and do uot svui ptiUtse wltn tbe s.veeney moveiueui. Gen. Sweeney was confidently expected, but did not come. To-morrow will prove whether this is true or not. Detroit, June 2. The details from the scene of the Fenian invasion which arrived this morning, show that no collision took place last night, and no blood was shed save the rumored shooting of Dr. Simpson Keevil, Miyor ol Fort Kirie, while reading iho Riot Act. ' ; ., ' Post Colbourne, at the entrance of the WellaiMl Canal, was occupied last nigut by Canadian troops, and several hundred vol unteers were also last night within a short distance of Chippewa. Tue Feuittn depreda tions are therefore confined to n few miles radius about Fort Erie. Volunteers are rap idly pouriug forward to tbe neighborhood from every town on the Canadian railway. Gen. Napier directs all operations for the defense oh tbe Niagara froutier." Matters in Detroit are ve.y quiet, but over 1,01)0 men are statione 1 at Windsor, but the opposite fi Jo of the river. . 1 , Dufalo, June 2. The river, last evening, from Bleckroi-k to Touawanda, ws filled with small bouts carrying Fc-niaus to Oanadi. It is reported that three Fenians vessels, full of troops and some cannon, ore at Gravelly Bar. The Ningara river was pairoled last night by the United Stales steamer .Michigan, and tbe tuza Uarrtson and Famer, It is un derstood that tbe patrol tugs fired on and Slopped several boats. Buffalo, June 2. Gen. Grant passed, west this morning, and telegraphed to G'en. Meade to assign Gen. Barry to tbe command of tue Niagara frontier. Gen. Barry is here. A dispatch from Albauy says that Gov. Fenton will issue a proclamation to day, warning the citizens against countenancing the Fe nian invasion or uanada. It is also stuted that twelves regiments of State militia are to be called out. Later -11, a. x. The Fenians evacuated Fort Erie this morning, moving toward the . interior, with the reported intention of cut tiug the Wclland canal. Two con.panies of volunteers, comprising 125 men, came down from PosvColborneat half past eight o'clock and took possession of Fort Erie, whence they sent out skirmishing parties in all di lections. Another Indian Massackk. About the 19th inst., some ilfty Chinamen wore trudg ing their way tar the mining regions of Idaho, About five miles before they reached the Owyhee river, when a large band of Indians, supposed to number two or three hundred, attacked, them, and report says, killed forty- nine. One Chinaman alone, escaped to tell the news. Laeut. rcnoon dasbel to tb Ifiound with a squad of soldiers, and found thirty dead .bodies. He immediately Bent a dispatch to Maj. Marshall, who, at tbe time, . was near this place with a company of cav airy of about fifty men. The Major loft on Wednesday last for tbe scene of murder. Our report as yet is meagre. However, it is stated that when Lieut, Pepoon arrived at the place bo found numbers of dead bodies mangled most brc.Huly. In many places five or sis were found piled together. Tbe Lieu tenant followed tbe trail about five miles, ana touna aeaa uniuamon an tue way. Idaho iixatz. ' Union men are foolish to eiert thenxieireg nj longer for tbe good of their country.. Tbe San Francisco Etamiuet guys, tbe Demo orati will nurely elect the next President, and that no more constitutional amendments can li mtftrt.n Th fhtnti-. la Ann .1,. fa mr. , . , j , 13 up. Union men may now lay dOtrn their. . . " weapons and rest. Indian Stealing1. Last nigbt the Iodiaw came within half a mile of Uoonevillo, RbOut two miles tram bere, stole 65 bead of mules from Brigga, Glenn & Wilson's train. Ten men went in pursuit. Capt. Bohanmm, is raisins: a company at this place. to follow. Idaho, index. Kino Leopold was called tbe richest ad meanest man in.Europe. 'Relict Hose CompstnyUegular Meeting This Evening at 8 o'clock. J O. A. LIEUE, 8cc'y. 0. S. Mtuin, Dalles. Bloch, Miller &: Co;, . WHOLESALE ; Gr 1EL O C E JR, S , AND DEALERS IN Wines fc Liquors, And Importers and Jobbers of CLOT EE I !NT G- Boots fc Shoes, Under Clothing,' .Blankets, etc., ' etc., . etc. ASSAY OFFICE. WK HAVE AN ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION with our business, undor Ilia entire supervtaiou of .Mr. Miller. We make returns in Bars. In six hours We guarantee all our Assays and pay the lllUUtidF CASH PRIOK for liars. We also pay the Highest Cash Price for Guld Dust. BLOCIl, Mf-LLEIt CJ., n.y6tf Cor. Main and Washington streets. Dalles. oFdlnauco No. 39. AX ORDINANOB to License Hotel and steamboat Runners. ' t rjphe people of Dalles City do ordain as follows : Suction 1. Any person who shall solicit natrnnngo for, a Hotel or Stetuibont, contnonly called a ' Runner," within the corporate limits or Dalles City, shall theretor procure a License from the Recorder, and shall pay tnereior into me city treasury the sum or leu Dollars for every three months. . Hkc. 2. Any person who shall do business as a runner. who by malicious misrepresentations shall Injure, or a'tompt to injure any Hotel, Restaurant or steamboat, shall, on conviction thereof, be punched by a fine In auy sum 1)01 exoeeuing twenty donurso earn aud every offense. Sao. 3. Any person who shall do business as a runner without procuring a license therefor, shall, on convic tion thereof, bo punLhed by a flue In the sum of twenty dollars. ., Sr.o. 4. This ordinance shnll take offoct and be In force from snd al ter the 2d day of June, 18'6. lime ,wuy loin. loo. u. a. uil.u a, II. Catlst, Recorder. mjrMdftt A. OAKD. mtTADAME LK TKLLIEIl WOULD RESPECTFULLY lYJL Inform the Ladies nf the Dalles and vicinity, that she is now prepared to do all Kinds or Dlvtsss, CLOAK, aud PALE 101' making. Also, CUTTING and FITTING in a uew and improved style, never before Introduced In tuts mace. . ' 8lie will warrant to give satisfaction, and would most respectfully solicit a liberal patrouage In the Rooms lately occupied, by Mrs. White, over Wegener's store, on nasmngion screec, between aecoua ami liilrd. , Dalles, March 27th, 1806 ' mrTtr GROCERY, PROVISION AND--.-. . TP It XJ IT. HTORE Washington Street, opposite French 4 Oilman's, Dalle. lias on hand a large aud well-assorted stock of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Received dally. A largo lot or CHICKENS always on hand. FKUlTd of all kinds. FltESU VKGETAULK3 every morning. All articles warrauted. Give Me a Call. Everybodv PRICKS LOW. aul8:tf , f. LIEFIE. J.F. KELLOGG, DENTIST, Main St., Dalles, Oregon. AFTER NEARLY SIXTEEN YEARS ' Practice in his profession, would respectfully inform the citizens of the Dalles snd the public generally, that h bits lowed tbe Dental UlUce lately occnnled bv J. V UUItLEY, Dentist, where he can bo found prepared to at- icnu io mmo requiring uis proiossionai services, i Orries Hours From 8 o'clock, a. m., to 12 h ; and from 1 o'clock, p. . to 1 p. v. mtttr ... .Notice. - THE COMMON COUNCIL OF DALLES CITY, Oregon will sit as a '-DoArd of Uauilization " at tha Knenr. dsr's office on Situi- lay, Juuo ill, 1806, at 7 .p. m. All parties who miy leel aggrlevod by any assessment made by the Recorder of D.nles City, are hereby requested to attend, that all errors iu VMiMtion or desurintioii of lots ino or uiuer propuriy, may ue mere corrected, beforo ine ony taxus .or iiw curreiu year are levted. uy oracr oi me uominou uu.ui.cll. uiyjStd - U CATLEY, Recorder. FOR SALE. ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY ACRES OF LAND, the property of the heirs of John Halligan, lately de- j.mn.l . Th. on. I. - k .....I .. .i . i .,. ..v an.... ww.vureuHj UI. 11111 UreflK, between the clidms ol Theodore MujpHe and Caldwell's, about three iniles from Dalles Citv. It la well watered. and contains it good bonne, barn and stable, a good Dr- ciisru aim auoni iweuiy-nve acres under, iiuprovemont. syr .aiorin'iiiou or purcuase apply to rather 1. Uespiio, f '.or d ttes Haft, Attorneys. uaiies, juay.i, isou, jmj T. UESPLIB. HO, FOR THE DEALY HOAD! SNOW OUT OF THE WA. V. rjniIISRIADISNOWSO FAR COJIPLETKD THAT , M. it may be traveled by wairom ureal and small with easa and safety. It Is Nut Less than Fifty Miles Nearer to uoisu u tsin or valloy, or Owyhee thau any ollior route from Dulles City. It lias Lower Rates pf tolls, bstter grass, aud shorter drives bet-een waterlog places than ny other road across the mountains. This road thouirh I .ilMimil.l.H l ...1 -...I i W. i ... . not completed in all its sections, is offered ta , the trav eling puauc as very reasonable ra es of toll. Teamsters, puckers and freighters from the Dalles will do well to examine this road. If thev do not l.ka It. they can go ttfty miles further round for about three urn, jus-ion, ana nave no better road. By order of the Road Company. . my23ml AdinlalMti aior'H Notice. NOTICE 13 HEREBY OIVEN THAT ON THE 7TH day of April. 1800, the undersigned was appointed admlulstrator of the estate of A. II. Powers, deueartflit. by the Hon. Wm. Lair 11111. Couutv .Tint z r tii -,m of Orant.. State of Oregjn, at Clfambers. All persons uiiiix; viaiu.s against e;iia estate aro Hereby notlnod and required to present them wlih proper vouchors, to u unuuiBii.eu. wuiiiu sis montns irom the flute hero ol, at tlie olllce of F. Aitms, Iu Canyon i)ltyt In said uuuvj. uiios ' i. h. wen & an, Administrator. Isaac F. Blooh, Ban Frauclsco. WALDRON BROS., Wholesale; & Retail Druggists, Main Street, Dalles, Oregon. WE NOW OCCUPY OUR NEW TWO STORY FIRE proof Stone- building, opposite Uloch, Miller A Co.. and offer to the public a full and complete stock of Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals, consisting iu part of KEROSENE. TUIIPENTINE, LAMP WICKS CHIMNEYS uoi8, SAGE, Sl'ONOBS, LKHCIIK3, AWIIUUk ACIDS. ' -LINSEED, LARD, COHKS", INUIOO AND ' LANPHLACK CANTOR AND NKAT3F00T Oil, TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS. AND iPATKNT MKmCITSTKS. Our stock or FANCY GOODS I s of tho finest and bost quality; new styles ond large atsnrtuieule, such as LUltlN'SPEIlFUBEKY, 11 A I It, LUHIN'S TOILET SOAP, FLESH, rujifluiia, BllAVlPiU, COSMETICS, HAT, IlAIItOILS, CLOTHES, COLOUNK, : TOOTH AND ' FANCY SOAPS AND NAIL .HUSHES TOOTH POWDERS, AND COMUS. PURE WINE 3 AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal purposes. . uur im llltleri lor buying goods are second to none in the Stme, and wo shall at all times sell at a small ad vance from cost. Ready sales and small profits. PUISICUXS' NtESCRIPTIONS Carefully compounded at all hours of the day and night. mutes, aepi. v, '. selu-tf VERY.. IMPORTANT , . . . TO ' " Merchants, Families, Hotels and BAB-UOOMS, ' TULIUS KRAKMER HAVING BOUGHT ins EN. w tire Stock of Merchandise and Uook Accounts of the late Ann of M . Seller A Uo.Jn this city, to which he has aauea or ins own importation while doing business in t-oriianuj an immense aiocK oi the best manufactured Crockery, " ' ' Glassware, Plated Ware, Lamps, Chandeliers, Table Cutlery Looklng-Glaases and All Kinds of Oils, All of which he offers at reduced rates. Persona wish ing to buy any of the above-mentioned articles, will do well to give me a call berore purchasing elsewhere. Orders from the interior nrouttttlv attended to. andi goods packed to go secure. Don't laii to call on me. ituuio estoue uuildlug, Washington street. Dalles. ' JULIUS Kit AEMER. Dalles, March lTth, 1805. mhl7tf ONE HUNDRED MILES SAVED! BLiCRFOOT&BIG CEDMIES 'BY.yTAY OF Wliite JBluflfe ! THE SHORTEST AND SAFEST RO AD 1 or Land Travel. Distance from Dalles to White Bluffs..... .....100 miles :', White Bluff, to Pen d'Olellle..... .100 " " " , " toColvllle .170 Travelers by land for either of tbe above Gold Fields. will save Save Time Distance and Money By taking the White Bluff i Road. Wood, water aud Grass An found on this Road within easy drives , , The road Is now open, and possesses advantases over any other land route from ahe Dalles. ' I'uuil.iieti uv ornor oi THE CITIXENS OP THE DALLE3. Dalles, March, 20, 1868. ni20:Jm. W- 13. DOUGLASS, (Successor to William Blrnbanm. . PRACTICAI, WATCHMAKER, ftxo DiALia m. Iino Watches .AND JEWELRY, TNYITES THE ATTENTIOR OF. 1118 FR1KJ.D8 AND JL the Public to his choice soloctlon of New and Fashionable Goods, ' Respectfully soliciting their patronage. Watohes PROMPTLY and PROPERLY repaired and nilltf Next Door to tho Poit Office. P. DEHM, 'Watchmaker and Jeweler, MAIN STREET, DALLES, "TTVEALER IN FINE WAT0HE8, JBTOLRY, J CLOCKS. Gold Pena Rllvar .nH Ill.t.J u. . I t.lAlHflln. rillt... Am . swri-articniar attention paid to.renalrlnr flnet patches, Oloiiks, Jewelry, etc. All Watches repaired by iue wnrraniea lor twelve mouths. N. B. All ordors from thfi linnat or otherwise, promptly attended to.. ... AND ' GROCERY STORE. Main Street Dalles. mn23" FREDERICK BENZER. FRANKLIN MARKET. CORNER OF SECOND ANH.WA8IIINQT0N STREETS- . DALLES',. OREGON, ' JOHNKPP1NOEB Proprietor rilHB UNDERSIGNED JL having fitted up the above Market in the DE.-T STYLE, will Keep constant- ly on hand all sorts of' - l'resb and Cured Meats, Of the best quality furnished at the LOWEST. RATE Sly motto Is to " PLEASE ALL." PARTIES HAYING SUPERIOR STOCK. FOR SALS will do well to call at tlie Franklin Market. , . , JOUN KPPINGER. Dalles, February 19th, 1868. W ASSllNUTOIV MARKET 00BNI1 0 COURT ANttSEC0ND-8TEETS, DALLES, 0REG0.1 JOHN MICHELB ACH, Proprietor. sePTT WILL KEEP ffajpconstantly on hand all the varle- 1 slVsiilnlTities that the maraetcan .possibly. JTRKSra &&. CURED and alw ays ot tha best quality. FAMILIES, HOTELS, ANtt STEAMBOATS supplied orrressonable terns. ' Tbe ruidorslgneq Is always prepared to paythehlah. eat cash price lor VAT CATTLE. VaVtla. I. Id good .ooadltlen, ara requested to call on him before going elsewhere. JOUN MIClIKLEACli. lunest uurcU41st,lB0oi mb81tf NQTiaE TO FARMERS. riMIE DALLES- LUMBER AND MANHFACTDRINQi X COilPAN Y, has recently attached ,.. . . ; ., FLOUKING MILL i ' to their Steam Sash and Door Factory, In this City, andl are now prepared to CHOP FEED, UKIND WHEAT and CORN, and vmrrant to givoth best, satlifactlou, Obi hand oonstautly and for. sale i . .' .... FJf.TR A FAMILY FLOOR,' , ' ' ' , . ' ' 8K00MD8 OR M1DDLTN08,.' !' ' !7 ' -BRAN AND SHOUTS, ' " , -CHOP FEED, CUICKEN FEED.. " -Also, oj Brsperi article of CORN MEAL, from new The highest marlcet pWc paid for WHEAT, CORN a .WV -i'.;: ' U. A.110QUK,Ageut. , . IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF' , : -vi, Wine tc Liquors,, PRO NT 8TREET, ' ' Part-landi' - ... . Oregon. OFFERS- FOR: SALS A', TIUIS' LARQH ASSOKt meiU of.. , . . . . . , (, ., , Uraiulle'i,. ' ..;" '.Wlnc ' . &c, &Ci, , ' ' eta ; T-.t ' 3- The Trad Is particularly Invited, to eismlns bv. stock before purcbaslug elsewhero.. . au3-tf H. ItE RMA ilV & CO. , MAIN ST., DALLES, OOPOSITB EMPIRE HOTEL, J J AVE JUSTREOEIVED A BEAUTIFUL STOCK Of ' SPRING! AND MUMMER GOODS',. ' ! . .Oonslstlog Inpart of- Fancy and Staple Dry Good. " ClotlUasr, . . lloota.&SlioeeV .; Uatg&Caps, auvu uw uuar w hii At DSlALtlfir HOW ITS, " . 1 Dalles, Mifroh 27th, I860.. , , ttrSTtf ' MONTANA! IDAHO! WASHOE; ARB. PUTTING. TJP OVB. OK1U1NAL SUPERIOR BRAND OF GkllOirKJD JA.VA COFFEE, CIIARTRES COFFEE,. IN DOUDLE. GLAZED FAJER8, ' To pveserve its strength and Otvor for tb length ofi time required to be I awarded to the above places ' For sale by all tbe Jobl-s, and HARDEN k FOLDER, Ploseer Steam Coffee and Spice Mills, 230 Froat Street, Saa-Sraaclsco,'. ' a8nilpi. FURS, WOOL and IlIOFSi rJIIIE IHOHEST CASH PRICE PA FOB . r , ,':inJIUI,,W.00LKAJ(D HIDES, at iloCRAKEN, MERUILL A OO.'S I 18 North i'lonS Street, Portland. mM83m: J300ISLS !. BOOKS t. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.. CHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, C5 Swndardand lUlssellaneous-WORKa! Late NOVELS, MAaAZINKS,.PJllPERll1 u ' . V" -Post-Offlcey fuvutui a, mam street, .vaiiei. . i CardeaSeedS tor the Million.. ma7"tf H.J.VALDROST 1 CRYSTAL 8A.LOONi ' AND. ui'mcAiin room, ' JOHN RINDLAUB. Ps..l.i... WASniNOTON ST.,' neit deor to FRENCH a OILJIAI. ; , NOTICE. 1"AVn Bl5-HAFI m "Hhorlsed agent to collect all moneys due me. and att.i i. m-s.gsncra.iy. ;atfJ .- hi. KENIU. .